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Like an incantation the lights flicker
Smiley faces pasted on frowns like a sticker
Wild hearts beating to the sounds of a drum
Building up resentment like tension in a gun
Holding onto peace til' the sun does fade
Finally having freedom from pain in the shade
Confusion at these words that constantly digress
For the truth hidden in plain sight interests
Sometimes the mystery is not what we seek
But how it's message was hidden vivid yet oblique
574 · Nov 2015
Sure To Follow
When night masks morality
Day must in turn show it
If love hides disloyalty
Then hate must reveal it
Equivalence will force it's way
Like a new king hungry for wealth
An unavoidable burden
Attached uniquely to each adjective
One does not remove the balance
Merely delays and adjusts it
417 · Nov 2015
Unknowing To Your Affects
Day fades
Moments of silence embellished
The color cakes the ocean like dried paint
On an easel represented by serenity
A mix of spring and summer
But appreciated throughout all seasons
A worldly sign of a days end
Able to bring peace
Even if but a brief moment
Through chaotic shadows
One may seek solace regardless
Like the will of the fearless
Moments of faith and happiness
Or the bliss of momentary triumphs
It's warmth will return
That familiar color that fills eyes
As if synchronizing with your very soul
Bathing you in amenity
Though just in a days work
It travels alone unknowing of it's great deeds
What is that feeling you've been experiencing in the pit of your stomach?
That fuzzy or static-like sting coursing throughout your body?
When you feel so light it's like you're stationary within your eyes, body moving on auto pilot?
Is it all just a different perspective on seeing the world?
What's the cause though?
Isn't it crazy how so many opposite feelings we live with give us the same effects?
However, what does this mean?
Could emotions all derive from one true emotion with our brains tearing it apart for the intended effect?
What would the emotion as a whole be?
Is this collection being maintained as a whole what we call sanity, all of the puzzle pieces being in place one might say?
There's so many questions each with so many possible answers.
So who's to say which is right, if any?
391 · Nov 2015
The Answers In Our I's
Our hearts infected
But brains interconnected
Who's the impostor?
370 · Nov 2015
Welcome To The Winter Ways
A crisp air that numbs the nose
An array of whites drawn from the same anomaly
Soft crunches echoing through silence
Peace ensues
Moments of nostalgia
Silent dangers unbeknownst to peripherals
Beauty accompanied by perseverance
Mindlessly whittling
Even the strongest succumb
To it's power of euphoric slumber
Imagine a space of nothingness
Like a long sleep without dreams
Devoid of recollection
A moment of absolute peace
Yet ironically your unable to experience it
Such a splendor
A bright though also dark moment
Even so you wouldn't know right?
So which should be perceived
Is this what war is fought for?
Religion and exploration?
Are they for nought or pure curiosity?
This blood soaked earth is all that remains
A past that will be blanketed in silence
Along with our consciousness
Or a long ascending message of warning
So that if we do descend into a darkness
A message has at least been passed to warn a silly world
Bent on repeating itself
Do we as people feel in sync to this land
Can we consider our planet a whole?
Maybe the world just needs that moment of blissful silence?
328 · Nov 2015
What Truly Moves You
If you could see sky in it's entirety all day you would see the world differently
Watching the stars, as if they stand still and we rotate towards them
Like the galaxy is an amusement park and our planet is holding us like a Ferris Wheel seat
See as the clouds surround the trees above, like fog, then disperse just the same
On a clear day look above
You can see that the world is round, the curvature is captivating
At first sight it seems like where we stand in this life is an epiphany
A sudden realization that just a slightly different perception of your surroundings
Can alter your state of mind in such a beautiful and peaceful way
Look at our oceans, fierce, clashing, and unforgiving
You'd never know in person that above the clouds you would see just the same
If truly you could witness all this beauty
Even think of the world differently
Would you function any other way than you do now
Could this raw beauty truly do anything for you in any way at all
Probably not
But wouldn't you still want to see it
Replacing this subject of talk changes nothing here
Money, Power, Fear, Love, even Hatred are second place finishers
Curiosity will always be the one controlling your brain
324 · Nov 2015
Thinking That Day
What is it I was thinking that day
Memories, have they been bleached
I seek answers but the question is what
From where do these emotions derive
Can someone explain why
Will someone ever recognize me
Help me clear my unsettling unknowings
Guessing can only satisfy me meagerly
For peace I require the full course
Why do even the trees seem to stare
Though I feel the same towards them
Seeming to be secretly replaced
As this land I set my feet upon does
Passion I recall was the epitome of my life
So why do I only sit and ponder about it
Lounging like I'm one hundred years past due
Knowing there's no point in dwelling
But still thinking about these answers
Not knowing the question I want to ask
Laying down I'll think about it
Maybe one day I'll fade back into my reality
So until then
I'll just close my eyes
Just staying on the black transitioning screen
Known as sleep
Until I understand the questions
That my answers so seek
When I open my eyes up once more
I wonder what I'll be thinking of that day
313 · Nov 2015
Unspoken Needs
Life was given free
Terms of service required
But not included

— The End —