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Suresh Gupta Dec 2018
Since we only live in the moment,
A moment is all we have
So why don't we use this moment
To live the utmost we can

Moments past are gone
So let's not dwell on them
Moments yet to come
Are still non-existent

Those we wish to remember
Or wish to be remembered
Then let each moment count
And become a moment ourselves

Suresh Gupta Aug 2018
On the Cusp of .....

Think you can so easily deflower me
Rob me of my innocence
Teach me first, those pleasure zones
That I shall forever explore

Into my adulthood
More and more, you invade my dreams
Soon I will take your ghostly mask
And ..............enslave you!
Suresh Gupta Aug 2018

It's a crime against its host,
And grips it for eternity
None can escape it
How could we, for its taught
At the right age of infancy

The night is its companion
Residing in shadows,
The dark of the day
The dark of the mind
It lives in the darkness of the day
But more so, it lives in the mind
Some would argue its introduction
As a defensive measure
But it eats away at the soul

None of us are immune from it
Nor can we escape it totally
We can try to chip away at it
But can never eradicate it fully
An affliction so potent, its always there
There at the base of our skull

Without differentiation, it inflicts us all,
From the right age of being born
Introduced at infancy, as a protective measure
Once there, it lingers on
The most vicious virus that cannot be eradicated
Not medical or inherited, it's totally manufactured
But once turned on, can never be switched off
It comes in worst shapes, sizes and color
An emotion so strong, I afraid to say
Suresh Gupta Aug 2018
Diwali - Festival of Lights

May all the lamps in your house shine bright
And the darkness be always kept at bay
May all your progeny stay healthy and flourish
Just as the lamp by the oil is nourished
Suresh Gupta Aug 2018
Empty Quiver

The quiver Is empty
The arrows are spent
Targets a plenty
Don't know where they went
Suresh Gupta Aug 2018
Winter of life

In the warmth of the afternoon Sun
And the chill in the air
I look at the green
And wonder about those not here

The menagerie of movement
That I saw in the spring, summer and fall
Is not vibrant no more
For the lack of outstanding invitations or call

In the season of winter
There is a little sadness after all
Most everybody is regenerating
For spring, summer and fall

There is no reason for dismay, my friends
For like cycles in seasons, are cycles in life
While some moments are trying,
Most are full of promise and smiles.

It is easier to bear, the winter of life
Knowing no matter how hollow
The blooms of happiness
Will soon follow

So learn from the nature
Take it, a moment at a time
Don't be disheartened
Know that soon you shall shine.
Suresh Gupta Aug 2018

A day to celebrate Love
An emotion that starts with oneself
And then radiates outwards
To all those that we love

Oneself, concentrically existing
Extending our Love
Radiating like ripples
Circles growing bigger and bigger

When we can embrace one closest to us
Meaning us
And then the one next to us
We bring harmony to our own environment

While we cannot reach everybody
But with a smile and love in our heart
Maybe we can change a few
And bring harmony to them

So, on this day that celebrates Love
I wish you a Very Happy Valentine's Day
May Love permeates all that you are
And all that surrounds you.
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