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 Oct 2013 a maki
K Balachandran
Blazing summer sun,
fuming in the sky for long
had a secret desire to sneak out
and cool off a bit, in private.
Pretending that he is still up there
hiding behind a cloud umbrella,
he sneaked out, holding on to it
jumped in to a  lake
waveless and placid, in a quiet siesta.
Swimming around
 within the safety net of
floating fluffy clouds,
he thought none did notice,
his new secret predilection
to go for a cold dip, against his grain.
A little fish on her  midday practice swim
saw the cold sun, close by
fretted at the strange sight,
(for her, it was the first time)
raised an alarm, that brought all fish along
the profusion of fins and tails and
pecking mouths, all of a sudden made sun
spring back in a moment,
without a second thought.
Bleeding from the wounds
angry pecking fish gifted in anger.
He was hot and furious more than ever,
will he venture out again?
 Oct 2013 a maki
I had tea beneath the oak tree
With the zealous boy as company
"Does death scare you?" I said
"It saddens me.", he said.
And so
I took it as a 'No'

Because weeks later
Came the wine waiter
"He left with a smile one could never fathom
And for you, an anthem
To sing when in joy
Oh that poor boy"

For all the painful days there are to come
For all the persons I'll become
For the imprisoned demons to be released
For the rebellious angels that will never cease

I longed for the cloudless sky
And he told me for me he would buy

Incessant despondency killed him
Paramount dismay had swallowed him
Sadly, the whole universe wasn't in his favor
When his wrist was for the blade to devour

I still sat beneath the very oak tree
Still sipping my cup of jasmine tea
Hoping to succeed in helping another soul
From stopping loving oneself as a whole
 Oct 2013 a maki
Katie Mac
 Oct 2013 a maki
Katie Mac
I thought I tasted
something unique in your mouth.
It was clean and simple and
you smiled as our mouths
went in and out
like the tide.

I had a night that turned to day,
light touching the bedspread through the narrow window
and crawling up to where our heads lay.

And after months
of eclipse
you struck suddenly like a match
flickering into being.

I held you for a night,
but a match smolders
till it touches your fingers,
and mine are singed.
 Oct 2013 a maki
 Oct 2013 a maki
I looked at her sleeping ,
with her makeup smudged from crying and hair a mess.
She looked tired.
Tired of the the fake smiles and ugly lies.
Tired of pretending to be happy.
And in that moment I thought about how
happy she was as a child for no reason,
and how simple things were back then.
And now she's slowly disappearing, and I'm
just sitting there, watching it all happen,
knowing I can't do anything about it.
...And thats when I knew that I would love her
more than she would ever love me,
simply because she had nothing left
inside of her anymore.- kh
At first, I saw only her bare feet:
A bird on one, a ring of silver on the other.
Move up, her ankles, twitching to a beat,
A song my ears longed to discover.

Her calves were pale and bruised but strong.
Her knees were scarred by living in motion.
Her thighs, so inviting, so smooth, so long.
Her hips rocked like the wave of a calm ocean.

Imagining my fingers tracing her waist,
Slim but soft, Oh, it must be so warm.
The beat of my heart rose til it raced
When I reached her small *******, to secrecy sworn.

Her shoulders a garden of a single rose,
And thousands of freckles: sprawled chickory
Were by the sun that day specially chose
To take my breath and put me on my knees.

Her arms were built to hold all in the world.
Her hands to touch the life of each she meets,
And as they rose and within her short hair twirled,
For the first time, her face I would see.

A mouth of pink to compliment rosy cheeks,
A button nose fit for a child's doll,
A small gap between her front, straight white teeth
Formed a smile that could have caused Rome to fall.

But her eyes, how they shone under their frames.
The blue, green and gold of sunken treasure.
Behind them danced sadness, strength and pain
Mixed with  happiness and passion that had no measure.

Her eyes met mine and all at once, I froze.
She smiled and God must have smiled, too, above.
She came to me and from my spot I rose.
She grinned "Hello" and then I fell in love.
Everyone should have a love poem written about them, no matter who it's from.
 Oct 2013 a maki
i love with all of me
or else it would
not make sense

you love someone
as a complete whole
or nothing at all

protect their heart
from any damage
don't break trust
give them faith
as well as hope

not a fan of falling
but for true love
i'd do anything
to keep you here
away from all
the insecurities
which haunt you
from past experiences

love is more than
feelings and soulmates
it's about finding
the second piece
of your heart
to make it
© sinderella.
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