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141 · Apr 2019
On Mindless Tenacity
Victor D López Apr 2019
The thoughtless pursuit,
Of any task throughout life,
Will never end well.
Victor D López Dec 2019
The Wise Speak Softly

The wise speak softly,
Fools yell out their every thought,
That all may know them.


Los Sabios Hablan en Voz Baja

Los sabios hablan en voz baja,
Los tontos gritan cada pensamiento,
Para que todos puedan conocerlos.
141 · Nov 2019
El Mundo Es Mi Ostra
Victor D López Nov 2019
El mundo es mi ostra,
Aunque muerta hace tres dias,
Ataúd maloliente,
Forrado en madre perla,
Ocultando ningún tesoro,
No una perla grande y perfecta,
Sólo mis huesos cubiertos de carne,
Y los sueños que una vez soñé,
Que murieron mientras yo vivía,
Con esperanza que nacieran.
Spanish translation from my English original, "The World is My Oyster"
Victor D López Dec 2019
He sembrado palabras en tierra fértil,
Los regué con sudor y lágrimas,
Fertilizados con sueños muertos,
Y crecieron, florecieron y prosperaron.

Una rica cosecha tengo ahora,
Cestas repletas de hojas muertas y prensadas,
Encuadernadas en coloridas cubiertas,
Que otros puedan repasar a voluntad.

Me brindan recompensas y algo de alegría,
Me sobrevivirán, aunque no mucho,
Y ayudaran a otros a aprender,
Y quizás a mejorar sus vidas.

Ojalá hubiera sembrado menos palabras,
Cosechado menos fanegas de hojas,
Y elegido sembrar otras semillas,
Que habrían florecido en almas.

En un instante intercambiaría
Celemines de bonitas hojas muertas,
Por una hija mía,
Amada mediante toda mi vida.

Lo hecho no se puede deshacer,
Aunque senderos no tomados me llamen todavía,
Al menos sé que cuándo me vaya,
Las hojas muertas nunca llorarán.
Translated from my poem, "As We Sow, Thus Do We Reap"
139 · Apr 2019
Victor D López Apr 2019
It is hard to soar,
When one's wings are soaked in tears,
But this too shall pass.
138 · Jul 2019
Love Conquers All
Victor D López Jul 2019
Does true love exist,
Or do we simply dream it,
To fill empty lives?

And if it is real,
Do we see it with our hearts,
Or just with our eyes?

Can we ever tell,
Self-delusion from true love,
And does it matter?

Should we not embrace,
A chance for shared joy when found,
If it does no harm?

Believe in true love,
Hope and dream and strive for it,
If it's not yet yours.

It gives life meaning,
Makes all our pain bearable,
Keeps away despair.
These linked haikus are also a takeoff on my short story "Amor Vincit Omnia" that deals with humor with a very serious topic--the need to be understood and loved with our faults and the mind's rebellion against real or perceived incompatibility with our mates that can lead to some unusual consequences. Can the quest for true love lead to a path of self delusion and madness, or can the universe however strangely or unlikely bring two well-matched, lonely souls together? If we find true love, be it in madness, self delusion or reality, does it fundamentally matter at all?
138 · May 2020
Lectura de Poesía
Victor D López May 2020
Para oír una lectura de poesía nueva
En español o traducida al español del ingles original,
Entre las que publique en estas paginas,
Puede hacerlo en el siguiente enlace.
The above URL is to a YouTube video featuring a sampling of my new poetry either written is Spanish or translated into Spanish by me from my English originals. The video runs approximately 19 minutes.
137 · Apr 2019
Positive Change
Victor D López Apr 2019
You won't change the world,
Regardless how hard you try,
Work to change yourself.
137 · Aug 2019
On Fading Dreams
Victor D López Aug 2019
Why have you left me, sweet old dreams of youth?
I tried so hard to hold you in my heart,
Where have they fled, faith, honesty and truth,
Or were they only visions from the start?

Do I hear music deep within my soul,
Or mocking echoes of a bygone time?
Embers still glow, though I am growing old,
But they grow dark and cold, as does my rhyme.

Each passing moment wears away my hope,
As does the blowing sand the desert stone,
Symphonies fading to a single note,
Leaving me empty, bitter and alone.

I grieve not for my life; I have more sense,
I grieve far greater loss, my innocence.

[You can access my reading of this poem at]
137 · Dec 2021
Most Prized Christmas Gift
Victor D López Dec 2021
Most prized Christmas gift,
Humble table, a meal shared,
With loved ones still here.
137 · Apr 2019
Victor D López Apr 2019
An excess of pride,
Paves the road to perdition,
As does want of it.
136 · Nov 2019
Perky Pachyderm
Victor D López Nov 2019
Little, cuddly, smart,
And in the fullness of time,
He will move mountains.
136 · Apr 2019
Stand Up to Evil
Victor D López Apr 2019
Evil will triumph,
When we foolishly refuse,
To call it by name.
Victor D López Apr 2019
Tell me who you're with,
And I'll tell you who you are,
Spaniards say wisely.
Victor D López Apr 2022
We know so very little about dreams,
Are they just fantasies we realize?
Products perhaps of the subconscious mind,
Working out problems as we sleep at night?

No one yet understands the human brain,
Mapping its function is beyond our grasp,
Despite the knowledge science has achieved,
Its mystery's still a Gordian knot.

How does cognition arise in our brain?
What are its secrets we have yet to find?
Where does the soul reside, if one exists?
And what is hidden from the conscious mind?

What if we were to find to our surprise,
Others inhabit that which we most prize?
This is a teaser poem for one of the 13 short stories in my Echoes of the Mind's Eye collection. You can download the complete short story free until May 1, but only at the following link:
Victor D López Apr 2021
Hear their approaching hoofbeats,
See the destruction in their wake,
Know it is we who summoned them.

The poison of our hatred draws them,
As does the indifference in our hearts,
And the darkness in our souls.

As we've sown, so now we reap,
Division, acrimony, and ill will,
Harvests that nourish our inner demons.

War, famine, pestilence, and death
now march,
Trampling freedom, hope, and truth,
Co-opting and mocking God's grace.

The tipping point is visible on the horizon.
Soon there will be no turning back,
If we succumb to our collective madness..
You can hear my reading of this poem and many other samples of my published poetry, short fiction and new novel through my podcasts at
134 · Jan 2023
My Simple Plea
Victor D López Jan 2023
While there is life, there’s hope, Spaniards do say,
What good is life, though, when all hope is gone?
With our hearts breaking, we can nightly pray,
Try to ignore reason’s call to move on.

Faith for a time can keep our hope alive,
Drown out despair’s compelling siren’s song,
Until the sands of time slowly contrive,
To wear to nothing that which once was strong.

And yet I cling to that thin, fading dream,
That all might yet be well for those I love,
For no one knows what will flow in life’s stream,
Known only to the mind of God above.

Please help her, God, and all I love in need,
Please, dearest Lord, I beg you, intercede.
You can hear me read this sonnet at
131 · Dec 2019
La Vida
Victor D López Dec 2019
Las arenas del tiempo fluyen,
Cayendo hacia el olvido,
dejando algo atrás.
translated from my haiku "Life"
131 · Apr 2020
If You Thirst
Victor D López Apr 2020
you thirst
for justice
quench your thirst friend
by doing what's right

you thirst
for glory
quench your thirst friend
accomplish great deeds

you thirst
for money
quench your thirst friend
through honest hard work

you thirst
for freedom
quench your thirst friend
setting others free

you thirst
for God's grace
quench your thirst friend
helping all you can

you thirst
for power
drink as you might
you will die of thirst
131 · Dec 2019
Pure hearts never die
Victor D López Dec 2019
Pure hearts never die,
They stop beating and ascend,
From whence they have come.
131 · Jun 2019
On Raising Ravens
Victor D López Jun 2019
Broken wing,
Carefully nursed,
Healthy again,
Vantablack wings,
Powerfully beating,
Propelled skyward,
Fueled by,
Benefactor's eyes.
Victor D López Jun 2022
I've published twenty books to date,
I love to write, that's just my fate,
My textbooks tens of thousands used,
But my poetry needs a boost.

More write than read poems it seems,
And I won't pay marketing schemes,
Nor will I pay for book reviews,
In hopes of better book sale news.

The mortgage my non-fiction paid,
My publishers more profits made,
My first house fully paid by them,
My indie fiction's no such gem.

Judge not my poems by these weak lines,
They're as annoying as French mimes,
My books much better verse contain,
(So does graffiti on a train.)

For those still reading these my lines,
Download my first book free online,
You'll find it at the link below,
Until June 10, not one day more.

All eBook versions free through June 10, but only at one of the retailers where the book is sold:
130 · Jan 2022
Victor D López Jan 2022
life's precious moments
swirl around time's vortex
slowly spun into fine threads
that melt away
like cotton candy
on the tongue
leaving behind
sweet, tenebrous
soft impressions
of what has been
130 · May 2019
Death has no meaning
Victor D López May 2019
Death has no meaning,
For those who have sown good seeds,
That will bear sweet fruit.
130 · Dec 2019
El Río de la Vida
Victor D López Dec 2019
Las aguas plácidas fluyen,
Perezosamente este día de verano,
Pero oigo las cataratas.
Victor D López Jan 2022
We sleep at night secure we think,
That surely we'll awake,
But what if dreams would others link,
Intent to our mind take?

Our brain gives birth to consciousness,
Though science knows not how,
Our brightest minds can only guess,
But never truly know.

I posit other minds than ours,
May share the sleeping brain,
And in some cases nightly hours,
Through dreams cause us real pain.

If we are weak and they are strong,
The battle they might win,
They fight to live, no right or wrong,
In the struggle within.
127 · Dec 2019
Venezuela: ¡Basta ya!
Victor D López Dec 2019
TranslateMatar de hambre a su pueblo forzado a comer a sus mascotas o de los contenedores no es suficiente;
Causar la emigración de más de 3.000.000 de los mejores y más brillantes ciudadanos no es suficiente;
Una tasa de inflación anual del 60, 324% en la actualidad (fuente: Forbes) no es suficiente; Rechazar a punto de ametralladoras alimentos y medicinas del extranjero enviadas para ayudar a los enfermos y a quienes se mueren de hambre en las fronteras no es suficiente;
Traquetear la Constitución y establecer una dictadura no basta;
Miles de millones de dólares robados al pueblo venezolano por compinches no es suficiente;
Destruir la esperanza, el progreso y una economía mundial líder no alcanza.

Hoy los matones del gobierno están literalmente atropellando a los manifestantes en vehículos blindados.

Un pequeño grupo de apologistas de izquierda rabiosa en los Estados Unidos nos dicen que ignoremos al hombre detrás del telón en un intento demente de defender lo indefendible deben finalmente enfrentar a la realidad.

Maduro debe irse. Su distópica marxista debe ser desmantelada. El pueblo venezolano debe recuperar el derecho de autodeterminación a través de elecciones libres y justas, no las falsas elecciones que todas las naciones comunistas utilizan para mostrar cerca del 100% de la aprobación del tirano gobernante.

¡Ya basta!

Publicado originalmente el 30 de abril de 2019 en inglés con el titulo “Venezuela: Enough is Enough!"
Originally posted April 30, 2019 in English as “Venezuela: Enough is enough!” Sadly, little has changed since then.] Original post:
Victor D López Dec 2021
Can our dreams **** us?
One man finds they can and leaves
A warning and proof.
This is another teaser for my short story of the dsame name. You can hear a preview reading at
126 · Dec 2019
El Velo Levantado
Victor D López Dec 2019
Tus ojos vidriados me miraban,
Sin reconocimiento,
Pero ahora lo ves todo.
125 · Mar 2023
Our Government
Victor D López Mar 2023
A three-ring circus,
No animals/acrobats,
Just pathetic clowns.
125 · Feb 2022
Earth Mother
Victor D López Feb 2022
A beautiful woman is awakened,
By an off-world visitor with a plea,
With enticing compensation promised,
If she will render a simple service.

Compensation would be two priceless gifts,
No humans possess and few would pass up.
Say yes, and the world could be her oyster,
Her high ambitions within easy reach.

Should she accept? And if she does, will she,
Attain all that she craves, or tragedy?
This is a teaser for my SF short story by the same name
125 · Dec 2019
Malas Ideas
Victor D López Dec 2019
Las malas ideas no mueren,
Prosperan como hongos en la oscuridad,
Desarráigalas con luz.
124 · Dec 2019
La Muerte No Tiene Sentido
Victor D López Dec 2019
La muerte no tiene sentido
Para quienes han sembrado buenas semillas,
Que engendrarán frutos dulces.
Translation of my haiku "Death Has No meaning"
122 · Mar 2019
True Love
Victor D López Mar 2019
Vital living flame,
That never burns itself out,
But forever warms.
121 · Dec 2019
El río de la vida 2
Victor D López Dec 2019
El río de la vida,
Fluye por un rato,
Y muy pronto seca.

Míralo desde la orilla,
Desde la seguridad de la tierra firme,
Y nunca te ahogarás.

Pero si te sumerges en el,
Navegas los rápidos fluviales, arriesgas las cataratas,
Flotas en sus curvas plácidas.

Conoceras la alegría,
De paisajes en constante cambio,
Más que vale la pena el riesgo.

Te rasparan las rocas,
No encontraras sombra contra el sol,
Y poco tiempo para el descanso.

Cuando las aguas se secan,
Y llegas al final de tu viaje,
Realmente habrás vivido.
121 · Jan 2022
Blood Paella
Victor D López Jan 2022
Frozen meat, knife slips,
Cuts ring finger to the bone,
Bleeding will not stop,

Late night ER trip,
Ahead of oncoming storm,
stitches or glue seal?

Tendon nearly missed,
Wound cleaned, sealed, and blood flow stopped,
Wound dressed and sent home.

Sleet and snow falling,
Got home, went back to cooking,
Unfinished main dish.

Washed my blood from plate,
$250 rice dish,
Completed at last.

Greedily consumed,
ER Fees won't ruin,
This cook's appetite.

Based on this week's latest ordeal. My carelessness had its price with a $250 ER visit despite my supposed "Cadillac" health plan. But there's no use crying over spilt blood--and I did pick up where I left off and enjoyed a tasty albeit now much more expensive dish. That's what I get for separating frozen chorizo with my favorite very sharp knife carelessly--even while knowing if I slipped I could get a nasty cut. As I've written elsewhere in one of my short stories, my wife is justified in calling me the smartest idiot she knows. *SIGH
120 · Jan 2020
Coding Will Set You Free
Victor D López Jan 2020
Coding will set you free,
Repair, rework, renew, reinvent ruinous reality,
Into a multiverse where reason reigns and creativity flourishes.

Excise the tired, mundane, mind-numbing predictability of the real,
Transform it into a rebooted reality that erases every flaw,
Expiates original sin and finally frees humanity from its anchor to clay.

Soar on the winds of possibility to heights undreamed of,
With wings not of feathers and wax impervious to the sun,
Then cut the cord of existence and live forever in a perfect world.
120 · May 2019
Why I Write
Victor D López May 2019
I do not write for money,
And even less for fame,
I write because I have to,
It's simply who I am.

I'm a jack of many trades,
And the master of a few,
But they do not define me,
They are just the things I do.

What I write will not endure,
Much of it will not be read,
Little of all I publish,
Will survive long once I'm dead.

I'd write if no one read me,
In ink, on sand or in blood,
As long as reason abides,
I know that I will not stop.

It is so for all of us,
Who are writers at our core,
Writing is our very essence,
It is who we are, no more.
120 · Mar 2019
Love Freely Given
Victor D López Mar 2019
Love freely given,
Ripples in the universe,
To outlive the stars.
119 · Feb 2022
Victor D López Feb 2022
We choose to keep the homeless out of sight,
As though they'd vanish if we do not look,
It's easy to ignore their sorry plight,
Treat them as lesser humans God forsook.

We easily dismiss the luckless few,
Though there but for God's grace may go we all,
Yet hubris blinds us to what we once knew,
Before our childhood's end, before our fall.

How different to us the world would seem,
If we knew billions worshipped each of us,
Unheard, unseen, their fates not ours to glean,
The least of us, in fact, a world en masse.

If kings and paupers both are just the same,
Denying each dignity is insane.
This sonnet is intended as a teaser for one of my short stories, "Mergs (or Why Godot Can't Come)".
118 · Apr 2019
Fly High
Victor D López Apr 2019
Under the radar,
One avoids the flak of life,
But will never soar.
118 · Mar 2019
Counting Sheep
Victor D López Mar 2019
Counting sheep an hour,
Very bored but not sleepy,
Will try chasing them.
118 · Apr 2019
Victor D López Apr 2019
You are surely mad,
When you believe yourself right,
And the whole world wrong.
117 · Jan 2022
Homo Sapiens Sapiens
Victor D López Jan 2022
**** Sapiens Sapiens,
Are at the top of the food chain.

We would do well to remember,
Long ago, so were dinosaurs.
Victor D López Dec 2019
La libertad es tu legado,
Comprada con tu preciosa vida,
Lejos de casa y de la familia,
En guerras sabias e imprudentes.

Camino a la luz gracias a ti,
Enseño, escribo, hablo, pienso sin miedo,
Y nuestra bandera vuela libre sin tocar el suelo,
Faro de esperanza a través de los años.

Estoy orgulloso de nuestra bandera,
Mi mano sobre el corazón mientras canto,
Nuestro himno nacional,
Mientras mi voz se agrieta y los ojos lagrimean.

Siempre me emociono,
No de orgullo tonto y vacío,
Sino porque en ella veo,
Tu sacrificio conmovedor.

La libertad no viene de un deseo,
Ni la paz de las oraciones por sí solas,
Viene de soldados como tú,
Que desinteresadamente lo dieron todo.

Te llevo en mi corazón,
Todos los días de cada año,
La deuda que te debo no puede ser,
Paga con palabras ni con lágrimas.

Descansa en paz, amado muerto,
Que Dios te conceda honores debidos,
Hoy voy a enarbolar nuestra bandera,
Y en ella siempre te veré a ti.
Victor D López Dec 2021
Scientist's playthings,
Cause the end not just of earth,
But of our universe.
This is one of two quite different end of world scenarios in my Echoes of the Mind's Eye short story collection. This novelette is at once the darkest of my short stories precisely because it is quite plausible. It posits a completely new theory of cosmology that explains both the birth and death of universes in the multiverse (or omniverse, my own coined phrase) based on the role that black holes play in the creation. and extinction of an endless number of bing and colossal crunches of universes both large and small. If you would like to hear me read a free preview of about half of the short story, you can do so at
Victor D López Jun 2022
Two decades passed since my first book of poems,
It was past time to publish volume two,
The sands of time weigh heavy on my bones,
And my road narrows with yet much to do.

Too many friends have now passed through the veil,
As have my parents and their siblings all,
My circle narrows, empty now my vale,
In sleepless nights I can but hear their call.

So many dreams deferred that now have died,
My negligence bereft them of their life,
So many doors left closed I should have tried,
No hope remains for me or for my wife.

Even my music echoes distant, dull,
But poetry can for a time pain lull.

If you would like to download a free copy of the eBook version of my second book of poems, Echoes of Dawn at Dusk, you can do so only at until June 20, 2022.
116 · Jan 2022
Seeds in the Wind
Victor D López Jan 2022
Feathery seeds blown by winds of chance,
Over deserts, oceans, forests,
Thousands of miles,
Or only a stone throw away,
To land and retake flight,
Time and again,
Before taking root,
And thrive or die,
As soil and weather will,
Such is our plight.
115 · Dec 2019
Hazle Frente al Mal
Victor D López Dec 2019
El mal triunfará,
Cuando neciamente nos negamos,
A llamarlo por su nombre.
115 · Feb 2019
On Wisdom
Victor D López Feb 2019
"I know that I know nothing" said the wisest man who ever lived,
"I know that I know everything" said the dumbest of them all,
The rest of us fall somewhere in between the two.

Wisdom comes from knowing that the smartest humans,
Are like amoebas trying to understand the universe by examining,
In minutest detail the drop of fetid pond water they inhabit.

When you don't know what you don't know,
And realize you are as ignorant and insignificant as an amoeba,
You will have begun the long journey to enlightenment.
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