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Whiskywolf Jun 2014
We look to see. judge with our eyes upon a face or disguise. Voices are the truth what we can say sets us apart from others not the curve of our nose nor the scars we may bare. We all have battles many of mine have been lost, I am no defeated man I am no bitter solider. I am lost in an abundance of foul play and bizarre nature.
294 · Jun 2014
Whiskywolf Jun 2014
You are a fixture that brings curiosity to my wondering mind. If we had not collided paths would I still of felt this crash.
241 · Jun 2014
Whiskywolf Jun 2014
Save yourself. Once we are grown enough to take a look around and realize what the world is and can be, saving yourself is going to become important. Take a moment and deduce that to a minimalistic or complex notion and apply it. There is going to be obstacles every step of the way. You’re going to fall we all do, I’ve yet to see someone who has fallen and not come back. After all what is meant to be is what is meant to be. I’m so lost in a world that you do not need to go far to find anything in. You have to stay ready we have all been through **** at the end of the day we do what gets us through. You’re always going to be searching for someone to talk to and the key to survival is knowing who you are.

— The End —