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Suresh Gupta May 2019
Treasure Hunting

Treasure - precious words floating out there
Hunting - to search that we know to exist

Words written by thousands
Now relegated to times past
Speaks of persons mindset
When penned at long last

I like to search at random
Ensuring, it not a chore
Lays out the mood unfolding
Over time, when scored

Many a memories are jarred
By comments on time forgotten
We sigh with a smile, feeling
Elated or downright rotten

Either way, past is now past
Piling up a mountain high
Always intending to revisit
Years, decades, my, time flies

Many a words I may tweak
In light of new perceptions
But that will be misguided
Innocence lost by corrections

Lets jar each other's memories
Revisit words laced with emotions
New flurry of comments back n forth
Reward new life to times forgotten
Suresh Gupta May 2019
Untitled - VIII

Those physical scars, for all to see
Those etched in mind, alas! Just for me
We can't hide, what's visible Afraid to show, what's invisible
Suresh Gupta May 2019
Untitled - VII

To truly admire nature in all its beauty
Or the one artists laid down on canvas
Step back, increase your field of vision
Symphony of images your mind shall see
In reality p, as in nature, life is a vicious fight for survival. Vision changes when viewed from a distance This also applies to many conflicts in life.
Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
Untitled - VI

the mind records
what the senses perceive
where do I retrieve
when "error" pops up
Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
Lie is the new truth


It's today's currency
By which, ones paid

Those proficiently lie,
Highest positions, occupy

They lie to your face
They lie over the waves

Audacity, to challenge a lie
In hell you shall fry

Poor soul deluded by false truth
Scrambled brain with lies

Here's a lie, there's a lie,
Everywhere a lie, lie

New truth is a lie
Believe it, it's the truth
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Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
Let's take a walk

He tapped my shoulder
And got my attention
Daydreaming was I
Lost in my thoughts

You look troubled, said he
Life *****, doesn't it
From the moment
One is born,
Till the day
One dies
It's just
One issue after another

Let's take a walk, said he
So I got up
Dusted the sand off my ****
And we started strolling

You know
When I started this journey
I thought I knew it all
Seeded all the plants
Along with all the creatures
Frolicking, like innocent babes

Then something went wrong
I think it was the numbers game
It was easy to take care of a few
But now there are too many

Everybody looks to me
When they are troubled
Hoping that I'll wave a wand
And ****! It'll be all gone

They got what they wanted
Wanted to think for themselves
No longer be babied
No longer my involvement

But you know
I am cursed
I am all knowing
I know who's doing
What, where and when
From bacteria to gargantuan

I can't help one
Without the other getting *******
I am left with few options
Either, to let this ride
Or, or nothing

I know what's troubling you
But you no longer knock on my door
I also know, why not
So you see
Just like you
I am troubled too

Thanks for letting me talk
Thanks for taking this walk
While meditating today, I wondered
Suresh Gupta Apr 2019


flawed in our learning

flawed in what we became

flawed in our indoctrination

into the human race

many have tried to implore  

so our living body will behave

in spite of that, warn us

so our soul won't go to waste

we heeded not their sacrifice

and "gluttony" became our motto

even when we call for mercy

it's not to mend our ways

self interest is our only aim

feeling proud of ill begotten gains

unwilling to accept the blame

commit heinous crimes in HIS name

as our number keeps on growing

more entrenched we have become

fringes of extremes are emboldened

crown of insanity is being woven

we await HIS resurrection

to take care of HIS creation

unwilling to realize that, firstly,

it's ourselves, we need to


Gluttony" is used to express excessive desire for
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