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Nina McNally Mar 2011
Each day, when I wake, ready for the new day. I try and find the
X, the one that marks the spot of
Eternity and Dreams. In the land of make believe.
Come to this land, this island--that's so
Utterly beautiful. Words can't describe it.
Time is money, or is money time? Who knows?    But for
Each day I live** it will be with a smile on my face.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Everyone needs a little ~Positive~ to their day.
title comes from LOST.
Nina McNally Mar 2011
In a dream,
Nothing like this.
Coming to reality, but
Everything is so strange.
People always
Telling me which way to go.       All
I* want is to go back to my *dream land.
Only than wanting to go back to reality.
None-the-less this is how I dream.
                                                          ­                                ?

                       ­                  "Dreams feel real while we're in them. It's only when we
                                      wake up that we realize something was actually strange.
                                                      ­                                                    ~Cobb (Inception)
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
inspired by the movie, Inception.
Nina McNally Mar 2011
Twenty years ago,
I was born.
St. Patrick's Day was the day.
So what do I have to celebrate?
Well there's many things--I started life rough.
And was behind, but, in high school, I got caught up.

Middle School years;
I was so young- so naive.
High School tears;
Brought the tears- I began to understand more about life and myself.
And I owe part of that to Fall Out Boy,
But also myself---for putting up with all my crap.

Fall Out Boy is the music that stays by my side,
And WCYY is the radio station that's always on.

I love cheese cake (especially chocolate chip).
I love being random and I love music!
And if anyone has a problem with that,
Well you don't have to be friends with me. I am who I am.

My friends are great; though they tease me sometimes. (like all true friends do)
I am an original, fun-loving person who loves
music, poetry, animals, LOST, and being around friends.

I am either the Quiet One, Dreams A lot, the one who has lots to say, Abby, or Pikachu.
Based on one I wrote when I was 16 for my sophomore Poetry class.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
this is my 70th poem I've posted here.

Happy Birthday to Me!!!
Nina McNally Mar 2011
Screaming just to save myself, as
I** run from my troubles.                 But running's not enough.
Goodbye to everything and everyone I
Have known my whole life.                                 Things have changed.

Now is the moment to                  FIGHT,
Or die trying!                This is my moment to             LIVE!

My moment to fight!
Only time will be able to tell me to              MOVE ON.
Ready for the new day and with
Each breath I breathe,                                           I wouldn't change a thing.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
inspired by LOST
title from the Mumford & Sons
Nina McNally Mar 2011
As I lay here thinking back to the days;

When everything was simply and alright;                   Wondering
How this all happen.              Some days I do.... really
I* do, want to go back, but I know I can't for
This is where I'm suppose to be;          This is where it is at.
Everyday I wake up, make some

Breakfast, and greet the new day.       Ready to
Live, I put on my pants, shirt, and
A smile to keep me moving through the day.                  Keeping the
Negative thoughts from my mind,   it's hard,    but
Keeping those thoughts away,       most of the time,

Prevents a lot of crap and stuff from happening.
And so here I lay as the last thoughts of the day
Goes rushing through my head;
Everyone will be fine,                     *
*In. The. End.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Just came to me as I was getting ready for bed.
Inspired by the one the only LOST.
"If we don't Live Together, we're gonna Die Alone."
Nina McNally Mar 2011
"So tell me now, where was my fault/In loving you with my whole heart"
Tell me the truth -- and only the truth.
Right now that is what I need,
And I need a restart.
I'm sorry for all I've done, but I must say
Goodbye to this lonely cold
Heart, that once belong
To you. You had me at hello, you had me, you had

Everything, but you lost it in one not-so-smooth move.
Do you ever wish we were still together?        Well I do, sometimes, but
Goodbye to what we were, it was nice knowing you.
Even in these lonely days, I wouldn't change a thing.

                                                         ­        "A white blank page and a swelling rage
                                                         You did not think when sent me to the brink
                                            You desired my attention but denied my affections."
"And I will hold on hope
And I won't let you choke
On the noose around your neck
And I'll find strength in pain
And I will change my ways
I'll know my name as it's called again"
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
Lyrics from the Mumford & Sons "The Cave" & "White Blank Page"
Nina McNally Feb 2011
You can see,

All I wanted was you, and
Now I got nothing.             And
Yet I have everything.          It's the little
Things in life that matter.
However, being with you was the greatest moment
In my life, but I will find someone who means so much more.
Now; I will just sit here and watch the sun as it
Goes down, only to wait until it raises to greet a new day*.
On This Night.....
...............Love Dies Young.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
written as the sun was going down.
title from Good Charlotte
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