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Feb 16 · 29
Yazad Tafti Feb 16
The joy of taking my heart
Stomping on it like a child who’s tantrum grows in a grocery store
I want the toy car mommy !!
Cutting it and lacing it with your switchblade
It hurts so much when you’re away
Our love only exists in storybooks lost and dust collecting in restricted shelves
If you broke my heart into pieces over and over again
I’ll have more of a chance
That every time you **** it
Just a piece will suffer instead of the whole
And I’ll still have a good amount of pieces to keep me going
But I’m scavenging my heart labeled string tied pouch
And I’m down to my last little crum
When it’s gone I won’t have anything left to break
And maybe I’ll take a break from this life
That I’ve emotionally struggled through ever since I met you.
Ever since your eyes met mine.
Ever since they
Feb 16 · 30
Yazad Tafti Feb 16
If she loved me
Shouldn’t she stop by sometime to say hello ?
What are words when we never see the person who speaks them aloud
Feb 16 · 23
Yazad Tafti Feb 16
Can you help me cry at night unleash a raceway for tears to streak down this modest cheek
Why are you never there
A ghost through my soul
Each disappearance takes a trace of me
Fine knits to hole filled sweaters to rags to degrading string terminus
Cut a skid mark on my neck
Let that rope engrave its self
Work its way in a familiar sawing pattern
Fibres displacing muscle fibres
As biceps bulge and veins on foreheads emerge
Rid the quarrel
Just give me some motivation
Nov 2024 · 111
sunshine girl
Yazad Tafti Nov 2024
dear love from florida where your sun's rays shine like a beacon

mist me with your endearing smile to whom i eyes i peak in

a gentle dove for you may spread your wings

a melody to enchant you i may always sing

wings upon i fly
to you
with your warmth i will always try
both sides congruently true
Nov 2024 · 271
Yazad Tafti Nov 2024
today when i conquer my own issues and fears

then i can help her conquer hers

to grasp my knowns through this life

i will evolve like pikachu

into my man made self
Nov 2024 · 41
Yazad Tafti Nov 2024
Your eyes so eager as they warm up my soul
Your love so tender
Your smile which pulses its way into my entity
I feel normal again
You are a gift
Oct 2024 · 58
a little bit better
Yazad Tafti Oct 2024
my heart hurts
my head migraines like a dualshock ps4 controller rumbling on a drive train

my heart hurts , i feel empty
but knowing she is there
to hear her voice everything is a little bit better

when frost bite chomps
knowing a warm blanket awaits makes it a little bit better

when my long lost pet engulfed in an apartment fire
seeing claw marks on my hardwood floor make it a little bit better

when a black eye from a fist fight swells
knowing i stood up for a cause makes it a little bit better

just to hear you voice makes life
makes this chest consumption
a little.
Yazad Tafti May 2024
if i put a gun to my temple
and shattered my skull
pulverizerd my temporal lobe
it's only temporary and knowledge may fall

maybe there's a way
to let go my feelings
because i'm tired of feeling
these feeling i'm feeling

writing may help
i type to my self
because usually no one responds when
you talk
i just want someone around...
May 2024 · 89
Yazad Tafti May 2024
i kinda just want it to end
any good methods?
any one know a route off this highway?
my tire is flat and screeching against asphalt
engine is puffing and spewing out oil against the head bolts
i'm lacking compression but it's building up in my chest
so pierce my pressure point
so i can contest to this blade metalically dressed

does anyone know an easy way out?
because it's hurting and i'm decaying
its hard living when
when the joy is not around
and chilling means freezing out emotions to
subtle my tones
at this point i'd rather be chipped away as stone

sometimes people only hold you back ...but baby got back ;)
Jan 2024 · 131
Yazad Tafti Jan 2024
to you it may concern
when you were my lantern
my showlight
my beacon
my love

now you are a burned out filament
a shadow
tungsten opened due to excessive enthalpy
in this reaction

a surge in electrons with nowhere to arc

you were and still are my dearest friend

but like a deer caught in the headlights
maybe it's better i reverse this car a few times
and let the track marks really sink in

tarnish this engine
i will always love you
to the heavens and beyond

luv ya
Nov 2023 · 118
mind fuck
Yazad Tafti Nov 2023
to pierce the sky and write away from home
to nudge the earth where the moonlight shone
to love your entity and to crack a skull
to shed my soul like feathers of seagulls
where i am know
i am known
but at this moment i cannot be known
for it is shedding
and i am wailing in silence
my life is a hole excavated by violence

leave me alone on this island to rot
for the sand through your feet will not be forgot
for i am sieved through the mesh of your foot
as crystals come and silica goes
i will always remain from your memories to your toes
Nov 2023 · 111
Yazad Tafti Nov 2023
There is a hole in me where my heart once laid
Happiness seems as much a mirage as a casino inviting you in to win
She seems distant but so close perhaps only in my thoughts
It does not feel any better
This metal device peering out of my chest
It hurts
But I’m filling the hole
I’m filling the hole
And this knife in my chest should be evidence ….no?
But besides the waterfalls of iron retained blood riddening it’s self out of my chest
Why do I still feel so empty?

Because when she was everything you ever loved
Without her a part of me is always missing
Nov 2023 · 384
she smiles
Yazad Tafti Nov 2023
she smiles a bit of me dies inside
she laughs
she cries
a bit of me still cries inside

tears don't shed
so i get tattoos of them on my face
from my eyelids where the water once bled
these inked drops now take their place

i hear to **** is bad
to detain
and disembowel
is a tad worse

for my mind is my greatest gift but it may
also be my most frantic curse.
i know you know that i know that you know
Sep 2023 · 240
May I all year round
Yazad Tafti Sep 2023
May I …
May I take you out over a candle lit evening
Where the look in your eyes burn hotter than the flame its self
May I kiss you over so gently and tell you there is no worry in the world our willingness cannot over come
When the sun may set and our eyes reset
You will be my last 64 bit pixelation stored in my memory net
For May I love you all year round
My arms around you I have wound
For take a cigarette and weld it in my arm
Let the heat ignite my firearm
For May I love you all year round
Memories with you burned in can never be drowned
May I
I may
Sep 2023 · 108
teacup melancholy
Yazad Tafti Sep 2023
to pour some 'erb diffusive tea
let it mellow in my cup
let the leaf take whole
where it leaves a hole
for this cup of sorrow is best enjoyed alone
with no company
just a settlement between
Aug 2023 · 98
word fonts
Yazad Tafti Aug 2023
so much anger that words should ignite as they are typed

no wonder my CPU was overheating hahahah

at least this helps cool me down a tad
Yazad Tafti Aug 2023
i don't admire the world anymore
i'd rather see no faces beyond closed doors

if everyone would sleep on a rope laced necklace i think i may be happy

i do not see friends in this glass marble upon which i live anymore
i do not seem many who care but rather just aquire and regress to their own cavern

so many heads turned
but not many ears who listened

people diagnosed with vague perceptions
but yet no one was there to percieve

fiction off of folk lore

it is arson to deprive someone from their well being
but it is irrefutably criminal to deprive someones time from their livleihood
time is not in your will

even the most beautiful of eyes may turn to distant shadows
forcefields unspoken when the serpents devour you on proximity

******* a joke

and if i made an error , possible,  i should make ammends for such
i will
the biggest error may be denial of your own error and shame on you
**** everyone

when respect is negligible i question how you will overcome anything in life
all you do is run..
is what it is
Aug 2023 · 124
public eyes
Yazad Tafti Aug 2023
now i can write when no emotion holds me hostage
when straying eyes were meant to know and observe
when poetry was meant to be judged and reflected

now i can write

i prefer to wear a cloak and compose rather than
have a spotlight shined upon to eminate my bubbbly perfections waiting to pop any second and soap all over the crowd
cleaning up their act

now i can be free

go ahead this platform was not meant for your approval
it was meant for my sanity and expression
a firework ready to burst strontium and copper compounds igniting the sky
you red this and it blue you away
i am gun powder ready to ignite
aluminum dust and graphite
let your eyes be the concepts which admire the show with awe regardles of the colours you admire
a specatacle of all sky lit maps
railway maps burst into the night time
let your eyes view

but your eyes will never
never be
the dampening act upon which my fuse is dimmed and struggling to ignite
Aug 2023 · 68
Yazad Tafti Aug 2023
your mouth looks real good wrapped around my *****
Yazad Tafti Aug 2023
said and done .... *****

my dic k banged you
Jul 2023 · 88
90 degree angle
Yazad Tafti Jul 2023
To u line your back
To use your hair as the guide to my chariot
Bend you over raw
Form a deeper connection
Use my hand as a guide on your sleek glass skin
Here you moan
Here you sing
Here you preform an opera
With me as a balcony viewer
To kiss your curtain calling skin
Grip you whole
Be your puppeteer as you my marionette
Make you dance make you forget it all but always recall
make you love and laugh
The show must come to an end but we are both so eager for the next one to begin
Jul 2023 · 218
Yazad Tafti Jul 2023
to love and to kiss you on your delicate cloud felt lips
to sway to a winehouse ballroom and to guide your daring hips
to have you by my side and wait until our eyes collide
becuase you my angel will always be my day and my heartfelt guide

to paint and to sing
to rinse away my sorrows
to love you and your name on my tongue i may borrow
to rest in a slumber withheld in a hollow
brush strokes paint an image that i may love
brush strokes paint an image that may take me whole
and with every stroke i see you more clearly
with every oil bristled river i may cherish you more dearly
to a miss who may paint a picture
to my love and her brush strokes
this canvas will always be open to you and your every quote.
Nov 2022 · 119
weddings and relationships
Yazad Tafti Nov 2022
maybe one day i'll have them
but until then **** it

**** them all :)
Yazad Tafti Oct 2022
when bruises turn to cuts
and cuts turn to wounds
and wounds turn into lovers leaving too soon

when ill doings turn to trouble
and trouble turns to joy
the cringing smile on an officer who's punishment deploys

when you i see a star
and in your eyes i see the moon
but i look down at my chest to see a knifing harpoon

and when lovers turn to dust and
dust sprays along the moon
it will always be your station
to that frequency i will tune
Aug 2022 · 106
dug out and dug hollow
Yazad Tafti Aug 2022
arrow stricken heart ache
nails chiseled until a bare base

hair ridden until all my roots fake

for you i dig i dig
i dug this
hole which took me whole

i don't have a heart

just a place where you once stayed

led a bit astray
plot twist like a shakespearean play

for this hole of love is too deep
and the sun's beams barealy shine
it's been a long time since i've had a good night's sleep
in this slumbering hollow of mine
Jun 2022 · 124
hello pottery
Yazad Tafti Jun 2022
clay sculpted hand weld
new shapes formed tales telled
of historic artifacts that left me with subjective water bath
that new clay woven nose smelled
Jun 2022 · 208
tree bug
Yazad Tafti Jun 2022
cimb up the tree
willow it's way into the bark
infect all the apples
make its self at home
reclaim all the apples
the consumer is not alone
Jun 2022 · 120
how to leave
Yazad Tafti Jun 2022
look at her gazing through the peep hole.

walk steps back

see a welcome mat pixelate

you're welcome; the end of conversations


burn every memory you ever had

destroy that china shimmering spectral coloured plate

leave behind every piece of her you ever loved

dismantle every city cruising wheel of that condescending
heart cauterizing, metropolitan based misedmeanor

how to leave so you can arrive somewhere new
so i never have to bare your kindness, your malice, yourself again.

be free of the pain which was
never meant to be delivered.
just think
Apr 2022 · 111
Yazad Tafti Apr 2022
cracks a crystal
watch it shatter
watch junkies spree as their whole
lifre is fractured

what a  routine mess unravel
like projectile batter

on the 99th step the fracture of a sturdy ladder
Mar 2022 · 277
Yazad Tafti Mar 2022
sometimes i feel them
sometimes i don't

sometimes i float on them
sometimes i drown in that oil painted navy blue shade decayed tsunami

sometimes they carry me
sometimes they don't

i wave to you
and i get emotions which lead me a float
Mar 2022 · 103
where my heart is
Yazad Tafti Mar 2022
i look down and try to feel the beat of where my heart should be
but all i feel is a cavity watiting to be filled and a vegetable of an *****
surviving to beat
survival of the fittest
but the heart don't seem to fit
Mar 2022 · 129
a nice time
Yazad Tafti Mar 2022
if i could take a shotgun blow to the head
maybe it would be a nice way to unwind

nukes are going off inside my cranium
and shrapnel pinching its way through me ear BANGING drums

if i could pull a kurt cobaine
i may just be a trigger happy lad tonight

to the night
for this is my last night
tonight if all is
unfortunately done
this is my last write.

--- FICTION ----
not real just thoughts
Yazad Tafti Mar 2022
hy heart unraveled stitch by stitch only to leave a bare unspindled flake aggregated miniwheat like architecture

a fragile graphite layered scultputre precariously placed on a display case in the center of a slipknot mosh pit

people = **** and people = heartbreak

90 degrees

and a collapse a smash a new abstract piece entitled

just as a 18th century mid roman vase were to shatter
no amount of super glue could restore this ****
no amount of super glue was meant to
it was never meant to (glue just ain't that super)

and if it were doped and galvanized in a bit of antimony for strength and support
but your touch is truly my favourite ash charred expansion of arsenic
antimony can be used to increase hardnees kinda of alloys
Feb 2022 · 344
to the stars and back
Yazad Tafti Feb 2022
i would love you every second upon every fusion
and fission reaction which occured
for i would be the He in your fusion
and you would be my oxygen repeatedly being consumed

i would love you beyond every satellite, beyond every asteroid belt
beyond every blackhole and crater on the moon
the moon so sweet i call it our honeymoon metropolis

i would love to see you
i would love to be with you
i would love to **** you
i would live to love

your eyes take me to places i could never imagine
lighting up my world with your two white dwarfs
for every time i look at them i know
your eyes
take me
to the stars
love is a dangerous place, we fall in but cannot always climb out
this love was discovered and for some never forgotten
Feb 2022 · 79
my sweetheart
Yazad Tafti Feb 2022
my sour stomach
my sweetheart

my nurturing heartache
and my revolting larvae wardrobed butterflies
lifeline impart

spiderweb lungs and a heartbeat which ticks

i skipped a beat for you
and i skipped every last one after you left

you left me free
because my past died when you perplexed

with a million to choose from
my sweetheart i'd always select
to you my love my dear my sunshine my heartbreak :0
Yazad Tafti Jan 2022
what's it like to be loved
to be the first person infatuated with in the morning
to be caressed
to be kissed
to be sweatered in kisses and blessings

what's it like to be loved
to be nurtured
to be the illuminating brightness of someone's day
10000001 lumens for you
to be the initial current which spins the motor of life

what's it like to be loved
to be loved
to be cared for
to be admired
to be listened to
to be just be
to be accepted

i know what it's like to be loved
but these days it seems like a dust covered, degrading artifact of a long forgotten civilization
i'm just waiting for my archaeologist to come brush and restore what once was
**** muuuffckkka
Jan 2022 · 90
to kill a daisy
Yazad Tafti Jan 2022
to hold up a cinderella cloaked daisy
to tenderly sense its petals sandwhiched by your fingers
to watch it die in a undernourished watering vase
rain has not fallen here since sinatra's excusrsions to a gleamish, ruby light toned flapper club
as a flapper holds her poise , you hold the stem of this daisy
your grasp it only to suffocate its xylem, collapse its walls as a canyon has boulders barricade it's river, it's desideratum
watch the petals wear a dress of frailness
watch them lose their sheen
watch them circulate ailments
let them rest in a place deprivingly serene

to **** a daisy
watch its yellow sun centre
your pupils dilate
as you manically squeal with mouth shut joy
to **** a daisy
you can always just pick another one
and make it your scapegoat of a toy
dazed days daisily pass me by
from a crysanthenum to a daisy you still are my petunia
Jan 2022 · 85
Yazad Tafti Jan 2022
you truly are the stupidest *****....nonono that would be too easy

******* ******* born with a mental brain deteriorating disease

a grashopper with no legs would be more competent than you with hopping through trees

trisomy of the 21st chromosome seems ordinary to you

you are pretty .....******* stupid hahah lol jk

you are beautiful but ******* grow some ***** and make some intelligent calls

so a ******* ****** prepubescent man child does not drive you up the wall

you're willing to get abused in a trade off so you do not cut him loose

every second you carry on you already lost

as every second cotinues to count you are a lost cause
a gift to you
Dec 2021 · 127
brave heart (retired aorta)
Yazad Tafti Dec 2021
heart born with freedom
blood flow through my ventricles late i supercede them
like a hailmary through my bool stream
blitz my arteries with cholesterol teams

face planted
cheek slanted
girlfriend panted
and my ******* neighbours ranted

how come when i go too numb
face hit **** floor
i got overthrown by a concrete ***
back in the alley with stuck up confetti messes of chewing gum
until i become so numb
until my heart sore

heart died with freedom
**** these ventricles i no longer need to redeem em
Dec 2021 · 80
Yazad Tafti Dec 2021
in you i see stars
i see rage brought upon by a banishing black hole

in you i see the milky way
the rings of saturn i propose to your fingers
and my asteroid belt which comes undone this evening
meteor showers i scatter upon your eyes

but you are the andromeda
a galaxy distant from mankind
one we study yet one which is pulled away from our eyesight
you are awaited discovery and display awe

i began to know you as red giant, free and strong
but now you become a white dwarf in my eyes
just awaiting to be pulverized into a heap of a meltdown
with the possibility
of lighting up and giving us the glimpse
it's always to you
Nov 2021 · 216
for some and for all of you
Yazad Tafti Nov 2021
for some reason more than a little reason
today i feel at peace
for some emotion more than a devouring emotion
today i feel serene
for some feeling more than you i'm feeling
today i feel whole
for some devotion more than my self devoted
today i feel with you
Nov 2021 · 113
Yazad Tafti Nov 2021
mid life random sins
nourishing grins passed on by wire strung tins
kindle blasphemy and spindle fibre monstrosities
for you for you
we have split divinity into
the depth, the crevice, the unexplored catacomb
for you for you
i have split divinity in two
Yazad Tafti Nov 2021
you are a beautiful butterfly
but you are kept on display in a case
stamped down, encased, preserved
only to see light when the fascinating fingered pages are opened
of your family characterizing novel

you are a butterfly
i am an arachnid
a slik dress i have woven for you
shaped for you
enlarged for you
for you to fly in to my dressed web
as i spin you round as your ballerina persona dictates
to clothe you
to bundle you
to dress you
as i prepare to eat away at your butterfly insides
Oct 2021 · 126
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
scar my heart so i will know every wound
that i could never mend

scar my soul so i could recall life's every downfall and crevice

scar my face and you ****** up
Oct 2021 · 99
picking you
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
what it is like to pick a flower
a nourishing azalea exotically scouted in the temperate air
allow your pollen to drip over me because
honey you drive me mad

what is it like to whisper you nonchalant name
allow my vowels to amble their way into your RSVP'd
listeners lounge
aromas fill the air
your name is my lyrical content
to sing and leave you content
your voice heard through every continent
you're always the most indulged content
avec toi, je suis contente

what is it like to pick a flower
and give you a smile
as this temperate azalea is spotlighted under you
Oct 2021 · 120
bleach intestines
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
you know that feeling when your insides ****,
when gastric juice is old and the bleach is just as acidic
i got a reef knot in my stomach
every thread touched just makes it choke a bit more
every lace pulled
every yarn stretched
cystic fibrosis is in my stomach
i have swallowed the pacific ocean
and the yellow you see in the water is not the sun
but the bleach which the wind tugs
bleach which erodes every emotion
sodium hypoclorite which devours and channels its way through
in my bleach filled intestines
Oct 2021 · 114
liquid epoxy
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
when everything slips through the pores
when the crevices are not suffocated from the atmosphere
when the cast becomes a river and the river turns into a lake
when you see everything flow up and away from you
from a cardinals flight path
although your ship is not meant to sail on these waters
land a hoy! it is just a pit stop in the journey
your dreams and aspirations are liquid epoxy
and you just lost the whole batch to a unsealed
Oct 2021 · 161
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
what is it like when a bird has wings
feathers kerneling off its delicate twig wings
what is it like when a bird can't fly
when it's silk feathers cannot grasp the air
and elevate

what a sight to see as a bird takes off
making the sky its new nest
twigs branches and pine needles
so delicately poking the air and the air pokes back
the wind beneath it's wings
now that is a friend always welcomed under my arm
Yazad Tafti Oct 2021
swirling lollipops in the grasp of my lover's hand
the way you love so seductively your tongue should be labeled as contraband
as i sift my hand through your sunshine blonde hair like galling granules of sand
it is you who i cherish
you who i hold so dearly
you who i caress in the palm of my hand

travel to atlantic city
with you around the world my missy
for i know you would surely miss me
but in a crowd  you stnad out i could never miss thee

i love your smile i love your breath i love the way your dress connects
to my drifting hand and your nightingale lace
with you time stands still it's a never ending
dresses were made to be undressed
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