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553 · Aug 2018
King Key Aug 2018
I love you more then life
The life I want to spend with you
I love you unconditionally
Don’t ask if it’s true
I want to give You something great
Be there when you need me
But now your happy
And now I’m needy
Don’t cry cheer up
because I’m the fool
I just wanted attention
Used me like a tool .
Your happy now
and to you I congratulate
But I’m not the reason
so I’m clearly to late
Allot of lessons I learned
You tought me and this is one
You loved it
And i thought it’d be fun
goodbye poetry
You remind me of someone.
396 · Sep 2018
Me vs them
King Key Sep 2018
They say I’m crazy cause I love and care to much
they say I’m wasting time and I need to learn how to trust
They say I’m way to quiet but to quick to  fuss
I think people in her head saying give up us
They saying she’s grown now happy and moved on
I can understand but my heart forever Torn
Now they see me heartless
Head down ready to spark it
Then I get high
It’s all I need to get by
I settle down think of every truth and lie
I tell you Go away ,leave
But your what I need
Sorry for the lies
cause that’s not what I believe
They say  I’m dead wrong for wanting a family
I want sucesss and love
That’s what’s new to me
I smoke away all my problems
Nobody seems to care
not even my momma
Don’t wanna cry no more
The wrongs I committed got me feeling sore
So I sit back turn on Jocelyn floors
Think and realize the love of my life didn’t have to worry anymore
I can do this for hours ....but **** it
377 · Apr 2018
King Key Apr 2018
why ?
from a little boy to a young man
I find myself asking why?
so many  questions &so little answers
Think outside the box I Try
protect my loved ones from the truth I lie.
but why?
hide my emotions deep inside
walk proud with my head high
remain postive you'll see my pride.
then decide to ask..
im strong now & understand life
I see my wrongs for when I knew I was right
I walk away from the darkness towards the light
then I realized...
no more question
never again shall I wonder
because the answer to why ?
you'll never receive until you understand life
grab it by the horns and use it to feel that hunger.
so that's your answer.  
don't ask why
become one with yourself and life and try
and then soon you too will understand
356 · Sep 2018
King Key Sep 2018
I wake up in pain
Through out my day more pain
Because I know things won’t be the same
I gave it my all
I decided to change
Do what’s best for me and stay in my lane
But your still the same and at the same time you’ve changed
Saying you love me never text me
It’s getting to my brain
So much I can’t let go
The past,the future ,you
You should know
But you cause so much pain that I have to go
And it’s something I truly regret
feels similar to leaving a nest
This was all I knew all I had
My love was real
I’m not that bad
Faithful and honest
Loyal to you
My rib my heart my love is true
I’ll never stop loving you
And even tho this wasn’t forever
I’ve enjoyed every moment together
When we’re apart it’s always the same .you cross my mind from my rib to my chain  and when reality hits.......
I go to sleep with that same pain that I woke up with
304 · Jul 2018
I love you
King Key Jul 2018
I love,love and love until I can’t anymore
I love you with my all until my hearts numb and sore
I’m not perfect and know my wrongs
I hold your hand feel sweat on your palm
Tell you your beautiful,smart and strong.
my precious,my special piece of art  
my love has been truly real from the start.
My love .that’s you ,my heart .I can never let something  Tear us apart
285 · Sep 2018
Anticipate & Desire
King Key Sep 2018
All I have is hope
Lots of expectations?
I hope I learn to love
I hope I learn to trust
They say hope is a feeling of trust
I hope to be be with her
No!it’s a must
they say all I have is hope ..
And I hope there’s a us

There’s no hope when you apply action
I hope she doesn’t leave and have people asking or laughing or worse a distraction
From the fact that
I  love her with a passion
283 · Dec 2018
How I feel vs my actions
King Key Dec 2018
You say you  love me
I️ believed you
I️ wanted it to be true I️ know you do
I️ can’t seem to understand what did I️ do
   all you do is lie and I️ don’t know why did a lot outa love to keep you and get by
You told me you’d never leave  
Your gone my heart and soul is on freeze   **** baby that’s all I e feared
No more love no more trust no more lust no more us
Never did I imagine I’d miss the fuss
It showed you care
Together love was always in the air
Why’d  you leave me? Better yet why so sneaky?
You had my heart when you didn’t need it  
I’m crushed  & insides bleeding
I️ hope you not with him being freaky
You know you know my girl.
I️ was tryna give you the world .
what about our little girl.sieara with the curls.
What did I️ do where did I️ go wrong why did it have to come to me making this song why the hell couldnt we get along miss smoking with you blunts and bongs
this was supposed to work I️ shouldn’t have to hurt
played me twice left my heart in the dirt why’d you leave me ?where did I go wrong ?why couldn’t we love each other and get along ?
275 · Feb 2019
King Key Feb 2019
I have unease feeling
Momma don’t need this children
Yeah,You are unappealing
That’s facts
I have a unease feeling
I need a special healing
The truth is concealing
No cap
So high my mind lifted
To myself say that I am gifted
Smoke good but I don’t sip it
No tripping just just listen
And witness
This unease feeling
I need a special healing
The truth is concealing
263 · Nov 2019
Tick Tick Tick......Tock
King Key Nov 2019
I told myself everything will be okay
Where theres a will theres a way
Ignore the thoughts and the things they say
Softly put my heart on minimize
Sit back
recap and take my  time
And remember after a rainy day
the sun always shine
What will be
will be
Trust the process and my heart I was told .....
And then soon  I'll  see
228 · Mar 2019
King Key Mar 2019
Never did I expect my girlfriend to be my best friend.
My only friend
Without the realization that all things come to an end.
I live I learn
I change I grow  
The pain I know
Teaches me that they come and go
Solid i am ,I stay the same
I think and still feel the same my love  
Strong from the heart but to avoid the hurt is from the brain .
218 · Apr 2018
Hello poetry
King Key Apr 2018
Hello poetry
I know we just met
but so far your the best
you let me open up & get a lot of my chest.
when I'm sad you take my time
encourage me on every line
you give me hope & you might not know it
now Inspired enough to be a poet
it's like you listen for hours until I miss a rhyme
then it's like I started  wasting time.
Hello poetry only few days you've known me it's crazy how fast there's things you've shown me.
be one with myself & let my soul free
express myself back to the ole me
these feelings are pure and most definitely real
saying goodbye to poetry is something I fear
but since your here and except the truth
Hello poetry,nice to meet you.
210 · Oct 2018
Bitter not sweet
King Key Oct 2018
Your bitter not sweet
True love is what I seek
They tell me there’s plenty of fish in the sea
But I’ve always felt like
you were for me
You lie I try
you hid I Find
I love so hard and can’t  get a like
I doubted myself I doubted you
No puddin
all proof
Work on trust
continue to fuss
This isn’t you
Your not giving me much of I choice
You ignore the words from my voice
You crest problems
Real **** that I live
And don’t even ask me how I feel  
So I know what to do
Move on happy
Cause I’m done with you
Why hurt me
Why lie to me
Why ruin us
Not my want
Clearly your need
Don’t force yourself to be with  
And hold on to that
Bitter sweet melody
184 · Feb 2019
Realistically from my <3
King Key Feb 2019
I’m learning to be patient
My voice and emotions locked away
It’s time I’m facing
My heart, my love ,the love of my life adjacent  to me and reality
And even tho she’s here it’s seems she’s mad at me.
What a catastrophe
Give me time to grow and be a man
Show you things from my view ,things you couldn’t understand .
It may be tuff now but I’m trying and I’m  here its all part of the plan .
180 · Apr 2018
eye opening
King Key Apr 2018
My heart sometimes hurt.
I'm not truly sure if I understand my worth.
I love first,
i grind when I work  & yet
My heart sometimes Hurt.
what am I doing wrong
why don't me and the ones I love get along.
I'm alone
terrible memories haunt my brain
  I question if I'll ever be the same
friends come and go I don't remember names
but what I know for sure is
My heart sometimes hurt
that I don't understand my worth
I've always felt like nothing even at birth.
I shout I scream
I might even curse
To hell with every disappointment beyond this earth.
try to belittle me you won't enjoy this pain  
a year from now I won't be the same
Courage and strength  
the most powerful thing I gained
helped me realized I'm in the wrong  lane.
I'm over hear your over there
I chase success
I strive to be the best
I do it to be free
I do it to be me
and while I put myself first I always think the worst and remember ......
my heart sometimes hurt....and I don't know my worth.
169 · Apr 2018
real Love
King Key Apr 2018
"Hey beautiful ,understand me love
we say we love each other,I don't want to fuss".
"Hi handsome there's no need to fuss but I wish you'd let go and learn to trust"
"baby girl I'm trying,& my effort is clearly blinding,
understand I'm going through a lot you didn't make the perfect timing"
"well I'm here now and I won't give up we been through a lot, we both messed up"
"we're in to deep"
"Not deep enough"
"I can't take it anymore"
"it's because your heart is sore,
you don't have to feel that pain no more.
I love you"
"you love me"?
"Im by your side and I got your back"
"You had my heart but gave it back"
"this is real love
there's no backtrack, Love never dies you know that"
"I got you & you got me together forever happily we shall be"
164 · Mar 2019
King Key Mar 2019
Let me figure you out,Get in your head
Study your mind and soul.The truth?
I dread
Your Beauty hides a beast
But before I change you
I’d leave
seeing all I needed to see
With the understanding that you weren’t for me
164 · Dec 2018
I’m a dead rose
King Key Dec 2018
I’m lost
I’ve become lost with words and emotion
Never wanting to love again
my heart is frozen
I loved you faithfully everyday
& Of all the ways you could’ve moved you chose that way?
You want love I gave you lust
you told me lies I tried to build our trust smoking away my pain for a better us.
But now I see happiniesss come and goes you were never happy I realize seeing  who you chose
I may be dead inside  but I’m like a rose
A rose symbols of love and affection. ... Because of that, the red rose symbolizes courage, respect, and prosperity, even a dead rose as long as my character doesn’t change .somone will love me right ?
159 · Mar 2019
King Key Mar 2019
So clearly things change
But very blinding they can be  
Except what is
And have faith in what will be
157 · Jun 2019
King Key Jun 2019
I’ll live my life how I please
Some how take care of all my needs
And understand what life means to me
Realistically or spiritually?
Personally it’s all just a dream
155 · Apr 2018
King Key Apr 2018
i confess never did I expect to love
and it's true when they say it's like a drug
your beautiful..brilliant I have a 100  more
understand I'd love you for rich or poor
you give me a special feeling
I want to give you a special healing
I want to be there when your in need
your great,Your perfect baby your a star
I promise to support you and your dreams
I know we'll go far.
155 · Mar 2019
I understand
King Key Mar 2019
I understand somethings can be hard  
I understand you want me to play a part
I understand small things fall apart
But understand I never wanna break your heart
Understand What’s real
Understand that when I’m with you I get this chill
I’m not the greatest but I understand how you feel
I tried
I never lied  
talk highly of you “Yeah she’s kind”
More then that baby yeah your fine
She keeps my held high
Gives me this power
Motivativated and inspire to talk about her for hours
148 · Dec 2018
Foolish man
King Key Dec 2018
A foolish man I am
Living day by day saying I can
Looking for love searching for a plan
And now I understand .
Who you are and who I am
Searching in a distance  
Your love was from a distance
You lie I try we cry and nothing seems to work .
Never thought the second time would hurt much worse .
I want love trust success and wealth
You made it clear you want everyone else .
Two different lives 2 different ambitions
Nothing we be the same no more kissing
No more wishing
I loved you never lied
I gave you all of my heart
I wanted at least 5
You never loved me and you knew this ........
This makes me foolish?
Yeah it does

— The End —