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8.8k · May 2016
If I were a poem
Stephan May 2016

*If I were a poem
I’d ask you to fold me up
and put me in your pocket,
then at the end of the week,
toss me in the wash
with the rest of the clothes

And when you find me later,
smudged and smeared,
ripped and tattered into
little unrecognizable pieces,
don’t worry about it,
I was already like that
I have been notified that this poem was plagiarized and posted on Poetfreak by someone using the name Blurry Face. I can assure you, this is my poem.
6.8k · Oct 2016
Raining down
Stephan Oct 2016

Here in this place where I once played,
midst memories now cast aside
The clouds my worthless life has made,
rain down in teardrops I have cried
Thank you to all of my friends here who have supported and encouraged me. I appreciate each and every one of you.  I hope I have shown you the same kindness you have always shown me. This will be my last for while, I need some time to figure out who I am and how I became that person. Thanks again.
6.0k · Aug 2016
Daffodil dimples
Stephan Aug 2016

Crape myrtle blooms form
the entrance now leading
Into the garden of
dreams that we share

Rose buds and hyacinths
tickle our senses
Blending their fragrance
so sweet with the air

Lantana flowers in
yellows of lemon
Paint summer sunrises
along the wall

Hibiscus petals are
raining so softly
Before our eyes as
their beauty does fall

Daffodil dimples now
show as they're smiling
Watching the two of us
learn happily

That since we met we
have found our dream garden
Grows of our love
now a reality
Stephan Jul 2016

Watching the rise and the fall of a kingdom
Walls once rebuilt again tumble the ground
Allowing the beasties free reign in the village
Bellowing out o’er the wickedest sound

Pacing the streets, seeking out bits of garbage
Leaving their stains on the innocent few
Leering in windows where children are hiding
Tender young things and so easy to chew

Thieves in the night lurk about come the morning
Stealing the sun at the break of the dawn
Drinking of sewage a’ flow in the gutters
Checking off names as the many are gone

Peering ‘round corners, down alleys, in shadows
Seeking the favor of all who do grieve
Laughing in spite of the torment now growing
Licking their lips in the hope you believe

Roaming in groups so the followed outnumber
Say what you will for the king does not hear
Lost in his throne made of mirrors that flatter
Shivering, cowering, caving to fear

Deaf to the villagers asking for reason
Blind to the pillage befalling this land
Dumb, well I guess that just goes without saying
Nary a care what the people demand

Feasting on turkey, potatoes and gravy
Raising a glass to the enemy proud
Taking a stand against those who support him
Locking the front doors while yelling aloud

“Carry your torches, your pitchforks, your honor
It matters not for this evil shall win
Even when gone there are echoes of anger
Lingering on till they come back again

Give them your all, what you’ve poured your heart into
Down on your knees, bow to them one and all
Step over rock and the piles of rubble
This castle will stand even when the walls fall

Shout all you like as no change is forthcoming
Accept it or flee, you think I give a ****
When you are gone many more will replace you
Now pass those peas and a slice of that ham”

So roam the beasties, their teeth ever sharpened
Fanning the flames as so many are burned
Tearing apart what the people envisioned
Silly to think that they somehow had learned

Nothing so happy with no ever after
Always the same, it will happen again
But unlike some other long winded stories
Sadly in this I can not say “the end”

Watching the rise and the fall of a kingdom
Walls once rebuilt again tumble the ground
Thankfully I can peruse from a distance
Witnessing all without hanging around
Stephan Aug 2016

It is the little things
that matter most

A nice gesture,
a friendly smile,
a few moments from your day
that can make all of the difference
in one tiny world

There is so much hate,
so much indifference,
so many hurting,
so many in need
so many lonely,
so many in pain

We are all people
just trying to survive,
make our way through
this hectic life

We can all make this a better place
if we try,
it is so easy to be kind,
to be thoughtful
and if only for a few moments,
to bring some happiness
to someone’s life

It is the little things
that matter the most­sm/ar-AAihtWD?li=BBnb7Kz
I read this article this morning and I'll admit it, it brought tears to my eyes. It prompted me to write this piece. Please read this article and see how easy it is to make someone's day better.
3.5k · Jul 2016
Winged Workout
Stephan Jul 2016

I wish I were kissing you,
the butterflies in my stomach
need some exercise
3.3k · Jun 2016
The Dance of the Butterflies
Stephan Jun 2016

Many, many years ago
When the earth was new
There lived a lovely butterfly
Her wings of brightest blue
Everyday was happy
As she fluttered all around
Visiting each precious bloom
Each garden they were found

Till one day by courier
A message she received
The news was far from happy
The words caused her to grieve
Her mate was lost in battle
It broke her fragile heart
Never more would there be joy
Her world was torn apart

To show her grief she slowly
Removed her precious wings
Discarded everything she loved
The memories they bring
Then wrapped about her body
In a way to show her grief
A drab cocoon of teardrops
Then sat in disbelief

She could not eat, could not sleep
Her sadness did abound
So worried was her family
They often came around
Not to be a burden
She packed her simple things
Rolled them in a bundle
As well, her precious wings

She took off on a journey
As every day was kept
A map of where she traveled
By every tear she wept
The sadness so consuming
Her head she held so low
Downcast eyes the path she took
A heart that’s beating slow

Crossing creeks and valleys
What ever she did meet
Touching each and every stone
Beneath her tiny feet
Around the world she traveled
Her journeys filled in length
For many days and many months
Running short of strength

About to end the story
Her broken heart near death
She prayed for time to hurry
Her last and final breath
For love had left her being
Wandering alone
That day her mate did breathe no more
The message she was shown

When seemingly from nowhere
A beauty sharp and sweet
A stone now lay upon the ground
Below these tired feet
Though different was this relic
Such beauty not concealed
The loveliness this stone possessed
Her sorrow slowly healed

It lay as a reminder
That ugliness might play
But found within this sorrow
Some beauty was displayed
And then her eyes did open
The perfect shade of brown
When then she noticed wonders
Were waiting to be found

Like diamonds in the river
A perfect flower’s bloom
So happy had she now become
She cast off her cocoon
Shook the dust from on her wings
The brightest color blue
Put them on and offered thanks
This chance at life anew

She danced the dance of butterflies
And spread her story wide
To family and friends alike
The truth she did confide
In loss there will be sorrow
But life is just a time
Remember but the good you had
And you will be just fine

In everything is beauty
All that you will see
Whether in the rising sun
Or stones beneath your feet
Always find the goodness
It lies before you eyes
I promise you’ll find happiness
When you realize

So dance with me this morning
Spread your fancy wings
Follow me this summer’s eve
And see the joy it brings
If ever you feel sorrow
Don’t forget the chance
Gives thanks to all the good you have
And let your spirit dance
Sorry, I know it's long.
Stephan Aug 2016

Cast among the downpour,
gates beneath dark clouds are left open
The creek is rising, drowning underbrush,
darkening tree trunks,
moving swiftly the discarded,
Collecting at the walls of this place,
as stone and mortar slowly crumble

From a desperate vantage point
overlooking nature’s angry powers
I see a shape, a floating aura,
eyelet gown of gold stitch, woven ribbon dreams
Mahogany hair flowing, eyes captivating,
drifting atop muddied raging waters,
directing the flow with blown kiss persuasion

Suddenly swept away, barely a breath remains,
swallowing life in surrendering gulps
Flailing intoxicated waves, undertow’s grasp,
when a hand reaches, fingers interlock
Glazing blue skies whisper in sunlit reflections,
ocean breezes soothe washed out tides,
as a sand dollar wishes on a seashell

And now upon this beach I lie safely within soft arms,
tasting her mimosa lips, warm and sweet
I drink in her flavor neath palm tree shadows,
cool in the heat, but hot of her skin
My heart hears the glistening, tingling my senses,
awashing me in desires impossible to imagine,
as I happily drown in her
3.0k · Oct 2016
Trapped in her seduction
Stephan Oct 2016

I stared into the shadows
of a lover’s distant past
Heard whispers in the darkness
of the spell her heart did cast

As it raked across my feelings
and I cried out in the night
When this smile I was wearing
fit a little bit too tight

With her painted nails of crimson
like the color of my blood
She clawed at my emotions
as the silhouettes did flood

This morning found believing
that our time is filled with fate
Where I find my voice is screaming,
please don’t tell me it’s too late

She collected every promise
on the worries I did call
For she wanted me to know that
I could never have it all

Still I crawled into the silence
with my eyes so open wide
And together we were drowning
in the motion of the tide

In her arms now spun the seconds
of the minutes I could spare
Like a clock that’s steady ticking
darkened rhythms sent to share

Drinking thirsty from the fountain
as her finger it did press
On the chrome implanted wishes
of an early moon confess

For her smile was infectious
as it hid her ***** deeds
When I fell intoxicated
still to stagger in these needs

Tried to gaze off in the distance
but my vision could not stay
I was trapped in her seduction
and I could not look away
3.0k · Jul 2016
One Sky
Stephan Jul 2016

Quiet echoes bring the night of cricket song and firefly
as masks of clouded abstract shades intercept
Foaming colors take the eye to moments of shadowed dreams,
crimson plumes beneath a starlit canopy
Footing soft on dry grass down paths not yet worn,
wandering along fence line silhouettes

A golden sphere, above mature pecan trees appears as curtains lift
igniting the northern sky in beaconed majesty
Slowly puzzle pieced mist clears and bursts of color,
rainbows of dark bands announce the arrival
as this evening’s lunar show begins amidst
heavy sighs and mesmerized smiles

Soft in splendor, basking in myth,
the full moon, distant yet touching the soul
This night is shared, beyond horizon’s glare
and focused thoughts of two places, two hearts, one sky
Whispers follow beams of ancient descent, silently finding her,
hoping she will sense and know…that it is this moon that is ours
2.6k · Jul 2016
Don’t take for granted
Stephan Jul 2016

Don’t take for granted the love of this woman,
the wonderful one who has stolen your heart
Cherish your every moment together,
miss her the hours that you are apart

Stand and protect her in armor clad fashion,
show her the sun when there’s rain in the sky
Walk hand in hand down the path of affection,
take to the clouds as the two of you fly

Stay by her side when her worries start growing,
give her a hug just to show that you care
Tend to her dreams so her world can be magic,
hold her so close in these days that you share

Whisper soft lyrics as melodies linger,
paint her the sunset you see in her eyes
Promise her all she could ever imagine,
pen her a poem of romantic sighs

Conquer her fears when her teardrops are falling,
caress her skin that is soft to the touch
Kiss her with passion between those so tender,
prove to her always you love her so much

Tell her she's beautiful and you adore her,
now is the time, it’s not too late to start
Don’t take for granted the love of this woman,
the wonderful one who has stolen your heart
I hope you like this one, it kept me up half the night last night.
2.4k · May 2016
Seafoam dreams
Stephan May 2016

*A midnight wave of shimmered light
caresses soft this slumbered shore
Of moonbeam whispers on the night
in ocean scenes and moments pure

To find upon this beach we lie
our glistened skin in stardust gleam
Beneath a diamond dusted sky
alone amidst a seafoam dream
2.3k · Apr 2016
Springtime Sings
Stephan Apr 2016

*Springtime sings of wondrous things
Of warmer days and robin’s wings
Of daffodils and playground swings
Of sunny morning wanderings
Of fishing poles and wedding rings
Of family picnic gatherings
Of arbors blooming jasmine clings
Of sweetly scented offerings
Of firefly meanderings
Of stardust moonlit ponderings
Of all the happiness it brings
Yes springtime sings of wondrous things
2.3k · Oct 2016
So she knows she is loved
Stephan Oct 2016

I write these poems
for only one reason
I don’t care the day
or the time or the season

If flowers are blooming
or skies are bright blue
If meadowlarks sing midst
the fresh morning dew

If butterflies float
on a warm summer breeze
Or moonlight reflects
off of calm evening seas

If snow flurries fall
ever soft on the ground
Or musical whispers
are flitting around

If day turns to night
or night turns to day
If it starts to rain
washing it all away

If the sunrise is coming
or stars glow above
I write these poems
so she knows she is loved
Ok, I know this isn't one of my best but
sometimes you just need to tell her she is loved, because...she is.
2.3k · Jul 2016
Beneath the Milky Way
Stephan Jul 2016

Upon a beach of silken sand,
neath nighttime's wondrous skies
Stars aglow of heavens hand,
soft moon beams fill your eyes

With gentle seas awash the shore,
the scent of ocean wind
A shooting star our smiles explore,
as dreams once more begin

Now glistening on waters blue,
a hypnotizing light
Illuminates this love so true,
I feel for you this night

In solitude of gentle flow,
the touch of fingertips
A canopy of evening glow,
my kiss upon your lips

This universe is ours to hold,
amongst the stars we'll play
Of secrets now our hearts have told,
beneath the Milky Way
2.2k · May 2016
Darkness plays on sunny days
Stephan May 2016

Not knowing
chokes the imagination,
draining all common sense
Thoughts spin desperately
as vacuous emotions
paralyze actions,
restricting sensibility

Lethargic expressions
wander the mind
searching for answers
While minutes become
hours that never end
on days you wish
you didn’t exist

Pathways once trod
now retraced, examined
of every “what if”
step by agonizing step,
seeking breadcrumbs
leading back to a beginning
long before now

Darkness plays on sunny days,
every shadow startles
in breaths not taken
for fear that this is it,
falling on your knees,
pleading to the sky,
tell me
2.2k · Oct 2016
Stephan Oct 2016
I am
    bound by the
  belief that

  all of its
                           dark tunnels
                following tracks
                    of hurt  
   caused by someone who
    claims to
                       have cared,
          of empty promises
                                        vacant of any feeling
                      washing your dreams
into a sewer system
                      of nightmares
                     twisted stairways
of all that was shared      
               crumbling beneath
the weight of a
                      broken heart
gets no better
than this,

        and I am
       by the
                 that it

                                               eventually ends
I just wish it would hurry the hell up
Thank you to all of my friends here for your kindness and for making this life a little bit more bearable. Sometimes though the pain is just too much.
2.2k · Sep 2016
Hi there, how are you
Stephan Sep 2016

Hi there, how are you
I'm happy you stopped by
I really like the poems
you've been writing

You worded them so nice,
the phrases made me smile
I read them and my thoughts
begin igniting

I learn so many things,
from your creative work
You've taken me to places
I’ve not seen

The endings were superb,
your stanzas so enchanting
I felt as if I slipped
into a dream

You touched my lonely heart,
while I just sat here reading
Hoping when I did
it would inspire

So I could write like you,
express a thousand feelings
About this special woman
I desire

For I am so in love,
she makes my body tingle
More beautiful than I’ve  
seen anywhere

And when I kiss her lips,
completely mesmerizing
Like heaven sent an angel
down to share

My life is not the same,
whenever she is with me
To hold her in my arms,  
it feels so good

So thank you for your words,
the poems you’ve been posting
They help me out just like
I hoped they would

Now I am off to read
some more amazing poems
That I now find are scattered
on this site

And thanks for stopping by,
you wondrous hello poets
Keep writing and I wish you all
good night
I learn something every day from all of you amazing poets on this site. Thank you so much for your words and inspiration. I appreciate each and every one of you.
2.0k · May 2016
Do unto others
Stephan May 2016

Do unto others
as you’d have them do
Such an old saying
it’s not something new

Then why do we fight
calling each other names
Pointing our fingers
and casting the blame

Looking for wrong
when there is so much right
Walking in darkness
ignoring the light

Talking behind
somebody else’s back
Laughing at problems
or things that they lack

Making them feel
like they’re nothing at all
Hiding our hands
if they happen to fall

Locking the door
when they’re out in the rain
Wearing a smile
when they’re crying in pain

If we all try
we can turn this around
Open your heart
so the love can be found

It would be easy
you know that it’s true
Do unto others
as you’d have them do
2.0k · Oct 2016
Also be the last time
Stephan Oct 2016

The first time I kissed you

was the most amazing moment
in my entire life

and I would have held it
just a little while longer

if only I had known

it would

also be the last time
Compact Poem Series
2.0k · Jun 2016
Now have some cheesecake
Stephan Jun 2016

Take this, this poem
with torn, tattered edges
Stuff it in pockets
of jeans faded blue
Tell all the people
who teeter on ledges
Nothing is worse
if you have not a clue

Shatter this pen
flowing ink made of fire
Charring the castles
where dragon wings fly
Fanning the flames
that a sad heart has started
When every stanza
now ends in goodbye

Fracture the vase
that once sat in the window
Emerald green
with a chardonnay shine
Toss me the shards
till you see I am bleeding
Now have some cheesecake,
a nice glass of wine

Bury these dreams
so they fade in the morning
Hidden from sunlight
and coated in dew
Roll out the leaves
in the cover of autumn
Springtime for me
is now long overdue
2.0k · Aug 2016
Penning her poetic love
Stephan Aug 2016

Yes, it’s a poem no matter who reads it,
worded conclusions one line at a time
Splattering ink on the pages of reason,
whether or not you can sense any rhyme

Searching my dreams for the perfect notation,
picking and choosing what I hope she sees
Gathering leaves of our tomorrow seasons,
falling to earth on the breath of a breeze

Echoes I’ve whispered in words used so often,
carved in the essence a float in my mind
Wandering footsteps through valleys of wishes,
happy endeavors in phrases I find

Till comes the day when she sits here beside me,
sharing the beauty her smile does inspire
And of the views framing skies of forever,
promising visions of windswept desire

I write these verses of heart felt emotions,
all of them true in the fashion I send
For very soon I’ll be rounding the corner,
penning her poetic love once again
2.0k · Aug 2016
Until you
Stephan Aug 2016

I knew there was a sun
that rose upon the skies each day
Setting in the afternoon
a twilight time display

Daffodils and marigolds
welcoming the spring
Bluebirds in the maple trees
each morning there to sing

Waves upon the ocean
and a moon up in the sky
Stars above that twinkle
as the evening passes by

Mountains in the distance
reaching high into the air
Falling leaves in autumn
and the colors that they share

Early morning snowfall
in a chilly coat of white
Fireflies so playful
on a balmy summer night

I knew there were so many things
yet I could just not see
Until you came into my life
and showed these things to me

And now that I have witnessed
all that nature has to view
Its beauty still does not compare
to what I see in you
1.9k · May 2016
The steady drizzle
Stephan May 2016

*Music written to
the sound of the rain,
patters of notes upon
slick windowpanes
mesmerizing a day
of reminiscence,
when two hearts
danced between
the steady drizzle

Drenched in the key
of lost moments
playing over and over
in the saturated symphonies
of my mind’s
harmonic sadness
un-tuned melodies echo
through puddles collected
within a cappella fingers
Stephan Sep 2016

There like the bloom of a mystical flower,
a crescent moon smiles this day
Before the sun comes to offer good morning,
bright its illumined display

While here I stand gazing north towards the heavens,
dreaming of days yet to be
Watching the glow on an autumn horizon,
I feel it grinning at me

Picturing moments of enchanted splendor,
beautiful scenes float my eyes
Seeking a sign as the dawn now awakens,
upon these slumbering skies

When in a whisper this moon sends a message,
softly it says from above
“Here in this smile my crescent is showing,
know she is sending her love”
1.7k · Sep 2018
Rise above before the fall
Stephan Sep 2018
You look beneath each unturned stone
where four leaf clover shrouds the path
To wonder, thinking all alone,
what brought about this aftermath

As daisies clamor ‘bout the field
and dragonflies abandon hope
When orchards passing off their yield
will find it hard to even cope

Lest not a day of future themes
reflect this distance you now feel
For merely but a stack of dreams,
horizon’s light may soon reveal

So take this orchid from its stem,
a small reminder of the past
And question not who follows them
but cherish every foot step cast

Come hold your head up to the sky
as banners wave and bluebirds sing
Extend your hand to passers by,
much more than just a thoughtful thing

For life is but a fleeting friend
not here for very long at all
It’s up to you to just transcend
and rise above before the fall
1.7k · Aug 2016
Inspirational poetry
Stephan Aug 2016

A friend of mine just questioned
what inspires me to write
They know I'm writing poems
every morning, noon and night

I answered with a chuckle
saying, “I don’t have a clue
In fact right at this moment
I’m not sure what I will do

I looked outside my window
it’s the same as yesterday
Traffic lights and restaurants
and people on their way

I listened to some music
but I’ve heard that song before
And I don’t really like it
it’s a tough one to endure

I took a walk through nature
past the flowers and the trees
But allergies are killing me
all I could do was sneeze

I typed some words in sequence
to see if they would rhyme
And ended up deleting them
a total waste of time”

Then I saw their smile
I thought, now there’s a thing
I like when people smile
and the happiness they bring

There’s joy in that expression
like spring will soon arrive
It lifts another’s spirits
and makes them feel alive

Thoughts of sunny mornings
begin to float around
Maple leaves and meadowlarks
and dew drops on the ground

That very special person
who lives inside your heart
And just how much you love them
even when you are apart

I started feeling better
as my face now wore a grin
And when I looked up at the screen
I saw one once again

For now I knew the answer
and I told them oh so true
*“It seems today my inspiration
came from seeing you”
Stephan Sep 2016

I send these phrases,
shimmered gold,
of smiling moons
and stories told

Midst evening skies
and midnight dreams
in whispers soft
on stardust beams

Poetic verses,
glistened glare,
a falling star,
a wish to share

Of mystic realms
in twinkled light
and promises
aglow this night

So when you gaze
this summer eve
upon these stanzas
I now weave

You’ll find the
crescent moon above
illumines you with
all my love
I guess you can tell where my thoughts are tonight. : )
1.7k · Aug 2016
Spare Me The Lecture
Stephan Aug 2016

a collaborative piece created by Papaya and Stephan*

I know the story of an ugly old fellow
Who taunted and cursed and told many lies
But did you know that an ugly old fellow
Was merely the skin that held his disguise

"Spare me a quarter and I'll spare you the lecture"
Often he’d say to the young and the brave
Laughing they’d pass without barely a glance
Thrusting the man into temper and rage

When along stepped another into the commotion
Stopping to listen to all he did say
Shaking his head he reached in his pocket
Pulled out a quarter to proudly display

Then closed his hands into two equal fists
Held them up high as he said with a grin
"I’ll pay your offer so you will stop ranting
If only you can guess which hand it is in"

Stroking his beard the man gave a smile
"I do love a challenge, so let us begin
But once I have chosen and reveal your coin
You’ll stay to listen, and we both shall win"

The old man reached out, with hand on each fist
“Son, you cannot fool a man that’s my age”
Then pulled out from behind the younger man’s ear
The same coin that earlier the man had displayed

The look of surprise on his face was alarming
He glanced down at both of his two empty hands
Then thought to himself, now how did he do that,
I held it right there? but then said to the man

“A deal is a deal, so I guess I will listen
But I have a schedule, it’s my day to teach
Please hasten your words holding all of your wisdom
And here I shall stand till you finish your speech”

"I can say nothing you've not already learned
That each man has something special to give
To stop and to listen and open your eyes
This is how all men and women must live"

"Some will spare time, others spare a dime
Still others will play tricks as you see
You must be wise, separate truth from the lies
And always be the very best you can be"
1.6k · Aug 2016
Chasing the rain
Stephan Aug 2016

I’m sending the sun,
and I’m chasing the rain
To shine its light
on your day once again

So you may smile
and your morning is fun
I’m chasing the rain
and I’m sending the sun
1.6k · May 2016
Where will the circus fall
Stephan May 2016

Where will the circus fall,
leaving giraffes homeless,
as pitched tents get pitched
and sideshow freaks
become the norm,
guessing someone’s weight
who doesn’t care

When the sun sets
tablecloth desires
on a silverware runway
with dishes made of gold
and wine glasses half full
are spilled in sad regrets

Will I walk alone
on a cobblestone road,
counting windows without shades
laced with flat screen televisions
tuned to the wrong channel,
reruns in Technicolor

Broadcasting seeded visions
in open fields of tall grass
when Eric Burdon sang
and cherry trees once stood
producing the fruit
of a past I no longer
want to see

Where will the circus fall,
where will I fall
1.6k · Jun 2016
Falling from new heights
Stephan Jun 2016

I saw her walking down the path,
then leaning on this tree
I wondered if she just might like
to be up here with me

I said, “come on, it’s nice up here”
She said, “I like the ground”
I yelled, “the view is very clear,
I can see for miles around”

She said, “but here the grass is green,
the flowers at my eye
I could not see these wondrous things
from up there in the sky”

“This tree is old, this branch is strong,
it easily holds the weight
I’ve been up here an hour or so
I’m sure that it won’t break”

“Oh that’s not it, my climbing friend,
that is not it at all
I do not think that branch is weak
and both of us would fall”

“Then what, if you will tell me please
keeps you so far below
For where I’m at, this highest peak
provides a perfect show”

“I just prefer the feeling of
the earth beneath my feet
The fragrance of the summer breeze
upon my face so sweet”

“But way up here the sky is blue,
like nothing that you’ve seen
The valley and the mountain side,
as if comes from a dream"

“Well, I’ll not climb this tree with you
and if a friend you be
Then you will slip down from that branch
and come down here with me”

I shimmied down the mighty oak
and staring in her eyes
I saw a view I’d never seen
on any morning skies

She said, “I’m glad you didn’t fall
from up there way above"

That’s when I thought, oh yes I did,
for I just fell in love

I found her to be beautiful
much more than any sights
And truth be known, I’m glad I’m down
for I’m afraid of heights

(But don't tell her)
: )
1.6k · Sep 2016
A bloom is not forgotten
Stephan Sep 2016

A bloom is not forgotten for its fragrance lingers on
Captured in the morning dew that plays upon the lawn
Delicate the petals when no longer we do find
Still its beauty follows us forever in our mind

The melodies of nightingales within the trees do sing
Until the time they wander off, the wind beneath their wings
When off into the distance finds these birds no longer near
Still their song it plays its tune that we shall always hear

On the beach we build a castle very tall and fine
Made of tiny grains of sand this summer day we find
And even when the tide does wash away our grand surprise
Still we find the magic it did play upon our eyes

When the sun is setting out along the western shore
The warmth upon our skin we felt, we come to want once more
Now as the darkness falls and this new day does turn to night
Still we can remember that the sun was shining bright

As we turn the pages in the brand new book we read
Every new found place into our minds we slowly feed
Coming to the last page and “The End” the words do say
Still we find the story it shall never go away

A bloom is not forgotten for its fragrance lingers on
Captured in the morning dew that plays upon the lawn
But like its beauty this I see when you come into view
I can’t forget a blossom that’s as perfect as are you
Stephan Jun 2016

I choose to breathe for every breath is free
Calmly bound of tempted drizzled fears
Slow dancing on the desperate dying wind
Placing endless hope against the flow

This does come
beyond iron gates of broken trances
to sing
undying wishes upon deaf ears

Fractured in meanings and senses known,
these wrinkles form a favored mask
Donned in apprehension of a wilted feeling
Sleek and slender, along a poisoned vine they grow

in endless streams of sorted need
Stead fast
with chains of charmed tethered truth

Cartoon headstones with scribbled crayon names
cast darker shadows beneath the edges of sanity
Ripped and tattered these empty voices scream
my name in echoes bearing nothing more than seen

As I cry
my tears sprout wings and flee from my face
I fall to my knees
finding only the jagged earth to rest

Desires cling to the massive arbors of life
Dreams falter along a winding creviced cliff
Nothing laughs like the air upon my sorrowed face
and I choose to breathe for every breath is free
1.6k · Sep 2016
I painted irises
Stephan Sep 2016

I painted irises
in watercolor whispers
seduced by a new season,
violet pastels of autumn blushing
tall within the burnt orange,
sprinkled in falling leaves
amidst the scent of
juniper and pine
as I dream of your eyes,
mahogany blossoms
inspiring soft feathered brushstrokes,
for absolute beauty
always does that
to me
1.6k · Apr 2016
Pillsbury Paranoia
Stephan Apr 2016
Why are you always so little,
running around kicking shins,
then hiding inside a cookie jar
swearing the crumbs are talking about you
in bittersweet morsels
wiped from hands
stealing all that is sweet in your life?
1.6k · Aug 2016
Milkshake Kisses
Stephan Aug 2016

I’ve seen her for a week or two,
she’s new around these parts
Always with a smile that could
melt the coldest hearts

The other day I waved as she
went strolling down the street
When she waved back, I thought inside,
now her I’d like to meet

She said hello today again
as she went walking by
I grabbed the mail from in the box,
responded with a “hi”

Thinking now’s the perfect time
I added, “how are you?”
She answered, “I am doing fine,
just taking in the view”

I offered her a coffee,
figured I would take a shot
She said, “A coffee sounds real nice
but it is kind of hot”

“Maybe then some iced tea,
I could brew a *** instead?”
But she was thinking something else
for this is what she said

“I’d rather have a milkshake
from the local ice cream shop
Piled high with whipped cream
and a cherry on the top”

I wonder if she noticed
the big smile on my face
“I’ll go get my wallet and
we’ll walk down to the place”

We sat down at the counter and
I thought I’d act real cool
“Two vanilla milkshakes please”
She jumped up from the stool

“Vanilla, are you crazy,
are you touched inside your head?
With a vanilla milkshake
this girl wouldn’t be caught dead”

I just sat there startled,
not too sure what I should say
I never thought vanilla would have
angered her this way

“I’m sorry that I yelled at you,
I know I sounded mean
But something happened long ago
with that flavor of ice cream”

She sat back down and smiled,
I kept staring in her eyes
The perfect shade of brown they were
and then I realized

“I’ll bet you prefer chocolate,
oh so sweet and creamy thick”
She said, “Yes, that’s my favorite,
it’s the flavor I would pick”

I pondered for a moment,
took a little time to think
Should I change my order,
ask for something else to drink?

I said, “Please make hers chocolate
and I’d like to change mine too
Just give me a few minutes
to decide just what to do”

I don’t care for chocolate,
really hate it I must say
I’d rather eat a bullfrog
than that flavor any day

Something flavored burlap,
I would battle past the taste
But I can't handle chocolate,
that would surely be a waste

The waitress brought her milkshake,
she was happy as a child
The cherry and the whipped cream
seemed to drive her kind of wild

Removed the straw and raised
the fancy glass up to her face
And when she set it down again
there was chocolate every place

She then jumped up and kissed me,
made my lips a sticky mess
But also took my breath away,
yes that I must confess

I licked my lips and smiled,
then the strangest thing occurred
My heart was beating rapidly
and everything was blurred

I raised my hand to order,
knew exactly what to do
“What flavor can I get you ***?”
I said, “Make mine chocolate too”
1.6k · Sep 2016
This September day
Stephan Sep 2016

Sunrise wishes and morning kisses
in pastel ribbons horizon’s gleam
Morning glories and breakfast stories,
my day with you starts a perfect dream

Dawning shimmers in dew drop glimmers
as bluebirds whistle on yawning skies
Cooler breezes as autumn teases
in colors tinted upon your eyes

Holding hands while we make our plans
your smile takes all my cares away
As our love I am thinking of
to share with you this September day
We all have bad days but we also have many good days too. And the best days are the ones that start with love. :)
1.6k · Jun 2016
You matter
Stephan Jun 2016

You tell me you feel
that you no longer matter
Sunsets and moonbeams
they all seem to shatter

Dark clouds and sadness,
a heart filled with  sorrow
Lost in today
and afraid of tomorrow

Just take my hand
so I can find your smile
I know it is there
you will see in a while

Let it all go
it is time to start living
I offer friendship,
that's what I am giving

Not here to fix you,
I know that you're broken
Just here to offer
some kind words now spoken

Hoping you see
in these thoughts I do scatter
You're special to me
and you truly do matter
Stephan May 2016

*Sunset shimmers, brushstroke heavens,
pastel ribbons brightly gleam
Atop a slumbering horizon,
lost within a blissful dream

Twilight breathes in shadowed vistas,
firefly illumined skies
Cooler breezes flow the branches,
evergreens in whispered sighs

Silhouettes of evening romance,
constellations dance above
Darkness calls my heart’s devotion,
alone with you and so in love
1.5k · Jun 2016
I play my guitar
Stephan Jun 2016

I play my guitar,
now crying in sevens
a cold vacant morning
with rain on the ground

Sorrowful chords,
on the strings of emotion
in three quarter tear drops
where sadness is bound

                                   And the storm clouds they form
                                   on the edge of tomorrow
                                   with thoughts ever yearning
                                   for your melodies

                                  dreaming of yesterdays
                                  caught in the feedback,
                                  out of tune longings
                                  in lost harmonies

Breathing in silence
of fret seperations
seeking a songlist
of lyrics unfound  

A chill strums my heart,
sitting empty and hollow
I play my guitar
and there isn’t a sound
Stephan Jul 2016

If I were there I would caress your heart
with the thread of a silken cocoon
Stitched now as one on the eve of the weary,
bound by the light of the moon
Careful to touch oh so soft as a feather,
gentle as spider web tears
Keeping you close on the edge of the tomorrow,
shielding your soul from the fears

Dew drop beliefs on the lawn they are waiting,
prisms of lighthearted scenes
Dandelion clouds offer sweet pea protection,
dragonflies float in between
Watching as breezes of painted day whispers
on kite strings of warm summer fire
Sing with the echoes, repeating their sonnet,
offering all you desire

Though all I have is a poet’s conviction,
spilled now in ink penned to share
Hoping on dreams you will rest in the sunrise,
find a few moments to spare
Taking the hand of this forgotten hero,
trusting in him ever true
Open your eyes for a new day is dawning,
written with love just for you
1.5k · Aug 2016
Luckiest stars
Stephan Aug 2016

Sometimes I wonder when she says she loves me,
what I have done to deserve such a prize
I am not special, not someone so worthy
or smart as some others, at least in my eyes

Oh sure I can write about what I am feeling
in poetic form that will usually rhyme
Poems of love filled with sugary phrases
that tell her how happy I am she is mine

But there are so many who write words of wisdom
with thoughts stimulating in wonderful prose
Stanzas of life and the world all around us,
depth in their meanings, it certainly shows

Difficult subjects that touch us so deeply,
current events, many names in the news
Sadness and sorrow of friends and their passing,
realistic themes now expressing their views

While I write of fairies and peppermint kisses
in fantasy settings with sunflower dreams
Stardust and sunsets and magical places
with lily pads singing in clear mountain streams

What does she see in this heart of a dreamer,
who paints pretty pictures in whimsical weave
Writes everything with the happiest ending,
thinks in forever just past make believe

Sometimes I wonder when she says she loves me,
what I have done to deserve such a prize
But I’ll just keep writing and hope she keeps reading
while thanking the luckiest stars in my skies
1.5k · Aug 2016
Stephan Aug 2016

I felt the weight of the world
upon my shoulders today
and with just three little words
she lifted it off of me
and didn’t even break a sweat
1.5k · Jun 2016
A short love poem
Stephan Jun 2016

I want to say I love you
in a smooth poetic verse
But to tell you just how much
I fear would make it worse

Listing every reason
I would need a million lines
And everybody knows that none
will read that many rhymes

If I sat and wrote down all
you do that makes me smile
People would get bored with
reading this work after while

If I penned each feeling
in the stanzas of this piece
Most would hit the halfway point
and reading it would cease

I want to mention every thing
but please don’t get me wrong
No one on this site likes reading
poems that are long

So please excuse this poem
with it’s verses that are few
I only really wrote it
just to say that I love you
Stephan Sep 2016

Well, here I go again,
it’s time to put this pen to work
“Hey, can’t you see I’m sleeping?
He is always such a ****?”

I wonder what they’d like to read,
I usually write of love
“Ain’t that the truth, it seems to be
all he is thinking of”

Perhaps a poem wrapped around
a perfect morning view
“It wouldn’t be the first one
I have seen come out of you”

Or how her beauty touches me
and takes my breath away
“Please not again, the same old line,
find something new to say”

I know, I’ll write of autumn,
its arrival coming soon
“Oh geez, you wrote one yesterday,
at least it’s not the moon”

That's it, I'll write about the moon,
it just popped in my head
“Of course, he never gives me credit
for anything I've said”

A poem about flowers
in the garden would be good
“Oh great, some singing marigolds
neath an arbor where she stood”

How about an ocean,
as the waves crash on the shore
“You’ve written that a hundred times,
they really don’t need more?”

A sunset found at twilight
shining brightly tangerine
“You’re gonna bore them half to death,
if you know what I mean”

I want to say I love her so,
in hopes that she will sigh
“****, you say that one more time,
and I’m saying goodbye”

Well, maybe I’ll just wait
and write a poem later on
“I’m good with that, but promise me,
no dew drops on the lawn”

Here you go, back in the drawer,
until I write again
*“Finally, I’ll get some sleep,
I hate being his pen”
A collaboration with my whining, sarcastic pen.  : )
1.4k · Oct 2016
Before falling asleep
Stephan Oct 2016

It was a beautiful dream,

sultry skin tightly against mine,
soft sighs echoed in the night

frantic fingers clutched satin sheets as
passion erupted in a torrid frenzy,

when sensual lips again invited

and I kissed you once more

before falling asleep
Compact Poem Series
1.4k · Aug 2016
Peaches and dreams
Stephan Aug 2016

Tending to my fruit stand,
another lonely day
Hoping for a customer
to happen ‘long the way

When then I saw approaching
a funny colored van
It pulled off on the shoulder,
I wondered of its plan

The back doors slowly opened
and there before my eyes
Stood a gorgeous woman
beneath these sunny skies

Her eyes were soft and sable
with hair a darker hue
She smiled and said hello to me
I said, “How do you do?”

She stood before my table,
I couldn’t help but stare
First she touched an apple,
then she touched a pear

Suddenly she shouted,
for now her hand did reach
Excitedly she questioned
“Please may I have a peach?”

All I could do was stutter,
as I could barely breathe
She took a bite and then exclaimed
“The sweetest I believe”

Then she grabbed a couple,
and walking to her van
Sat upon the rear end sill,
then patted with her hand

I stumbled there to join her,
she handed one to me
“I just adore your peaches”
“Yes ma’am, that I can see”

I sat there with her eating
and maybe I am dumb
But juice was dripping from her lip,
I brushed it with my thumb

This seemed to make her happy,
her beauty such a view
Then I could not believe my ears,
She asked, “Can I kiss you?”

Well, forget what I said earlier
the “dumb” part wasn’t right
I pressed my lips against hers
and held them there real tight

They were sweet and sticky,
delicious like the fruit
Then we separated,
she grinned and said, “You’re cute”

“I really think I love you
and will forever true”

I felt my heart just skip a beat,
“Yes ma’am, I love you too”

“I just adore your peaches,
they’re the best in all the land”

We kissed again, this time good bye,
she climbed into her van

I watched as she departed,
standing on the curb
Thinking of her kisses
and the last thing that I heard

Then felt kind of lousy
this pristine summer day
Not for what had happened,
but what I did not say

I didn’t have the heart to tell
this woman of my dreams
The fruits this day that she enjoyed
were really nectarines
1.4k · Jul 2016
Sunny days
Stephan Jul 2016

a sunny day
if even clouds appear

Or lightening
streaks across the sky
with raindrops falling near

For as I gaze,
with smiling eyes
upon these skies above

All I can see
are sunny days
because of your sweet love
1.4k · Oct 2016
“Neither have I”
Stephan Oct 2016

We lay in the soft grass

picking out shapes in the white fluffy clouds
as they wander across

a brilliant blue sky

You gaze above and whisper
“I have never seen anything more beautiful”

I stare at their reflection in your eyes and say,

“Neither have I”
Compact Poem Series
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