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Suresh Gupta Aug 2018
The House, My Home

It’s not the brick and mortar
Nor the painted walls
Not the many rooms
Decorations and all
It started with just the two of us
But that was not for long
The pitter patter of the little feet
Is what kept us strong
The giggles and the laughter
Just some of what we shared
The trials and tribulations
Proved that we cared
It’s the memories of many decades
That makes - the house, a Home.
Suresh Gupta Aug 2018
Trying Times

Why cry
Tear ducts are dry
Silently weeping
Efforts wasted
All around
Every step
Evil doesn’t stop
Just want to move on
Pay the dues
Walk away
Too ignorant
Battles external, internal
Problems all around
Any effort
All efforts
We go through the motions
Without knowing the purpose
Most of us shouldn’t be
Most of us shouldn’t have been
What good is intelligence?
If the acts don’t match up
We live, we breathe
But for what purpose
Take a moment, stop
Search and seek
In the hour of hopelessness
We look to the heavens
Reaching out, with our eyes
Hoping to reach, to touch
Someone, beyond our understanding
As if by a miracle
Our pains will dissolve
Oh so lost, with the eyes welling up
Looking in desperation
For a reason and resolve.
Suresh Gupta Aug 2018
A Moment in Time - IV
It knows about the open invitation
That the fauna has sent out
Full of vibrant color
Aroma and young sprouts
It piggy backs on the venue
Laying its own decorations
And then waits
For the slightest of sensations
The plans are made
The web is laid
As it contemplates
Upon its’ workmanship
And now its rests
Depleted of energy
Awaiting patiently
For the guests
That will bring the tasty treats
As the exhaustion fades
The hunger gets stronger
But, like an elegant host
It’s not much longer
For a feast and a toast
Suresh Gupta Aug 2018

From the devil, I am spawned
My realm extends from dusk to dawn
Some **** blood, others use fangs
Many find their end, as they hang
What's elixir to me is poison to all
No one can escape the reapers call
Why fight the fight you're doomed to fail
Let go of your beliefs, join me as we sail
In everybody's side, I am the thorn
I am symbolized by the horn
Suresh Gupta Aug 2018

In the sea of darkness
Nothing being visible
The senses cannot perceive
What remains invisible

We know not from whence we came,
We know not where we'd go
One thing is for sure
What journey we're on, we do not know

The seed that borne us
Is not from yesterday
The seed that borne us
Was planted a long long away

We are beholden to those
That we can sense and feel
But they are not the one's
That are here or real

It is stated that we are a product
Of creators imagination
To understand the reasoning
What could have been IT's inspiration
Suresh Gupta Jul 2018

To defy the establishment
And freedom to express
To shake the firmament
Is the reason I confess

No thought or idea
Is born of a committee
Against all odds
It's to voice ones individuality

There's no question that
At the root of all knowledge
There stood a lonely thought
Not born of school or college

The masses that flock
As the believers of the word
So freely they mock
Differing views when heard

They call one on the outside
An heretic and a radical
That is only true, if the
Intent is forced ecumenical  

No thought is too wild
No idea too abhorrent
Once it gains acceptance
It all becomes coherent

Masses may find no relief
Radicalizing ones individuality
Not realizing that their beliefs
Were born of same mentality
Suresh Gupta Jul 2018

Ignorance it's motto
Illiteracy it's weapon
Narrow mindedness it's field
And also it's shield

It gathers the ignorant
In the shroud of illiteracy
Robs them of their freedom
And steals their individuality

It makes some prisoners for life
Some prisoners by birth
Deprived of any reasonings
Robbed of any worth

Having no boundaries
It exists in all of us
Whether born or bread
It destroys all that is precious

In the past it had its emissaries
Without shame or need of guises
In the form of kings and priests
But now hides in many disguises

Liberals want it tamed
But that only sends it underground
Emotions cannot be framed
And voices cannot be drowned

The way to defeat this nemeses
And change ones mentality
Is through knowledge and education
With freedom and individuality
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