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Lainey Feb 2018
The heart wails no more
It's steady beat so, so faint
Waiting for a spark
Lainey Feb 2018
Where do you find it?
Bone deep happy.
At twilight, amongst the soft pink swaying grass, gazing at the Milky Way?
Curled up with a knowing smile on a plush, sunny window seat with a dog-eared tome?
In the lingering, whimsical gaze of a parent observing their child’s first clumsy steps?
Alone at the stark summit of a conquered mountain, breath misted with panting triumph?
Under the deep? Tickled by flitting fish as they tentatively touch the eddying bubbles surrounding your frame?
The first golden drop that touches your tongue as you swipe it across your syrup laden dish?
A wish.
Made with the puff of a dandelion.
For bone deep happy.
Lainey Feb 2018
MURICA, land of the free!
Y’all can’t tell me
Give up muh guns!
United we of the
NRA stand, the sacrifice?
School kids’ blood on our hands.
Lainey Feb 2018
A stranger poked me
And left me wondering why
I became the poked?
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