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Suresh Gupta Feb 2019
Finish the Play

The world is a stage
And we are but actors
Forced to play a role
In someone else's script

We didn't ask to be born
But birthed we are
The playwright is unknown
And we lack any directions

At times it may appear
We control our own destiny
But that's only Fools Gold
That looses it luster

Who here knows
The reason for being
None of the info available
Proves who's the writer

We can't leave the stage
And clueless re the ending
If we waiver, be born again
Till we finish the play
Suresh Gupta Jan 2019
What Will Happen If

The Human specie disappeared

The earth will still revolve around its axis
Causing day and night on its surface
The planet will still elliptically circle the sun
Causing the seasons, life's nourishment
The rain will still fall, and the rivers flow
The plants will still grow and fruit and flower
The birds will still sing, and the insects hum
Mammals and the animals will still roam amid
The forests that will still lushly cover the land
The oceans, where the life began, will churn
Continuing with its amazing eco system
Of abundant blue green algae, krill and coral
Teaming with microbes, fish and mammals
Life will continue to evolve with each passing day
Causing birth and rebirth and survival above all
And upon extinction of one, others will be born

Alas! The annihilator, we humans are still here
Suresh Gupta Jan 2019

Am I the image I project
Or, what others perceive
Am I what society has tagged
By my relationship to others
Am I what my deeds profess
Or the actions I committed
Am I just my responsibilities
Or my achievements as well
Am I what I have said
Or what the others hear
In reality, I only exists
As each individual's perception

Am I even here
Suresh Gupta Jan 2019
A Lonely Cog

I want to take credit for all my successes
And blames others for my failures
Not realizing that while I was the final connection
The whole world played a part in the end result
So many acts have to align for a successful result
Whereas only one act, even unbeknownst,
Can derail and crush all efforts
Remembering that we are but a lonely cog
In this vast and eternal wheel of chance
So while we rejoice, lest not forget.
Suresh Gupta Jan 2019
Seed of discontent

Cocooned in a fog of hatred
Flailing to create some space
To reason with the discontented
To bring harmony and grace

The words don't seem to matter
And actions all fall short
When the seed of discontent
Is entrenched in every thought

How do I escape this fog
How do I gain some space
How do I extol some harmony
And stop this awful chase

The seed of discontent has sprouted
The roots of division are strong
From each other's point of view
The other is staunchly wrong

Where is this silent majority
What happened to reasoning
They seem to have surrendered
Scared of being coined 'Appeasing'

The extremes have hijacked
The slightest desire to compromise
And would seem to rather relish
A state of total confusion

The majority has become complacent
And the calmer voices are drowned
As those on the fringes are screaming
Ensuring, there is no common ground

If the voice of reasoning
Doesn't stop the downward spiral
All will surely succumb to
A state of mutual destruction

It's easier not to participate
And not to get involved
Then we are only strengthening
Those voices of discontent

It is mentally exhausting
And totally out of frustration
We seem to have surrendered
To the seed of discontent.
Suresh Gupta Jan 2019
Teach me how to communicate

It's not enough to know the letters
Or even how to form words or sentences
Nor the meaning of these tools
Teach me how to communicate

I know what I want to say
And even how to say it
But then why am I not understood
Teach me how to communicate

If what I am saying is shrouded
In ulterior motives and misconceptions
Then the meaning is already askewed
Teach me how to communicate

When the relationship is estranged
Then no matter how it is stated
The meaning gets convoluted
Teach me how to communicate

When the intention is compassion
And one wants to be harmonious
Then how does one maintain their cool
Teach me how to communicate

We speak the same language
And form the same sentences
Then why is the conclusion so different
Teach me how to communicate

Why can I not make myself understood
It's not the letters, words or sentences
But how they are perceived
Teach me how to communicate

I know all the alphabets
And even how to form words
I learnt what they mean
And how to use them in a sentence
Then how come I am still misunderstood
Teach me how to communicate
We have lost the art of communication. Instead of talking to each other, we are talking over each other. We feel the only way to get our message across is by shouting the loudest, using profanities or becoming foul-mouthed.
Suresh Gupta Dec 2018
Since we only live in the moment,
A moment is all we have
So why don't we use this moment
To live the utmost we can

Moments past are gone
So let's not dwell on them
Moments yet to come
Are still non-existent

Those we wish to remember
Or wish to be remembered
Then let each moment count
And become a moment ourselves

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