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I'm on my hands and knees again
Scrubbing the floors once more
Toilets, tubs, and living room rugs
Then on to fans and doors

If I see you leave behind
A wrapper, dish, or food
I'll blow my top and you will find
A drastic shift in mood

So how about you show respect
And help me to maintain
Rather than lazy neglect
Or I'll have to change my name
T  raveling
I   n
M easured
E  clipses
Tick-tock illusions of measured time
If thinking makes your ******* smaller
That would explain a lot about me
In the trenches of war, in the dark of the night
Three soldiers grab cigs and a match to ignite
The first one inhales and passes the flame
The second one does exactly the same
The third one however is already dead
Having been sniped straight through the head

Light one if you please and two if you must
But never a third or ashes to dust
I know it makes sense to not waste a match
But on the battlefield there’s always a catch...
Words are like matches
Some strike and light
And some do not.
We... are simply the kindling
To our imaginations flame
D eparting
E arth
A nd
T raversing
H eavens
Or H ell....
Or Hereafter’s
your choice
R ighteous
A nger
G rowing
E xponentially
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