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Willie Feb 2020
Feel your breath on my skin
Flowing through goosebumps akin
To single treetops on hills
Your single touch feels

I feel in colours abound
I breathe in waves of sound
My heartbeat mimics my feeling
It has me kneeling
At your feet

I wish to feel all of you
To know your depths true
To feel what you are
See you for the first time

The smell of you still lingers
Like sand slipping through my fingers
Slowly it fades away
How I wish it would stay
To remind me of you

I taste regret of my past
Feelings that should never last
I taste the shadows I cast
They taste so vast
Could you shine through

Could you help me
Set my limits free
Make me a new person
Reborn in your arms
Willie Feb 2020
I've fallen
On my back
Head filled with despair

Thoughts of what I once desired
Flood my mind
**** my soul
Untapped potential spilled like blood

Wasted on me
No more desire
Clings to my actions
Only repetition keeps me moving

My youthful vigor eludes me
Time has stolen my passion
Life has taken my prize
I am left without

A shadow of what used to be
Alone, lonely
A comet in a sky filled with stars
Burnt out
Willie Feb 2020
It's been years since my last regression
Because things seemed to be going alright
No reason to be scared of the dark
No chance of being swallowed by the night

I've been feeling empty
Lantern burning its wick
The sun burns me
And the moon makes me sick

No end in sight
I walk along the sidewalk blind
Bumped into failure one evening
He seemed kind

I chose my path
Not knowing where it would lead
But it seems never ending, bending
Falling along makes me bleed

My road is red with blood
Watered down from tears
Willie Dec 2019
As the day draws to a close
and the darkness shows its face
I peek from my dimly lit room
and find the stars in heaven's place

The darkness holds me
in cold embrace
Keeps me hidden
Of my loneliness it keeps only a trace

In the night I hold the power
to control my own fate
I answer only to the unseen
unbound by others' gate
Willie Sep 2019
Silence drowns out all my screams
Failure chases away all my broken dreams

Drowning saves me from learning to swim
Running away saves me from dying within

So I ran to a place I felt safe
And I felt alone again

Isolation keeps all your friends at bay
Not that you have many anyway

Sin keeps you from grace
And chases you from the only place
You felt safe

Loneliness saves me from heartache
But which is worse?
Willie Aug 2019
My intentions are almost always pure
Selfish maybe but never
Filled with anything but kindness
And yet they're never really clear

My intent is weak
It comes across so lukewarm
And cold
A halfhearted smile and embrace

I care
I feel
I want
I swear I do

I wish i could hold my friends close
In a never ending hug
Console them, lighten their burden
Love them

I wish to feel loved
I want to know how to love
How to not feel alone
Happiness that doesn't come in waves

I want to be desired
Wish to feel alive
Be a better man
Than I am
Willie Aug 2019
I wrote to my future self
So naive of me
I wrote of happiness
And what I wanted to be

I burned this letter
From my past
It reminded of a better time
My delusions vast

I'm not happy
With what I'm doing
It fills me with such dread
And sadness

I feel lost in the moment
As my responsibility drags me along
Going through this 9 to 5 life
It feels wrong

I want to experience the world
With friends by my side
I want to feel bliss
But only a week ago I cried
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