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Jay M Feb 2023
Box of matches,
Strike me and I’ll burn
Drown it all in gasoline
Engulfed in flames,
I am reborn

Blistered and bruised,
Beaten and torn,
Miles gone by the dozens
These shoes are worn,
Full of holes and rips,
Scuffs and tears,
Feet ache and bleed

To ashes, I must return,
To ashes, I shall be again,
Scatter me to the wind,
Remnants of my body
Merely a vessel of flesh,
Through stories you keep my soul
To return once more

Open and kind,
I shall return your warmth,
Harsh and cruel,
I shall return your fiery hatred
Let me go, drift from sight,
I shall still hold your memory.

- Jay M
February 2nd, 2023
Jay M Jan 2023
Catch in my throat
Words entrapped
Choked by fear
Shadows of doubt
Tremble and twitch
Not a sound, not a one
Imprisoned, without bars
Only within a mind

Shake, shiver
Sway and rock
Comfort and soothe
Soon it shall pass
So too do you.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Jay M Jan 2023
Trace my mind
I’ll trace yours
Playful passage
Masters of words,
Writers we are.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Jay M Jan 2023
Structure uncertain,
Who is to tell us mortals,
Of reality?

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Haiku I wrote in my poetry class.
(it's a college class, I love it!)
Jay M Jan 2023
Corrosive, corrupting
Tainted to the core
Unbeknownst to himself

Poisoned wine,
He offers, he pours
Whiskey in a bottle
Ablaze in unseen flames
Over a bed of glass
Broken and shattered
Blood boils and burns

Fester in a mind
Linger, spread like cancer
Pain beneath the skin
Seep into the bones
Down into the marrow
Quietly, silently
Enticed to decay.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Jay M Jan 2023
Delicate descent
Silent lament
Bright flower,
Embraced by the sun
Turned to smile
Colorful delight

Soil unkind
Coarse, smothered and choked
Hold the hue, maintain
Remain entrapped
Butterflies flutter past
Glide in glee
Yet the flower,
It rots, soon to fall
Faded and dry.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
Jay M Jan 2023
Frigid, unsure
Timidly she stands
Did she foresee it?
No, but a certain pull
A call drew forth
Curiosities and questions
Into the waters she waded
First a cold, chilling shock,
Soon invited, welcomed
Surrounded by warmth
Energy so familiar, yet only just acquainted
Into the depths she goes
Sink into the unknown,
Float in the vast.

- Jay M
January 31st, 2023
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