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Jun 2019 · 280
- Image of Somebody -
William Eberlein Jun 2019
I'm still worried about my acne at 25.
Maybe it's stress...
Or bad diet...
Or both.

I'm not tall.
And I'm not long.
Short enough to make a difference in either direction.
Knowledgeable enough to learn.
Patient enough for ease.
Willing enough to be me.

I look forward to habit,
Like a habit.

To experiment and in two turn, implement.

We can be.
We are.
And, we have been.

I anticipate this ten fold feeling
Thousands of times.

You were placed on my path for a reason.

If for this emotion and nothing else...
Then I embrace it in full for as long as it takes.
Yet if you want me to pray,
Know that I beg it to take me away.

Thanks to me for bringing myself to a place where I can say...
Thank you.


One of the few lovely souls
That I was ever willing to let be a part of me.

You must come to understand
That my eyes don't work like they used to.

I see not just somebody.
I see you,
Through your beautiful stained glass windows,
To the infinite beyond.

May you relearn to look in the mirror as I see you.

Because I see you.

Only you.
Jun 2019 · 262
- FaST sTAR -
William Eberlein Jun 2019
You're an Endling, darling.

That's what you are.

The last living piece of a far away star.

Your eyes and that mind behind tell of a galaxy yet to be discovered by any terrestrial creature here on Earth.

The dimensions peel away to reveal parts of your soul in the deep forest.

In the sewn seams of mountain and sky.

And in the flower strewn meadows of the valley.

A lost and serendipitous traveler is he, to gaze upon you... The beacon to all beauty and all of its beautiful ideas.

There indeed in truth be a light that never leaves you.

May we look upon your crown and tremble to know that the divine feminine has taken to human flesh at long last.

I dare say that even the stars have seated themselves across this universal amphitheater to witness your life in its entirety.

Your every breath and every heartbeat gives them a reassurance that their ticket was worth the price of admission.

And when you choose to shuffle off this mortal coil, darling... Please know that this world will breathe nothing so lovely again.
Nov 2018 · 283
- Damned -
William Eberlein Nov 2018
Give it a rest William.
She isn't here.
Let her go.
She deserves a good life,
a fulfilling life.
She deserves a life as beautiful as she is.
Lay the memory of her to rest.
Place the memory of her down at the bedrock of your soul,
but do it gently.
She deserves more than you.
She deserves more than you could ever give.
She deserves more than you could ever be.
Let her go William.
Set her free.
Aug 2018 · 334
One In A Million
William Eberlein Aug 2018
In a system like this
there are meant to be losers.

Why do you think I exist?
May 2016 · 642
Window Reflections
William Eberlein May 2016
Innocent eyes staring back at me and my guilty filthy soul.

So mucked up and even deeper a grit I feel, for tainting such a starfull sky beyond which all trains traverse.

Leave me behind,
In the dirt I prefer.

So that I may sow my seeds for yet another blackened blend of months and grow them into years...

All the same.

All in a row.
May 2016 · 548
Lively Living
William Eberlein May 2016
We are getting older.
And the adventures we didn't partake
Are barren to the memory yet vividly clear.
Dare I say, unbearably so.
I ask not of god, but instead to the phantom me that I will never see...
To be swift with his blade and blessing.
May he cleave me in two,
Spilling my blood upon the dessert sands
And pick from it
The fragments of mine soul.
May 2016 · 377
Track Marks
William Eberlein May 2016
This existence is a drug,
And I intend to overdose.
May 2016 · 293
William Eberlein May 2016
Blank pages stare up at me
Waiting ever so ******* patiently
For me to write something stupid and forgetful.
Sep 2015 · 313
Chest Pains
William Eberlein Sep 2015
I whisper my contempt to the dark
And wait patiently for its response.
For some reason, long ago
When I thought it was okay to spend my life alone,
I wallowed not in the mercy of pitiful things...
But now they are all that I have.
And I hold them close
As my memory of daylight fades against the wall.
Sep 2015 · 340
William Eberlein Sep 2015
So many trees.
With so many different shapes and sizes
Standing next to one another in peace.
In loving harmony with the soil and the sun.
Why can we not do the same?
William Eberlein Sep 2015
I am not lost,
And I am not without poetry.
Because you give me direction,
And you are why I breathe.
William Eberlein Sep 2015
Life will break you.
And then reshape you.
Get ready to stand back up
Because we still love you.
Sep 2015 · 539
Red cars and bike racks
William Eberlein Sep 2015
I'm introduced like a champion,
So that is what I will be.
I will be humanity's champion
and every champion's humanity.
I will be what you ask me to
So long as it is something that I can become.
I'm eager to jump in,
But am afraid of the things I've heard
Regarding it's depths.
But that's just it...
I don't even know what it is.
So many whispers in the day light
To let you know what it's going to be like.
Let's forget tomorrow,
And look forward to yesterday.
I've forgotten what I was supposed to forget.
And now I'm back in bed
Where I was last month.
Wishing I was invisible
Standing on highway 94.
Jun 2015 · 318
- (sunrise) Medicine -
William Eberlein Jun 2015
I want to say that it's all an illusion.
That it's all... Irrelevant...

But there you are.

Holding up my reality.
Jun 2015 · 238
-I have a few last words-
William Eberlein Jun 2015
I want someone to be courageous for.

And I know that makes me weak...
But it's the truth.
And I'm hoping it sets me free.
Jun 2015 · 236
- Butterfly -
William Eberlein Jun 2015
I want to wake up with her in my arms,
And her hair in my face.
I want to run my hands over her body
To wake her.
To assure myself that she exists.
And to feel like a God,
Because she chose me too.
Jun 2015 · 219
- ... -
William Eberlein Jun 2015
Kiss me forever.
For that is how long
I will love you.
Jun 2015 · 247
- Later On -
William Eberlein Jun 2015
Until I see you next my love,
Know that you never leave my mind.
Jun 2015 · 233
- Beneath It All -
William Eberlein Jun 2015
You discover
The most truth
Within emotion.

That is why
We seek those moments...
And remember them most vividly.
William Eberlein Jun 2015
My existence is scattered across the pavement.
And I'm just too far gone to care.
William Eberlein Jun 2015
"Give me a minute,
And I will tell you how it ends..."

And he never
came back.
Jun 2015 · 257
- Always and Forever -
William Eberlein Jun 2015
I have found a reason to need you.
And I will keep it.
Jun 2015 · 252
- Oh, how I miss you -
William Eberlein Jun 2015
I see the melancholy in your smile.
And I wonder,
And I hope,
And I dream,
It's because of me.

No, not because I wish to see you suffer...

But because you are the reason for mine.
Jun 2015 · 211
- Completely -
William Eberlein Jun 2015
... And when she kissed me,
All the pieces of my heart
Were strung together
And pulled tight.

Making it more whole
Than it ever was.

And leaving me
More in love,
Than I had ever been.
William Eberlein Jun 2015
All that I will ever be able to do,
When trying to describe her,
Is waste both ink and breath.
Jun 2015 · 243
- Skinwalkers -
William Eberlein Jun 2015
There are many things to fear,
Because fear has many names.
But the only way to conquer them,
Is to shine so ******* bright,
That all the dark things
Travel towards you,
Like moths to a flame,
So that they know what it is
To die beautifully
And to forget their sins.
Jun 2015 · 204
- Red -
William Eberlein Jun 2015
You will hear no words from me.

I will walk up to you,
And slice your throat.
William Eberlein Feb 2015
I see your palm outstretched
Awaiting and expecting my own.
So I reach out my hand
Only to discover,
That time itself has stopped.
Yet even so, I press onward
To push my mind and body
Through all seasons,
And every weather.
And as my hand touches yours...
An electric current stops my heart.

And then you turn to look at me.

And I'm okay again.

Same as I was
When I died,
Just a moment ago.
Feb 2015 · 296
Slow Dancing
William Eberlein Feb 2015
I write now,
A poem of fathomless love.
And you
Are its focus.
Feb 2015 · 449
Comfort Zone
William Eberlein Feb 2015
My hands have fallen from grace.
And my mind has followed.
I've wasted time,
In an attempt to wish it back.
I've traveled the sea less than once.
And I regret not drowning beneath its salty embrace more than zero.
There is something wrong with my heart...
And yet I let it lead me.
Guiding me ever onwards,
Towards the edge of the paper.
Towards the edge of all that I have ever known.
But little by little,
And with a small leap of faith...
I begin to realize
That that's where the fun begins!
And like the rising sun,
It dawns on me,
That maybe
The comforting embrace
Of mine own grace...
Wasn't the place to grow.
Sep 2014 · 311
Broken System
William Eberlein Sep 2014
Live for living.
And die for dying.
Aug 2014 · 664
Fucking Decisions
William Eberlein Aug 2014
I could have been anything.
Instead, I was this.
Aug 2014 · 317
Early Hours Before The Sun
William Eberlein Aug 2014
I am afraid of falling asleep.
For a fear of dreaming,
Of endless stars that I cannot count.
All in a rush to get to the end of time.
Where life takes its toll and knocks me out.
Aug 2014 · 337
Welcome To Life
William Eberlein Aug 2014
Where the rain
Splits in two
Just to hit you twice.
Aug 2014 · 424
William Eberlein Aug 2014
The pressure is finite,
Yet we wait for its bite.
Letting Time seed itself into thought.
Watching it grow to a fault within already suffocating memories.
Tasting the flavor of its rotten decay,
When all else is gone and lost.
Avoiding the touch of a mentality separate from our own.
Only because we reach out and connect with nothing but emptiness.
Witnessing our flesh pass through the colors of our savior's soul.
Tainting their existence with the blackness of our own.
Desperately waiting for the desire to want to change.
From who we were.
From who we are.
And with eyes wide shut,
Wanting to change ourselves from what we are going to become.
Holding tightly to every breath we breathe,
For a fear of letting it evolve into the next one.
And the next one.
And the next one.
Ultimately choking ourselves for a reason we cannot fathom.
Yet knowing it to be a muscle memory we cannot overcome.
From a life long past we scream into the dust that buried us.
Cursing our parents for dying before we flew.
And in the end...
Understanding fully well that we are here if for no other reason,
Than to break ourselves on rocks we cannot see,
And were never really there in the first place.
Aug 2014 · 726
Blue Moon
William Eberlein Aug 2014
The world seems too big to fathom.
You **** and it feels amazing.
Your heart beats for the wrong person.
The bread goes stale.
There just aren't enough words.
And sometimes,
That's alright.
William Eberlein Aug 2014
We live and we die.
We go and we try.
And the point of life,
Is that there is no point.
So call yourself a hero,
Because no one else will ever mean it more than you.
Get up and dance with your imagination,
For it wastes no time in moving on.
And if you have to look in the mirror one last time,
Remember that it is okay to cry.
To be human.
To be alive,
And feel a pain worth changing.
Aug 2014 · 305
William Eberlein Aug 2014
I am home and abroad.
Alone wherever I may be, yet free all the same.
I wonder how my memory will come to pass from this world.
And if all the rumors were true in the end.
I hear melodies from far away amongst the stars.
But sometimes I forget to sing them.
I see into the histories written upon my arms.
And if I'm not careful, I may fall once again.
I am home and abroad.
Alone wherever I may be, yet free all the same.

I pretend only in the entertainment of nothingness.
For infinity is where I divide my time.
I feel naked and lost.
Blind to myself, but still in the womb of the world.
I touch the faces of gods and men in a storied darkness.
Trying to find an answer to the questions I have not asked yet.
I worry about the time I tinker with.
Setting it aside to watch it crumble as I leave.
I cry for the words that have fallen out of existance.
Felled or fumbled by an act of disdain.
I am home and abroad.
Alone wherever I may be, yet free all the same.

I understand nothing.
Not even my beliefs.
I say something for the sake of saying it.
And may that be a plea to heed the words I speak.
I dream of waking up.
With a mind wide open.
I try for a brighter tomorrow.
So that I can make my parents proud.
I hope for a humanity that I cannot seem to boast.
Finding myself to be stuck halfway through forever.
I am home and abroad.
Alone wherever I may be, yet free all the same.
Aug 2014 · 926
Bamboo In Blue
William Eberlein Aug 2014
When I look at her,
I see that I don't have to wait forever.
I know that I can live forever.
Aug 2014 · 1.0k
Far, Far Away
William Eberlein Aug 2014
Somewhere in time
Far off
Where my hands can't reach
And my mind gets lost...
I hold you tightly.
And I hold you close.
Aug 2014 · 399
A Kick In The Nuts
William Eberlein Aug 2014
It's funny what you do to me...
You see,
I smile at you to give you a courtesy,
And when you smile back,
Mine gets stuck on my face for the rest of the day.
And when I look at you,
My vocabulary grows wings and flies away.
And all I'm left with are a whole bunch of ums and buts.
And when I glance at yours,
My heart hits itself in the face.
And my brain goes boom.
Boom like a rocket goes fast.
And loud like the silence I can only think of afterward.
And given that you leave to say hello at another time,
I feel odd to watch you go.
And then I get mad at my lips,
For not dancing like I wanted them to.
And OH NO,
That's not the end of it!
You leave me to carry my knees,
And bite my toes.
I look at you and see something new.
I look at you...
And I don't feel so blue.
Aug 2014 · 318
Advice for the Mind
William Eberlein Aug 2014
Shake well
Before opening.
After opening,
Keep refrigerated.
Aug 2014 · 262
It's Killing Me
William Eberlein Aug 2014
As I walked by,
There was a crack in the wall,
Shaped like a heart.
And I laughed at the irony.
Aug 2014 · 252
William Eberlein Aug 2014
Just make it to tomorrow.
So that you can make it to tomorrow.
So that you can make it to tomorrow.
So that you can make it to tomorrow.
Aug 2014 · 294
How I Survive
William Eberlein Aug 2014
I will cry for however long the world allows me.
And when I'm done,
I take hold of the hand that life provides me.
And when I'm done,
I see just how lonely,
I don't have to be.
Aug 2014 · 289
No Excuses
William Eberlein Aug 2014
I am who I am,
Because I am who I am!
Anything different,
And I might not be that way.
Aug 2014 · 588
William Eberlein Aug 2014
Scars are my artistry.
Pain is my gain.
Tattoos are the ink in which I sign my name.
And the piercings are my way of shining bright for all to see.
Aug 2014 · 304
Our Fault
William Eberlein Aug 2014
For making me love you.
For making me hate you.
Aug 2014 · 359
Tick Tock
William Eberlein Aug 2014
Simple as that...
Im as dead as the rat.
William Eberlein Aug 2014
How could I have possibly fallen into love once again, after trying so hard not to?
The fact that I've done this before only strengthens the confusion and anger I feel growing within.
Yet here I am... Telling whispered gossips of nothing to no one.
At this point, I'm more in wonder with my own inability to function, than I am with her smile and her eyes.
I admit that I had once thought myself to be moving slowly, but now I dare not go in any direction, for fear of acting out the history I once so eagerly committed.
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