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Ashley Haack Mar 2015
The smell of your shampoo lingers upon them,
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
I saw a girl walk in the door,
Up the isle, and to the counter.
She ordered food and smiled,
Then sat down with her father.
I brought them their rice and chicken,
Politely saying rehearsed lines,
But all I could think was-
God, she looks like Carrie would now...
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
I never realise how good a song really is
Until I listen to it at night, all alone,
In the dark... and it makes me want to cry.
There's nothing like a chilling lullaby
Or a broken hearted reminisent love song
To bring forth the tears held back for days,
Just waiting for a moment like this to be
Drained away.

I really should sleep more...
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
He calls it his prison,
He's held hostage there a lot,
But recently I've begun to wonder,
If it's truely a prison or not.
When he goes in he's silent,
He's closed off from the world,
But I try to find a way in, a weak spot,
A ***** in the armor, and I fail...
I'm begining to think that it's not
A prison for him so much as a prison for the world...
A way to lock away everything that causes him pain,
A way to run from the darkness of this world,
To hide away in the safety of the silence
Only found in the recesses of ones own mind...
So tell me, is it a prison for him?
Or is it a prison for the rest of us?
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
When I stare off into the horizon,
and my mind wanders to and fro,
I begin to wonder.
Why is it that people dream?
Is there a reason for winter?
Why must things die?
What happens to you when
you pass on? Do you dissapear,
Or does your mind float into the sky,
Watching as other lives unfold below?
Why don't trees grow sideways?
Why are humans flightless?
Is there such things as dragons?
Do I have a twin, seprated at birth?
Why do I sneeze so oddly?
Does everyone think so deeply?
Am I alone in my wondering?
If people heard my thoughts...
Would they wonder about me?
Ashley Haack Mar 2014
Journaling is hard...
Have you ever tried it?
You write each day, about random ****,
Only to find nobody gives a crap.
You fall asleep early and into the trap-
Of procrastination.
This dutiful task is one big opperation,
With the heart monitor beeping,
Time keeps on ticking.
The days smear together,
On the ugly speckled canvas,
Of the 50¢ notebooks,
You store next to your bed...

***** journaling,
I think I'd rather be a poet.
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
Yet another realization,
With every passing birthday,
I'm nearing my own death...
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
When the rain pelts the earth with crystaline droplets,
It feels like fists beating away at the pain and the hurt.
The knives in the drawer near my terminally inhabited bed,
Make much better projectiles then the words I once flung hatefully.
Shadows that stretched towards me with creeping hands at dusk,
Never felt so much like an embrase as when I was with Him,
Squirreled away inside the arms of security, cloaked in darkness,
Bathed in starlight, listening to the lullaby of the cicadas.
He is my reason to smile in the rain, to throw instead of spit,
To feel the warth and love of the darkness without any hate.
He is my true love, he gave me the night to wear in my mind,
Like a crown for a king, or a gown for a queen. He made me free.
Ashley Haack Apr 2014
You lied to me...
Looking right at me,

You smiled.

The words flowing
like poison from your
tainted lips with ease.

But I saw your lies
For what they were,
Awed by your bravado
And pitying your
Pathetic exscuses.

Here's some advice,
Next time,
Dont lie to a liar.
Ashley Haack May 2014
If Earth is like a pebble,
then isn't skipping rocks,
just like destroying planets?
And if it is,
then are we all monsters?
What if the little rock-people,
see what's coming,
and decide to attack us?
What if all these years,
we've been drowning aliens,
just to pass time?
Time spent waiting,
to meet an alien.
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
The chains have sunken in, like ivy on a wall,
It's almost impossible to seperate him from them,
But that's what I'm determined to do.
I may not have noticed them instantly,
For they blend in so easily,
But once they've been spotted they aren't forgotten,
And I've set my sights on unlocking them.
We may be made with broken pieces,
The odds and ends of better things,
But I will use my broken bits as tools,
To fashion a skeleton key,
That will open all the locks,
Of the chains that bind you,
So that you can be free,
To enjoy your life, with me.
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
I don't understand how dark is evil and light is good,
The light gives skin cancer, blinds, and burns,
The light cooks us, kills us, boils our blood,
So why is it a sign for good?
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
Isn't it amazing how easily we can lose ourselves?
Transported into books, stranded in the woods,
Staring blankly as our minds drift away from us...
Honestly, it's so very easy to get lost now days.
With ideas and gadgets and so much knowledge,
One could even become lost in themself!
Yet here we are, reading poems, trying so hard
To lose ourselves in words. To be free of society,
For however briefly. So I emplore you all,
Stop stressing, relax, and lose yourself in
The beautiful art of Poetry.
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
Even when I'm upset and crying,
Hold me close in your strong arms,
Keep me warm and whisper softly,
Tell me everything that you love,
From the way I smile to the look in my eyes,
Remind me that you're love is unending,
Make me see the beauty you insist exists in me,
Take my hand and hold it tightly,
Wipe the tears from my eyes,
Lift my chin up and tell me it's okay,
Look me in the eyes and I know I'll be alright,
Because in that instant I'll know,
That you'll love me always.
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
Last summer...
           When we went to an elementary school,
                        To test out some throwing knives,
                                     And that target we made,
Ashley Haack Mar 2014
As a teen
I love food,
But as a teen
I hate all the mirrors,
That bombard me
With views of my ugliness,
So now, as a teen
I've stopped eating food,
Started avoiding those
Haunting bathroom mirrors,
Of course I do still eat
But just nibbles,
Nothing much
And the mirrors-
Aren't as bad,
When  you can see
Your bones.
And your stomach
Has shrunk,
And your body feels
Ashley Haack Dec 2014
Society thrives when we're catagorized
Under numbers and statistics, stripping us
Of our humanity so as not to grow attached...
We'll, I've got some news for you-
I don't care about the numbers,
Those statistics? Go ahead and shred them,
I don't care how the "system" runs,
You and I, our humanity, it's far to precious
To be stripped away, cling to it with those sharp
Claws of yours Mr. Demon, and I'll do the same,
Together we'll strip off those stupid numbers
And become one with each other.
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
Mr. Demon dreampt
With me wrapped in his arms
Nestled against his chest
In the light of the day
And when he awoke
He smiled at me
And said he'd dreampt
Of snowcones
Ashley Haack Apr 2014
I can't see you,
but I know. I know
that you're still there.
Right where I left you,
Where nobody will look.
Nestled in like a fledgling,
My little secret, my Nick.
You've been in my thoughts
a lot lately, and I know why,
Your temptation is growing-
Or maybe my resistance
is simply fading...
I want to give in.
I'm curious, so Nick-
Bite me
Ashley Haack Jan 2015
Life is so much more than this,
It's not about the failures,
It's not about the mistakes,
It's about the people and memories,
The time you spend with they,
Creating instances that'll last
Longer than a thousand mistakes,
I know I make mistakes,
Everyone makes them though,
So why should we dwell on them?
Why should we linger on our failures,
When we could, instead, focus on our successes?
I don't care if you've ******* up in the past,
I don't care if you've failed at things,
We all have, it's part of how people learn,
It makes us who we are, and as long as we,
Learn something from our failures,
Then I don't think we can really call them,
Failures at all... more like lessons.
Our 'failures' don't define us, they shape who we are.
Ashley Haack Jun 2015
A queen would be nothing if not
for her most loyal knight
Ashley Haack Sep 2014
Why do I still worry?
Why do I care where you are?
Why do I care if you still think of me?
Why do I worry at all?
Why do I bother thinking of you?
Why don't I move on already?
Why can't I let go completely?
Why do you frequent my thoughts?
Why do I care you spent several nights at a chick's place?
Why do I care you didn't talk to me for a week?
Why do I keep wondering so much about you?
Ashley Haack May 2014
Chilling in a plastic freezer bag,
Waiting for the ground to thaw,
Attempted words of comfort,
"It's like he's sleeping,"
No, he's not. He most definately is not.
Don't tell me he's ******* sleeping.
Three months in our freezer,
So we could bury him in the spring?
In a shovel-dug hole, among the worms,
Covered in those stupid floral flowers?
Frozen stiff from death, and from cold...
Don't even bother with your lies,
He's not ******* sleeping.
RIP Chile
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
You can always tell,
Who the introverts,
Are in the summer,
Months, we're just so pale...
Ashley Haack Aug 2014
I drove
The bridge.
Ashley Haack Apr 2017
I didn't realize that burying my head in textbooks
Drowning my thoughts in statistical calculations
Masking my emotions with a blank look of contemplation
Was my way of coping
Ashley Haack Jan 2015
We all have our quirks,
Our own little weirdnesses,
But it still shocks me when
My Demon of Ice has warmer
Hands than me.
Ashley Haack May 2014
Remarkable marks marring mankind
Cuts and scrapes, healed long ago
Reminders of a dangerous past
Proof that nothing wont last
Stories of our decisions
Preserved upon fleshy skin
Tattooed secrets of accidents and slips
New and shiny, fade to lines
Ridges and bumps
Beautiful imperfections, they’re signs
That we are growing
And our past is tagging along

So hold on to the memories
Embrace those discolored marks
Be thankful that you have…
Today I got a letter in the mail stating that this poem is going to be published!!!
Ashley Haack May 2015
I finally
out who
is worth
the pain
Ashley Haack Mar 2014
Most poets, as far as i've seen,
seem to battle with depression...
why is that? Well, I can't ask that about myself,
because I already know why I'm like this.
To think... It all started in the 5th grade...
That feels like ages ago now.
One of the last days of the year,
Everyone was watching Robots,
or enjoying free reign of the playground.
I was one of the movie-goers,
Happily munching away at a little bag popcorn
Durring "intermission" aka, a bathroom break,
A teacher asked me if I could help her out with something.
Little kids are so **** nieve...
I followed her into the library like a little puppy.
In the library was a group of my friends.
(for the sake of annonamysy, I won't name them)
I was told to sit at the little round table next to the teacher,
not suspecting a thing.
She started off by asking us if we had ever heard
"sticks and bricks may break my bones,
but words, they cannot hurt me,"
Most of us hadn't at that time.
I was still smiling then.
She explained that the saying is not true,
and that words do hurt.
The reason I was brought there
Was that I'd said I felt smart,
After gettting an A on an assignment.
Apparently my 'friends' were offened by that.
The teacher told me to think about others
before saying "something like that" again.
My eyes started watering.
My lip was set to a quiver.
I returned to the movie room,
intermission was long since over,
The movie was started without me.
I moved my little chair,
to the back of the room.
Lights off, curtains closed...
I learned to be glad for the darkness.
It hid my tears.
The laughter of the children
covered the sounds of my sobs.
That was when I taught myself
how to cry quietly.
It's impossible to forget the moments
that change who you are and who you could've been...
Ashley Haack Dec 2014
I was never one to count the stars,
I knew that I never could, so why try?
I didn't like to dream all day long,
Just to lay awake at night wanting and wishing.
I used to try so hard to focus on now,
But then I realized I'd rather look ahead,
Plan ahead, waste my time counting stars,
And whispering with you under the midnight sky,
Instead of being a boring old stick in the mud,
We'll paint ourselves a future with words and gestures.
Together we can create our masterpiece,
And we'll call it Our Future.
Ashley Haack Jun 2014
Lask week I cleaned my room for the first time in ages,
And wouldn't you know, I found something interesting...
I found a story I had started as a kid, tucked away in a folder-
Burried amidst a graveyard of clothes in my closet.
I stopped my cleaning and turned off the radio,
And read the words written in a childish scrawl.
It was something about dragons and magic
And adventures. It wasn't half bad, for a child's story.
But, as I neared the end of the last page I found, to my horror,
That the story from my past ended...

Ashley Haack Sep 2014
Yeah, it *****,
But open your ******* eyes!
It's not the end of the ******* world!
Build yourself a bridge and get over it already.
Ashley Haack May 2015
I never asked for the crown,
Yet he insisted I wear it,
Despite my protests,
He swore to protect me,
And put on armor,
To fend off evil foes,
But all I ever asked for,
Was his love,
I don't need him to protect me,
I've got my own armor,
I wear it proudly in my eyes,
They glint with it's metalic sheen,
I'm not as weak as I seem,
I am just seeking the one I love
I'm seeking for my King
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
There's so many things I want to do right now, but all I seem capable of is pressing back space and erase.
Eraseing the words and time tried phrases, deleting the ideas 'til all there is left is a blank white page.
A page with so much potential, bearing none of the marks of its' purgements, of its' rebirths.
Why is it so difficult to create something I don't want to destroy? Why do I keep starting over...?
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
So, I went to the office and talked to the lady
Behind the desk that's not quite large enough for her.
She told me she'd change my schedule, of course! But-
I would need to substitue the dropped courses with different ones.
So I hmm-ed and I Uhmm-ed and ended up chosing
To help out the librarian and to take a design class.
(The latter was chosen only because I know someone in it,)
I left the office of awkwardness and now here I am,
Writing and waiting, and hoping for graduation
To hurry up and get here.
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
One person in a room of desks,
Eerie silence broken by the sounds
Of computers buzzing and keys clicking,
Distant phones ringing in back rooms...
The musky smell of old books mingling
With the smell of matted carpet several decades old...
All the empty space of an unoccupied library,
It just screams to be filled with hushed voices,
My typing resounds like Goliath's footsteps,
I feel the librarian's searing gaze on my back,
Forcing me to type quietly, in this quiet room,
With its absence of people and lack of noises.
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
I looked in a mirror this morning,

My reflection wasn't quite good enough,

I didn't really like what I saw,

It's time to change...
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
That moment when you look at the sky,
Embracing the warmth of the humidity
Just before the storm breaks,
Breathing in the smell of rain,
Feeling the closeness of the thunder,
Seeing the flashes light up the clouds,
Smiling to yourself-
Dancing in the rain.
Ashley Haack Mar 2017
And then the ground shook                                                                                    
with a mighty crash,                                                                        
slumbering souls disturbed,                                        
rains drenching the lands,                            
cities crumbled, winds howled.  
She fell to her knees                                                                                                  
on the hard tiled floor,                                                                    
her head filled with screams,                                      
as red ran down her arms                          
the silence slowly encroached.
Ashley Haack Sep 2014
I’m so bored now,
You don’t even know,
I’m in the calc-room,
From 2 to 3:30.

We’re all bored,
Just look, we’re sleeping,
In the classroom,
While she keeps teaching
Ashley Haack Feb 2015
It frustrates me to no end that I never seem to have much to say,
Until my voice has gone away,
And been replaced with a painful, raspy disgrace,
Reminiscent of an old smoker's vocals,
Cough and all, I sound like death,
Like a ******* smoker of some crystal ****,
So here I'll express the aggitation I feel,
At being incapable of communicating.
Ashley Haack Jan 2015
He wont admit it, atleast not out loud,
But he's so sweet, and smart, and funny,
He makes me blush when I feel like crying,
He makes me laugh when I feel sick as hell,
He holds me close and makes me feel safe,
He argues with me about the most stupid of things,
He refuses to let me call him attractive,
But he scolds me for saying I'm not pretty,
Sometimes it feels like he's more stuborn then me,
And deep down we have a connection,
Some strong, unbreakable bond,
We're both stuborn arses at times,
But we both know we love each other,
More and more, no matter what,
Even the stuborn bits.
Ashley Haack Oct 2015
Why do I ask the stupid questions?
Why do I care about the stupid things?
Why do I hurt so easily?
Why do I cry for the dumbest of reasons?
Why do I fear the inevitable?
Why do I worry about the unchangeable?
Why do I stress over things yet to happen?
Why do I act so stupidly?
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
Ashley Haack Jul 2014
The one thing I hate about
Minnesota almost as much as the snow?
All the ******* sunshine
I'm such a vampire
Ashley Haack Mar 2015
I seem
To only
Ever cry
Ashley Haack Dec 2014
Sometimes words have way different meanings
When they aren't said out loud...
I just wish I knew how they were meant
to be heard
Ashley Haack Oct 2015
When all you can do is listen to Mad World on repeat for hours,
And the words hit you hard,
The meaning sinking in,
Just listening to the tune,
And drowning in the lyrics,
Dying in the rhythms,
Understanding that it's all true.
Ashley Haack Nov 2015
My imagination blurs my vision,
Site replaced with thoughts,
Memories taking over my consciousness,
Words screaming inside my skull,
Thoughts pounding against my temple,
The barrage of emotions engulfs me, yet again,
Stealing away my breath,
Reducing me to shallow gasps,
Pricking my eyes to the point of tears,
Throwing me down,
Crippling me,
******* me under the waves,
Drowning me with questions,
Why you?
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