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Nina McNally Feb 2011
Come one, come all.      Are you
Ready?     The night when
It's all about
The music!     All I can see and all
I* can hear, is MUSIC!
Can one n
ight really change the future of music?
And the answer i
s yes.
Longing to go

And see it myse
lf, live, in person.
Coming and go
ing of the performing artists,
Coming and going o
f the awards and speeches.
Last chanc
e to see who wins
And who performs together.
I love the Grammy's
!* The one night it's all about
Music! The one award show I can't miss.
All Hail Music!

copyright; 2/13/2011 McNally, Inc.
title from an Avenged Sevenfold song,
and inspired by the Grammy's.
Greatest night on Earth.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Silence is
Everywhere, even
In the middle of the night,when people are dreaming and going
ZZZZZzzzzzz..." all night long.
Every day is a new day. ---

Time to change and start something new.
How can we bring peace to this world?
Each day--little by little-

Day by day; We can do it!
And to wrap this up, I want to say, Happy Birthday to
You, Jimmy Sullivan.---You truely live foREVer!** <3
copyright; February 9th, 2011 McNally, Inc.
written on The Rev's birthday and just flowed from my pen.
Title from an Avenged Sevenfold song.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Moments of truth when
Everything starts to fall apart.

As I lay here,
Gazing up at the stars;
As I get ready to drift off to sleep;
I* wonder about life and love, in the darkest hour of the
Night. *Are we ever gonna have peace, in this world?

So as I lay here wondering, in
Time, we will have peace in the world, again, someday.

The time to sleep
Has come and gone; in
Each hour...

Week...and month, I stay up later and later.
Oh nostalgia, what are you doing to me?
Running from this
Lonely world--- Please
Don't give up on me.
Seasons of Change. <3

copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
most of my writes are words from my mind to the page.
I just write.
title from a Simple Plan song, and idea from Jon London.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
When times get
Hard, the going gets writing.
And the times are hard, but
Things get worst before they get any better.

As a bruise is when it's healing.

Coming from a young person with no where to go,
As I run from this creature.
This big, dark creature who's
Chasing me, there's no where to
Hide, or so it thinks...

Down the street...nope, it's right behind me.
On the roof...nah, it's there too.
No where to turn,
No where to go, oh but wait...
I* got my secret place, but d*amn it! It's
Even there as well--in my writing. *In my place.
Don't we all have a creature stirring inside us?

copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
written on the spot- pen to paper, the words from my mind to the page.
title from a Fall Out Boy song.
and thanks to Jon London for the know what it is.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
Nothing can come between us; just give us a chance.
Every day, I wonder did I make the right choice? And
Every day I will win some and lose some.
Don't give up when you lose, take it with

You and use it as fuel to fight back and win.
Others will lose and win some, as well; it's a part of life. To
Understand the true meaning is impossible, but I say

Nothing's impossible when you put your mind to it.
Others will say to you, you can't, but you can,
W**hen you put your mind to it--it's Mind Over Matter.
copyright; 2011 McNally, Inc.
title from a Lady Antebellum song.
and I just write this as it came to me.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
And now in the middle of the night, Please
Come back to me.          All my memories.
Running no where fast, running
Only to escape this monster, but you
See, the monster is slightly faster.
The moment is everything and
I** will be fine. I
Can beat this monster, in the end.
copyright; 2011
McNally, Inc.
An acrostic with the word acrostic...
-just came to me in the moment.
Nina McNally Feb 2011
People hate,
Only time will tell---
Everything will be alright.
M**emories, please come back to me.
copyright; 2011
McNally, Inc.
-a short poem.
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