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 Oct 29 ImosyrroS
They can yell, They can scream,
I'll sit silent and listen,
Because, "To be a good leader,
you have to be a good listener"
Even if they don't say things you want to hear like,
“You’re such an attention seeker.”
“You’re not worth the effort..."
I was in pursuit
of empty phantoms
and thus emptied out myself .
I became a seeker of worthlessness and became as worthless too
I was raised by the bounty of my glory days
But now I am starving through and through
And I have defiled the hands that once guided mine
A realization that only comes with the passage due to time

My ego does not lie
For my ego is the lie

I was astonished
then horribly afraid
at the total desolation
of the phantoms in my
 Oct 28 ImosyrroS
I spoke of you to the vast sky and wandering clouds,
confiding in their endless expanse.
And now, whenever I gaze upon them, they echo the ache of your absence, enveloping me in the haunting presence of what is no longer here,
as I sit beneath their silent witness.
I sense you near, though lost from sight
I love the sterile validity
The wavering insecurity
The disparity
of all its complexity

I love the strings
that make fingers bleed
who slobber down to their knees
Epic chords that slander like a gentle breeze

What's not to love like the ghost of Mac and Beth
The accumulated end funds
that go not to the bereft
The music like vampires that have no death

Thank God for my joy
that classical dispelleth
My light it distinguisheth
The catch breath as clear as crystal ****
Discredit :
Any likeness to anyone , coincidential or purposefully , is a pigment of your imagination .
 Oct 27 ImosyrroS
It’s kinda funny
How some people would consider themselves “grownups”
Until it is time to
Apologize for their actions
Accept accountability
Or rather yet just tell the truth
It’s only then their “grown” selves would release a childlike tantrum
And play the victim cover up their childish crimes

It’s somewhat ironic to know that no one likes to admit that their wrong at times
Words are like keys if you choose them right .
They can open any heart or shut any mouth .

I opened up . . .
dumped out the words
kicked them hard !
       CRACK !
goes a breaking rib
There is no mercy that I give
Stomped them flat
Sretched them out
Made them squeal
before I made them shout
I grabbed them naked by the throat
Squeezed so hard I made them choke
I made pain flash in their eyes
I made them pay for all their lies
Their hot fear sweated out
I was resolved without a doubt
Red blood running cold
All their soul I bought and sold
I made them wish they had never been saged
Before I made a morgue of the page
 Oct 26 ImosyrroS
Do you know , I have pressed against the veins of my heart , to teach myself the feeling of unloving you ?
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