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So simple in definition
and taught that everyone's mater
but then why are mine ignored?

Did I do something wrong?
Did I misbehave?
Did I not walk the tightrope correctly?

Pushed aside by my own blood
Pushed to the ground by a friend
Pushed to stay by a lover

Everyone's feelings matter
but then why do you overlook
My skin feels weird
my actions aren't right
My thoughts are off
Im watching from behind a glass wall
and I don't feel right

A strange feeling
A weird feelings
of two lives
controlling one body
and neither know what to do
Tick tock
seconds for most
minutes for others

breath in
breath out
heart pounding

My face bruised
the blood drips from the cuts
my eyes slowly look up

Time freezes
the devil grows white
and my target grows weak

Hit me once
shame on you
but you don't get a second hit

one day you'll know my name
one day
ill throw you back in the dirt like you did me
We used to be so close
I used to call you a friend
A friend I never met
I trusted you with my heart
And we made time for each other

Now we don't talk unless I speak first
I send messages you never reply too
When I express why I'm hurt
you fix it for a day
before leaving me alone once more

Now I hope you can find time to talk with me
I hope that I am not an inconvenience to you
I hope that you still care about me

Yet when you've had a bad day
I stop what I am doing
I let you rant on about how bad work is
and when I tell you what's going on
I feel hopeful that I do matter to someone somewhere.

but then the silence comes once more
Showing no one does care
leaving me in the place

where I hope you find the time
that I make for you
So swift
So small
you blink
and its gone

Small idea
Large applications
the concepts beneath

Stories untold
Inventions to be created
Past pain
coming back up

So swift
So small
All the thoughts
of a troubled mind
Typed words on a page
1's and 0's on a server
Endless words of the unknown

All silent
all still
but causes emotions to pour out of strangers

No one bats an eye
to these words on a screen
unless your count is high

no one cares
until the words stop
and forever becomes never

Forever time will go on
Never will anyone ever see this
And one day, the words will stop

frozen in time
frozen forever
still and haunting of what could have been.
Looked over
Pushed aside

I work with what I have
but yet others get special treatment
and I'm once again told I can't do something

When I speak questions
I am yelled at
and cut with a knife
called "Insincere"
and family grows smaller

Messages of love and hope
are overlooked
in the chaos of the job

everyone forgets me
so who would care
if I just disappeared?
I sit at night
writing in ink
hoping it lasts the test of time
Quill and ink
every drop
a purpose intended
The only place I feel free
Free to look at myself
and question thoughts in my head
but is this freedom really free
When no one sees the words I write?
Talk at work
Talk at play
Talk with everyone during the event
Talk with the visitors who never stay

Talk with everyone
But no one talks to you
Outside of where you met

Is it too much
To wish some to mix
And finally have
At least, just one
Many know me
I'm there at a drop of the hat
When I need one
There is no one
My phone is silent
And I sit alone
Hoping for something
But nothing will change
And I am forever alone
Books of old
Line the shelves

So full of wonder
So full of life

But the energy required
To pull one down
Is much to bear

The act to find a distraction
Is daunting itself
And way to much to bear

So I'll sit still
Unsure my next move
Wondering if this breath is my last

As my mind runs a million miles a hour
Trying to find some energy

To live fully again
Tears and sobs
Turns into smiles and laughs

Turns into a feeling wanted

Turns into carring

Some much change
One way or the other

Love to heartache
Friends to strangers

Alone once more
And not sure what to do

I can message who ever I want
But does the knowledge help

When I don't want anyone
But the one I lost?
The story is there
The conflict is perfect
The ending will be a page-turner

but why do I struggle to write a single paragraph
I use to write pages
Stories just flowed off the keys

Now it's like a burden to type a single letter

Am I ready for the story
or is the world not ready for the tale?
Time is seen in the fading scars,

The understanding of the pain one felt,

The memories haunt them,

But slowly, they are getting better,

They didn't notice,

Until their first thought after pain,

Wasn't to make a new scar.
Its been months seen I've seen your face
yet I could see it clearly as the fence flew by
and that swift sweet moment
came rushing back in clarity

Was this my mind
accepting that I was moving on
or was this you
calling out once more
hoping that we salvage the destruction we created

My little devil
you still haunt my dreams
you still have part of my heart
but I need to find a new

I want the peace you search for yourself
I still look for you
despite the years it's been
beyond the time you last touched my skin
I still long for you

Looking for that spark we had in others
and coming up empty
because none will compare to you

I still miss you
and feel like I'm still crying in the rain
as you drove away

away from me
away from us
away from what could have been

so I hope
pray that one day you'll relise
that despite how you view yourself
that you are still loved


you still have my heart
and one day I hope we meet again
even if it is to see you one last time
In a crowded room
So many eyes scan
Each a mind, and a life
But yet they do nothing
For the one creating glass tears
Silent they look away
Hoping they do not stay
Golden Feather
so light and pure
your light
casts away the darkness
simple yet strong
innocent in war
perfect and flawed
both the truth
simple and powerful
burn bright Golden Feather
and keep the monsters away
"Did you loose weight?"
"You look so fit"
"I don't know what you did, but you look amazing"
"Man I wish I could look like you"

I stopped eating

not on purpose
but it was easier to pay rent
if I had 1 or 2 meals versus the normal 3

I started to loose sleep

Causing my mind to be on alert
and forcing my body to move
even when I am so tired

I just want to live
and yet I am punished for it
and praised for how good

sick looks on me
A day of celebration
When one walks across the stage
and grabs a piece of paper

However, when faced with the same situation
I realize I am not the woman people expect
instead, I am a scared little girl
living in fear
and hiding in my room

Once again
counting days till I move
while living a hell
and putting on a pretty face, so no one speculates

Once more, I sit
numb to lifes situations
scarred of the unknown
and hiding to prevent fights

Once more
I graduate from hell
Big room
Lights all around
Everyone's eyes on the stage

Cheers break out
for every name called
as they walk across

Unknown to all
some sit and watch
not feeling the excitement of the moment

Going through the motions
seems like a task
better left for tomorrow

Would it matter
if I graduated
You were a rock I didn't know I had
A ship that kept me afloat in the endless sea
And loosing you hurt like he'll

But the damage that was caused afterwards
The fighting and breaking
Only made the pain of missing you grow more

I miss your wisdom
I miss you taking me to play
I miss just spending time with you

People talk about the both of you
And say how I'm like you two
Business spitfire from hell
But a caring loyal creator

I only knew one of you
But I feel like I know the other pretty well
And seing your names covered in stone that day

Going back to the beginning of my problems
The start or a chain reaction
I relized how much I missed you

And even though I know your the one who saved me
That lonely night in December
I still wish you were here with us

Just so I could get to say goodbye grandma
Time ticks by
Some people celebrate numbers
And others dread them
All the same in the end

One more tick on life's counter
till a relaxation of death comes

No one can reverse it
not are we the same are before
time changes us all
situations shape us
as we
grow up

and try to find our place in life
I long for the day
when I look at my spouse and children
And wanting to pinch myself
because it feels like a dream

A dream that I rarely get now
A dream I hope for
A dream I realize
that is just a dream

I wake up by a million alarms
each one just makes me feel worse
Because I can't go back to my perfect dream

The dream where I am loved
The dream where I am safe
The dream where I can
have the happily ever after

that I will never have
Her smile is intoxicating
Her personality contagious
Her mind
a lovely prison
Slowly they come
Men of all ages
All trying to win her hand
But soon, they become poisoned
From her love

So true
So pure
So deadly
Unable to control it
Shes watches them choke
And slowly die
from loving her

Alone she lives
Broken men surround her
Reminders of her curse
No matter what she tries
the poison seeps through
And kills everything
but her
Why does it hurt so much?

previously your absence was a relief
now its pain

maybe because of the way it ended
or maybe because of what was said

but why does it hurt
and I can't cry anymore???
She was perfection
A goddess in mortal form
The definition of beauty
and had such a fragile heart

A heart that I dropped
A heart that I cracked
A heart
that I shattered

she watched in horror as I pushed her away
I screamed at her to go away
I told her I didn't need her

She used to come back.
She used always to be there
She used to support me

Once I shattered her heart
She left and didn't come back
and I was alone once again

I broke her because I hated myself.

She carries her head high now
her smile gleaming for miles
her energy filling up rooms full of joy
Would never know I shattered her heart

A million pieces it broke
but in the end
it was my heart I broke
A million pieces
a million tears

and none will bring her back to me
I want you here
I want you to hold me
and tell the world to leave me alone
I like your arms to keep me at night
and I want your lips to kiss every inch of my body
but as much as I want you here
Next to me
I can't have it

You wake up every day
tired from the day before
and you still find the energy
to run and help at a moments notice

You are there helping people
saving them when there is no hope
Calming blazes till their out
You're a hero to them...

So how can I want you
when it would be
taking someone's hero away
at the moment when they need one the most?
My first kiss
My first friend
My first shoulder to cry on
My first support
My first love

But life is a cruel thing
Taking him so young
Leaving a stone and flag
I cried for years
Our son trying his best to support me
But how can a child help the parent

So much pain
So much fear
And I never wanted to forgive him
He didn't have to leave
He could have stayed
Stayed with us
Watch his son grow

But I guess remembering you
Is better then having you hear
Despite my longing for you
Craving your touch once more
We found happiness in the pain

We still visit you
Still loop you in when something happens
Leave you a seat at events
Like his band concert last fall

I think we're finally finding that happiness again
We can never replace you
Nor do we try
But we are getter better
One day at a time
So simple
To hide something
You must hide it
in plain sight

Deep under the obvious
above the known

So is it really hidden then
or just waiting for the right time?
Three years
Three simple years

1st was great
finding love
standing up and speaking of the past
experiencing hurt
but feeling whole

2nd was different
lost many friends
grew close to others
still figuring out love
but trying to find peace with myself once more

3rd was one I wish not to speak about
one about pain
one about torment
one where my biggest regret lies

would I change it, perhaps
but I wouldn't be the same
but I also wouldn't dread a friendly visit
even if it is just talk
Dust in the wind

A husk of a body
With no soul left to live

Where is joy
Where is hope
When a desire
Is also a greatest fear

Hearts long
Brains clash
Could there ever be love
In the rough broken seas?

How can one love
The hollow of a person
Who use to be?
A term that means many things
A love and caring space
Or a nightmare one can not escape


Simple yet so much power
just like


New chapter
New city
New job

The sea of life tried to drown us
Not understanding
this was not the first storm we had been in

Excite and joy bubble out now
The anticipation holding us hostage
Soon we will be free

And though pain will come again
It can never take away my home
ever again
Normal people hope for love
They hope for dreams
Hope for fanesty to be real

Others hope for basic necessities
Understanding from another
Far and few dreams to be

But I hope for one thing
Something so small
Many would laugh at

I hope
Not to be broken
Once more

By person
By action
Or by thing

I wish not to feel the gut rentching pain
That is hope crashing to the ground
Shattering to dust

Is that so much to ask
Not to be broken once more?
Maybe the pencil will help
the brush my voice
by something small
I can find the joy
that I seem to be missing
So strange

To lay so still
To be frozen under the sheets
Wondering how you feel

When the last time
Your were in a borrowed one
Was with another
And you were happy then
A promise
A guarantee
that this would never happen again

But now the past repeats
The yelling once more
echos the halls

The home
has now became a house
A I count the days

till I can leave hell again
You were a house
You became a home
You were warm

Now your walls are baren
and the warmth chills to the bone
your still a house, but not a home

Laughter once echoed
Now covered by the shouts
overlooked in the frustration

The items left in the rush
are the ones I hold dear
the ones that shaped your warmth

All the items that made you cold
were moved first
leaving behind marks of the icicle claws

You were once a home
you were once warm
Now you're a house

a house full of horrors
that makes my skin crawl
and my body wishes to run from
Pinch here
spend there
everything way fine
until it all froze

I had budgeted
one more week
one more amount
that never came

Better job
Sell a house
All because
what I promised wasn't there

"Your lazy"
"Not good enough"
"Not trying"
but how can I try

when my government failed me
just because they want to yell at each other
instead of helping those
with a penny to our name
The room somber
the reality slowly hitting all of us
her young life
a freak thing
a terrible accident
but through the tears
that her family shed
I sit in the back
the dark black coffin
the cream fabric
a haunting reality
We're in the same room once more
and I can't tell her how I feel
My wife hated the idea I came
but I had to
had to say my goodbye
but even as the room empties
I sit in the back
That open coffin
her pretty face
just out of view
and my mind
trying to figure out
how to tell her
I love you
once more
How can I control the winds
Or the rays of the sun
Or the crashes of the sea
To ensure you'll be safe

You've gone through so much
More then I can imagine
But I know the war isn't over yet
But how can I help

God why her
She's 13
Let her be a child
And not deal with all of this

Just let her be a child
Give me her pain
If she can stay a child
For just a little bit more
My dear sister, how I wish I could make this stop
Drown out the thoughts
Blow the speakers
Damage your longterm
For temporary sensation

To stay sane
Small and simple
and yet what my heart craves
to finally have a home

I would shout it from rooftops.
Pay to have it written in the sky
Carve it in stone

Would you do the same?

Would you move the mountain if I asked
part the seas to let me walk
tame the wildest beast for me to pet

Would you?

I will smile when I think of you
The idea fueling my hearts fire
and your name the last upon my lips

Would I be yours?

A home
A sanctuary
A outgrove hidden from the world

Would you think of me the same?

I will choose you till time stops
No matter where you are
Will you choose me, too?
If I called you once more
would you answer?

If I called you once more
would you hear the tears I struggled to hold back?

If I called you once more
would you give me the minute to accept the truth?

Would you let me be raw
for the first time in years?
would you listen to my walls crumbling?
would you
........would you still care?
It would be silent where I am
But counties over would wail
Tear shed for a life so young

They would ship me off
To a place I hate
And have me sit and wait

Through my books they would search
Finding the words
I hold close

Fully understanding the mind I had
Finally seeing the life I had

My letters
Sealed with wax
The book with gold

Words of person
Who knew too much
And said too little
Your body tensed
your mind confused
something we haven't done
something that was almost failure

But at the last attempt
you stayed
letting me climb
letting me slide on

the old familiar pace
Balancing as you moved
trying to figure out the weight

happiness bursting at the seems
of a moment I thought would never happen
I could feel you smile

With a attempt of control
in a open field with a mare you bow to
fear took hold
and you bolted

some how still aware of me
and the dangers around
trying to bring me to safety

but muscle memory failed
my mind confused
and in one sharp turn
I fell

but through the pain I felt
assesing if a bone broke or not
I was happy

and even though you thought you were at fault
and the boss stood between us
when I put my hand on your skin
you calmed
understanding it was not your fault

but a start of a new chapter
no mater how long it is
we were a team once more
It would be simple

All this pent up frustration
All this uncertainty
All this self hate of not being good enough


Swift and simple
Maybe the sound lasts a moment
Maybe a minute
or a hour, or few

but it has been years
so silent that no one heard it

maybe if they could hear
then it would stop
and I could get my life back under me?

Just clarity
a peace
so much to ask?
My sweet little devil
you've learned how to care
how to thrive
how to love
and you have it in your mind
that you wish to come
but would you still feel the same
if you understood why I dread it?
why I want it to both happen and not at the same time
a internal torment of my mind
over my simple regret

if you only understood how deep
this action goes
if you only remembered who was involved
if you only remembered how you stopped me
from making a terrible mistake

simple and swift
a request of a job
you refused
not because of the target
but of the payment

being me...
I'm sorry little devil if you find this before I can tell you face to face
I found myself once again
In the unexpected of places

My mindset on trying to find the impossible
My heart singing only one tune

With a small spark of hope, I rushed closer
Praying I could find what I seek

But soon, my little flame was smothered
and I was broken-hearted once more

A kind stranger saw my struggle
They knew my pain

"A different tune perhaps,
could change your mind?"

Time ticked by slowly
my little candle slowly glowing again

A new melody sang from my heart
as I finally found what I had been missing

With my flame burning like a forest fire
I search for more of the same

Anything to replace the ache in my heart
That I had grown to love

My candle now almost burned out
I looked in the mirror once more

My reflection
My soul

Once more, it was out on display again
True and bright

I felt comfortable
I felt free

and I knew
I was looking at me.
Master of Strategy
You see moves before I can even think of them
a simple game of chess

but though you used to proclaim your skill
you still have no idea how simple it is
to play you

you studied the board
I studied you
strange questions
only make my heart shatter

perhaps one day, I will relieve the guide
one day I will remove this curtain I have you behind
One day

When I see you again
Oh, my little devil, if only you knew who the real devil was.
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