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614 · Jul 2018
A Nomad's Heart
Nomad Jul 2018
The hardest part
of a Nomad's heart
is the intoxicating lust after

Nothing that money could ever buy
nothing that no other love could ever satisfy
than for someone with a Nomad's heart to see the sky
and want for

The Nomad travels light, only carries what they need
And everywhere they go
they plant a little seed.

A small dream that one day
they will plant their roots
and have something magnificent grow up in while they yet live
but to a Nomad's heart
a seed for where they've been
is all that they can

So travel on Nomad
may your feet and heart never tire
may your days be long, and your nights be cool
and may you always chase that everlonging
614 · Sep 2016
We March
Nomad Sep 2016
Today we suffer a loss, incomparable to any other,
for today we have loss more than a friend
we have lost a brother.

Tonight we mourn, we take the time to bury our dead
among the countless others that surround
but we mourn as one, as family,
so draw near, and gather 'round.

Tonight we lift our candles, and voices high,
we lift up our thoughts and prayers
to our dearly departed
into the sky.
May heaven hear us,
if they haven't before
to let our fallen brother,
through Heaven's Door.

May he be lifted up, and ascended on high,
to somewhere where evil can not reach,
to where even he can not hear our cry.

So mourn tonight,
by candle light.
For tomorrow we march
"Once more unto the breach".

Hold your head up high,
and march bravely forth brothers and sisters all.
For we march and carry on,
and remember the fight, is for all those who had to fall.

That we may live the life,
a future safe and clear
for the ones that we love,
and those we once held dear.

So we march,
we march
we march on evermore
amidst the dead and dying,
we march ever onward
onward unto war.
For David Schilpp who's last day on earth was in utter defiance unto the very end.
613 · Apr 2014
To Try Again
Nomad Apr 2014
This should be a common theme
of your life
should be funnier than some *****-nilly,
silly little meme. (Mee-m)
It should be more inspirational than the battle cry from Brave Heart.
It should be more touching than the spiel from Charlie Chaplin's speech.
It should be more than just a little mantra you repeat in your car,
this should be more rewarding than Tiger Woods winning by par.

You get knocked down?
Get back up.
You get pushed?
Time to shove back.
You think they'll give you a quarter,
or a penny for your thought?
Make it worth so much more,
because the next place that you'll show them, is straight out the door.
Because I know,
life's rough, take it from me,
in fact don't even, if you haven't by now, then you will, you see.

And when that time came,
or comes back around,
you better think back to these words here,
and get ready for the rebound.
If you've waited for New Years to come back,
then you're already way
off track.
Get into shape, starting today,
do what needs doing, no time to delay.
You can sleep when you're dead, they say,
well let it be, be as it may,
so work hard,
then harder still.
Show that you're tough,
not afraid to fight,
better hold on, cause it's gonna get rough,
they got you all wrong, time to show them who's right.

You ready now?
You're not alone, we're with you 100 per cent.
Don't wait for an extra shove, shove yourself back up, time to make
a special little dent.

Are you ready now, my friend?
Are you ready. To Try Again?
And Again?

I'll pray for you, and stand by you, all the way.
Even until the end.
Go get'em.
601 · May 2014
Nomad May 2014
Burn the books,
the pictures too,
burn everything, burn it all,
like there was nothing else to do!

We've been down this road once before,
but for the sake of our friendship,
let's travel down just this once,
just once more.

Whether we'll end up to regret it,
or pay with our life,
but the trade out is worth it,
if I gain me a wife.

Remember that willow,
down by the ol' creek?
Remember that tire swing,
we'd meet at every week?

How 'bout that meadow,
the one that we both used to go,
it was pretty in the summer,
and shinin' covered in snow!

Burn the troubles, your cares away,
burn it all, and with me please stay!
I've got a fire goin',
burnin nice and hot,
I'm about to give you,
everything I got.

I've got to hands, ready to build us a house,
these same two hands that worked so hard,
to buy you your favorite blouse.
That ol' truck is still goin' strong,
that carried us to the meadow and back,
when the picnic went all wrong.

That time when the teacher
in high schooled called me out,
I almost bought the farm from her,
if you didn't distract her with a shout.

Good Lord, I thank thee for this angel here,
thank you Lord Almighty, for this pretty lady I can call
With affection and compassion,
I look at her all day,
she makes me go weak and dumb,
but makes me wanna say...

"Burn up the fields, the trees are on fire!
You pretty lady, are my only true desire!
Allow me your hand, to the day that we wed,
Never to part, even on our bed.
Burn me up, inside and out,
this lil' lady is mine, without a doubt!
I'll never let her go, because you gave her to me,
I'll take real good care of her,
good care of her you'll see.
One day Lord, I know she'll come back home to you,
but right now Lord do grant me,
this chance with her, to say
I Do."

Burn the land, and boil the see,
I don't care,
cause no one will take her away from me.

Cold to the touch, and too hot to handle,
Good Lord Almighty, she's poppin like a Roman Candle!
She makes a Georgia day, seem like sweet ol' rain,
Good Lord Almighty, she knows she drives me insane!

Burn, burn, everything I see,
just Lord I pray, don't let her walk away from me.
Surprising, no?
598 · Sep 2014
Nomad Sep 2014
Ah yes,
the seasons, they change but every few months within a year,
they change quickly, and with haste,
they give us reprieves, and then they give us taste.

They give us sunshine, and rain, and cloudy days, they give us blessings,
even on a bone soaked day.
Sure, come the blizzard, sure come the storm!
We'll build ourselves a fire, to keep nice and warm.

The season they,
the seasons they go.
The flowers, trees, leaves and bushes
...they all know.
What must be done.
Away with the summer,
and in comes the fall.

IN comes fall, the turning of leaves,
nearing the very end,
who are you my lady,
and what tidings do you send?

Will old man winter stir up a storm, impeccable,
inescapable, terrible...
Both in its fury
and glory.
It's warm, icy, feeling.
Cools our cheeks,
and nips our nose,
just reminding us,
to wear a few more clothes.

Then away with the old, and in comes the new,
come with the new day, the taste and smell of the beautiful spring dew.
The buds with bloom,
and the smell of spring shall be more than enough,
to fill an entire room.

Bless you.

And welcome to the summer,
it's time to go, but already to late to start,
come the beautiful days,
and the late nights,
welcome to great times,
and memories for the heart.

Welcome to the seasons,
that come and go,
make the most of the time you have now,
how much time you have left to enjoy it,
you'll never know.

So take in every day, of every season indeed,
be proud of the small plant you've grown, because you know,
it came from a once small seed.
590 · Jul 2014
Nomad Jul 2014
we've all taken our share,
from test scores, to bets,
to simple double-dog dares!

Risky Risky,
Trimble and whisky,
ah what spirits shall quench
thy dying thirst?
What steed shall ye ride,
a Maverick or a Hertz?

calculated and foolish,
brash and insane,
speeding down the highway,
weaving through a no passing lane.

There's room for both,
if you take your time,
What risk have you to be,
cut short of yours?

Risk it all, and win the lot,
or risk it all, to find the empty ***?

The risk is yours
for you to choose.
Fate decides now,
shall you win?
Or shall you lose?
585 · Apr 2014
A Silent Battle Cry!
Nomad Apr 2014
A silent battle cry! Indeed a whimper so loud.
Let the deafening silence, engulf the screaming crowd!
Let there be a raging peace through out the world so round,
let the war rage on, without a bullet, without a sound.
Take a look around you, can't you see the terror?
Haven't you seen my friend, that this peaceful war has made an error?

Listen here, and listen well,
listen to what the silence has to tell.
It whispers and shouts,
it whimpers and pouts.
The war rages on, ever silently,
tell me you hear it! Don't let it be!

Find some time, to listen to yourself speak,
and perhaps you'll notice just sort of havoc you actually reek.
Or perhaps you're perfect, and I mistook you for another,
then my sincerest apologies, my sister, my brother.
For I fight for a chance, a chance that others may cry out,
I await the day, where the lame and the mute, may one day shout!

So I say to you all,
be you tiny or tall,
I beg you to listen for that silent Battle Cry,
and do not for the sake of humanity, let that voice die.
For the war wages on, with you in the crossfire,
it's time for you to take up arms, which side be you, the truth or the liar?

Behold, behold! The Trumpet doth sound!
Do you hear it? The silent cry around?
576 · Mar 2015
Give Me Reason
Nomad Mar 2015
You gave me your doubts,
your fears, troubles and all,
you came to me broken,
I came to break your fall.

I will not be your knight,
whose armor shines in the sun,
nor shall I be your hero,
not even "The One".

For I am your friend,
and that's all I'll ever be,
because that's what you really,
really need from me.

You don't need my life,
just my love and compassion,
please don't read too deep,
into every word and little action.

I am already signed and my heart already claimed,
please do not hang your head down,
down, ashamed.

You've done nothing to deserve that,
you're lost and confused I know,
so you came to a friend,
a friend you trusted you could go.

And I'm humbled and honored, that you would call me as such,
but I'm afraid that even I,
even I can only offer so much.

I'll give you food, water, medicine and supplies,
if you in trade give me your story, truth instead of lies.
For the house of cards you frailly built upon,
will blow away at the slightest breath, and then it shall be....

But I will point you to the Rock, to where you may solidly stand,
this shall be your safe ground, as it is Holy Land.
One day you'll realize, the beauty of your soul
is worth saving and the life you're living, actually has a goal.

You gave me reasons, why not to at all,
here I'm giving you the same, as to why you should live,
because my heart and friendship goes out to you, that much I can give.

One day, you'll thank me, and even your Maker,
for the bread was made of ingredients like you and me,
but Trust in God our Father, for He is like a Baker.

He'll kneed you, fold you, break you and mold you,
He'll do what it takes, to make you anew.

You are His Child, even if you don't know it now,
you'll find out soon enough, some way, some how.

Until then, and even after, I'll pray for you always,
and I shall always be your friend, for the rest of my days.

You... give me reason, to live and fight on,
now let me give you another chance, to see another beautiful dawn.
574 · Oct 2014
Friend Me
Nomad Oct 2014
Friend me, friend request sent,
this is all of our precious life-time now,
this is where all our waking hours
are all being spent.

Despicable, wretched humans,
filthy and lowly, as we rightly are,
we used to look to the skies just imagining,
just what else can we do to accelerate to the great beyond,
now we look at our laps and screen,
we say a lot of things as we type away,
but never know what our words truly mean!

Humans! Interact with one another,
but when it comes to life,
there's no way to distinguish
a relationship for a fling,
to a full on lover.

We can have a thousand friends, on one small list,
but of those thousand friends, how do you know that you'll be missed?
What's a number to you?
If you see the face but haven't got a clue?

We're all seeking attention,
that's the plain and simple truth.

Where have the days gone where we walked 5 miles
to get to the nearest phone booth?
Where letters
were better
than texting
and sexting
which I find
very vexing.

Why can't we appreciate
the times that we have,
and live a happy life,
find a love
and keep a wife,
now we are
full of strife,
and every heartbreak
is like a knife.

So we retreat
from the meet and greet
back to facebook,
and twitter
and other things,
instead of personal
people findings.

We stalk and creep
we follow and our numbers we keep.
Our friends list go into the thousands,
overflowing with ignorance,
we replace ignorance with

And knowing this
is irritating

So friend me,
if you dare
talk for the moment,
then forget
without a care.

Or will you be different,
and know by name and face
the list of friends you have there?

Will you care?
570 · Nov 2017
May I Rest in Peace
Nomad Nov 2017
I do not want honor.
I seek no fame.
I'd honestly rather not have anyone
even remember my name.
May the actions that I do,
may they never be retold
may the future of the generations,
never know the horrors behind my curtains' fold.
Let me speak to my God
and tell my ancestors just this one last time
that I lived my life with pride and with all due diligence
and I was happy
was that such a crime?
I wish not to be remembered
as neither hero nor idol claim.
I only wish for the future of generations
to be blessed all the same.
May they grow in peace
May they learn in love,
May they practice what they preach
and learn from the wisdom up above.
I may not grow old enough
to feel my weary bones creak
but when I finally go,
I will finally have that peace that I seek.
I am the restless wanderer
forever wandering upon an ocean of stars
seeking comfort among the people and the land,
rather than behind the telly or their bars.
May I
but a humble creature on a this blue ball we call home,
be granted God's glorious Mercy
of which I am undeserving of.
And receive just once more
something akin
to His ever patient love.
I am the wanderer,
forever I shall be.
Do not look as I pass by,
do not remember me
aye my dear children
let me rest
and rest in peace.
543 · Feb 2016
Cloaks And Daggers
Nomad Feb 2016
Cloaks and daggers,
Playing in the dark
Playing in the wind
Running through the park.

Cloaks and daggers,
I keep them close by
Like shadows and mist
They pet me fly.

I keep them close to me
For it is all I ever known.
Cloaks and daggers
Are all I'll ever own.

Through mist and mirrors,
I let no one through,
Because being known to anyone,
It surly would not do.

Do with the left,
what the right hand can not,
When you commit to this life
Give it all you got.

So fight on shall I
In the shadows and the dark,
That I may never shed a tear from your eye,
As you walk through this park.
538 · Aug 2014
A Clear Summer's Day
Nomad Aug 2014
A Clear summer's day!
Ah smell the breeze as it blows this way!

Can't you feel the excitement,
can't you feel the thrill!!
Can't you feel the way,
that you just can't sit still?

Listen! Hark, and Listen!
The birds do sing!
And watch as the bees go and gather,
the pollen from flowers 'round,
for their sweet, sweet honey to bring!

The children, the children!
Here they come down the street!
They run on their little feet now,
trying to stop the ice cream man
in every way they know how!

They whoop and holler,
they shout and cajole,
they cry out in earnest and pleading now,
to stop the ice cream man's roll!

Ah, listen now as they crowd around the familiar tune,
soon they'll all have their goodies now, ah yes, very soon!

Now watch them go,
walk off the way they came,
come with me dear,
it's time we did the same!

We'll follow 'long, just for a moment or so,
oh if you insist,
if you really must know.

Yes they are,
they're here,
err rather there.
On the playgrounds and swings,
as they slip on the slides,
and climb on other things.

Yes my dear,
one day one of our own shall run,
fall, scrape their knees and hands,
cry to you or me,
as we run as fast as we can.

One day
on a Summer's Day so clear,
yes one day we will have one,
maybe a few--

Yes Dear.

Let's just enjoy this Summer's Day...
this day so clear.
525 · Jul 2014
On The Right Track
Nomad Jul 2014
The right track is hard,
it's long and narrow.
But the reward at the end,
is sweeter than the song
of a flightly little sparrow.

I've done my fair share of side tracks and u-turns,
and every time that I've gone wrong,
I got a few scrapes, bruises
broken bones, and plenty of burns.

How many times have I looked back,
and stumbled going forward?
Well, too many times to count, that's for sure
and no 'mount of prayers and repentance
can ever make me pure.

So Lord above,
that watches us from above the skies,
Here this poor boy's prayer's
a gruff little man,
crying in disguise.

I want to be on the right track,
I don't want to look back any more,
let me feel the wind,
open the windows,
unlock the door.

Give me back my life,
away from pain and misery,
Lord give me ears to hear,
and eyes
that see.
523 · Aug 2017
This Dream I Know
Nomad Aug 2017
I don't care to admit
that I was stuck between
my dreams and reality
something between a haze and insanity.
So listen well,
to this story of my heart.
But where, oh where
Do I start?

From the beginning I suppose
would be best
to tell you a story of a young man's quest.
See, when I was younger, the prime of my youth
I was in search of something
something akin to the truth.

Of what it would have been like
to be accepted as a person again,
in another strange place
when even stranger people back then.

You see, this was all way back when
back in my university days
when I had few cares in the world
and when I had much more...of a craze.

So days go by
and friends I would make a plenty.
Yet even so,
I had felt so empty.

Now mind you, I've never felt any happier still
being surrounded by such an awesome loving atmosphere
and the friendliest folks you could ever meet, if you will.

Skipping the details of my life
in essence, at the time, I came to realize
I had been searching all this time
for a wife.

See I didn't want a high school fling
which was all for fun
but not for the ring.
I pride myself when I say
I am not that kind of guy.
So I suppose I can say why
I felt so lonely inside.

In my uni days,
surrounded by lovebirds so sickeningly, maddeningly in love
I had once treated with disdain and disgust
but if only to hide the embarrassment of raging jealousy
through my lack of trust.

Skipping ahead a few years now,
aye, years has it been
oh and how.

I often wondered of my dilemma between my dream of mine.
A wonderful, beautiful, lovely dream, that I can scarcely define.

With the voice of an angel,
skin as fair as one expects one to be
with a joyous compassion, that could make anyone happy!
She has a smile that could light up the world on the darkest of nights alone,
she has one of those smiles you could hear over the phone.

And can she sing! Mercy me, why the greatest choirs couldn't possibly hope to trap her voice! As the sun does give man the comfort of its warmth and bids the plants to grow
Does her voice bring the deaf to hear and the mute to speak GLORY BE!
She is the like the youth of my life,
free, innocent, and ever so happy.
She brings joy to everyone she meets
where ever she may go.
She follows her passions, her dreams, and her faith for sure
for all of this and more, is one of the many reasons why I adore.

But even after so many seasons,
and so many reasons,
I just can't bring my self to ask this dream of mine,
I just can't ask her what I need to say,
I just can't ask her...
to stay.

She is a dream that wanders in my life
like the tides of the ocean blue.
She floats in my mind like a dainty bauble
so pretty
so true.

But she is a dream I just can not reach
so dreaming
will have to do.

This is the dream I know
and I know one day
I'll have
to let
516 · Oct 2015
To Write Love on Her Arms
Nomad Oct 2015
I will
write love on her arms
so many and so deep
that it courses through her veins
and into her

I will
write love on her arms
so she can stop hurting
even though she loves the pain
which is the
hardest part.

I will not
stop loving her,
even if she lets me go,
because through all of this
I'll let her know she is loved
by everyone she knows.

I will not
abandon her in her darkest times of need
I will not however
be her knight in shining armor
gallant and proud
on a strong new steed.

She will not know that
this lowly peasant
comes from a nothing more
than a small house
with nothing to call my own.
Where the hardest part for me
was finding a different dial up phone.

So she walks,
so she talks
and seems okay,
but as her friend
who loves her so,
I want her to walk away.

From the pain
the sadness,
the misery,
I want her to walk on her own,
and far away from me.

I am her crutch,
but I am not her life,
and alas poor Yorick,
she is not to be my lovely wife.

But still I shall
keep her lifted up, safe from all harms
if only for a chance
to write love
all on her
511 · Dec 2017
What Pictures Hold (Part 1)
Nomad Dec 2017
What pictures hold
are the memories that even hands could not hold
they are the raw emotions that couldn't be remade
they're the words left unsaid
even after the colors have drained and left to fade.

What pictures hold are the last twinkles of those eyes
after they've closed for good.
They're the happiest memories of our friends and family
the ones they wished for us to remember them, as we should.

They're the good times
they're the worst times
they're the pictures that could end the peace and start a war
or speak of unspeakable beauty and shake humanity to its

These are what pictures hold that even hands could not
these thousands of words that could be said
if only they were not forgot.

They're the first sparks to a raging fire
or calm waves of a gentle sea
these are the last of the windows
to a fading memory.
511 · Apr 2014
Prom and a Picture
Nomad Apr 2014
A picture's worth a thousand words,
a picture that hangs up on a wall so bold,
is worth the fond memories, than the price of the frame, so I'm told.

At prom, no, even before that,
everyone was rushing this way, that way...
here...and there.
The dresses must be perfect, the suits all hemmed, work must be done,
even to the hair.

Silly people.

They were all getting ready, for the up and coming prom,
it seemed so dull,
but it came only once, to dress up was...wonderful.

So the day came, bells did toll,
hip hip hooray, we've made it to the goal.
The day was pleasant, at least enough to see,
the joys and smiles on the faces, of every-body.

The class of the year, has now gone their separate ways,
to take the pictures they needed to,
with out any further delays.

Ah the exuberance of youth,
the wiles and wonder of the able young bodies and spirits,
how I long for another day to be such again,
(ha old man, you're only yet so young my good man).

As I stood by the piers, the docks, the hills, the creeks and bends,
all I heard was laughter all around, and happy tears,
on one another's shoulders, the couples' heads depends.
Ah yes, I was happy for them.
Still am.

Ah their smiles,
I"ll never forget them now,
how they stood there watching each other,
like everything else, but, they didn't know how.
They lost their breath, they stood silent and trying to make a moment last forever,
Each of them just wanting,
a few more moments like this,
Nomad Aug 2014
A Fist, A Hammer,
and Some Curtains,
are all just laying around.
A Fist, a Hammer,
Some curtains,
not making a sound.
But what's the difference,
that strikes them all the same?
It's when they're alive,
that's when they all come
Nomad Apr 2014
I love her
I don't know why.
I love her,
from her soul through her eyes.
She's innocent,
at least as far as I can tell,
I love her to death,
to save me from hell.
God knows that we both love her,
but only God knows only if we're meant for each other.

So I sit here alone,
thinking to myself.
Conflicted and confused,
I sit here thinking alot, not at all amused.

God I love her
I don't know why.
So I sit here and pout, hefting one last sigh.

492 · Dec 2014
Children Laughing
Nomad Dec 2014
I hear them laughing,
to, with and at.
They are laughing,
not caring,
who is skinny,
who is fat.

Though they poke,
and tease,
and play with one another,
they are not as concerned,
at the moment,
at finding a lover.

What love is this?
That one can open up and accept a stranger,
what language is needed to cross this barrier?

I found that,
it doesn't take much
for a child to make a friend,
as a writer once said,
"In order to make a friend, be one"
and I have done that to all,
leaving out none.

But their's something about
children laughing,
that, in their own right, is pure and sweet,
that they are invincible,
that they will never taste defeat.

Or Loss.

Not yet.

I hear the children laughing,
outside, where they play.

I hear them laughing,
laughing away the day.

I hear them, I hear them,
Oh how sweet the sound,
what sweet joy and blessings they are,
I hope that that'll be the last that I hear,
just before I'm no longer around.

of children, young and old,
for the laughter of friends,
weak and bold,
is much sweeter and worth much more
than any amount of gold.

So let the laughter ring,
through the valleys and hills,
through the summers, fall, winter and spring.

Let laughter be my chorus,
for which my heart sings.

Because one day, of my own time,
I'll have that which they are having,
my own little children, laughing.
490 · Apr 2014
Don't-cha know?
Nomad Apr 2014
Don't-cha know,
that where ever you go,
it'll be okay,
from everything you do, to what you say.

Don't-cha know,
that you can stop worrying and take it slow,
that it'll be okay,
It's a great change of pace, wouldn't-cha say?

Don't-cha know,
that the sun still shines tomorrow, the moon will still be aglow?
There's always tomorrow, a brand new (wondrous!, glorious!) day,
that the beauty isn't out there, but in you, everyday.

Don't-cha know,
you're a wonderful person, why? Because I said so!
Listen here, you silly little things,
you're just a small little baby, thinking they have wings!

It's time you knew,
about what you can do,
it's getting rather odd, that I have to tell you.

That you can smile, and laugh, you can dance, and jump,
you can hear the music around you, breath it in and feel the pump!
But at least the most, which I dare say you most certainly have of,
this my friends you hold near and dear, I say is...

So now you know, what you knew before,
just this time chin-up and smile,
even for a little while,
as you make your way and through the door.

Because today's the day, like everyday,
that you make a difference to someone in some way,
go against the world of misery, away with pain and fear,
it's time to rise up for you, for me, your fellow friend and peer,
it's time to show and share, what you know you hold deer,
it's time to go, and let it go,
It's time for love,
Don't-cha know?
484 · Dec 2017
May The Years Be Kind
Nomad Dec 2017
May the years be kind
to us merry few still
left here to live our sorry lives
through the pain, punishments, and trials
we are left with our tattered faiths and
an unbroken will.

May the years be kind to you
old friend of mine and ours
may you see the world from new sights
below the deepest oceans
atop the highest towers.

May the years be kind to you
may peace reign over your soul
may age never change you ever more
and my our lives be led with you
with your surprises in store.

May the years be kinder to you
then we have ever been
we who had called you brother
we who called you kin.

May the years be kind
for troubles no more, shall you ever find.

Rest easy and Ride On
be comforted heavenly clouds
ride the trail of the sunshine down on this little patch of dirt
and listen well to the chorus of the Angles' song
And forgive us.
For our wrong.
In loving memory of Jordan Fletcher
Rest Easy Bro, and Ride On
We'll take it from here
465 · May 2017
The Moments I Live For
Nomad May 2017
Let me tell you a story, of the time I made her smile
I hope you've some time, because, this might take a while.

It all started on a whim and a dare
that I could make it to her
to her, for her, there!

So as a working adult, so responsible am I,
I got my leave approved, with a twinkle in my eye!
Perhaps that's not the right word, but it sure could have been
especially now I've a chance, to score another win.

So days flew by and with what little money to be had
I bought for her gifts and things, and boy my heart was glad!
I said to myself Now she isn't one for fancy things, nothing to pricey especially a ring!
Now before you holler at me, and pitch a fit or drone,
keep in mind, dear friend, that this one I had barely known!

So a few days before the day that she was to graduate from the University of her home,
I set off on the road to a new adventure, my heart so glad to be free to roam.
But along the way I began having doubts, as all strangers do,
what if she doesn't like these gifts?
Even worse, what if she felt uncomfortable, next to a person she barely knew?

See we met overseas, teaching together as it were,
the days were long, but there was still an adventure out there, but now but a blur.
So we've little time to tell each others, our deepest fears and our passions of wants,
but we made time for each other in our smiles and our jaunts.

So back to the road, and it was already too late to turn back now
through the many hours of driving, the sun had truly beaten my brow.
And as came closer to town where she stay
It dawned upon me, I've yet to come with a plan to approach this play.

So being the improviser that I am, bought some (overpriced) flowers
and delivered it to her house that day.
Unfortunately, it was, cold, raining, and miserable all the more,
what else that was slightly embarrassing was that she did not answer her door.

Of course, I never told her I would be coming down at all,
I simply decided to go to her town, without so much as a call!
So I laid the bouquet of assorted colored flowers down
on a pillow soft and plush on the front porch to the door, and proceeded back to town.


The next day had come, I am slightly concerned if I smell of my night in my car
but waste no time getting properly dressed for the occasion,
I of course triple check myself, because, this was her graduation!

The ceremony had commenced! And I spot her from the far side of the stadium!
My, what a sight she was, if only the others could have seen her then...

She finally stands in line, as the many predecessors has done before
and soon enough, she's walking across the stage floor!

Her family and friends, scream and cry their delight!
And I give a long awaited bellow of satisfaction, much to the crowd's unpleasant fright.
Congratulations are then tossed around, like the caps which were far flung
and off I was in a dash, from the bottom rung.

I could not find her initially,
but never fear, and not to worry.
God and his sense of timing and humor,
led me right back to her.

I drove back to her house, thinking I'll lay the gift and disappear
but it would not be so, as I pull up and with her back turned
I see her.

I pull up, like it was just another day
and like the dork I am, here is what I say
"Hey little lady, going some where?"

The look on her face was priceless. Beyond all compare!
Moments like those are what I live for, just to be there.

She turned around astounded! Confused but happy all the same
and then I heard it, the one thing that made it worth it
when she cried out my name.

I parked the car, but not fast enough and burst through my door to meet her once more, on the parking lot floor.
A moment seared forever, the back burners of my mind
of moment to be remembered, because we don't leave friends behind.

So the day went on, and we celebrated together on her victory
and it was all worth it, just to see her happy.

These are the moments I live for.
460 · Oct 2015
Nomad Oct 2015
I'm tired.

Of losing the ones I love
because no matter how hard I fight
I lose them still,
is this truly
a part of God's will?

This pain
of my futile sacrifice?
Shall I suffer death, not once but twice?

A part of me I leave with them,
a part of my love I imparted when I first met them,
and I felt the pain as the departed from me.

I asked for them back,
away from the shadows, the evil cloaked in black.

So comfortable was that darkness
that whispered sweet nothings in their ears
it gave comfort to some,
while forcing others to succumb to their fears.

I'm so tired of crying for my loves
all of my dears
I'm tired of fighting, crying and dying,
all this for all these years.

But still I will
run, and scream, and shout, and fight it all out.

Until the last light of the burning sun,
or until this war is won.
I will fight.

For them.
I will not tire.

I can't.
457 · May 2014
Nomad May 2014
Too late today,
and yesterday is tardy,
tomorrow is coming
so let's live like we gonna ---

Whoa!!! Wait hold up! What?

Is this what we've come down to?
Party like no tomorrow,
until we start puking up our guts?

No more I say!
It's to ignorant and stupid,
so let's live much better,
much better today!

Shape up, clean up,
these are suggestions what to do,
I'm not your mother or father,
but I certainly won't put up with,
such a careless attitude!

I care for you too much
as a person, at any rate,
call this chance, call this destiny,
you can even call it fate.
I don't care how you label it,
or take a pic, a selfie or two,
just know this, that I'm here for you,
yes, even you too!
455 · May 2014
The Angry Truth
Nomad May 2014
The truth
in so many more ways than one,
because it normally ends up,
with someone in tears,
or hurt some how,
as soon as the deed is done.

The angry truth,
it in the minds of the holder,
and the truth seems to be fabricated,
more and more,
as we get a little bit older.

The truth is,
as most people see it,
is all in their head,
and sometimes they'll say it,
and regret the terrible thing they said.

The angry truth,
is when we're all so frustrated inside,
when we want to punch through walls,
when we just want to run and hide.

The truth is,
we're scared, truth be told,
and we feel so very alone,
we watch our shadows like we watch our backs,
and we watch our footsteps, paranoia to the max.

The Angry Truth...
is angry because we are.
And when we take it out on ourselves,
sad truth is,
we sometimes take it too far.
We take it out on our bodies,
in extremes that only those who survived can tell,
and tears shall always fall,
just as the friends we knew, had fell.

The truth.
We can help.
If we all stood together, side by side,
if we were all here together,
for anyone and everyone who cried.
It'd be a little better,
not matter what kind of weather,
if we all had each other,
to call our sister and our brother.

The angry truth is,
we don't.

The truth, and the angry truth.

Could you handle either of them?
451 · Sep 2014
Little Wings
Nomad Sep 2014
Little wings, flutter in the wind,
little wings, up to heaven, for they have not yet sinned.
Little wings, flying away
away, away,
little wings
that can not stay.

Little wings, so small and frail,
yet strong and powerful,
that laughs as they have strengths to lift whales!

Today I hear,
another set of wings,
pinned to another angel of ours,
now we know we've another angel,
watching over us, from the Holy Towers!

Little wings,
we'll never hear,
little wings,
we'll never hold dear.
Little wings,
gone away for only a little while,
Little wings,
watch over us now,
as we go through our trial.

My sweet,
my dear,
my little wing, I miss you
I fear.

You're gone
and I am saddened,
inside my soul,
but my heart is gladdened,
that you've reached our goal.

You now flutter and fly,
in the heavens above,
you are now cared for
in the arms of Love.

May God answer,
the questions that we can not ask,
as we stay here
to complete our task.

Glory, Glory, unto the Lord Almighty,
I shall stay to weep here,
holding my little wing's body,
ever so tightly.
450 · May 2014
Nomad May 2014
We've all fought one before,
he's the child at the bus stop,
he's the man sittin on the porch,
spittin his chew, callin' you a flop.


Despicable people, inside and out,
to hurt one another,
without hesitation,
and without a doubt.

Why do they do such a despicable thing,
why do the enjoy
to cause such suffering?

Do they think it a game
to poke fun of someone
just because of their name?
Do they think it fun
when they play the game
of hit-and-run?

Words hurt too,
we've all felt it before,
we all dread the feeling of seeing the bully,
even once more.

Each day we grow weary,
of the battle we have to face,
sometimes we wish that we could leave,
and never leave a trace.

We cower in the dirt,
hide in the covers of the night,
we cry ourselves to sleep,
hoping things will be alright.

It tears us down,
little piece by peace,
and we look to other things
to find a "sweet release".

No my friend,
that's a sad path you'll choose,
when you think the only option,
is winning by having your life to lose.
What a sad, sad day indeed,
when you pick that dark and painful road,
all because of that bully,
the pain that they have sowed.

You've kept a journal, a diary, a record,
some where deep inside your head,
your heart feels the pain,
and it wishes it were dead.

Lonely is the path,
of the victim of the bully,
when all they ever think about,
is trying to be lonely.

They have no friends,
they say to themselves,
they have no one to rely one,
no one

Oh bully, what a tormentor,
the devil in the form of man,
he does his wicked works,
spreading lies and pain as far as he can.


They too, are not invincible,
through their stabbing words like burning knives,
they too are flesh and blood,
even through their electronic lives.

They eat, they breath, they live like us,
don't mind the foulness
as they make a slight ruckus.

They travel in packs, they're only along for the ride,
but they are the ones who are truly alone,
not know who's on their side.

They are humans, just like us,
he's just the kid that takes the same bus.
At home, we don't know, what goes on in there,
that kid probably has parents who really don't care.

Or maybe their spoiled rotten,
rotten to the core,
and they'll learn the hard way,
just what they're looking for.


Don't take revenge,
or anger upon your trespasser,
forgive them in love and kindness, you see,
because what they really need
is a sense of pity.

Aye, pity indeed, the pour souls
that torment you,
because as it turns out,
that's all they really can do.

If push comes to shove,
help them with love,
show them the way is wrong,
by singing the 911 song.

A simple call, a cry is all that's needed,
one simple complaint, is all and the enemy is yet defeated.

Can harm you, in more ways then one,
but with the call of justice and the law,
their evil doings are done.

are the ones who are truly alone,
those savage beasts can't appreciate life, like you and I do,
if they only know how to gnaw on bone.

don't bow down to them, but don't put up a fight.
I only ask you friend,
that you show them what's right.

Beware that you turn,
to the thing you detest,
be very scared if it seems,
you're no better than the rest.

Seen kids get picked on, and I knew it wasn't right. So with a few words of encouragement, the case was resolved, all without a fight.
But I've also seen, how easy the table turns,
when it's the hunger for power, is a person's desire to earn.
So be careful, of this two edged blade,
do not vanquish the monster, only to have your humanity fade.
449 · Jan 2015
Tarry Not
Nomad Jan 2015
Tarry not!
I think not!

For idle time shall cost me more
than just a pretty dime!

There's so much more at stake than
what could ever be realized,
my purpose, my goal,
can not possibly be defined.

My heart is my will,
my will, my resolve,
and it shall not falter nor fall,
nor waver or dissolve!

Another day,
another month,
another year,
I shall not worry,
nor give into fear.

I'll have doubts,
as every man will,
but my faith is strong,
my patience tested,
but patient still.

Time is of the essence,
Time is cruel,
and not on my side,
so I tarry not,
and I shall fight on,
for the trail is still warm,
and the sun still hot.

I must go.
And tarry not,
for the promise I made?

I never forgot.
449 · May 2014
A Good Day For Rain
Nomad May 2014
It's a good day to rain,
when I don't see you again,
it makes me just,
that much sadder.

You're the sun, making me feel warm,
inside and out,
you've got my head spinning,
I say this without a doubt.

You're a breath of fresh air,
when you're around,
you're the whispering wind,
that glides without a sound.

But it's only a good day for rain,
when you're not around,
because then my heart's heavy,
and you aren't there to help hold it,
because you can't be found.

Ah what a shame,
what a shame,
seven years to this day,
is when you went away,
never to return from up, up above,
so soon,
my first true love.

I miss you, I will, and always,
for when you're not here,
it seems I see only rainy days.

So long dear sun,
never to return to me,
fare thee well oh love, mon cheri,
I hope you're up there, watching over me.

For today,
as everyday,
is A good day for rain.
440 · Aug 2014
Come Away with Me
Nomad Aug 2014
Come away come away with me
my lost love, my love's lost.

Come away come away to the road
the winding road, that winds with the wind.

Come away with me to the water,
give your self a chance to live once again,
away from the evil, away from the big bad men.

Come away take my hand,
i know that you're scared, this is an offer
not a demand.

Come away come away with me,
child of the night,
come small bird,
spread your wings
and let us take flight.
433 · Mar 2014
Windy Ain't It?
Nomad Mar 2014
Sure is rough out tonight,
sure is a long way, from being "alright".
So let me help you just wind on down,
I know you've been busy, comin' home from town.
Bills need paying, dryer needs fixin', and the kids drew all over the walls again.
Sorry 'bout that, but don't you worry none,
You can pay'em tomorrow, I'll get right fixed, and let the kids have fun.
Right now, kick off your heels, and out of your suit,
I promise, lil' Clara ain't breakin' your flute (not yet).
C'mon down with me, to the living room.
Here's our porch that's lookin' in, hey c'mon now and smile, no cause for doom.
Yeah sure, maybe I burnt the cake again, I blame it on the timer,
heck forget the cookin', we'll order from Dave, at that cook-out diner.
It's story time again, keep the kids busy, while I make the call,
now don't you worry none, I promise it won't take no time at all.
There's that smile,
I've been waiting so long.
And here's that tune on the radio, that I think ain't a song.
Sure beat me up, you say it alot, tell the town,
but ain't you happy now, you're windin' down?
Sun's comin' out again, there you are my good ol' pal,
guess the winds died out, wouldn't say, ol' gal?
428 · Sep 2014
Nomad Sep 2014
Tonight I heard
the voices of angles,
the beats of drums,
and the scats of skits.

Don't know if that made sense or not,
but it's the words I know
and the only words I got.

And together,
these voices like angles
and the beats like drums,
the skats that skits,
they made a harmonizing melody,
and my my heart began to flit!

It was beautiful!
This A Capella sound,
it was wondrous,
this singing that I have found.

These songs,
had no meaning,
as the voices who sang them did,
it made me happy,
Like a kid.

These voices,
need only a moment,
to sing their hearts to their hearts' content,
makes a sinner,
fall to their knees and repent.

Songs of songs,
voices of voices,
they sure help,
when dealing with the noises.
426 · Apr 2014
Nomad Apr 2014
"Early to bed,
early to rise,
fish all day,
make up lies"
Give me a reason,
not to greet the brand new day,
give me a reason,
a reason I say!

The sun comes out everyday!
To smile and tease,
to give us light for but a little while,
that's reason enough for me
to sit and smile!

The moon, it glows, and boy ain't it pretty?
It dances in the night time dew,
have a breath of fresh night air,
heck, why not take two?

I've got a God, who loves me completely,
He sent his Son who died on the cross,
to take my sins and forgave me.
Yet I squander away His precious gift and name,
only to play in this worldly game.

But I'm not fooled thinking it's early,
everyday I think,
time to get a move on,
so I wake up early,
just to see the light of Dawn.

Better be early,
or you'll be late,
because when things start happening,
you're going to want to be ready,
and not hesitate.
Nomad Aug 2016
Alone I lay, but lonely I refuse to stay,
for what would become of me
if I were to stay this way?

Heaven forbid it so
from letting me be,
from drowning
in this melancholy sea.

Let my friends gather 'round,
and 'round the circle we go,
all the better that we speak,
that the better of us
we may come to know.

Let us break the mold
as strangers from a distant land,
and let us hold one another as family,
hand in hand.

None of us are perfect,
far from it be the thought!
But behold this friendship,
this wonder, this beauty, that we have caught.

Cast the iron upon us now,
for we carry the burdens of each other,
as much as we can allow.
We lift each other in the arms of the other,
we wipe dry the faces, and away the tears,
we stand tall and firm, proud and defiant,
we stand together.

Break the mold, and cast the iron,
let them whisper, murmur, scream and shout,
let us stand together once more my friend,
against our fear, against the doubt.
423 · Dec 2014
Rise Together
Nomad Dec 2014
Come my brothers, sisters, to arms I call!
Together, Together, we shall make even the Titans fall!

Stand fast! Hold strong! The enemy doth beat and holler upon yon gate!
Be brave, be steady, for the hardest part yet is but the wait.

The battle shall be under way, and will eventually be concluded,
so be ready and clear of mind! Let not your goals be deluded!

Fight for me as I fight for you!
All I ask is to believe in yourself as I believe in you too!

The tolls shall be heavy, without one speck of doubt,
but by the end of the day,
to this I pray,
we shall cast the heathens out!

Watch them flee!
See them run!
Rest when you can,
for the war is yet won!

And when it comes time, when the trumpet shall sound,
we shall rise from the bodies and ashes,
to only have the strength and courage,
but to look around.

We shall see among,
the mass field of blood and blacken soot,
we shall see among our friends and family,
their mangled bodies, arms, legs, hands and foot.

We shall see them, and some of us lying there,
we shall the heavens, Hell, and the stary stair,
we shall ask of our own God, "To how, how was this fair?"

A heavy toll is expected from a war of great meaning,
but come unto me, and I'll bear your sorrow a-leaning.

Our heads will be held high, in the victory we share,
we shall let our tears fall proudly, for we were the ones who dared.

We, along with our brothers and sisters that were called to arms,
we made our sacred oath,
to keep our loved ones from harm.

So in the name of peace,
we will wage our war,
away from home,
as only to keep safe our front door.

So we rise together, now, one and all!
Come my brothers!
Come my sisters!
Come hither, and answer the Call!
417 · Jan 2015
Mud & Blood
Nomad Jan 2015
So close.
I see them.
Targets in sight.
Me and the squad gears up,
ready for the fight.

Behind them, the hold my friends,
their is no turning back, no calling quits,
and for them. No way to make amends.

Rest now, my fellow angels,
for we've only made half the journey to this day,
don your armor, pass the ammo 'round,
for as angels are we, there will be hell to pay,
for my friends we shall save with a joyous sound.

Give me, my brothers and sisters in arms strength
in this coming battle, for our own little war,
may you, my Lord & savior, grant us victory & life
even at death's door.

Mud and Blood, shall dress us well,
as we stand ready, at the gates
to give them
413 · Jan 2015
The Worse News is No News
Nomad Jan 2015
There's no worse news
than no news,
it's the news you want to hear,
despite all your hopes and fears,
but you have none.

You have only a wing and a prayer
when you feel like you're the only survivor.
You can fight,
and you can bleed,
this was the product,
of such a beautiful seed.

Alone in this desert,
exposed to the open air,
Alone I can only hope,
that no one else is there.

For this is not my land,
no friends here have I.
I must tread ever so carefully,
lest I be caught
and die.

Down to the waters,
which I can only hope is real,
and unto the bazaars,
to which I have to make my business deals.

But even so,
with a crowd full of people,
I am persecuted,
for I come from a land with a church and steeple.

So away I must run,
in hopes for better news,
but not before,
I stop to pay my  dues.

There's much to sacrifice,
as there is to gain,
unfortunately my hands are bleeding red,
covered in someone else's blood stains.

I wait here alone,
waiting for the news,
hoping I lost my pursuers,
but unfortunately this is their land,
and it's only covered with clues.

I hear nothing from the village,
indeed it's much too silent,
like the stones upon a grave,
perhaps it is fitting,
for the name of the village,
which the elders gave.

Death's Crossing.

There's no news yet,
as to where they maybe about,
but I'll find them, indeed I will,
I will without a doubt.

For my friends are out there,
and to them I must go,
where and how I shall find them,
I suppose only God the Devil knows.

So clean up that greaser,
and sharpen that blade,
keep safe that picture,
never to let their memories fade.

It's time to find them,
no more the time to wait,
the war has begun,
the enemy has breached the gate.

No more news shall be cast,
nor voices shall ring,
let the bullets fly and the blood rain down,
for there's no other time than now,
to finally start dying.

Unto the breach,
I travel once more,
braving danger and death,
staring at the door.

The worse news I remember,
from my instructor so old,
was the news that you couldn't hear,
the ones never told.
Nomad Jul 2015
We run, we hide, we cheat and lie
but all that aside,
we still want to be known by someone before we die.

We have have a compulsion to spill our little tales,
from knowing the Queen of England,
to being the beggar of Wales.

What have you done my friend?
That makes you so scared?
What has gotten you this way,
that you are so defensively prepared?

I wish I knew how to break that shell,
but rather you safe there,
then to unleash the furies of hell.

My friend, I respect you, i love our friendship so,
so prying to your secrets of secrets, I shall dare not go.

My friend you are worth it,
every confusing mistake.
Because you are the friend, that I chose to make.
412 · Apr 2014
Nomad Apr 2014
Force equals Mass times Acceleration
what a weird little equation.
You can do so much with this little thing,
it's not even funny, it describes what you're doing.
From sitting, to moving,
to doing absolutely nothing.
Seriously now, if you've taken physics 101
is that even a class?
you would've learned, there's more than just one mass.

So seriously. Who made this equation here?
So riddle me this, if you would my dear,
who made this blasted equation,
this equation I fear.
Physics...Lets go.
411 · Aug 2014
Testing, Quiet Please!
Nomad Aug 2014
They're testing!
Please stay silent!

They're testing now!
You must be compliant!

You must not be near them,
nor usher another word,
for do not question our authority,
to do would be quite absurd!

We are the monitors,
of the very test they take now,
this test will be the tipping factor of their life,
just don't ask me how!

They must know this information,
that they're teach has instilled for years!
It's the only hope for them now,
oh my the little dears!

Just think,
if they had no tests,
just how would they cope!
OH the tragedy of it all,
united they'll never be!
Divided they surely will fall!

No, no no! That must not come to pass!
We must give them tests,
in order to pass the class!
If they do not know it now,
then how do we assure their future?
For if you ask me now,
it won't be a pretty picture.

Even I, yes I!, must take yet another test,
to **** out through out these cretins,
of which of them is the very best.

As I huff in the air as they slowly trudge their way towards my desk,
I sit and stare silently,
at a rather tragic looking pest!!
There! Anon! He slumbers without care!
How does he expect to succeed,
as he simply slumbers there!

There is no excuses,
for him to be so tired,
he knew this day would come,
his brain should've been hard-wired!

What a nuisance,
to get up from my comfy chair!
Just to go and wake this fellow up,
all they way 5 steps to there!

Oh hush now! Hush now!
Your child is testing still!
Would you rather him do this,
than trust him with the bill?
411 · May 2014
Once Upon...
Nomad May 2014
A clear cloudy day,
was all my mind could really come up to say,
about the weather, and the breeze,
when all the time I'm just thinking, "Ah jeez!"
What an embarrassing way to start,
when  I should've been brave, and said it from the heart.

Once upon a time,
in some dis-tant land,
All I ever really knew,
was the law of
supply and demand!
People always asked for much more than we had,
then we looked back at the people,
penniless and homeless, looking so sad.
Not all of the homeless
were all like that,
I'm just saying some of them,
thought that they wore crowns for hats
and now they're spending all their years,
thinking what could've been right,
instead of picking wrong streets,
and picking more fights.

In a room or a stall, or some where enclosed,
there's a little child crying,
but it seems that nobody knows.
The child is,
who ever it is,
doesn't matter the race, color, ***, or age,
it's just another sad chapter,
with another turn of the page.

There's a war out there,
and one right here, off our telephone,
it's right here, out there, in here,
and when we're alone.
How many years
will it take
for the kids
of this gen-eration, to fin-ally,
learn from their stupid mistakes!
Make one, all fun,
try not to do it again,
but no, gotta do it
for the vine,
so they do it
and then,
one's in the hospital,
with broken bones and spirit,
you'd they kids want to stay out of trouble,
in stead of trying to-get near it!

Once upon a time,
when we neighbors didn't need fences,
only needed for
the cattle expenses.
We worked hard for a living,
as we
still do,
it's funny how work is taken for granted,
until they don't know what to do.
Then it's just to hard,
to try to do better,
and then they think they know it all
until they get the denial letter.

It's a sad world we live in,
a sad world indeed,
it's a sad, sad world,
drowning in sin.

Aye, I said it,
as a Bible-Thumper I am,
I'm only preaching what I know, yes sir, and ma'am.

Once upon a time,
we all strove to be good,
and now we fear our neighbors,
and we take pride that we're from the hood.

Give me back
those summer days,
down by the lake of Cor,
give me back the swing-tire,
where we would never forget, never we swore!

The time of peace and respect,
and a piece of integrity,
where each child of every race,
fought the stereotypicracy!
Where each child would look forward,
to a brighter education,
and worked hard to feed their family,
instead of looking for vacation!

Gone are the days,
which I am speaking of,
gone are the days
where we used with care,
the word of Love.

Now we go out on flings,
hoping to fill ourselves for the night,
but deep down, deep inside,
I know they don't feel right.

Bring me back the days,
oh most lyrical of rhymes,
Oh bring me back once more,
turn back the Once Upon a Times!

They're gone...
now just a dream.

Once upon...
a midnight's dream.

405 · Aug 2017
A Terrible Dream
Nomad Aug 2017
I had a terrible dream.
That's all that it was.
A terrible dream
but with a terrible buzz.

I remember waking up
trembling in sweat and fear
I remember waking up
almost screaming and in tears.

There was a heavy weight on my chest
so heavy was my breathing
it felt like drowning.

I felt as if I was drowning in hopelessness
and a tidal wave of emotions.
It was all coming crashing down upon me
as I lied there on my bed.

Do you know what the dream had said to me?


" the rest of them."

There I stood among the mountain of bloodied rubble and ashes
There I stood among the dead and the dying
broken bodies.
Mangled and lifeless
Of all ages and sizes,
Eyes empty and ghostly
and all of them
at me.
And alone crying atop all of the wreckage
rubble, blood, carnage and bodies
sat a child.
As I approached with friends far behind,
I reached out a hand to comfort the child.
And he yelled with as much fury as one could have
at such a young age.
"I wish I was dead, just like the rest of them!"
He cried over and over again.
Broken, battered, bruised and bleeding he sat and cried.
Broken, battered, bruised and bleeding he sat...
and I died.

What a terrible dream
that's all that was.
Drenched in sweat, drowning in tears
frozen by fear
that's what a terrible dream does.
Nomad Jan 2015
Ah my love, my sweet, my precious one.
You know how much I adore you,
and keep you close as my own beating heart,
you're worth so much more to me than anyone
and that I wouldn't bare to have neither distance nor object,
keep us apart.

My sweet, my love, please do understand,
remember the vow when I took your hand?
Know that I'll keep it forever, even should death do us part,
for only you I trusted, with my beating heart.

Now love, I hope to remind you this, in hopes you'd understand,
I've a lost friend that needs my help,
in some desolate and war-torn land.
I know you think it foolish,
but to them I must go and find,
because I was taught and drilled,
never leave a friend behind.

My search, my fight, is all for you.
The sacrifices made by my friends,
are so damnably great,
that to ignore their cry for help,
would put all my years of friendship to waste.

Please do not cry,
as I leave the door,
please always know,
I am yours, forever, and forever more.

But pray, for me, as I go now,
for I must find my friends, some way some how.
Their safety I must assure,
if not the weight of their bodies,
that I will somberly endure.

I hope to find them, in some condition,
but at least alive,
I'm going in head first,
just watch me dive.

I thank you, for your understanding,
and support as you always did,
this was my burden to bare,
I'm sorry I reflected for so long,
so sorry that this secret I hid.

Don't worry love,
I won't be alone as I go,
because I'll always have you close to my heart,
because you and I, shall never truly be ever apart.

Now off, and away,
into the dusk, the night of the day.

Now off I sail,
off I fly,
to do.
Or die.

Off and away,
to come back to you
403 · May 2014
Harder than that
Nomad May 2014
You're going to have to
try harder than that
if you're trying to push me away,
and run so fast.

You gotta try harder,
than what you're doing right now.
Because you're stuck with me,
just don't ask why or how.

This is who I am,
and I know who you used to be,
but you're still my friend
at least a friend to me.

Doesn't matter what we've been through,
because we give each other chit,
This is what real friends do,
this I have to admit.

I'm full of love,
living on that hype,
if you can't stand me,
I guess I'm not your type.

But that doesn't matter
because a friend for you
I am.
Try harder than that,
it hurts,
but I honestly don't give a...

Where has the time gone?
All of our precious memories,
it seems to me that you prefer to be alone,
your heart some where lost in the seas.

Drowning, drowning, your heart sinks right through,
you're so angry, cold and bitter,
you want companionship so badly,
but don't know what to do.

Well, if this is your way of showing love
and askin' for a bit a help,
you've sure got a funny way of showin it.
But hey, try harder, I'll take every single hit.

You're gonna have to try harder than that,
I'm doing all I can,
I'm waiting for you
right in the middle,
just reach and grab my hand!

Try harder, do more!
This is our fight now,
let's settle the score!
C'mon, c'mon! I need you as much as you need me,
just try a little harder, push past the wall of Ice and

That yes it's possible.
That you can finally be

So Try harder than that.
That's all that I ask.

Now Do.
399 · May 2014
Try me! I Dare ya!
Nomad May 2014
Ding ding!
The round has started,
so put'em up,
let's see what you're made of,
how long 'till you give up!

Go ahead!
Knock me down!
Shut me up!
You won't see this boy give up!

Come on!
One more time!
Your punches ain't hardly,
worth a dime!

C'mon, c'mon!
I'm gettin' really bored!
Here, let's make it interesting,
I'll even give you a sword!

Careful now, the thing is sharp!
It ain't like what you're used to,
the strings of a harp!

Ha ha, haha!
Now it's getting fun,
now it's really time,
this fight has really begun!

Ooo! Getting close now,
you almost had me there,
watch it, watch it!
You'll mess up my hair!

**** me, and my cheery attitude,
c'mon, c'mon, relax!
Gotta take it easy dude!

Alright alright,
no more playing around,
I'll win this fight in two more moves,
and you'll be out, nice and sound.

G'night! G'night!
Sweet dreams, sweet dreamer!
Float like a butterfly, sting like a bee!
Whoa, that was fast, way too easy!

Alright round 2, c'mon step right on up!
Let's see how far you get,
before you give up?

So try me, I dare ya, and I'll show you what I'm made of,
I'm made of faith, obedience, and loyalty,
but most of all,
with love.
398 · Apr 2014
A Settled Mind
Nomad Apr 2014
When describing peace,
when all is said and done
when it's all so chaotic and all,
there's a certain remembrance,
if one remembers anything at all
One can't be certain,
on the certainty of certainship,
but only one can be certain of such relationship.
Have peace,
and know it well
my dear, dear friend,
the my sweet angel,
the angle who fell.

How I wish for you,
a sweet sound mind,
full of music and happiness, peace, and its kind,
I love you completely,
with each and every breath.

So I ask you now,
won't you take my hand,
and never part from me,
even in death?
395 · Dec 2017
Write Here
Nomad Dec 2017
Here we are
a page to settle in on
our once silent thoughts
finally put into these special arrangement of letters
into these meager words that we hope will adequately describe

From the feelings;
such as the greatest joy of becoming a father
as he holds his little girl in his arms for the very first time
when he so wanted a boy, he could care less now
without reason, or rhyme.
He swells with a pride that none could ever take from him now
as the tears well up in his eye.
Yes this one special moment
he would not let anyone deny.

To the places;
There she sat atop of the largest hill
the only hill around, in fact
that would over look the valley of rolling knolls
as she watched over her flock of sheep
she watched the galloping mares
and listened to the whinnying of foals.
She felt the breeze as it slipped between the tips of the tall grass surround
she thanks the Lord of Hosts everyday
for this spot she's found.
For on top this sturdy rock, on this high, high hill
she sees her peaceful village down below
and takes the breath she's been holding
knowing for just moment
she can finally be still.

And the people, oh the silly, beautiful people;
There they were
this merry band of friends.
They have been there despite their dubious beginnings
their rough starts
and all sorts of wrong footing.
Stronger than steel
and closer than kin
years of friendships has shown to them
that kind of love will always win.

So here you are dear reader
with a voice in your head
reading every line that there is
I think the lesson is quite clear.
You belong
right here.
391 · May 2014
I Am A Vessel
Nomad May 2014
I am a vessel,
floating out at sea,
how cliched is that,
a little to much for me.

I'm just a ship, wandering o'er the oceans
n'er to make landfall,
to see the beach
so either way
skip the lotion.

Aye, just a vessel, on the high
wayward sea,
just a lonely vessel,
alone, the ocean and me.

I can be a ship,
just floating about,
with it's little smoke stack
so short, so stout.

Or I can be
anything I want.

Say I'm a plane,
zoomin o'er head,
let's say I see you all,
as nothing more than ants instead?

I'll carry you anywhere,
wherever you need to go,
I'm as ready as I'll ever be,
just be sure to let me know.

See I'm just a lonely vessel,
a pilot of anything,
but I don't mind a shipmate
or co-pilot,
all you have to do is give me a ring.

So me hearty,
are you ready to set sail?
The winds are good,
the sun is a-coming,
it's time to begin a new tale.
385 · Jan 2015
Freeing You, Breaking Me
Nomad Jan 2015
There's a rhythm and order, a beat
to how things must be done.
There's a slim chance for us, to taste defeat
in this never ending war, but still we feel the heat,
even when the battle is won.

Targets marked
Fire for effect
Danger Close.

Call in the Artillery,
call in the Calvary
Call in the Devil Dogs,
the hounds of war,
for they are the few,
the proud,
the United States Marine Corps.


They are the brave men and women
who dedicate their lives to Country and Cause,
they are the peacemaking war mongers
whole fight and defend without pause.

They, the Army, Navy, Air Force and All
they are the bravest of us who heard
and answered the call.

Be that as they may be,
that, my friend, is not me.
I've never fought the hellish fight,
as they have for us.
But i'll fight forever and a day because I must.

To find you again,
I'll shatter and conquer worlds,
near and apart.
Just to know that you'll be safe,
in the confines of my heart.

One day I'll find you,
and you, home again,
this be my prayer, each and every day,
every day, amen.
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