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Trash panda Sep 2022
If you need to cry
I won’t judge or hide
I’ll hold you tight
And wipe the tears from your eyes
As you say goodbye
As each drop is released
And all of your pain shall decease

If you ever feel alone
Don’t you worry darling
I’ll rush right home
Right to your arms
So you can know
That you are
Forever in my heart

If you feel unheard
I won’t shrink or cut you short
I’ll sit to listen to your words
And let all your worries
Fall off your shoulders
Cause you’ve been carrying
A rock bigger than a two ton stone
Don’t worry darling, I’ll be here
I’ll forever listen
Even when you’re healed

If you ever have joy
I’ll uplift you smile
And let it show
Because it’s the cutest of the all
I’ll trace it with permanent marker
And paint it with gold
And diamonds where your teeth should be
Because it shines brighter
Than any flashlight I know

If you need a friend
Or a lover instead
Don’t worry darling, I’m here
And I’ll be there
Just touch your heart
And let it beat and thump
Feel it pulse
And feel your scars
I’ll kiss each one
Until they are healed
I’ll make sure
That for a man
You shall never kneel

Don’t worry darling, I’m here
593 · May 2022
Letters-> Words-> ?
Trash panda May 2022
Why do I tend to fall back
When it comes to sending
A message with words
That attached to
Are subliminal lines
Each written
One at a time
To demonstrate my drought
As you recognize my thirst
Like a succulent english rose
Asking for water to pour
While it’s planted far from the sea
Asking for a drop of sweat
From the rocks it can reach
Inching closer to death
That is what I see
Every time your smile
Penetrates me
471 · Jun 2022
What does it take?
Trash panda Jun 2022
What does it take?
What do I know?
I don’t know much
But I know how far i will go
Stretching is not my strength
But for you I’ll stretch thin
Until my cells are holding on
With such fierce grip

What does it take?
What do I know?
What do I do?
To get a chance
To have a dance
With you and you alone
And let symphonies
Of love and romance
Beat the drums of your ears
Till your heart gives me a chance

What does it take?
What do I know?
I don’t know much
Not at all of how
this love thing Goes
So I ask once again
Whose the man
That can undress more than
Your flesh with his tone?

If the answer is none
And no one at all
Well what does it take
To take your heart home?
What do I know?
I don’t know much
But I do know
That my heart beats
Fast and slow
And blood flows
To a beauty
Worth more than gold
423 · May 2022
Trash panda May 2022
I’m at a lost for words
With a hole in my heart
The one I began to cherish
Is the one that’s tearing me..
388 · Dec 2022
Trash panda Dec 2022
The wind can blow
It can shake all the trees
Storms can drag us by our feet
But my heart
Will always belong to thee
331 · Apr 2022
Grocery list
Trash panda Apr 2022
Flying hearts
Warm smiles
That is what my heart
Truly desires

Soft lips
A gentle kiss
Oh, man, Oh, man!
I’m already dreaming of kids

Sparkling eyes
Mimosas with our sunrise
Just as Picasso
Drew us these bright skies

A gentle touch
And a beauty unmatched
My heart to you
Has become too attached

A fiery heart
A surprise with a twist
It is you I describe
On my grocery list
200 · May 2022
Let me be
Trash panda May 2022
Let me be
The mistake
You’re meant
To commit
Let me be
The man
That has you
Dancing around
My finger tip
Let me be
The man you
Ignore all day
But reminisce
The smell
I left behind
Layered on on the sheets
Like a love potion
Of pillow mist
185 · Dec 2022
Trash panda Dec 2022
If I could carve you into stone
As I can describe you with my lips,
All the marble statues
Would perish,
Seize to exist.
You beauty would be the standard
Of all modern art,
Your lips curve to perfection
And your eyes captivate my heart.
Your body crafted from the heavens,
Blessed to creation,
Perfection is nothing short.
I could stare at you for hours
Like you’re a ruby red rose,
You hair is strings of gold
Pulled by the gods themselves.
Ocean waves in your hair
As you move with the breeze
It invites me to dance,
Showing me it’s flirtatious expertise.

If I was a true artist,
One that sculpts with stone.
I’d have all the greatest artist
Ask me when did I see an Angel
Up close.
175 · Dec 2022
Trash panda Dec 2022
You call it chase
I say you lack empathy
I just want to be heard
Be seen
Be able to talk
Without your knees getting weak

You call it chase
I say reciprocate
I go after you
Without questioning the days
I ask for an hour
But you’d rather hit the hay

You call it chase
I want your affection
I’m tired of trying
To hold my tongue
When your actions
I question
153 · Dec 2021
To my unknown lover
Trash panda Dec 2021
To my unknown lover
The one I’ve yet to meet
Or perhaps I have
And it’s just a matter
Of time before our heart
Connect like summer and sweets

My dearly beloved
The one I do not know
I hope that yours days are dull
And my kiss, your golden globe
The thing you crave for
Deep in your sleep

My valentine for life
I hope I make things right
And hope to take your heart
Every day and every time

My one true love
My one true kiss
I hope your as beautiful
As winters bliss

My slice of heaven itself
I truly wish you the best
Because the day we meet
Will be the day I’m born again

My unknown lover
I’ll love you till my last breath
But until we meet
I’ll be thinking of you
And for what the future
has planned for us next

To my unknown lover
I’ll wait for you here
One day I’ll meet you
And out love will be sincere

I may not know your face
But I know your divine
I may not know your body
But a goddess you’ll be
Forever in my eyes
#love #latenight  #latenightpoems #lovers #theunkown
151 · Dec 2022
Trash panda Dec 2022
Little white door
What secrets do you keep
With your tile entrance
And wood everywhere you see
You have seen a lot
And your walls hold secrets
That no one has seen
You have seen me in my worst
As I crumbled on her feet
You have seen me cry
More than those I love the most
You have heard my pain
Thinking I was alone
You have seen my friends
Come in and out your door
You remember the parties?
And the cook outs too!
All the birthday celebrations
You’ve watched my dog grow too
You have seen all the lies
And all the truths
Little white door
Of apartment 305
Thank you for keeping
Yourself true
140 · Jun 2022
Word “Religion”
Trash panda Jun 2022
Why do I hate the word “religion”? Why does it shake my core?
What is it about it that brings up my rage and makes my anger sweat?
There is many things about it that makes me upset but the most import piece is the piece i detest
Humans In a house of so called god is what disturbs me the most
People smile and laugh but mock you when you’re at your low
Talk about the things you wear and stuff you do
Making sure that in the eyes of god that they are always in front of you
The constant fights between who is right is tearing us apart and driving us away from the light
People would rather go to church than to listen to their children silent cries
They would much rather please a congregation full of thieves and liars
They raise their hands to a judgmental priest
Up in the air until they get tired
Hypocritical thoughts and words is all I hear
I am truly tired
I am devastated with our God Allah
The creatures he made, made to suffer by each other
I am sadden of how our people rot
How there are groups of people that don’t wanna see women climb
They just wanna see them cry and die
They don’t want to love thy neighbor
Because they don’t love themselves
They love the idea
Of having a paradise
And all the riches in compared
To the things they wake up every day
And how the people around them make their living,
A living hell.
Some places will protect
The **** in the choir steps
But the man that has a husband
Shall never have respect
Respect Those that touch your children sometime when you’re there
But won’t love a neighbor that dyes their hair
You will take away food from the poor to throw in the trash
And ban abortion because it’s not “gods plan”
Well neither are you, you don’t decide
You don’t sit on his thrown because all you do is lie
Who are you? Law makers with false hope
I’ll see you in hell when this world is done with its turn
While you’re confuse about the life you have lived
While I burn freely because I know my true sins
You will suffer with agony for being the worst you can
For the hypocrisy that you claim to always lend a hand
That’s why I hate the word religion
Theres no meaning behind that word
All it means is that people are pointing
At the same sun
from different places
on this earth
As people we must come together for each. For one another but we fail every time. We must put our difference aside to be able to prosper with love
138 · Apr 2022
Trash panda Apr 2022
I would call but you never answer
I would text but you don’t reply
Why do I waste my time chasing you
When I don’t even cross your mind
137 · May 2022
Issue at Hand
Trash panda May 2022
Is not knowing my own truth
My own lies
My own demise

The issue in my brain
Makes it hard to move past
The toxic waste,
When you devout
More than your heart
And are left
With nothing
But scars

The issue in my soul
Becomes overpowered
and unmatched
When I know
I won’t be the man
With my hand
Grazing your waist
As we step
Into the light
For our last dance

And the issue at hand
Is that I won’t stop loving you
Even after you took my heart
134 · Sep 2022
Went through
Trash panda Sep 2022
What if I did
What I didn’t want to do
How many years
Would it be
That I would of lost you
All of you
The people I love the most
How many years would it be
If I went through
And took my life alone?

I would fail to see my nephew
Little baby Micah
I would fail to see my sister
Leave that hurtful guy
I would fail to see my brother
Graduate in black and red
Even miss his bootcamp ship date
As I hug him to death

If I went through
With my own personal death
I would miss all the people I love
And those that hurt me
No second chance
If I wen through
My endless sleep
I would fail to find you
The girl of my dreams
What if I went through with it?
Imagine all the things I’ll miss
But that’s the beauty of it
I went through and lived
129 · May 2022
It was Fun!
Trash panda May 2022
It was fun
To see you smile
To see you laugh
To kiss you lips
And grab your hips
To pull you in
Our tongues will twist
I growl, you hiss
I bite my lips
I reminisce
It was fun
But you insist
That you and I
Cannot co-exist
128 · Oct 2022
Weak; Soft
Trash panda Oct 2022
Let me be weak
Let me be soft
Let me be able to hold
You dearly in my arms
Let me be able
To talk about it all
All the things that
Can make me cry
Or when I hit
A wall

Let me be weak
Let me be soft
I want you to hear
The rhythm of my heart
Press your ear against
This hollow chest of mine
Hear the hidden truth
Behind my dark brown eyes

Let me be weak
Let me be soft
Let me tell you
How I try
To move on
In this game I call life
Let me speak
From my beating heart

Let me tell you
The secrets to my heart
127 · May 2022
Trash panda May 2022
                    e      t
My heart b            s  faster
                                          ­                                 e
                                                               ­          h   n          
                                                    t­.                W
                                              ­    a                 ?         L
                                    l           h      S          o           o
And time becomes s   o     W        h       D             v        
                                         w.              o                        e    
                  ­                                          u   I
Controls the Rhythm
And you are the sole trigger
126 · Jun 2022
Trash panda Jun 2022
Me ilusione con tu mirada
Me ilusione con tu amor
Me imaginó todos tus besos  
Mientras estoy acostado solo
Pensando que un Día
Tu Mano estará  junto
A la mía,
Que un día
Conozcas mas qué
Mis palabras bonitas
Y te encontraría
En mi cama  
Porqué usted es el amor,
El amor de mi vida
124 · Apr 2022
Trash panda Apr 2022
Dreamy night and too many bottles of wine
Pile up, all together in a single file line
Its fine
Like the beauty in your eyes
We both hope to end between the sheets of lust and sunrise of sorrow
To hope that our toes curl up in the morning tomorrow
We throw our clothes to the floor as we erupt in more
Losing our sense and feeling it to our core
Where we battle for more then mere control
Nether less our instincts take flight
The stare is something we can't avoid and never hide
Stars in her eyes
Silhouettes made by sunrise
Under her spell
All because of the stare
123 · Jul 2022
Get to know
Trash panda Jul 2022
I want to get to know
More than your flesh and sins
I want to cut your vessel
And glimpse inside your soul
Carefully trace your edges
As my lips are a knife
To break you from this tarnished mold

I want to know more
Of your heart and your core
To know what makes your heart beat
And know what makes it hurt
So when it is in pieces
I can pick up those that fall
And glue them with my aura
Cement them with love
Cure them with kisses
And dry it with my hugs

I want to get to know you
And all that you’re about
Know exactly when you’re about to smile
And learn to tell when you are mad
To know when you’re distress
So I can bring you peace
Know when you’re a wreck
Battling like a ship at sea

I want to know how to calm your waves
And bring tranquility
Kiss you on your forehead
Right before we sleep
I want to know
More than to bring you peace
More than to make you smile
I want to know how
To manifest my last name
Into ours
122 · Jun 2022
Trash panda Jun 2022
How do you expect to grow
When you don’t get any light
My little sunflower
There’s always light
Just smile
You’ll be alright

How do you expect to grow
My little English rose
When you shrivel in the cold
Created on this summer day
When you think you’re alone

How do you expect to grow
My beautiful water Lilly
When your base doesn’t touch your life
We all get lost sometimes
Sink in your roots
In the pond of life

How do you expect to grow
My little ray of sunshine
The sun does set
At the end of the day
But remember
There’s always another
118 · Sep 2022
Trash panda Sep 2022
It’s embarrassing
To call you on this phone
To hear your pretext lines
Waiting for my replies
It hurts that you bring out these words
It hurts to let you know why I’m hurt
But if I never called
I might not be here at all
So I’m thankful for the call

If you’re ever feeling down
And have no where to run
Please call the number
Someone wants to hear
what you’ve been through and done
And if not one
Not one soul answers your call
Don’t forget about me friend
I’ll hear you out
Just please
Please reach out
113 · Apr 2022
Trash panda Apr 2022
I want to carve your body with my lips
As if you were the pumpkin and I am the knife
Cutting and leaving a design that shows my love And glows brighter than any sunrise
Illustrating marks only true lovers never regret
As I whisper “you’re perfect” into your ear
I hear a gasp for air, must seem that you're near
My human design has a lot of imperfections
Sinning through my days to feel somewhat alive
Even though sinning is wrong, that I cannot deny
But if sinning is what makes us human
I don’t want to be right
110 · May 2022
Guest House
Trash panda May 2022
Sometimes the only difference between medicine and poison is dosage
So how much should I take of you before I’m under your hypnosis?
How much more until I’m poisoned?
Doctor, Doctor! What’s the prognosis?
Cause a simply no is enough to leave me heartbroken

Trying to keep my eyes open
To get a glimpse through this veil
Marked with the color of sin
Knowing that it’s a game of lust
And winning is only for the rich

With you short sweet reply’s
Keeping my head flying high
I know your words are lies
But when the record of your voice
Slips into my ears
An illusion of us appears

Not again I say
I must leave you for dead
For good
Cause good you are not
And years I have lost

Chasing a dream that I thought was alive
That one day I can bring to this 3-dimensional life
But the lies I tell myself doesn’t change the past
I have a pain in my chest that drags me closer to death
Cause I must lay to bed a love
That was just staying as a guest
Sometimes we make a fantasy with people who have no intentions of stepping in your dream world.
109 · Sep 2022
Someone new
Trash panda Sep 2022
I have met someone new
And she’s nothing like you
Golden tan to winter white
Is how her skin goes
From where she gets direct sunlight

I have met someone new
Her beauty is something
You don’t come close to
Her eyes can mesmerize
Even the strongest willed guy

I have met someone new
That I won’t deny
The way she makes me feel
Feels like I’ve been searching for
My whole life

I have met someone new
You’ll never come close To her compare
Her soul is too vibrant
And straight is her hair
Beautiful is her name
And to my love shes the heir
Trash panda May 2022
For those that can’t sit at dinner
For those that can’t hug the ones
They love the most
For those tasting the endless rest
For those who died
For you to make decision with no regret
This one’s for you my beloved friend
And till Valhalla
Cause one day
We’ll meet again
Happy Memorial Day everyone. Remember that this holiday isn’t just about cook outs and summer time fun. It’s about those who can’t enjoy them with us. RIP brothers. Till Valhalla
106 · Jun 2022
Trash panda Jun 2022
What do you do
With all the bad you carry around?

You carry it,
Like adults should

But I don’t want to
Do I have to?

I see no other way
And it can’t go to any other place

How long does it stay?
Is there a way I can get away?

No, you can run but after a while
Your legs will get tired
And your demons will come
Tenfolds wired
104 · May 2022
Can you blame me?
Trash panda May 2022
For the things I have done
Well of course you may
Without a doubt
But let me explain to you
Why these actions
Spoke louder than my mouth

Can you blame me?
For the way that you talk
It’s as smooth
As a ribbon
Made from the finest gold
Slipping into my ears
I’m enchanted with your flow

Can you blame me?
For you smile
That can illuminate
My years and my days
And not one day
Will it rain

Can you blame me?
For your walk
Fierce steps
Ground breaking thuds
Like thunder
Announcing a fearful

Can you blame me?
For wanting you,
craving your kiss
To hear sweet lies
Pressed against my lips

Can you blame me?
For being human
For wanting certainty
In the uncertain

For wanting you
In my arms
As they are open
And hoping
You fall
103 · Jun 2022
I need…
Trash panda Jun 2022
I need your touch
Skin to skin
I need to hold
You once again
Let my finger tips
Trace your shape
Let my hands
Grab your waist

I need your lips
To go like this
No like this
Just come here
Ill show you this trick
I call it a gentle
Whisper of love
But it’s known
As a simple kiss

I need your laugh
As silly as that could be
Your simple giggle
Is enough to devour me
In a romance of sea
Waves crossing with the breeze
Feel the sun kiss my skin
As the wind goes to dance
Within the palm trees

I need you again
That I will not deny
I will not pout
Or go off to cry
I wave goodbye
To a love to yet exist
Because my chance
I ruined
98 · Sep 2022
Trash panda Sep 2022
I want something real
Something entirely new
Something I can’t find
On tik tok or the news
On Instagram or the book
I want something different
It doesn’t have to be
Out of the blue
But I see the same thing
Everyone follows the same rues
Without noticing their trace
A cookie cut personality
And an eyesight for fame
I want something new
Something I can’t find
On this earthly plain
But luckily I found the new
And it has a new face
She’s soft like warm pillows
And in her arms I want to lay
I have found something real
Someone whose more than a cute face
I found someone to let my heart loose
Rather than having it run in place
86 · Sep 2024
What a night
Trash panda Sep 2024
Oh what a night it was
To run under the city lights
As we danced below the stars
See the beauty of the night
As we laughed like children playing
I fell in love
With the joy in your eyes
Oh what a night it was
Wish we could do it
Every night

— The End —