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I glimpse your eyes staring at the shadows in my soul
Seeking to calm the wildly rushing storm
Keeping my heart out of control
Unable to keep
The beat
Pulsating whole

I stare into eyes seeking to calm the storms
To make my heart their own
Leaving chambers once cold now warm
My heart begins to pulsate
To the beat
Of a song, it's always known

Buried longings softly rush, to be finally freed
From this heart out of control
Once a half now pulsates complete
Your eyes chase shadows
Calming storms,
My heart
Returns to whole
Copyright *Neva Flores @2010
Revised: 11/28/2011
 Feb 2012 a maki
Elise Beaudoin
Black skirts and black blouses,
Black slacks and black jackets.
One hundred black bruised hearts.

Black faces and phrases;
“I’m sorry for your loss”s and “If I can do anything…”s.
I’m burning up and down,
Dying to run from this place like a tiger escaping his stripes.

Anger spills over,
Punches are thrown like whipped cream pies into a clowns face,
Fists fly, crows on great gusts of pain,
Noses bleed and suddenly

                      I am home.

Sliding on the ***** of death
up to see her,
knowing she would be ashamedly proud.
Watching for effervescent soda bubbles,
thinking this a terrible,
terrible April fool’s trick
only to be greeted by her ashen smile
inside a tiny                  
When I walk within my dreams it seems I'm crawling on my knees.
My dreams will wander as they please.
When my dreams are on a roll I lose control and strange things occur
Last night, I swam naked in thin air.
The night before, I melted into a concrete floor,became a post
On a lonely deserted coast I watch the horizon
One day I'll suprise them
I'll wake within my walking dreams and the only screams that you will hear
Will be nightmares galloping off in fear.
My peers think that I'm mad you know because I throw the dice and go
Into the numbers within my slumbers.
I count the hours until I sleep
I keep the dogs of hell at bay by walking through the sleeping day.
Now,you may say my pen has slipped
Dipped into the inkwell of mad despair.
Do you think I care?
I have my dreams and that means everything to me.
 Feb 2012 a maki
At dusk
I was at the bridge
the bar code backlight parade
of transpanners
and was sad to have missed you.
 Feb 2012 a maki
K Balachandran
meet me alone after dark,
you won't see me, don't bother,
i am darkness itself,
**no need to wait.
A bored old codger from the East
One day ate a barrel of yeast
He began to perspire
The prelude to expire
But he rose quite well, at least!
© Ronald Maxwell Segel 2008
 Feb 2012 a maki
Caterpillar green
Have you ever been
Inside a cocoon
Or will you soon?

Under milky moon
I’ll make my cocoon,
Only then I’ll sleep
A slumber deep;

When I’m set to fly
In the topaz sky,
With my velvet cape
I will escape;

But for now I’ll squirm
Lowly as a worm,
Hiding ‘neath this bush
From hungry thrush.
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