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70 · Dec 2020
Invisible Souls.....
Suresh Gupta Dec 2020
Invisible souls....

I'm screaming, yet not a sound is heard
I'm crying, yet not a tear does roll
I'm surrounded, yet I'm alone
yet I'm alone
yet I'm

The expression on those millions of faces of children in the refugee camps
70 · Nov 2019
Suresh Gupta Nov 2019

Have travelled the dusty roads
Worked the fingers to the bone
From early dawn into darken dusk
Making gravel, breaking stones

Walking miles, in search of jobs
Mended shoes, now totally worn
Passers by, hastily cross the street
Glancing at the clothes, badly torn

Recall, resting upon pillows of soft
and slept between silken sheets
Ate in fine china, waited upon and
never allowing the soil to touch my feet

More content now, never losing pride
Even before what was, now lost to time
Took Lords blows, scarring mind n hide
Knowing in the final hour, bells will chime

Have been poetic now n then
sizing pebbles, carrying boulders
Hummed a tune, sang a song
making gravel, aging shoulders
If we are willing to listen, those now destitute, each having a story to recall, many even excelling in their art - there is no virtue greater than compassion
70 · Dec 2021
Suresh Gupta Dec 2021

In silence you exist
In screams, a prerequisite
You are my spirit
By you, I’m conscript

You are my essence
You are my defense
Every fiber of my action
By you, I’m fashioned
70 · May 2019
Untitled - XIV
Suresh Gupta May 2019
Untitled - XIV

Where seeds of lies are deeply rooted
Truth finds little ground to germinate
70 · Jan 2021
Untitled - XXXV
Suresh Gupta Jan 2021
Untitled XXXV

The soul inhabits the habit
The habit the soul inhabits

Is it the age old question?
Or the old age question?
69 · Mar 2019
Holi - Festival of Color
Suresh Gupta Dec 2021
meshed within the creases, a smile of contentment

The creases on his face,
showed signs of a thousand suns
The callouses on his palms,
a thousand moons
His eyes held a thousand stories,
for each time he went to sea

Now, the beached empty hull,
of a weathered boat
Broken mast, torn sail attached,
hanging over the bow
The worn out oars,
and the tethered net,
rusted harpoon, knife blade tied
Strewn about, hooks,
empty cans, labeled baits,
an uncorked pewter flask,
a fishing pole

Ask and one would learn
He wouldn’t change his life
He wouldn’t give up his memories,
of each time he came through the storm,
withstood the scorching sun,
and those hard cold dawns.
For meshed within those creases,
a smile of contentment.
69 · Aug 2021
Untitled - XLVIII
Suresh Gupta Aug 2021
Untitled - XLVIII

I playfully stomped in a puddle of letters,
and splatter of words sprayed all around.
The minds sponge gathered the droplets,
and before long, a phrase was formed.

Like a child, I jumped from puddle to puddle,
joyfully collecting every word that I could.
The thrill, the exhilaration of forming phrases,
led me to pen this, call it what you would.
68 · Jun 2020
As born.....
Suresh Gupta Jun 2020
As born.....

Having being judged, naked

my soul is stripped of its aura
my mind is stripped of its knowledge
my heart is stripped of all desire
my being is stripped of its identity

I journey to Purgatory
These few words highlight the stark reality of our existence.

When birthed, we are born with none of the attributes, and shed them upon departing. Our birth is not a reward, as every aspect of life is a struggle, interspersed with euphoria to keep hope alive. We are a product of fire, and so to purgatory we shall descend.

Ones belief is their own, a means to cope with their struggles. Neither do they influence nor are a part of this reality.

A concise poem is presented, where explanation becomes volumes. I do so want to thank you all for honoring me with these and further comments.
68 · Jul 2020
Suresh Gupta Jul 2020

Simplicity, must not be confused
with ignorance or stupidity

What's stated simply is magical
and the true language of the intellects
68 · Dec 2021
Suresh Gupta Dec 2021

When the true north compass is skewed,
one looks to the stars to find their way.
When the moral compass is skewed,
one looks to the heavens to find their way.
When directional compass is skewed,
one looks to knowledge to find their way.

When misinformation becomes reality,
where does one find the truth?
When purpose for life itself becomes skewed
where does one look, which path does one take?
67 · Jun 2019
Time Beaten Path
Suresh Gupta Jun 2019
Time Beaten Path


Steps traversing time beaten path
Mind wanders into the distant past
Valley n hills once covered these lands
Mindset of wildlife foraging at large
Nostrils inhaling pine, birch or spruce
Pleasant songs of birds n cockatoos
Catching sight of humming birds' dance
Or a beautiful dainty butterfly perchance
Wild berry bushes covering the floor
Squirrels hoarding pine cones to store
Light casting shadow creating its own art
At least in memories I can relive my past
67 · Jun 2021
Untitled - XLII
Suresh Gupta Jun 2021
Untitled - XLII
06/1 0/2021

a solo journey,
an elixir of words
67 · Apr 2021
Suresh Gupta Apr 2021


To be true in the moment

And only for that moment

And then building on that moment

For the next moment

Before long, moment after moment

A library of such moments

Will become momentous
.....if only
Suresh Gupta Feb 2020
WW1 - They were all Related

And yet, there stood opposition, finely clad, gloriously
Thousands to prove their mantle, in call of duty
Misplaced loyalties, knowing to never see the dawn of day
Sacrificing, neither for personal gain nor profit, nor
for country, alas to appease the whim of squabbling siblings
Such poems a plenty, staged for kings n generals, no not for play.
66 · Jul 2019
Suresh Gupta Jul 2019

has an expiry date

P.S.   chronicled in the annals of Creation
65 · Mar 2021
Suresh Gupta Mar 2021

Inconsequential, in this sea of humanity
The purpose of existence alludes me
For whom, this charade being played
Lifetime of pursuing, aimlessly wandering

Perform, content, equanimous in demeanor
Profound understanding, meditation afforded
The torrent of knowledge, itself tormenting
Direction still oblivious, a storm is brewing

Brain scrambling, gathered debris of knowledge
Searching semblance to floating chaos of existence
Robes of responsibility, anchors of burdens on mind
Logical conclusions, conclusively self defeating

The journey traversed, inheritance of birth
The battles been raging with forces unknown
Humbled, escape from action improbable
Consequently, I breathe, till time’s end
64 · May 2019
Thoughts in Ink
Suresh Gupta May 2019
Thoughts in Ink

ink on paper


thoughts mind harbor
64 · Jun 2021
Untitled - XLVI
Suresh Gupta Jun 2021
Untitled - XLVI



the story continues
63 · Jul 2021
one in a million
Suresh Gupta Jul 2021
one in a million


eight thousand advance the cause of humankind,

rest, as beast of burden, of restless mind,

to feed the system, without cause or reason,

of little importance, a global lesion

in historical times, the more the merrier,

producing offsprings, to lessen the barriers,

colonization for wealth and free labor,

self propagating, to meet unwarranted favor

human race has gone rampart,

acting, as if, without a heart

there’s only one earth, not a zillion

must realize, we are only one in a million
Population is 8 billion (8000 x 1 million)
62 · Aug 2019
Untitled - XXII
Suresh Gupta Aug 2019
Untitled - XXII

its not the imagination we lack,
but the knowledge
and the tools to accomplish

till then, then....
62 · Dec 2018
Suresh Gupta Dec 2018
Since we only live in the moment,
A moment is all we have
So why don't we use this moment
To live the utmost we can

Moments past are gone
So let's not dwell on them
Moments yet to come
Are still non-existent

Those we wish to remember
Or wish to be remembered
Then let each moment count
And become a moment ourselves

62 · Feb 2019
Finish The Play
Suresh Gupta Feb 2019
Finish the Play

The world is a stage
And we are but actors
Forced to play a role
In someone else's script

We didn't ask to be born
But birthed we are
The playwright is unknown
And we lack any directions

At times it may appear
We control our own destiny
But that's only Fools Gold
That looses it luster

Who here knows
The reason for being
None of the info available
Proves who's the writer

We can't leave the stage
And clueless re the ending
If we waiver, be born again
Till we finish the play
62 · May 2019
Untitled - XII
Suresh Gupta May 2019
Untitled - XII


its only the light

that casts a shadow
62 · Nov 2021
Suresh Gupta Nov 2021

Ohhh!!!!! What irony
The root word from which you are derived
At times, the most vicious, the most vile of all creation
Lends itself, to a form of compassion
That art thou, so how do I reconcile
With you and that root form
My brethren, myself
Ohhhh!!!!! The irony that’s me, the human
62 · Jan 2020
Suresh Gupta Jan 2020


It's the dawning
Of ones thoughts
Of ones desires
Of ones actions

So choosing wisely
That along with us
That, what benefits us
Also, uplifts others

At the start of this year
and many more to follow
That our vision be clear
Free of deception and chaos

And in so doing
With the dawning of this day
We venture into the realm
Of patience, peace and prosperity
61 · Jun 2021
Untitled - XLV
Suresh Gupta Jun 2021
Untitled - XLV
if fate wills it,
so, shall be my destiny

while a prisoner of one,
the other challenges my sensibility

with which, do I reconcile?
Suresh Gupta Mar 2020
When awareness first awoke

When awareness first awoke
Midst of void, unknown
Who am I?
What am I?
Where am I?
Why am I?
How did I?
The questions flowed

In the pitch of monochrome
The unknown couldn't be known
In the non dimentional void
Existence couldn't be shown
How to then reconcile
What awareness thirsts'
Found itself, the primal seed
Creation yet to come, forth n burst.

Who am I, the question roiled?
No knowledge had yet foothold
How to define itself and all
No definition had yet been caused
What am I, as a follow through?
Matter/energy yet to be formed
Who and what now left aside
Leading to an obvious chide

Where am I, on a universal plane?
Looking outside of oneself
Void in all directions
No depth, no sense of scale
How to account for ones measure?
In the absence of beginning's source
No form, no function yet unfurled
Creation has yet to form its course

Why am I, struggles on?
The primal seed, excepted not
How did I, equally baffling?
Answers not, where questions form
What caused creation into existence
Forcing original seed to explode
It's desire, that played the joke
The enabler, of all that unfold-ed
61 · May 2019
Untitled - XI
Suresh Gupta May 2019
Untitled - XI

The cloak of indoctrination - compassion
The shroud of deception - compassion
Those seeking power, those selling something (from religion down) it's all sold as "for my benefit".
61 · Feb 2019
Suresh Gupta Feb 2019

If this existence is only one chapter
In the book of life, then visualize,
The landscape that it has been,
Full of color and fragrances
That have delighted us, and yes,
Along with dark clouds and barren events
That have periodically shaped our intents.
All we can hope that, looking back,
We did the best we know how.
That we did more right than wrong,
And more good than bad.
That as we live on in the memories of others,
We bring more smiles than frowns.
If our journey is to continue on, then
Knowing that we shall be held accountable
That our acts be not out of ignorance
That our burdens be lighter and bearable.
60 · Jul 2021
Inequities - II
Suresh Gupta Jul 2021
Untitled - XLVIII

…..if men also bore children,
what shall be the count….

My mind wandered aimlessly, as it often does
What if men were equal in biology
In procreating n caring without fuss
Now that would be really painful in present physiology
OOOPS!!! would that change the course of history
A short version of a much deeper subject
59 · Apr 2019
Let's take a walk
Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
Let's take a walk

He tapped my shoulder
And got my attention
Daydreaming was I
Lost in my thoughts

You look troubled, said he
Life *****, doesn't it
From the moment
One is born,
Till the day
One dies
It's just
One issue after another

Let's take a walk, said he
So I got up
Dusted the sand off my ****
And we started strolling

You know
When I started this journey
I thought I knew it all
Seeded all the plants
Along with all the creatures
Frolicking, like innocent babes

Then something went wrong
I think it was the numbers game
It was easy to take care of a few
But now there are too many

Everybody looks to me
When they are troubled
Hoping that I'll wave a wand
And ****! It'll be all gone

They got what they wanted
Wanted to think for themselves
No longer be babied
No longer my involvement

But you know
I am cursed
I am all knowing
I know who's doing
What, where and when
From bacteria to gargantuan

I can't help one
Without the other getting *******
I am left with few options
Either, to let this ride
Or, or nothing

I know what's troubling you
But you no longer knock on my door
I also know, why not
So you see
Just like you
I am troubled too

Thanks for letting me talk
Thanks for taking this walk
While meditating today, I wondered
58 · Jun 2021
Untitled - XL
Suresh Gupta Jun 2021
Untitled - XL


ignorance, is not an excuse 
intelligence comes at a price 
so, am I
stupid or wise
If I am pondering, it must only mean one thing...
58 · Jul 2021
meditative - III
Suresh Gupta Jul 2021
meditative - III

One who surrenders themself
to others teachings, thoughts and ideas,
has little to contribute

One who is free to explore,
exchange, adapt and adopt,
is open to self-realization
58 · Jun 2020
Untitled - XXIX
Suresh Gupta Jun 2020
Untitled - XXIX

earth is a waypoint ........
    ........for intelligent life
57 · May 2019
Untitled - XV
Suresh Gupta May 2019
Untitled - XV


The mere fact that it is toxic,

challenges our sensibility to indulge,

and then either we pay the price

or are hooked.
57 · Jul 2020
Suresh Gupta Jul 2020

They, to whom life is dear,
fight for each n every breath,
They, who wish not to be here,
are destined to breathe every breath.
57 · Dec 2021
Untitled - L
Suresh Gupta Dec 2021
Untitled - L

We can recognize
the beast that lives in the wild
and stay clear

We can sometimes recognize
the beast that lives amongst us
and stave off

Yet, the beast that lives within us
and ferments
alludes us
56 · Jun 2021
Untitled - XXXIX
Suresh Gupta Jun 2021
Untitled - XXXIX

the impact of the cause,
creates an effectual ripple,
throughout the fabric of existence,
for nothing is localized
56 · May 2019
Untitled - VIII
Suresh Gupta May 2019
Untitled - VIII

Those physical scars, for all to see
Those etched in mind, alas! Just for me
We can't hide, what's visible Afraid to show, what's invisible
56 · May 2021
Untitled - XXXVIII
Suresh Gupta May 2021
Untitled - XXXVIII

Love is intoxication

When struck, its addiction

When fulfilled, its exhilaration

When unreciprocated, its devastation

Love, is an addiction
56 · Jul 2021
Untitled - XLVII
Suresh Gupta Jul 2021
Untitled - XLVII

preconceived notion
fresh insights’ quagmire
56 · Dec 2020
Suresh Gupta Dec 2020

2021 is beckoning us to

Shed our rusted armor of invincibility
Know that we have been humbled

Drape the cloak of humility
Lest, again and again we stumble
56 · Apr 2019
Untitled - III
Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
Untitled - III

The pen is a syringe
And ink is my blood
So he wrote smilingly
55 · Feb 2019
Suresh Gupta Feb 2019
If my body is fodder for worms
What is my soul .....
54 · Jul 2020
Untitled - XXXIII
Suresh Gupta Jul 2020
Untitled - XXXIII

Ignorance of the unknown,
is the recognition of intelligence

Absence of knowledge,
is the limitation of the intellect
54 · Jun 2020
Suresh Gupta Jun 2020

As the Fahrenheit nears our own
It drives our passions, and takes it along
That the cold forces bodies closer, is known
But that, what's entwined In the heat of passion
Is where willingly, together, the two belong
54 · Jun 2019
Suresh Gupta Jun 2019

If one enjoys their work,
then, are they always at play!
54 · May 2019
Treasure Hunting
Suresh Gupta May 2019
Treasure Hunting

Treasure - precious words floating out there
Hunting - to search that we know to exist

Words written by thousands
Now relegated to times past
Speaks of persons mindset
When penned at long last

I like to search at random
Ensuring, it not a chore
Lays out the mood unfolding
Over time, when scored

Many a memories are jarred
By comments on time forgotten
We sigh with a smile, feeling
Elated or downright rotten

Either way, past is now past
Piling up a mountain high
Always intending to revisit
Years, decades, my, time flies

Many a words I may tweak
In light of new perceptions
But that will be misguided
Innocence lost by corrections

Lets jar each other's memories
Revisit words laced with emotions
New flurry of comments back n forth
Reward new life to times forgotten
52 · Jun 2021
Untitled - XXXVII
Suresh Gupta Jun 2021
Untitled- XXXVII

when first time are always so memorable, then
I find myself reminiscing...
...the very first time,


if we make our first
also our last,
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