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I don't slam well on love
It slams on me
A drumming thrumming arrhythmia
Ba-bump ba-bump ba--- bump-ba-bump
A little loss here is a little gain there
Only, it doesn't work that way
My stopwatch heart hiccups then echoes
Like odd flats and sharps
Seemingly out of place among the expected
A beat that needs to be acquired over several listenings
Like a new food that needs to be tasted up to 12 times
Before you can truly decide if you like it.
It take more than 3 licks and a bite to get to my center
One, two three, you're not for me
Four, five, six, a few more licks
Seven, eight, nine, out to dine
Ten, eleven, twelve, you can delve
And yet... Here it sits in my chest with its arrhythmia
Patiently waiting for that defibrillating current
That shock that will set it right
Or perhaps it's never meant to be that way
Perhaps, perhaps, perhaps
It's perfect in it's imperfection

My heart's a stereo,
and we can dance if you want to,
because the rhythm is gonna get you,
on re-pe-pe-pe-pe-peat.
Pressure builds
like breath being forced in to a balloon
without the few stretchy stretchies
and sideways pulls beforehand.
As if some universal clown
is trying to make balloon animals
with my intestines.
It puts the fun in funky
I am not nor will i ever be
A rainbow and roses girl
I am not nor will I ever be
A swallowable pill
I’m more of an inclement weather and mood lighting kind of girl and when the food goes down the wrong pipe.
An irregular regularity
She's a sweet ****** sincerity
With a polarity of hilarity
My nose has rolled away
With the meatball to romp and play
Down the artichokey
On top of mountains old and smokey

My ears, they flew right off
without another care or thought
They rose in to the sky
A small and fleshy butterfly

My tongue just up and left
Leaving behind a mouth bereft
It ran off with my toes
10 legs it had to quickly go

What's next I do not know
Perhaps my hands are next to go
I'm falling all apart
Body part   -   a la carte
Five foot two and eyes of green
Curses like a sailor sweet and obscene
Highly combustible like gasoline
Splattered and covered freckled supreme

Salt water ink runs through her veins
Curiosity’s always holding the reigns
Stoking the fire, fanning the flames
Transmuting her losses into big gains
I can feel the breath
and life of this space
through the eddies of air
that saunter across my wet skin,
leaving trails of crisp cool footprints
placed with the delicacy
of a whisper
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