Some days, I’m an extrovert
I’ll laugh and talk with my friends
And not want to be alone
Some days it will be in dance classes
More often than not, in fact
We’ll greet each other in the dressing room
With hugs and laughter
We’ll share stories during stretches
We’ll play secret games at the barre
(I just lost the game.)
We’ll gossip between combinations
We share a passion
To move
To dance
To have fun and grow
And that excited energy
Is shared between us
Some days it will be at school
Sometimes with friends from my grade
Sometimes with older grades
Sometimes we’ll be talking in classes
Sometimes I’ll talk with the older students at Independent Study
Some days it just works out
It’s fun talking to people
Hanging out with people
Being stupid with people
It’s great
But the next day
I’d like some peace and quiet