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205 · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
I think I am slowly finding the meaning
And her name is Caity
203 · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
I may look happy.
But honestly, dear.
The only way I'll really smile,
Is if you cut me
Ear to Ear.
200 · Aug 2014
1 Cause for an attack
Nameless Aug 2014
The way you address me
Is very important
You must think with care
But YOU,
You did not...
You should have know better
By now
But you're all too foul
Cause you,
still smell like death...
Isis you appall me
199 · Oct 2014
The girls, they fall.
Nameless Oct 2014
There skin is soft as it is plush,

the shade of pink

when I make them blush.

They giggle and smile

when I touch there hand.

Oh how I love,

the way the fall for me...

with such grace.
197 · May 2014
what i want
Nameless May 2014
Is to go to Paris
Enroll in an art college
And be free
Nameless Sep 2014
I want to make a giant splash,

not just a couple ripples.

I'll leave people soaked and stunned

at what I have done, for the better of

our crazy world.

I want to create an ocean,

not a small puddle.

People will swim in my legacy,

and remember how I tried to be my best.

I will not be forgotten with time.

I want to be Niagra Falls,

not just a couple of raindrops.

People will stand in my glory,

and reach out a hand

just to feel all the good I try to do.

I want to be someone's sun,

not just another star.

I want to impact millions of lives

in the most positive way I can,

but wehen it comes to the people

that are nearest to my heart,

I want to shine brighter than anything

else in their world.

Even after I've passed away,

they'll still see and need me

for them to survive each day.
194 · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
I'm so confused
192 · May 2014
My room
Nameless May 2014
My room is dark,
with my smell lingering across the bed.
My room is marked,
with my poems written across the wall.
When I go to sleep
my dog comes too.
we make a nest of pillows and covers,
then fall asleep together as well.
191 · May 2014
I fancy a poet
Nameless May 2014
Yes, I certainly do
And she's on this site too
Talking with her
Seems so grand
Only if we could meet
Hand in hand
She is not yet aware
Of my feelings for her
I care for the fact, she needs to know
But I'll just stare at the screen
Waiting for a reply...
And at night I'll say goodbye.
190 · Apr 2014
No value
Nameless Apr 2014
The time on the clock
has no value
The interest in school
has lost its spark
The love of me
has lost its way
so what do i do now...
190 · Apr 2014
Nameless Apr 2014
I fear the dark
yet i live within it
struggling to find my way
with the scene of life long decay
do they know
that i can not see
do they plot against me
mentally abused
It's always been used
it shall make me loose control
wanting a way out
but none shall prevail
to this never ending hell.
189 · Apr 2014
Who is she?
Nameless Apr 2014
There is a woman,
just standing there,
with pain in her eyes,
not knowing,
where life lies.

She stares at me,
not saying a word,
even if she could.

You see,
she wears a mask,
and yet it burns,
her stare that is.

'Cause I don not know who "She" is?
188 · Apr 2014
I'm sorry
Nameless Apr 2014
I'm sorry world,
For the things I've done.
I'm sorry world,
For the pain I've caused...

I'm left alone at night,
In the dark I cry.
Thinking about the lies.
I've told to everyone,
Will I ever stop?

When it's leaving me distraught.
I can't think to blame,
'Cause it is no ones fault,
That I'm this way...
188 · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
She opens her page,
Ink splashing from her veins,
Scoring into the paper,
The words she wishes she could say.
187 · May 2014
Child play
Nameless May 2014
Oh, please come play with me
outside in the summer
We could climb a tree
and act like
we're three.
Please, come play with me.
We could catch
dance in the rain.
What else is there to gain
from being here
186 · Sep 2014
What a day
Nameless Sep 2014
What a day this has turned out to be
My life has another catastrophe
My beautiful Mac has taken a dive
Something wrong with the hard drive.

Must get it fixed as soon as I can
Who do I call when in a jam
My son of course, off to Best Buy
Can it be fixed, they will try.

Today, I asked, with hope in my eyes
You have to be kidding, they replied
Don't call us, we'll call you
Accepted it, what else to do.

I am typing away on a small notebook
Its not too bad, take a long look.
My poems will be in a short supply__Wait for Mac, he's my guy.
185 · Apr 2014
like a dog
Nameless Apr 2014
she gone again,
leaving me alone.
like a trained dog,
I wait for her...
with my tail between my legs.
184 · Apr 2014
"my girl"
Nameless Apr 2014
Spikes on my collar
and slits on my wrists
I wish I was the girl
that she would miss
because love won't last
as our light grows dim
I'll be in the past
...While she's with him.
183 · Apr 2014
Nameless Apr 2014
Her mind drew a blank
when she saw her mothers face
like a mirror
but never there
her mothers mind isn't right
her mother can't even fight
for her last
and only daughter
she didn't seem like a mother
spending money
on drugs and beer
her daughters life was not clear
when her daughter leaves
her mother only dreams
the time her daughter turns eight-teen
the daughter will try
and fix her things
cause the daughter has been scar'd
she'll think it's not that far
but soon she'll learn
you can not fix someone
who's soul is burned.
182 · Jun 2014
Music is to me...
Nameless Jun 2014
fills me with
a sense of being
that we are one
we can't be
long as
our headphones
are on
and the music
is as high as it will go
Our worries will
be no more
182 · Apr 2014
My thing
Nameless Apr 2014
Math and numbers
just not my thing
it seems to keep confusing me
Art, music, and poetry.
now that's my thing
my life
my love
my whole existence
is there...
you can see it in my eyes
when I put my pen to paper
they seem to just light up.

<3 When  I write the world doesn't seem like such a bad place, anymore.
180 · Apr 2014
Bite me
Nameless Apr 2014
She bites
not hard
just enough
to leave a mark
that I belong
to only her
and when
they start to fade
she'll bite again
never once
breaking skin.
180 · May 2014
The nightmare
Nameless May 2014
A feeling I never knew
That I drew in from you
Would be that I am feeling followed

Your darkness reaches deep
And I cannot lie and sleep
Without fear from the earth of being swallowed

And at first believed to feel
In your heart love was real
A wound you cut to deep has made me feel hollowed

I never knew I would get thru
The long cold dark nights from you
They would be the deepest part of this nightmare that followed

Like the look in your eyes
When caught by your surprise
Looking at a bottle of poison you just swallowed

I will never forget the look
From my eyes you took
From far behind the dark pit of your soul all cut out and hollowed
179 · Jun 2014
Dream, if you may?
Nameless Jun 2014
My body lays silent,
yet my dreams are violent.
So I toss and turn,
ending in a deep
and dreaded slumber.
waking in a pool of sweat and fear,
I don't want them to know,
what goes on in here.
Talking in my sleep,
but no one will ever answer.
But what was the question again?
178 · May 2014
I'm afraid
Nameless May 2014
She is scared,
Of this big bad world.
But she will stay strong,
Because she's a fighter...
But like her heart, she will break.
177 · Sep 2014
I'd pour my ink
Nameless Sep 2014
If I could paint the world again
I'd draw your hand in mine.
And never would I forget, my friend
The ways we shared our time.

I'd pour my ink on time and space
I'd never blink and never trace

A single star would light the sky
It'd always shine and never die.

And next I think I will provide
Another moon, to change the tide

But be warned and beware.
For I do not know,
The power I share
Is the power I hold.

And if I bring you back alive
Would everything turn out just fine?

Or would my stars turn into dust?
Is this my love or a dying lust?

And see the moons, they'll start to fade
I guess it's time to end charades.

So now I guess I'll say good bye
And wait for christ to fetch me.
But while I live, you know I'll cry
And die untill I reach thee. - See more at:
176 · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
What is love?
What does it mean, to be in love?
How can you tell?
'Cause you see, I can't.
173 · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
what do I do now
can you see
I've lost my way
when I chose
the path less traveled by
now I see,
into the darkness I travel,
then I realize I like it better there.
171 · May 2014
I need not say
Nameless May 2014
I can hear what you do because I have ears.
I can see what you whisper because I have eyes.
I can smell what you conceal because I have a nose.
I can taste what you offer because I have a tongue.
I can feel what you pretend because I have skin.

I have also a brain that tells me what is not what.
I have also a heart that loves that hates of it's own.

Why to explain if you are, who you are and how you are?
Look at me I don't explain yet you know who I am and how I am.
170 · May 2014
what really goes on
Nameless May 2014
We all have a friend
Who's silver and shines
It pierces our skin
And draws the red lines

It leaves several scars
Over the years
But it lets out our screams
As well as our fears

It gives us relief
We need the sensation
But we keep it a secret
We hate the attention

Those perfect red lines
They become such a burden
But we do it anyway
Because we're tired of hurting

Some call us ******
But we know they're all wrong
They all know what to be
We don't know where we belong

We hide the scars
Under jackets and sleeves
Our loved ones don't know
The cuts stay unseen

We try to act fine
So no one'll know
But sometimes we slip
And the cracks begin to show
169 · Mar 2015
Mother's Dearest
Nameless Mar 2015
(Love me one day, Forget me the next)
I am the living,
that once was a part to you.
Till I say again.

I never bonded
with my
I never had the pleasure
of being held as a baby,
comforted by mom
to monsters in the dark.
The kisses to which
would help a scrape
that seemed all to mean.
No, I had to
steal my mothers affection
Waking before she does,
finding my way into her bed;
Only to awaken to her,
out the door.
not finished
169 · May 2014
Self chaos
Nameless May 2014
It will start with a meaningless crack,
Don't think to hard about that,
'Cause then I'll struggle,
To cover it all,
And hide it away.
And trust me,
It will look as if I'm fine,
With it being covered up.
No seams nor cracks.
On the outside that is,
'Cause what I've really done is moved them.
But now there's more and far to many,
I can't keep track of them all.
So soon I will be the one to fall.
169 · May 2014
A whisper in the wind
Nameless May 2014
She is gone again
but this time
she will not come back
I never wanted to remember
her like that
when I found her
my world stopped
the note told me
what she thought
that I no longer loved her
...but I didn't know it was love.
why haven't I cried?
168 · May 2014
Forgotten memory
Nameless May 2014
It's just a small cut,
It's just a harmless scar.
You don't know what goes through my mind,
When I'm alone in the dark.
It's just a deadly thought,
I'm just a forgotten memory,
Deep in my eyes,
My demons are all you can see.
It's just another night,
It's just my one last try,
If you're not here,
Might as well say goodbye.
168 · May 2014
restless nights
Nameless May 2014
I'm breaking
I can't be fixed
I'm missing
But I won't be missed

Still shaking
From what I fear
I can't let you in
So don't come near

I guess you're right
I'm way too thin
And I'm fighting a battle
That I'll never win

I have so many flaws
I don't know where to start
From my ****** up hair
To my ****** up heart

So what's the point
To continue to fight?
When my restless days
Turn into restless nights

This life hasn't been fair
I can finally tell
That nobody cares
And it hurts like hell

I still don't understand
What was God's cause?
Why did He put me on earth
With all of my flaws?

Was I born just to die?
Am I part of a plan?
Made to finally see
That I won't die an old woman.

I don't know how to live
I have nothing to gain
And all I want from you
Is to end all my pain

I'm losing sight
Of what I've already seen
I'm losing my grip
And I'm barely fifteen
168 · Aug 2014
In her eyes
Nameless Aug 2014
To her, I am perfect.
To her, I am beautiful.
And she sees no faults nor cracks.
She is mine,
to which I will never let go...
Brooke fernow
167 · Apr 2014
right the wrong
Nameless Apr 2014
As I cleanse my soul
with the blood of others,
As I lay somber
with the help of others,
I will find my way
through this fearsome maze
because it is all
just a game
whether I win or lose...
167 · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
As I sit in my corner and think about your lies,
I have nothing else to do but break down and cry.
You knew it would end,
You knew it would die,
You knew one day we’d have to say goodbye.
You told me you loved me,
You told me you cared
But the rage inside had slowly flared.
The moments we shared replay in my head
Along with all the sweet lies you said.
You thought it was a game
You thought you’d win
But in the end you felt nothing within.
Deep down inside there was a big empty space
That I now realize you couldn’t replace.
Something about you helped me see
That without love I’m finally free.
Free from pain,
Free from lies,
Free from having tear filled eyes.
Without your love I finally see
All the horrid things you’ve come to be.
165 · May 2014
Patient 002
Nameless May 2014
Bloodied nightmare’s torturing the mind
Constantly injected with more than lie’s
Torn up inside from the soulless demons

Monsters posing as those wishing to help
Always silencing the righteous and true
The truly insane aren't inside this place

The mentally insane are normal and average
Acting as everyone else would but, not always
Having joyful pleasure’s through others pain

****** deep into the darkness of suffering
No hope of escaping the shadows that swarm
As they grasp onto your very soul, dragging you

Down into the very depths of this hellish place
164 · May 2014
My dad said...
Nameless May 2014
When he said that thing
it only made my ears ring
tears ran down my face
I ran to my room, a calm place
As my face grew red
my feelings had fled
'cause if he couldn't accept me
I might as well be dead.
164 · May 2014
My Anxiety
Nameless May 2014
I guess it makes me different
Cause I have to take medication
I guess it makes me act
Cause when I forget to take it
I freak out
They say I have anxiety disorder
Because of my past
Which means my mother
It to me doesn't seem so bad
But then again I took my meds...
162 · Jul 2014
Fall in love with me?
Nameless Jul 2014
For what reason, if there's on at all.
If you truly have fallen for me,
Show me... in any way you see fit.
Cause few have fallen for me,
While I've done nothing
to be loved
So strongly by another.
But if you have fallen for me...
Please, bring it to my attention,
And tell me.
Some have fallen for me, let me know who you are...
Answer me please.
161 · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
I draw with silver,
Yet it comes out red.

161 · Apr 2014
I have a fear
Nameless Apr 2014
I have a fear,
the fear of darkness.
But, i learned long ago;
when I was little.
How to drive the darkness away,
with nothing but a little light.
160 · Apr 2014
a game?
Nameless Apr 2014
Love is lost
but at what cost
to my fragile soul
with my mind withering away
why can't it all,
just be a game?
160 · May 2014
Nameless May 2014
its funny that you think I have a heart <3
but the fact is I don't
it was torn from me
when I was just a little girl
in fact I don't remember it ever being there.
159 · May 2014
Old love poem I wrote
Nameless May 2014
Things I forgot to say;

I don't mind the wait
Or the fact that your straight
'Cause I hope over time
Your feelings will change
And if they don't I'll be fine
We will stay friends
And our lives will go on
158 · May 2014
!0 words
Nameless May 2014
Like most things under pressure,
I also tend to crack.
156 · Apr 2014
Nameless Apr 2014
I wonder
if I'll end up alone...
and that I'll be that lady
at the end of the street
with way to many cats.
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