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 Jul 2013 thinklef
Nancy Delgado
Slow and elegant
Cloudy and quiet
Love and rain
Flowers imitate
Illuminate and start to break
Break the gates around our hearts
Let us love* You *under the sun
All my life it's been hard to see the sun
With this giant shadow cast above
It started with a brother who was always great
And now a best friend, their greatness seems to hover

Thought once a grew older
And away from my brother
It would be easy to be great
Now over shadowed from another brother

For the longest time my name was "Gabe's Brother"
How I longed to have my own Identity
I wanted to be Greg ******
Qualities so great others could see

And now at work I have the same
Zack is always a little better a little faster
But what I don't see most times is
I'm actually smarter and stronger

I always try to see what I'm not
I used to ignore my own qualities
Looking now I see I am Greg
My own greatness my own personality

I may not have a six pack
Or be able to get the perfect ten
But I'm competent and a leader
I still have the capabilities to win

For once in my life I'm no longer under a shadow
For once I crawl out of the shadow and into the sun
I can proudly say that my name is Greg
No one to compare to, the number to my name is 1.
He gave it up one day.
Closed his pen
Pushed away the keyboard
With a tired smile said
Enough is enough.
He almost wept in his lament
For the time clicked away
In a mad pursuit
Pouring out words upon words
But never getting anywhere near it,
The lost time spent inside his head
When he could instead
Go there out
Bathe in the moonlight
Get filled and drunk
Not wasting words on papers,
Nor let moon pass
Without casting her shadow in his eyes,
Be there watching sunrise
And not spinning words
Paint them in strange colors
Of his imagination,
Stare at the endless blue
Instead of shrinking it
To the smallness of his words!
He regretted the lost time,
When bottled in his rhyme
He got sunk in his words
Letting the earthly beauties
Pass away unseen!
From that day
He retreated from poetry
And was set free
From words in his head
That only mess
The real loveliness!
 Jul 2013 thinklef
the seconds and hours of life have wistfully aligned and
it is your birthday
and although I wish most sincere it be happy
I myself cannot help but feel terribly, terribly sad
so I am sitting here fourteen minutes past midnight
eating fruit in silence at the tiny desk of my tiny room
trying to sort myself out, trying to snap myself out of it
I know death has no preference of age
the young and the old flee indistinctly alike
but it's been two years since I noted your first bald spot
and a few months ago while we were eating breakfast at the kitchen table,
a flashback of abuelito came to mind while I observed a faint milky layer visibly
taking form around the lens of your charcoal eye
and the other day you forgot to turn off the bathrooms light and it wasn't the first time
and last night you had the televisions volume past fifty all the while sleeping
and those favorite pair of jeans you've worn for years no longer fit you like they used to
and the skin under your chin and arms are starting to stretch
and I can't help but want to cry
because here I am at the tiny desk of my tiny room
while you are sleeping alongside mom two bedrooms away
and this is how it's always been since I was a child
and the days will go by until it is not
and I can't help but want to cry
because you have always been my hero
because up until college you were by my side for every single first day of school
because the first time I had my heart broken by a boy,
you held me in your arms until I felt better
because you know what condiments I do and don't like in my food
because you give me encouraging words without even realizing it
because you never call me stupid,
even when I do stupid things like accidentally locking your keys in your car
because you care enough to take away my internet connection when I'm *******-up
because you still tell me that I'm pretty even after all these years
because if it weren't for you, I don't know what would be of me
because my love for you is infinite,
but our flesh and bones are not

father, words can go farther than you and I both
and on this tenth of july, I leave such fate in poem
the seconds and hours of life have wistfully aligned and
it is your birthday
and although I wish most sincere it be happy
I myself cannot help but feel terribly, terribly sad
because sixty-five years ago today God gave just one like you
and this world so large, it will never have the feeling that I do
I love you, dad .
Happy Birthday .
the clouds bloom
like mysterious flowers
seeming  to survive by soaking up
the tears of the waiting multitude.
they churn the wind
causing it to blow through
my every cell
filtering through my every pore
as i abandon any hope
of maintaining some adult-like dignity
the puddles call
the rain falls
and i let myself go

- Vijayalakshmi Harish
   Copyright © Vijayalakshmi Harish
Later in the night
after a bit of close and tight, I asked her did she love me
She looked at the half moon and in a quiet voice said,
'I may soon'

It was not the answer I desired or one that fired the imagination of this man
I can understand her reticence
to play it cool but like a fool
I went ballistic
quite artistic in a crazy kind of way,
needless to say
she's not coming to stay with me today,tonight or any other night that I might send her all the love that I possessed.
she dressed and went and spent the next two hours on the phone telling me that she's at home and would not,unless the moon turned blue be seeing you, but meaning me again.

I get used to this
I cannot kiss a girl without falling so madly,in love and quite sadly often as not these feelings of love are all that I've got at the end of the night along with a couple of I might and may soons,
how many moons have I cried beneath?
shed grief and tears and for how many years and will I ever learn to turn away in an altogether not crazy day
will she pay me my due
will she marry me
would you?

I am defunct
I am shrunk in the acid of age
and there is the smallest amount of shrunken rage that if only it could would erupt and pump forth in one terrible shout,
let me in,let me out,give me love or give me ****** all
but she's all and she is
the reason I live as I do
under the blue moon hoping that may be soon
will be the soon
that she told me about.
 Jul 2013 thinklef
You push me towards the edge
Every single day
It's so hard to care anymore
When you're there
Ruining me

You drive me to the point
Of collapse
Might as well crash a car
And never look back

Your irresponsibility makes me sick
I thought you were smarter than this
But no, because here I am
Awake all **** night
Just because of your
Supposed dying attempt
Do you not see how much it hurts?
Watching the closest person to me
Acting like that?
I don't think you understand
The pain I feel
When you
are like this

I adore you with my life
But this is wrong
Scaring the life outta me
That's beyond wrong
When you know
I'm not strong

Like, how dare you
I finally got my Insomnia on track
And then you go ahead
And do that
© Natali Veronica 2013.
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