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Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
Mourning of ones birth
Birth being beginning of death
Celebrating death
Comment from author about the poem:
A haiku ---
'Tis dark side of TRUTH.
If birth is a curse of previous actions, what should we therefore be truly celebrating, Birth or Death!!!!! Once we accept this, we can truly live, free of all qualms, and ensure end of rebirths.
Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
Prisoner of Emotions

Unabatedly, out of our control
All it does is cause commotions
Sentenced to life, out on parole
We are all Prisoners of our Emotions
Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
Untitled - IV

This story has many tentacles
Fervently awaiting "The End"

I Am

Child                 Parent
Spouse        Divorcee
Abused       Abuser
Friend     Enemy
Loved Hated
Simple Simpleton
Transparent Evasive
Amenable Dogmatic
Fearing Fearful
Extremely naive Equally stupid

These and many more masks
That stare back at me
That even the tiniest shard
Reflects a different story

But then I know it too well
That the story I want to tell
Will vastly differ, when
To validate, others are compelled

Though the events remain the same
It's my perception that I hold
Or those viewed by others
Becomes the script on how it's told

I may choose to go it solo
Or rely on others viewpoint
But once exposed on the net
No place to hide in this joint

The critics will come forth
For they viewed it differently
Challenge my version of the tale
For misunderstanding the events, apparently

So you see,
So many tentacles says history
Present myself as a fictional character
Or tell it like a Biography
If I am honest with myself, I won't hold back and tell it like it was, the good, the bad and the ugly. I had a thousand joyous moments and equally sad. Furthermore, I may recall it differently, to other participants of the same event. Even a simple activity, like swinging on a backyard swing, can be written up as a chapter. So many shards, so many tentacles ..... P.S, I drew this in Indian ink, a long time ago, and fits this poem perfectly.
Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
And Satan responds .....

Without me, there would be no you
I am of you, therefore
I am you
One validates the other
Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
Untitled - IV

This story has many tentacles
Fervently awaiting "The End"
I have to start somewhere
Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
Untitled - III

The pen is a syringe
And ink is my blood
So he wrote smilingly
Suresh Gupta Apr 2019
MUST Escape

I know from Whom and What


to What..
Is it even worth trying anymore
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