Keep walking with your head raised high
You think your worlds about to end because you were burned therefore thought you would die
Little did you know that these fires and storms
Were just the beginning so you began to conform
Your head began to bow beneath the beatings anger and rage of the devil
Yet you cried out to the God who you thought loved you enough to make these storms level
But what you don't understand is that it takes fire to purify gold
Don't bow your head
Don't give the game away
Don't give Satan the satisfaction he's trying to beat out of you
Look him straight in the eyes
Break the ties
Face him head on
But don't be stupid and think that you can win on your own strength
Cause if you do your vision will be lucid
God gave you the power to overcome mountains
You may not see Him working but I can tell you He's there
So don't give up without a care
Keep your head up and keep moving forward
You thought you were beat but little did you know you had Jesus on your side
In him love abides
Don't discredit his power
For He is God
And He is in you if you receive him
Jeremiah 29:11 - For I know the plans I have for you, "declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.