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I can feel the breath
and life of this space
through the eddies of air
that saunter across my wet skin,
leaving trails of crisp cool footprints
placed with the delicacy
of a whisper
Maligned morsels like
Descending land mines
Potential pain parading
As the body dines
Double tap
Wild charge
Close the gap
Breaker of toys
Dasher of dreams
Killer of joys
Puller of seams
The stars congregate in the night sky
Like Deep South soul come Sunday mornings
Storm clouds
The static electricity of the wind
Dragging it's feet across the earth
Whips of light
Crack, snap, and clap
The Concussive wave
My personal tuning bell
It's humid
A kind of humid oppression that slows me down to a drawl
It surrounds and presses in like a pressure cooker
Electric currents amplified
Energy keenly felt in every molecule of moisture
Hanging in the air around me as it seeps in to my pores
A slow burn
Filling me like a Molotov cocktail
I wiggle and squirm as my body begins to pulse
Buzzing and humming in it's tipsy state
Slippery but not numb
Straddling urges
The word '****' my paternoster
As I kneel at the alter of your lap
How much that hard K sound reminds me of the sound of your hand
Finding my mark
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