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 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
why why?
comes the
world-weary cry,
of a
solitary wolf
with pain
in it's

as the
cold wind
blows, to
herald the
snows and
carrion crows,
whose rancorous
laughter mock
the alone

without a
pack, the
single wolf
dies, under
grey skies
with none
to bare
witness except
maggots and

and the
carrion crows
chortle in
mirth for
the unforgiving
world, cruel
mother earth
cares naught
for the
wolf who
found no
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Leon Hart
She owns the brightest smile
that could light the streets for miles
She has the bravery to tame the wildest beast
yet, she see's non of these

Once upon a time--not so long ago
she decided that luxury is what she would forgo
so her dreams would not fall,
Her creations could be describe with anything, but banal
What a hardy choice she made  
in a crooked world with no aide

She has the strength of ten men
like finest steel she would be hard to bend
like the toughest riddle i could never solve her
on these facts there is no err

It's rare that anyone would catch the impossible girl,
she appears only to those cut from the same burl
Impossible as it seems,
I will catch her--and not only in my dreams
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
michael gagain
the howl of voices have left  my head
they are now residing.......under my bed
in the deep of night...i hear them plan
my mind they keep
some how they can...
i fight these voices every night
my brain it swirls...with shock and fright
i know it when i lose the battle
my bed post shake and rattle
i hear them laugh and whisper stuff
i close my eyes...and sigh a huff
i drift to least i think
the voices have given some relief
in sixteen hours it will happen again
the nightmares start...will they ever end
i heard em say...there here to stay
you are our host......come what may
when i finally wake to the sun of morn
my brow still wet..from the night before
i think out loud to much dismay
i lived to see
another day.......
my first poem....
written april 1st 2013
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Nick Moore
When I was little
a voice in my head

“there’s a monster underneath the bed”

Not liking the fear that he gave
a part of me was his slave

I needed to be brave
Look him in the eye

It was time for a monster hunt
Not knowing the word confront

Eye’s closed.
Stick my head under the bed
Open up after one two three
There was nothing there to see!
This is an old one I just tweaked a little, I like it because it's my first memory of facing up to fear.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Harry J Baxter
I'm young,
and I don't really know
much about anything
I love my parents,
but let's be honest
genetics didn't give me
too much of a choice
I've thought that I'd loved girls
and maybe I did
how the **** do you ever know?
but I've been thinking on the subject
for some time now
debating if it even existed
and I think it has to
It's the only thing between us
and the end of all things
But it exists in simpler forms
love is the feeling you get
when you are so mad at her
that you could lay hands on her
but you never would,
you just don't have it in you
love is when
you come back to him
time after time
regardless of the ******* mistakes he makes
time after time
Love is when
the thought of them
spending time with somebody else
being consoled by somebody else
being loved by somebody else
makes you feel absolutely
sick to your stomach
but I think
that all love really boils down to
is saying yes
even though,
you know you should say no,
that is my understanding of love
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
judy cox
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
judy cox
i know that YOU cannot be mine,whatever i do.
Am praying that YOU will always be in my dream zone.
Where i could hug YOU tight and be my own.
Only in dreams i can touch your lips.
Only in my dreams ,YOU can wipe my tears.
I am not praying that it may be reality,even if it happens on my dreams,am already happy.
Wherein no one can get YOU far away from me.
or even objects to my feelings and thinks am going crazy.

Yet when i wake up in the morning,tears into my eyes keep dropping.
Even if a little,it still hurts my feelings.
Remember YOU can only be mine when am dreaming.
 Apr 2013 A O'Dea
Tessa F
Don't be scared
Even the moon has a dark side.
I want to run
Through a field,
Embrace the sun
With open arms,
Laugh until
My cheeks hurt,
And hold you
Until you won't
Let me go,
But the fields
Are withering dry
And the sun
Has receded,
My arms are tired
And sadness
Fills my eyes,
And you,
You are
Nowhere near,
I'm leaking
And I can't
Direct these rays
Into your corner
Of this vast world,
Cloudy skies
Blanket me in grey,
I've said
All I can say,
If you're in
I miss you again...
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