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Jun 2018 · 219
Thank you bestfriend
Zain Cheema Jun 2018
Thank you for being you and for letting me be me. Thank you for letting me feel so much like myself when I’m with you. Thank you for not making me wear any masks or put on any fronts. Thank you sharing in my happiest moments, and for genuinely feeling the same; for listening to my saddest stories and radiating compassion and empathy from wherever you are. Thank you for being the only person I ever want to confide in.
Thank you for being the most beautiful person, inside and out. Thank you for making the world a better place, just by being in it. Thank you for making colors a little brighter, sunshine a little warmer, and hugs a little better. Thank you for loving more fiercely than anyone I know. Thank you for defining selfless, always putting others before yourself; you are going to change the world just as much as you have changed mine.
Thank you for the laughs, for the cries, and for everything in between. Thank you for being my rock, my anchor; for keeping me grounded when I feel like I might otherwise blow away. Thank you for all of the things you do, big and small. Thank you for knowing my favorite ice cream flavor and what song I would die for. Thank you for always knowing what to say and for being one of life’s best teachers. Thank you for making fun of me when I deserve it, and for loving me when I don’t. Thank you for staying constant in a world full of change, and for keeping some normalcy in a world full of chaos.
Thank you for laughing as hard as I did at that video in biology lab freshman year. Thank you for making sure I didn’t get away from you four years ago. Thank you for setting the bar so high and making it impossible to find another friend as good as you. Thank you for making the four short years we have been friends feel like forever and for giving me enough memories to last a lifetime, but not ending there. Thank you for making me hurt when I miss you, but for taking the hurt away when I see you. Thank you for loving me. Thank you for the absolute privilege and honor of being able to call you my best friend; thank you for being my person. Thank you for giving me these reasons, and a million more, to be thankful for.
Forever and Always,
Your Best Friend
Apr 2018 · 253
True love
Zain Cheema Apr 2018
First You Didn't Take Me Serious
When You Broke Up With Me

When we love someone

We never leave them alone

When we fall in love

All promises

We fulfill

Even if the world is against us

We never step back

We fulfil our love till the end

The one we place in our heart

We make her our life too

Never ignore her

After the friendship,

After calling her our's

We never turn our face away

We love till our last breath

Even if this life stops

We don't leave her

When the love is true

You don't test her love

After exchanging hearts

Never leave her hand

Even if you see a million pretty faces

Don't change your love

And dance to make her happy,

Do it

If she is annoyed

We don't find peace anywhere

In your thoughts

My days and nights are spent

My eyes are adorned with your dreams

I just speak of you

Love doesn't believe in what the world says

Love doesn't ask you your caste

I asked God for you

My eyes hold my love

Just you and me

And we leave the world behind
Mar 2018 · 348
Unaware love
Zain Cheema Mar 2018
I can’t sleep now Your recollections have Snatched my breath from me I could not forget, Neither could you Whatever happened due to fate I used to love you But you are having fun with others Distances grew Your love for me decreased In blink of an eye You went ahead like a traveller I stood there Though I am alive from outside But I am dead within My body is wounded My soul is roaming about From a distance it feels as if a dead body is hanging Why are you unaware that I love you? I too love you, Why don’t you value my love? You caused the distance between us You caused the distance between us I am still at the same place While you changed your face Both of us said that we will never separate
Mar 2018 · 291
Your love
Zain Cheema Mar 2018
your love has gone to my head slowly,
like ginger boiling in the morning tea.
I wait for you, like one waits for the sun in winter I would go to the moon traveling with you. morning train, your love is like a morning train. I wake all night because of it, it starts before the sun,whether the world goes to hell. the heart seems to beat like the train's sound, it moves slowly. sometimes the heartbeat becomes fast,you are like the heat from a burning coal in the cold winds,
you are like a glass with dewdrops in fog.
you are like a mild smoke,
this heart has become light
Feb 2018 · 215
My shattered heart
Zain Cheema Feb 2018
The moment you came into My life I knew that I was gonna fall for you I knew I would get hurt but i still took the chance we have faded compared to the first day but i still feel a strong relation between us i have given up my happiness just to see you happy you made alot of promises but not fulfilled them I stayed up late night just for you to be safe
Feb 2018 · 208
Broken heart
Zain Cheema Feb 2018
You won’t get anything by crying Stop crying Whose love is not in your destiny, Leave her
Listen to me, idiot You shall cry alone There is no cure for the wound of heart
Only whose heart breaks, knows this Only when one’s heart breaks, one knows this
It is not easy to bear the wound of heart It will be a river of fire that you will have to cross by drowning The web of those sharp eyes is bad If it once comes after you, it does not leave Man then passes days by Counting stars relying on her memories, He never gets tired She who stops your heartbeat, She shall become the purpose of your life And arrows will keep piercing your heart People will come to your home and ask after your well being This is my last day in your city as well as your life You won’t see my face after today I had fallen in love It’s not your fault but mine Because you had not loved me, I had loved you

— The End —