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My heaven
Resides in
The curvature
Of your lips
When you smile
Rub-a-dub tug
Pull me down to the rug
Wiggle and wriggle
Full bodied giggles
Nibble and nip
Give a little slip
Pinch and squeeze
Anything to please
Fill me up
Overrun my cup
And drown with me
In intimacy
1 less future regret
2 fingers on my pulse
3 steps to climb
4 stepped waltz
5 senses buzzing
6 minutes to puddled
My sUm total is 21
Then doubled
You ring me
Like a bell
Reverberating AUM
There is no price to high
To be held within your eyes
There's nothing I won't do
When the commodity is you
I'm a tiny human
On a continent
On a planet
In the solar system
Of a galaxy
Among billions of others
In an ever expanding universe
EVERYTHING is possible
I don't slam well on love
It slams on me
A drumming thrumming arrhythmia
Ba-bump ba-bump ba--- bump-ba-bump
A little loss here is a little gain there
Only, it doesn't work that way
My stopwatch heart hiccups then echoes
Like odd flats and sharps
Seemingly out of place among the expected
A beat that needs to be acquired over several listenings
Like a new food that needs to be tasted up to 12 times
Before you can truly decide if you like it.
It take more than 3 licks and a bite to get to my center
One, two three, you're not for me
Four, five, six, a few more licks
Seven, eight, nine, out to dine
Ten, eleven, twelve, you can delve
And yet... Here it sits in my chest with its arrhythmia
Patiently waiting for that defibrillating current
That shock that will set it right
Or perhaps it's never meant to be that way
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
It's perfect in it's imperfection

My heart's a stereo,
and we can dance if you want to,
because the rhythm is gonna get you,
on re-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat.
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