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169 · Sep 2017
Lvice Sep 2017
I look in the mirror,
And I find God.
Looking in the eyes
Of someone who doesn't believe
In such a thing.
I guess we question
What we don't know.
I guess that's why I'm so
Good at never saying hello.
Because once they know
You're willing to put in the effort,
You become the only one
Trying to make it work.
So I don't work.
I kiss with the option to run,
To turn left and look back
But not come back.
So I guess I gotta start somewhere.
Same rings as he had,
But slightly luckier to have someone
To call and check on me.
168 · Aug 2017
The Playbook
Lvice Aug 2017
You tell me
You love me in
Your friends
Don't know my name
I feel a series coming on ^
168 · Feb 2018
Lvice Feb 2018
We aren't
The problem
167 · May 2017
Atlas On Some Wall
Lvice May 2017
Take me to the library
And we can sit against the bookshelves
We can look between the pages of some old atlas
Read some book covered in dust
and let the pages crumble onto our laps

Let's rediscover  the places we've
Only been to in our heads
I'd like to travel with you
Take me to the places you've been

Let's go between the pages
and I'll let your words
Rub off on me like sugar
Between my thumb and fore-finger

I've got maps in my head
and I'll show you where they take me
I'll walk with you on some train tracks
And we won't have a purpose

Take me to some interstate
And let's get lost
166 · Jun 2017
Letting Go is a Blessing
Lvice Jun 2017
The thought of letting go
Is a new life as the words
leave my lips
Excited as the atlas on my wall
paints seven continents under my eyelids
It leaves  4,416 cities left to explore
And the rest of my life
to do so
Lvice Aug 2017
The Sun Sets and Falls for the Earth,
There are many like her
And only one like him.

He needs her to live..
And still she is ordinary.
Not even the brightest out there...

Warm, and so is he, through her.
Inviting life into his core,
Needing her light and spirit to thrive.  

But the Sun, still falls.  
Though not for him.
But because she does it on her own.
The second piece to "The Sun Sets and Falls for the Earth".
166 · Jun 2017
Vl- l - XVll
Lvice Jun 2017
Being alone again
isn't so lonely after all.
165 · Sep 2018
That's all again
Lvice Sep 2018
I feel so empty
164 · Jan 2018
Lvice Jan 2018
Maybe I just wasn't
Meant to settle
161 · Sep 2018
Tears me to pieces
Lvice Sep 2018
160 · Dec 2017
Forever things
Lvice Dec 2017
Bring back my childhood
Make me woman and girl
All at once
And love me
160 · Jul 2017
And I played in your hair
Lvice Jul 2017
The first time
You tasted like vanilla
And mint
I miss you
159 · Jan 2018
I am one of them
Lvice Jan 2018
So many children
are products of science
So few are
born from love
158 · Jun 2017
9:55 a.m
Lvice Jun 2017
158 · Dec 2017
untitled: part two
Lvice Dec 2017
It feels so complete
To be holding my own
To be the warmth
My soul craves
158 · Jan 2018
Lvice Jan 2018
Feels like

Looks like

157 · Jul 2017
Tips for Heartbreak,
Lvice Jul 2017
It stings a
Little less,
Once you realize
You were just another.

And you too,
Will have others.
Maybe not yet,
But tomorrow will be better.
"Don't worry, be happy."
"No women, no cry. "
155 · Nov 2017
Forever Things
Lvice Nov 2017
If you want to know
Where my heart is,
Listen to me say
his name in my sleep.
154 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
I watched the dust
As the rain
And my hair begins to
As he looks over to
And for once I don't look
152 · Sep 2017
And I miss him.
Lvice Sep 2017
Life is a vine
that grows beneath
The window
Before weaving through
The shudders.
Life is the vine
That contradicts
Your insurance contract
Before being cut down.
152 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
I was as close to you
as I'll ever be again
And the road signs sighed
As I left you unhinged
My hands will never hold your face again.
152 · Sep 2017
Please come home..
Lvice Sep 2017
I didn't know that
The last time
I hugged you
And told you
To come home
It would be the
last time
152 · Aug 2017
Him & Him
Lvice Aug 2017
He says to leave you
He says to leave you
You once said to leave him
I left him
Do I leave you?
150 · Aug 2017
Brick and Martyer
Lvice Aug 2017
Do I remind you of your first
When you look at my eyes do they shine like your last heartbreak?
Tell me, do you see me made of
Understand that I started out soft, but as I cooled
I began to harden.

You look at me,
And I see the thick wood
Of bridges we burn for warmth.
We burn the bridges
We once seeked shelter under to get out of the rain,
We burn them
But we called them home.

You call me home,
And I am made of bricks.
Why do I build you up,
When I am already safety?
I give to you
What I am myself.
You call me home,
But skin can never
Be cement and glass.
150 · Dec 2017
skip the punctuation
Lvice Dec 2017
four walls could
never be a home
if my soul is sick
and my mind is tired
150 · Aug 2017
If you think...
Lvice Aug 2017
"I'm just waiting
For you to come home
To me,"

You can also
Keep dreaming.
Hahahahahaha reaalll cute, buddy :)
148 · Aug 2017
Lvice Aug 2017
Do not
cry for me.
At the end
There is nothing,
But I have not wasted time.
Lvice Aug 2017
There are leaves on my skin
Glass tongue kissing my legs
Yes they are shadow,
But my legs are covered in vine

And as the moon cast the window pain
Into my eyes I see it
I see it between the vines
Snaking their way through my sheets

Ripping through the cast of my house
Reaching for me in my sleep
Begging to ******* walls
Pleading to tear the carpet into shreds

Leaves on my skin
Though only the light is filtering in
Glass against my hands
The only thing between me and the Jasmine vines
These vines
Are taking over
This house.
146 · May 2017
Lvice May 2017
Lvice Jan 2018
I hope your days
Are beautiful
And nights are
Filled with dreams
146 · Jan 2018
Change of Self
Lvice Jan 2018
She's everything-
I used
To not be.
145 · Jan 2018
Prison break
Lvice Jan 2018
Prison has
Four walls
Several cells
And a warden.
This house is a prison.
145 · Jul 2017
Es schmerzt
Lvice Jul 2017
already forgot
your name
I think that's luck
But I don't want to forget
145 · Oct 2018
Lvice Oct 2018
I need to laugh
and feel
My shoulders rise
from how they've
been held down
144 · Jul 2017
Time Loops
Lvice Jul 2017
How was I supposed to know?
That in the cracks of time,
Are places that you've dropped hints
Of endless happiness.

Where pillows hold your voice for me,
And bed sheets are made of sleep.
Each time I hit them,
I'm thrown back to you.

Walking is easy here,
You need not hang on to your trouble-
For they don't matter in the morning
And nothing will weigh you down.

He will still protect you
Though, if you're scared.  
But there is no reason to be,
This is where dreams come to visit you.
144 · Aug 2017
Lvice Aug 2017
The moon
Fills the glass bowl
That is the sky
Empties my mind
I wonder where you are
If you were made for cities
Did you grow restless in high school too?
Were people like us made for planes?
The ceiling is lit
Do pillows miss us when we aren't there for them to hold us?
Did teachers dream of being teachers?
The world has weight but never falls
I went to tell you I love you
But instead I typed "I don't know "
And life is full of uncertain
And do I want to know?
144 · Dec 2017
Untitled: part three
Lvice Dec 2017
I’m in love
With being good
For myself
And mine
143 · Apr 2017
Lvice Apr 2017
Hearts are breaking
And we've run out of tape and glue
143 · Jul 2017
Lvice Jul 2017
S h e
with her lips swollen
with sadness
142 · Jun 2017
Lvice Jun 2017
I was getting ready
to be found
142 · Jul 2017
Lvice Jul 2017
You adults
Do ridiculous things
Like not telling your children
That you are okay.
138 · Sep 2017
Lvice Sep 2017
I can't
My hands shake and I hear the words
No no no no ****
Come from somewhere
Maybe from me?..and my back
Is against the bathroom wall
And if there is a God,
I pray to him that
You stay breathing
137 · Oct 2018
Lvice Oct 2018
What if I was the tree
And my arms were the
And you climbed me
Like a clumsy child
And held on to my leaves
Though they fell like rain?
137 · Aug 2017
Lvice Aug 2017
I don't
think about it-
just let him
take it away.
136 · Jul 2017
Lvice Jul 2017
Is peaceful
As it falls.

We at
Peace too?
136 · Aug 2017
Lvice Aug 2017
The character of beginnings,
Where a name ends
And an old story is rewritten.
Say goodbye to friends,
And call you by a new name.

Where the smile is brighter
On the side of this freshly painted fence.
You open new doors,
And take skeletons out of your closets and leave them in the sun.

Prince to millions of second chances
And kissing demons on the lips.
Asking your  mistakes to marry you,
And accepting them for what you are.

You'll be okay, tomorrow
And you're alright, today.
But you already knew that,
Didn't you?
A new name for a new person♡
136 · Jun 2016
Lvice Jun 2016
Life isn't all sunshine. You need rain to make the flowers grow.
#happy #tough #strong
134 · Jul 2017
Papayas: Part Two
Lvice Jul 2017
I watched
As you peeled your layers back
Enough for me to see
The ripening fruit underneath
Enough, for me to love
The seeds that spring forth
At the mention of growth.

I watch
As you grow
As you break shell of seed
And peak of dirt
To kiss the air
As gently as ever
For my Papaya, keep growing despite struggle♡
Much love for you @VØD
134 · Aug 2017
Lvice Aug 2017
Can anything
Comfort a crying girl
On the top of a truck
Outside at nine in the evening?
134 · Jul 2017
Lvice Jul 2017
The quitest thing
was the city,
and at night
I'd let it
speak to me.

Music on streets
-cars and laughter-
fitting for someone
who can't sleep.
The city's awake,
So so am I.
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