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Lorne H
I'm just a twenty-something doing my thing. I'm don't claim to be a writer, but I do like to write. I hope you enjoy what …
E.E. Farris is just trying to figure it all out while holding it all together.
Robert Guerrero
A silent soul lost in the pages of Shakespeare's diary
I have written poems for some time but never shared them. I have a title and profession but that's not important on the other hand …
“Poetry is finer and more philosophical than history; for poetry expresses the universal, and history only the particular.” - Aristotle
I don't write much, and it takes forever for me to get inspired to write something - but I'm trying to change this. I'd love …
Michael Ryan
31/United States    Passions are philosophy/psychology/horror. I'll get a Master's degree one day, still waiting for that one day. I hope you find something you enjoy in life.

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