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 Dec 2012 å
I'll Wait
 Dec 2012 å
It's been so long,
Arms branching out to you
Fossilise waiting to be filled.

The hair on the head has grown to the knee,
Changing its colours on the way down,
Bleached by the sun,
Stolen by the clock,
Left to grey.

Could the joints still move,
- if ever they wanted to?
So long frozen in commitment.

"I'll wait." - he said.

Aiming his arrow carefully,
So the two words would pierce though all barriers,
Exploding perfectly in the heart.

Shrapnel flies everywhere.
Duck and dodge the pieces of unworthy flesh!
She left. He waited.
Waiting for the time when she'd return from looking for something better.
 Dec 2012 å
Dear You,
 Dec 2012 å
I've locked myself up,
These past two years.
I'd say I don't blame you,
But then I'd be lying.
Thanks for the gift.
I didn't know you
Could package heartbreak.
It was a little earlier
Than the holidays, but
It loves to open up
On Christmas,
And make me cry
Under the mistletoe.
You wrapped it up,
In beautiful ribbon.
Just like you wrapped me,
Up around your finger,
Two years ago.
Thanks for that.

Hope you have a wonderful holiday,
© Amara Pendergraft 2012
 Dec 2012 å
 Dec 2012 å
lol hi
I actually really really like this. It describes me and everything. It doesn't matter what you look like, if your inlove follow your heart.
 Dec 2012 å
Leone Sayers
Tasting the smell of you....
Feeling through your eyes.

Nothing more intoxicating,
than the blasphemy of your touch.

Nothing more serene,
than dancing beneath the diamond- flecked black of the night sky.

Your breath resuscitating,
sugary sweet heat brushing against my sensitive skin,
creamy bursts of your human breeze against my neck...


Each and every moment,
the ion induced second,
frozen in time.
 Dec 2012 å
 Dec 2012 å
Your gentle frame is dangerously close to me.
Our hands collide together and become one,
Not even pausing for a breath.
But tracing the outline of one another's body with our tongues.
Your eyes close as your body raises towards the sky.
Everything around us black and white.
You and me colliding.
Illuminating and wrapped in interchanging shades of color.
A light gasp of air, taking it in as if it were our first.
And this innocent feeling we are experiencing as if we have before.
As your wrapped in my arms the thoughts in your mind sing to me.
Your fragile fingers trace my spine, sending surges through my body.
Your hair, soft to the touch, slowly brushing across my face.
Your breath, warm and subtle, as you whisper your deepest secrets and wants to me.
And I whisper mine to you.
 Dec 2012 å
Nathan Vienneau
You are me and I am you
Don't you know this to be true
That I am you and you are me too...

We live on earth engaged in war
We fight ourselves and count the score
We'll never win so what the **** for...

We must make peace and change our way
Before they bring the bombs to play
For that would make a very sad day...

Think happy thoughts and they will be
The mind's the only place that's free
Open your eye and then you will see...

If you love yourself you love the world
Your thoughts be clear no longer curled
Once you feel for real you are unfurled...
 Dec 2012 å
Mick Tomlinson
the fluorescent light, shaped like memory
tries hard to stay on, to be of use
in the garage
in the attic
in the kitchen.
the rest of this town just stays off-
a stage behind a curtain, a door removed from its hinges.
and the people dancing on the other end
are orphans in the open, abandoned and excited-
and I am in love with weekend democracy.

moving on..

her face is red like cancer,
I pretend not to notice
but burst like diamonds from the mine
and now her secret is aggressive
and chases me through the acid baths
and death camps of Baghdad.
we are at war.
we are bullets inside a terrible machine.
we are deus ex machina.

moving on..

once you were beautiful,
undrugged and free of molestation. God still rode on
training wheels and pretty prayers-
gee baby, ya remember the days?
a youthful version before the *******,
before the black Iris grew,
before the sparks turned blue.
O soft poison. O innocent spew,
I love you.
 Dec 2012 å
soft blue
 Dec 2012 å
His soft blue irises
Lock with hers of cheerful green.
So enthralled by her lover,
Hand in hand side by side
This is it.
Simplicity at its best.

His steely blue eyes
Lock with hers of darkened jade.
Striking fear in all her being,
Smack for smack hit for hit
This is sick.

Love. (to fight)
Fight. (for love)
 Dec 2012 å
kaylee adamz
 Dec 2012 å
kaylee adamz
i love you so much
that i had to scream
at the moon
just to feel okay
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