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 Jun 2014 Winston Lee
 Jun 2014 Winston Lee
There is sea salt all over my hands, and I know I'm not the ocean.
So let's drink tea out of mason jars,
with cold porcelain shards instead of ice,
and let's cut our mouths on every argument we've ever had.
I hope you don't mind if I make a home out of you,
and I'm sorry if my spirit doesn't fit so well inside of yours, you see
I have been carrying dead weight with me like a terminated pregnancy,
and mourning the emptiness inside of me like a miscarriage.
Now it seems like I'm only giving birth
to the sorrow that my heart cannot hold.
Now I'm starting my mid-life crisis early, stating over, starting with you.
I'm writing my past into the sand, waiting for the tide to clean my slate.
So just wait a little but while I hold my breath hostage,
and I will wait for a ransom to come,
and I will pray that it doesn't come barreling down my door, looking like you.
 Feb 2014 Winston Lee
Lola Roe
I want to feel the sun on me,
I want to feel the breeze,
I want to feel the freedom,
God I beg you please,

I want to feel sand between my toes,
I want to see palm trees,
I want to lay in the ocean,
God I beg you please,

I want to breathe pure air,
I want to inhale beauty,
I want to find myself,
And see kindness instead of cruelty,

I want to be alone,
I want to relax my soul,
I want to forget my troubles,
And leave the past at home.

God I beg you please,
Give me something new,
Give me a life worth living for,
Set me free.
 Feb 2014 Winston Lee
I once said I was on cloud nine, but who's counting, anyways? I would, but, you see, I have too many things to tell you at once, more than I can count one one or two or six thousand hands - even still, the sun in your hair is doing a pretty good job of saying the words that they haven't made up for you yet. In my mind, the world would be happier it they'd stop looking for heaven in the sky because the universe that exists where my fingertips stop and your skin starts is not clothed in all white and there are no pearly gates but in this small fraction of a moment, nobody is dying. In some way, something taught us to tilt our heads back and stare at the starry expanse of the celestial universe above us as though we were looking for the answers to every thing we've ever been to afraid to ask but, in my peripheral vision, something about you glittered and my neck was tired from staring and calling out to whatever existed beyond our world and getting a divine busy tone, it was nice to see something beautiful in these human realms, for once. So if there is room to buid even the smallest shelter in the spaces between the small spaces in your teeth, I promise to construct one out of gentle words; if there was a scripture to make the veins under your skin sing praises a little louder, then I would write and rewrite the Bible until my hands bled. Just let me be the reason you are hungry but do not starve, let me show you the way that a body can unfold without crumpling first; I will trace a pattern onto your skin without so much as a single sound, but still, it could, perhaps, be something close to music.
 Feb 2014 Winston Lee
im not ready
 Feb 2014 Winston Lee
last night i dreamt that i was a portrait artist
and you wanted me to draw you.
so we sat in your room,
you spread yourself wide
and put on that face that i ever so love.
i started with your finger tips
because every time you touch me,
i know they care for me.
i moved onto your legs,
so graceful... so soft.
i went onto your back
and i danced on your spinal cord
and watched the way it arched.
and when i got to your lips...
i just couldn't get enough.

this dream, i guess it meant something.
someone as beautiful as you shouldn't be
anywhere near me.

i am so dark, i cant ruin you as well.
you are my friend but sometimes
my dreams say you're not.

i dont think im ready. and i dont believe that i ever will be.
We seldom wish
to let go
of what we have,
it is only once it's lost
that we begin to realize,
once more,
how easily we can begin anew,
once more.

For this reason,
seek simplicity
and elegance,
not only in what you have,
but also in what you do,
and unto what and whom
you chose to share and impart
your divine Energy;
your mortal Time.
 Feb 2014 Winston Lee
Sir B
"My thoughts are stars that can't fathom into constellations."

“You don't get to choose if you get hurt in this world...but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices.”

“Some tourists think Amsterdam is a city of sin, but in truth it is a city of freedom. And in freedom, most people find sin.”

“I'm in love with you, and I know that love is just a shout into the void, and that oblivion is inevitable, and that we're all doomed and that there will come a day when all our labor has been returned to dust, and I know the sun will swallow the only earth we'll ever have, and I am in love with you.”

“What else? She is so beautiful. You don’t get tired of looking at her. You never worry if she is smarter than you: You know she is. She is funny without ever being mean. I love her. I am so lucky to love her, Van Houten. You don’t get to choose if you get hurt in this world, old man, but you do have some say in who hurts you. I like my choices. I hope she likes hers.”

“You do not immortalize the lost by writing about them. Language buries, but does not resurrect.”
Oh the book, its a wonderful creation. I appreciate its existence.

— The End —