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Suresh Gupta Feb 2019

Eyes wide open, yet
Surrounding, a haze
Motionless, yet wandering
No sight, no sound *******
Transported, to a realm of ones own creation
Unperturbed unconscious
Thoughts uninterrupted
Time halted
Vision clear
Daydreaming, my heavenly abode
Suresh Gupta Feb 2019

Uncontrollable Emotions  Strange Pulsations
       Together  Alone
               Elation  Anxious
               Love Smiling  Hate Frowning
Suresh Gupta Feb 2019
It Feels Like .....

I am in an eternal war
I cannot afford to lose
To surrender will be so easy
All I have to do is agree
To become HIS slave
It's not easy to survive
HE won't let me be
Let me pay it down
Even when I am holding all the aces
I can't win the hand
HE has stacked the cards against me
I keep telling myself, stay strong
You don't have many more years left
It can't be much longer
Just over the next hill
Around the next bend
When does this one end
If HE will only show me
If I could just envision
The cause of this existence
If I have the end in sight
Maybe, just maybe
I could bear it to the end

If paying forward
Next one shouldn't be so bad
Will still have to pay
For the deeds of this life, knowing
There will be some trying times ahead
For the past I won't recall
Even when one knows the reason why
It doesn't make it any easier
The only pacification to this existence
Are measured actions, reactions and interactions
This life is the debt for our past deeds. We are living in our personal hell and/or our heaven. How we react in the present (cause) shall become our future (effect).
Suresh Gupta Feb 2019
If my body is fodder for worms
What is my soul .....
Suresh Gupta Feb 2019
In Search Of
03/12/2014 - 02/09/2019

The loneliness of being
In the vastness of space
Still, all is closing in
Unable to escape

The monotony of living
Is perpetuating same action
Chasing wealth and comfort
Devoid of worthy inspection  

Wanton need to be apologetic
Fermenting in darkness of mind
Wasting, the gift of intelligence
Tormenting, reasons, I must find

Many before sought the answer
Reaching the same conclusion
The perennial question of being
Shrouded in sound confusion

There has to be differentiation
Some higher purpose to exist
Some reason for our intelligence
In search of, we must persist
Suresh Gupta Feb 2019
What Will Happen If .... II

The human species disappeared

The scars left on its surface
And the deep cuts in its belly
Man made structures untended
And mass **** of its valleys
Will be healed by the specie
That allowed others to survive
Though it itself was tortured
By uncontrolled greed and drive

Left behind those timid species
Bred for food and pleasure
Will soon succumb to predators
For no longer pampered as treasure
Those that were caused to go extinct
Regrettably, can no longer be revived
The only solace one can muster,
Those left behind, multiply and survive

Towering structures and machines
Caused by bleeding the land
Show as pock marks on the surface
Over time devoured, where they stand
Left behind also those petro-products
That will take eons to disintegrate
Being absorbed in soils and oceans
Causing survivors pain to regenerate

Choking gasses will immediately cease
Giving survivors a chance and comfort
While the imprint of humans left behind
Eventually crumbling to dust and dirt
As Earth, instantaneously starts to heal
It's amazing, a tiny specie called man,
Even as new eco-system come into play
Caused such destruction, in short span

Earth will instantaneously start to heal
Surviving species taking only their need
And eventually balance will be restored
As future be devoid of man and greed
Suresh Gupta Feb 2019

If this existence is only one chapter
In the book of life, then visualize,
The landscape that it has been,
Full of color and fragrances
That have delighted us, and yes,
Along with dark clouds and barren events
That have periodically shaped our intents.
All we can hope that, looking back,
We did the best we know how.
That we did more right than wrong,
And more good than bad.
That as we live on in the memories of others,
We bring more smiles than frowns.
If our journey is to continue on, then
Knowing that we shall be held accountable
That our acts be not out of ignorance
That our burdens be lighter and bearable.
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