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Suresh Gupta Jul 2018
A Moment in Time
Shedding the constraints of indoors
Drawn by the beauty of nature
At first, mesmerized by the flowers in bloom
Soon the mind wandered
The leaves and then the whole plant
Early summer, evening breeze
Everything came into focus
The floor covered with those that had lived their life
And now shall become the fodder
The branches flourishing,
Exuding the intoxicating aroma
Adding color to the background of green
But then the sight awakens
Amongst what drew me first
Was a menagerie of movement
Hosted by the flowers
A gathering of creatures
Small and smaller, winged and otherwise
Just watching, oblivious
Honeybees, ants, flies and lady birds
Enjoying the nectar of their host
Honeybees, bright yellow
Feet covered in pollen
Hovering, as paying homage to its host
Ants and flies tending to their own
And then, the lady birds, in beautiful
Bright red coats with black poker dots
Life, seldom noticed,
Plants enticing its guests with nectar and aroma
Multitudes feasting
Symbiosis, at its utmost
Hours past, light fading
Gust of wind, a mild chill
As if tapping me on the shoulder
The creatures are gone
The party is over
Alas, it’s time to leave.
The beauty of nature
Back to the darkness
Of our own creation
Suresh Gupta Jul 2018
A Moment in Time – II

Oh! So many times, I have longed
For a close encounter, with
The one that mesmerizes me
Rapidly fluttering its wings
To stay in place
What power, what strength
And then it happened
Still in my meditative state
Motionless, my eyes opened
To absorb the nature around
Less than an arm’s length away
Hovering, looking straight at me
A humming bird
That dainty creature.
Studying me, analyzing me
Me, myself in disbelief
Frozen in place, did not want to alarm her
Moments passed, don’t know how many
I was captivated
Soon she sought a perch of a restful twig
Come back, my mind spoke softly
As my eyes followed its path
If that’s all the pleasure I can have
Then, thank you
But before long, she came back
As if she read my thoughts
Same place, and then she chirped
I so wanted to understand her
Tell her to come, rest on me
Not to tire herself too quickly
Let me soak up your beauty, your strength
What did she say?
Was she admiring me as well?
And then she flew back to the restful twigs of the tree again
I was still in awe, still following her every path,
And then it happened, it could not be
I was still mesmerized
By the lucky start to my day
She was back again, chirping and chirping away
Continuing in my meditative state
My mind thanked her profusely
This time as she flew a little further away
My hands clasped in gratitude
As I whispered thank you
A good omen
I contemplated
Wishes do come true.
Suresh Gupta Jul 2018
Surrounded by the wonders of nature
Beauty permeating all the senses
Yet tormented by existence
Unable to fathom why
Bible points to Heaven
The thoughts are confused
The heart is heavy
The drag of ignorance
Plagues the power of understanding
Demons harboring inside
Demand reasoning
Acceptance without understanding
Holds ignorant tethered
The reasons elude me
Must find peace within
Opposing forces, moral dilemmas
Tether shall fray
As ignorance fades
Suresh Gupta Jul 2018

Seasons in life
Seasons in health
Seasons in nature
Seasons in wealth

Birth in spring
Growth in summer
Maturity in fall
Regeneration in winter

Birth, spring
Like a bud, a youngling
Full of aroma and delight
Journey of the first step
Full of hope and wonder

Growth of summer
Journey of the next step
Retaining nourishment and knowledge
Growing stronger and wise
Resisting the mightiest of challenges
Feeling invincible

Maturity of autumn
Time for the harvest
The fruits of knowledge
Of all that is attained
To share the wisdom, of
Birth and growth
To the many generations in tow
To feel proud of living

Regeneration in winter
And now the time has come
To feel humble
To have had the moment
To have lived
The journey to the end
And so, neither out of fear
Nor regret, nor tear
You take your last step
So as to rest and regenerate anew
For cycle shall start again

— The End —