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I thought it would be easy
putting myself out there
hoping to find a spark

but when I actually do it
All I can think of
is you

the warmth of your hugs
the comfort I felt at your touch
The softness of your kisses

All of it
is you
and I'll I'm doing
is chasing the ghost

of what will never be
You be black
I'll be white

I'll go first with a knight
You move a pawn

One by one our pieces move
One by one our pieces fall

But the board holds few now
Your calculations swift
Robbed me of everything but my king
A handful of pieces for you

But was that the intent
For another game

One where your white
And I'm black
Life is but a game of chess
I walked in upset
Frustrated at life
and all these children sat

each in their own cliques
each their own life
and I saw one, who reminded me
of me

not really belonging
Not sure what to do
but just wanted to be accepted

It was nice to watch them open up
Hear them laugh
Watch them smile a true smile

Life has a funny way
of being back
those memories you believe to be forgotten
Seems like such a long time ago
5 years ago
practically a lifetime with everything that's happened
Drowning my sorrows with a clear liquid
Makes the mind only a little fuzzy
Blasting music doesn't make it leave
when the chaos is inside ones mind

It was cold that morning when it happened
a simple implication
a single phone call
and in the end
only one was hurt
beyond repair

How to "move on"
when the past still speaks up
friends, enemies, lovers, strangers
so many titles for a swift thought

How low can a angle fall
before the broken bones and care spirt
finally take their toll?

The only thing saving one from complete self destruction
was a self respect
another had for them
forever grateful
forever thankful

pushing limits
testing boundaries
only one who has gotten so far
only one
I can trust

when it was my little devil who saved me
when no one else could
Machines beep
Her pulse controlled by a pump
Her body still
On the white sheets

She was beaten
Left alone to die
Now just floating between planes
Her eyes closed
Mind broken

She still hears us
But how can she express
How her heart was shattered
Where there was nothing to begin with?
Its utter chaos
This idea I've had
has now taken a life of its own

Already a name and logo
already spending money
Already for the future ahead

When will this stop?
When can I breath
When do I wake from this dream?

too little time
too much work
The school must come first
for this to work

Soon it will all be over
and life blinked by
but what an exhilarating ride
What if my heart was bruised
From being dropped so many times
By hands that forgot
It was fragile

What if my trust was broken
From those who took it for granted
And never listened
When I asked for understanding

What if my skin is scared
Not by purpose
But by accident instead
By something I can not control

What if my eyes do not see right
The uncertainty of the world
When vision fades
And all I can see is the darkness I think

Could you still love me
Or even let me be around
Even if friends
It would be nice not to be alone in this silence
So small
A concept few understand

The pink ones
Tucked away safely
Protected from view
Show times I was at the end

A small final act
For the life to end

However there is another
Shown out in a collection
Different shapes
All the same size

These are white
With writting in black
Company stickies there called
Yet busy work for me

Fold and press
Shape and pull
Small cranes take flight
Creating a flock on the desk

The meaning changed
From once sarrow and a tearful goodbye
To a ray of hope
Making me stay busy when work is down

Funny how suicide cranes
Became cranes of life
The body twitches
The mind runs
All this creativity
A blur to undo
Way to many pieces
Way to little time
A mess of my making
A mess by others
Uncertainty at best
And worst a friend
Swift and simple
Just to make it stop
Maybe then
I can breathe
I could feel your hands
They way they held me close
Your soft voice
Whispering in my ear
I turned to look at you
But the empty bed
Told me it was only a dream I had
"Hey I'm in town for a little bit, did you want to meet up? We could grab coffee or a drink, know a good bar nearby. Just let me know
miss you"

No words ever spoken
But years of pain could be heard
The scars on the body
The fear in the eyes
The hesitation on tasks
A pain some know too well
Terrified to be alone
In the unknown
But now understanding
Now trusting
Years of abuse visible in reactions
The backups
The wide eyes
The shaking
But just as quick as it comes
It leaves and the love is accepted once again
Allowing people to get close
And trusting little ones near
Knowing there are bad days
But none will entail hits, whips, or even waiting
Even though the knowledge is there
The damage is there
Somethings can never be fixed
But they can be worked through
And what once was a scared horse
Is now a baby who comes willingly to mom
My dear child
your breath was small
and yet so perfect
you looked at the world with amazement
and it welcomed you with open arms

You were perfect as time itself.

But soon your lungs became weak
and your breathing stopped
Our miracle was gone
just as the hope we had for you

Shattered on the tile floor
just like tears of glass
We loved you
and watched you leave this world

A stone has your name in it now
and one day, when time comes for us
we'll see how much you've grown
and how much beauty
you didn't show us yet

Happy birthday my daughter.
Inspired by a story I heard from a parent losing their daughter the same day they said hello.
You came in swiftly
But causing panic in those that understood
Despite what we tried
We were no match for you
And with final death cries
Of clearly agony
You took him
Leaving us with a body
Dry of any soul

Why death?
Why did you have to take him in my hands?
Why must I bear this weight now?
Do I stay
Do I go
Do I continue on
Do I start over
Do I create art
Do I read a book
Do I train
Do I ride

Endless choices
Endless possiblities

and yet
I sit here
and do none of it
You walk in my shadow
Your right out of eyesight
You are always next to me

patient for the right time

The right time when you can slither back in my mind
plant dangerous thoughts
reminding me once more
that I'm nothing

A nobody
a speck in everyone's else's lives
that will be blown away by the wind
and never missed

You tell me no one would care
Because no one cares now

The final jump
the relation of a step
the pull of a trigger

then it's over
and nobody is gone
forever silent

a marked grave no one visits
a corpse encased in stone

Who would care
if nobody disappeared

when nobody seemed to care
about a nobody
I'm in so much pain
My skin has turned on me
And what once showed a few scars
Now is leather itchy
Red patches cover it
And I scratch till I bleed
The scabs get deeper
And more scars are created
With every movement
I'm tired of being in pain
I'm tied of my body hurting
I want to be normal
I want to be human
Would it be to much
If I gave up this fight
And made the pain stop for good?
Time, a wary thing
Full of potential
Full of disappointment
Each second passes
Changes fate as it does

Would lives be different
if I went left, instead of right?
Darkroom engulfs me
the shadows dancing on the walls
The bed kept me still

I struggle to get up.
My body fighting every step
my mind wanting to go back to sleep

the warm sun on my face
the birds chirping in the trees
does it still count as effort
when all I managed was to go outside?
First time in years
First chance I get to start fresh
First time I can hope for a better road ahead

All the waiting
All the empty promises
All the "Soon it will get better."

I have it in writing.
Black and white
Could things finally be falling into place?
Every day is a gift
but some gifts are gags
or unpractical
but a gift no less

Does it matter if I stay in bed today
Would it matter if I gave up
Would someone care
if it didn't matter?

Every day is a gift
Some are better than others
You only see my good days
So does it matter
if today is not a good day?
Will it ever stop?
The sirens scream
The lights flash
And I think of you

A story I believed
A life I was wrapped up in
Gone over night

Too soon I fell
Too soon I trusted
Just to be left alone

Will it ever stop
Thinking of another
As the trucks go by
Don't give me coins or bills
Don't try to pay for my skills
Don't tip my kindness
please whatever you do

Don't waste your money on me
Your words are sweet
Your intentions kind
You strive to make me laugh

But the smile hides the tears
The laugh hides the sobs
Of my heart shattering against the wall

A love I know
A love that is real
A love that can never be
Did you really wish to talk
or did you not remember when I told you I was different

you praised me
when I helped a child not breakdown
but yet it was all I could
not to do the same

You get mad when I get overwhelmed
always have to be perfect
but how can I be perfect
when you keep trying to knock me off my tightrope

so did you really wish to talk
or was this the cover
because you don't want to admit
I'm different then you?
I read
I sculpt
I imagine

These wonderful creatures
Taking flight above me
giving me the freedom

to fly once more
I feel awake
my senses tingle
Every nerve of fire

One hurdle down
One more to go
Before everything else is complete

Dragon must rise
from the ashes of the past
Injured but will fly

Time ticks
the dragon
Takes to the sky once more
When I was 11
I wished to die

Simple and painless
not sure about the thoughts

When I was 13
I wished to die

Slow and calm
Something where I would feel myself die

When I was 16
I wished to die

Expecting hospital equipment
that wouldn't save me

A hole in everyone's hearts
A message no one wished to hear

When I was 20
I wished to live

Pushing myself to exhumation
It almost made me lose it all.

My body was too tired to stay awake
A miracle I walked away

Three attempts
21 scars

All gave birth to a dragon
That still flies
despite the circumstances
I count down the days
the days where you're etched into my skin
the beauty you will be

Forever on my skin
Forever on my heart
Forever my wings of strength

Soon two become one
a perfect balance of both
a symbol of walking flesh

Soon you will take me
over the hills
and through the stars

Soon I will fly with you once more
and together
we will soar high above

just as we did the years before
A dragon's soul is ancient.
And fragile
But it holds a heart of gold in the center
That few can have love them

A heart of gold surrounded by a passionate fire
That will burn those who try to take by force
Only if the dragon allows the first to go down
The cold stone and fire will stay up
Protecting the heart

But even when the dragon cares
No one ever understands the heart
until they hold it
And understand why it is fragile
and cracked
and missing some pieces

But it still beats
And even if thrown on the ground
It does not shatter
The dragon will take it back
And wait until they can find the right one
to hold their r heart
Their soul
Their life

Once you can hold a dragons heart
then you will understand
While few walk on the surface
And why they were hunted
And hide in the darkness
Away from thieves
But still careful
Of those that come near
And the few they hold near
To draw a day
A single image
all caught in a photo

A unrealistic image

There is no sunshine and rainbows
They is no perfect green grass
Gloomy clouds fill the blue sky
and demons crowd the image

But to draw once a day
may just keep the demons at bay.....
Such a perfect life
Such a perfect time

no limits
no boudairs

Only extremes
are for me

Is it too much
to wish them real

and I didn't have to say
those words again?
Silent sobs
tears running down the face
Screams that will never be vocalized
feelings cut before they grow

for every rose bush
has its throns
and every bud
suffocates before it blooms
E d
E d
Such a simple thing
Three little words
I trust you
I love you

But when something happens
The letters ed get added

I trusted you
I loved you

The knife those letter hold
Only make the pain worse
Now all I need
Is a upside-down u

To make it

When my heart breaks
yours is whole

When your upset
I am the one you blow at

Everyone sees you good side
I see a monster at home

So does it mater
how I feel???
Is this fear?
Is it anger?
oh what is it I am feeling

The numbness
the sting of a cut
the confusion
what is going on?????
how one can be surrounded
and yet feel so alone

when the voices in your head
just stop filling the silence

in understanding
what it is I should be doing

when this confusion
will finally end
Empty soul
Just sitting
wasting away
the night

So still
so quite
unsure about
silence made

am I
or just
You suffocate me
pull me from family and friends
making me sit alone in the dark

You take my drive
my passion depleted
my hope, crushed

Why did you come back?
I thought I was getting better
I thought.....
The ideas are in the palm of your hand
the expertise yours alone to hold
Such a small crowd you run in
but the worlds attention you hold

such a fancy name
for something fancy
A mouthful to express
how you don't just let your dreams
be just dreams

You are famous where you go
your own boss and money maker
what more could you want,
when you sit on the seat so high?

your eyes are leaking
your body is shivering
you have everything
why are you upset?

A burden some carry
to realize how small the world can be
when no one thinks you struggle

A lonely road to walk
And when the funds run dry
but the ideas won't stop
remember what they say

You are one of a kind
you make your dreams reality
you work when everyone clocks out
and understand the magnitude of what you have

Be brave
be resilient
be strong
and be proud

to stand out among the crowd
and face the worlds wrath
like it was another Tuesday

do what ever you need to do

to not give up
I should feel more excited
and even though currently I am
I know it will not last

Once the night is over
reality sits back in
one more night of freedom
one more night to go out
one more night I can afford
not to worry, no doubt

"Live in the moment"
but how can one do that
when everything pulls me back
and nothing but one thing pulls me forward

From a past I miss
to a future I dream
can this excitement
really last
more then tonight?
I hear them
And I think of you
I see them
And hear your voice
I find them more
After knowing you
A simple thing
A seirn, and light
Makes tears ***** my eyes
Not for where they go
But for who rides in them
Understanding the pain
That comes with a badge
Or shield
The tarnished vision
That society has now created
And the lives effected
Over selfish acts of violence

I hear them
I see them
And I think of you
Maybe one day
I will be able to hold you
Ease your pain through the night
Release the tension you hold
But for now
I sit
Swallowing my sobs
And move on
Like my heart didn't just shatter
In a million pieces
Everyone wants to have a star fall in love with them
The fame
The spotlight
All on them now
But no one stops and thinks about the reality

Your actions are judged.
You are followed everywhere.
You are on the cover of magazines.
So people can tell what you have done right or wrong.

The only escape you will have
Are in stolen moments
Behind locked door
And the windows shut
To keep the world out

Always looking behind your shoulder.
Always on edge of who is around you
Never comfortable in the public eye

are the "Rewards" when a star falls for you
I see them close by
Some days they are closer than others
A boy and a girl
Two souls that call me mom

Both are sweet and caring
but only one is mine by blood
both of their fathers are gone

One killed in a war away from home
the other in a war down the street
Both caring
but taken too soon

Even though we all miss them
We try to find happiness.
The only thing we can't run short of

One day I will hold them in my arms again
And when that day comes
I will cry once more
Thanking those above
that I have my family once again
To dream of what if
To think of a life
That never happened
To live experiences
That will never pass
Become a fascination of some
A balance of time and life

Some use it to escape
Others use it to grow
I use it to think
To think of him
Of them
What my life could have been
If I had just
The idea is in my head
the brush and paint the medium
the simple thought
to live in a fantasy

slowly the dream becomes true
as others now see
what I saw
You controlled my childhood
Scarred I would be alone
Scarred of what home would be like after school
Scarred that
no one could love me

Now you have your hold me once more
The unknown possibilities
All magical
All terrifying
All too high for me...

You control my dreams
And make walking up a hassle.

But remember this

Once the cracks appear
Once the chance is given
You will not control me
And I will be free from you
once again
"So why do you have that?"

Because I can't control my past
Because I can't stop my spirals
Because everyone has left me
Because people are scarred of me
Because inside I am a total mess
Because I barely hold myself together
Because I constantly am reminded of what happened
Because I was told I have to high standards
Because every guy used me
Because I don't know how to control myself
"What is your greatest fear?"
   "Having this heartache feeling forever"
"Oh, ok"
   "What about you, what do you fear?"
"You really want to know?"
   "Yeah, what keeps you up at night?"

"Being alone"
I tried to walk away
and not cause a scene
but I was pulled back
and asked for my side

Now a simple report
has gone further then I imagined
Did I really do the right thing
or make a mess of everything?

How far do you climb
to get answers
when you know something isn't right?
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