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I hate getting this feeling when I know you're so far way.
And it gets me weak because I can stop thinking of you whole day.
This feeling when my chest feels tight,
And I think of you that makes my smile so bright,
Make my body so tingly and my hormones acts hype.
Never the less I have to sit it out once again,
Trying my best not to think about you drives me insane,
So I get stuck here in my thoughts feeling the pain.

I hate getting this feeling when I know you're not near,
And it's not like I don't care, it's just that I feel rare.
I evict myself and conclude the fact that your all I need,
Basically get so hard, because I get hard but I can't take heed.
Ooh **** this feeling, I hate it, it's so not right,
Like a dog without a bone and a boy without a kite,
Or like me feeling lost thinking about you every day and night.

I hate getting this feeling when I know you're alone missing me,
But to be honest there's nothing I can do so we can be,
Together to express our feelings in romance and in sexuality.
I can't take you out of my mind, your smile sets my soul in flames,
When we kiss, it's like my blood is boiling hot and my heart the same,
And it pushes us to that ****** where our wild desires can't be tamed.
That's why I hate getting this feeling, because I start remembering.
Like now writing this poem with intensity of a raw feeling.

I hate getting this feeling when I know you're feeling the same way too,
Why not meet up now, no bed but on the floor, clothes off and kick off shoes.
Me biting your neck, your tongue on my chest and movements, no need to say the rest,
And if you're willing for round two, good bets on you, I'm going deeper no clue,
While I firmly grasp and squeeze your breast.
Better I stop, because that feeling that I hate is going to erupt,
And your not near to me to make it stop.

I hate getting this feeling when I know you're so far way,
And it gets me weak because I can stop thinking of you whole day.
This feeling when my chest feels tight,
And I think of you that makes my smile so bright,
Make my body so tingly and my hormones acts hype.
It's so precious, yet so vain, it's long lasting yet so short, it's all you may want yet all you want to lose.
Despite the matter I try to make time for you.
Try to fight the odds and add more hours to our company.
Yet so tired at nights I try to stay up and sometimes hear your voice,
I don't care when you tell me to sleep. I'll choose and make that choice.
And I know sometimes I just can't bare to stay awake.
So I fall asleep and your up left alone and it's like you're all to take.
Just be there for me, love me and me alone.
The rock the builder man refuses will always be the center stone.
I don't know for real, like why, like when, like who.
Are you there for me because I'm there for you.
Never the less you'll do the things you do.
And poor, soft and LITTLE me will just sit and have to accept **** just like I do.
The day starts and the sun shines,
The moon rest and the stars flee.
The prays of men are sent in time,
And the angles of God achieves thier plea.

Time is precious and never to waste,
It's unlimited for now but limited to come.
The movement may be slow but has such paste,
When you loose it, it's too late all's done.

Tells of tales and the lies of liars,
Don't get fooled it's faster than Bolt.
**** it and it will burn you like fire,
Unless you're fast like lightening bolts.

Time tells, skilled men used talents to win,
And unskilled men fail in smarts and get, rapped up like tins.
Be inethectic and understand the theory of time,
Time tells and only lost time God can find.
Time tells when it's time for everything even to love
I want to win a title so I can be titled.
I want to win a title so I can be.
I want to win a title so I can.
I want to win a title so I.
I want to win a title so.
I want to win a title.
I want to win a.
I want to win.
I want to.
I want.
I need.
I need to.
I need to win.
I need to win a.
I need to win a title.
I need to win a title so.
I need to win a title so I.
I need to win a title so I can.
I need to win a title so I can be.
I need to win a title so I can be titled.
Too little too late to cry,
When someone met their faith and unfortunately dies,
And lays in their study, why tears drip from your eyes.
And a gush feeling like of guilt runs down your thigh.
What's the cost of this now, when you had all the time to spare,
When you had the chance to enjoy good times when that person was still here.
Instead, you wait for him or her to fall,
Then shed a tear and lie about your all.

Too little too late to cry,
All your hard work was in vain,
You're not mad, not stupid but fully sain,
And yet still you have to walk through more pain.
You waste your time studying what has no gain,
And doing works that leaves no stain.
But you cry when you drop and fail,
Don't cry, because you can try again.
With what cost, and why were you blind,
You have been so far in front, now you're so far behind.
You waste your time at school, while you played the fool,
Now when hard life hits you, you choose to sit on the stool.
And that's your fault, not his, hers or mine,
You ****** up so now you have to do your time.

Too little too late to cry,
You were a player so you left her cold,
Cheated, abused, mocked and scold.
Because you had her, but you weren't told,
That she would get fed up and leave your only fold.
And you cry when she chooses to walks away,
When she says I'm done and I can no longer play.
Now poor you is left alone, so mentally unstable,
But she couldn't take it anymore, because you brought pain to the table.
And you begin to realize how much you loved her when she's gone,
Still too late, so either fight for her or just move on.

Too little too late to cry,
When you listen to the voices around you and not the one in your head,
They're telling you to let go but you say you won't until you're dead.
Well, that's what you say at least to yourself,
Leaving no other possibilities on your shelf.
You believe if you love her then you won't let go,
And you would be strong and take things slow.
Some of the few choose to separate,
Because of what the voices around them place on the plate.
And poor you later on in life meets her again,
When she's worthwhile and has prosperity and gain.
Seeing her with someone else makes you sad,
And then these voices start laughing at you, and you get mad.
But too little too late to cry, you time has passed and your chances are gone,
Because of everything you ever hold back on.
Que estoy diciendo,
¿Dónde está mi fe,
Porque estoy jugando
¿Cuál es el propósito de jugar.
Desearía haber hablado español,
Pero estoy atascado tratando de entenderlo.
O tal vez aprender francés,
Es un hermoso y romántico acento.
Traducir, ¿por qué traducimos?
Para transferir el significado de otro idioma.
Así que traduce este poema.
No fault, truth lies in our manifestation,
The enormity of sin is just a dot of expectations.
True exaltation, true exaltations, my exaltations,
Life dies and time flies, confrontation **** contemplation.
Satisfy a sinful man, injection a deep *******,
No rest, no sleep and highly frustrated by no concentration.

Act on the curl, attack on the soul, now the Devil damaged my meditation,
Finger speaks now my body leaks of red water, the body filtration.
Nobody knows the soul better than its maker, that's true creation,
Rome wasn't built in a day, type of phrases they'll say but expect a now for now reaction.

Hinder in sight, crack of concealment may slightly cause a contamination,
Like a virus that spreads, affects the head and we ask why they think of world *******.
True exaltation, men have fallen deep in abomination,
Focus on the new with passion of the old, eyes can't see past its sight not beyond realization.
Tell me the truth and do me the dare,
If anyone else is play only us will hear.
Secrets ***** and fantasies clean,
I dare you that dare so I can see in between.

Tell me the truth, are you in love or not,
Or do you want to be in my spot.
Is it true that your all mine?
And if it's true, well your love is all fine.

Dare me that dare is it fine like dirt,
Make me do something nasty or make me flirt.
I dare you tell me your deepest secrets,
And I hope when you do there'll be no regrets.

Give a thought, get away or get caught,
The consequence is on you so I didn't know why we fought.
Answer the truth and commit to the dare,
If you don't want to do it well prepare for what we have prepared.

At last the truth is told and the dare is done,
And all secrets are out and we all had fun.
Some said it was  good and some said it wasn't fare,
Welcome! Do you want to play a game of truth or dare?
Why do you care? About that watch you never used and when it goes missing you get furious,
You get angry at everything and everyone in sight,
Misunderstanding the facts by day and the opinions by night.
You didn’t care about it but yet you fight, you roll you cry and sit uptight.
All you knew is that you had it and believed that it would never have to go,
But as time flies, you didn’t regret leaving that watch so alone, unused and not cared for,
So ungrateful, now it’s gone maybe to someone who may need it for sure.

Understand that ungratefulness is worse than witchcraft.
Why do you care? That makes me laugh, then makes me stop, then makes me cry.
Like no humble child can resist the temptation of a humble smile.
Remember that pet, oh yes so loving and small and so unkept.
Late at night it cries for food and you were tucked in and you well slept.
Below step, underscore the over applause of an owner who didn’t even care for it’s pet.
Now the vet says it’s dying, and there’s nothing you can do.
Poor pet everyone gathers saying but no it’s poor you, foolish you and ungrateful too.
Not once you ever cared when it was well, alive and full of joy,
No, to you it’s just a living toy,
To be used, abused and then no longer up to use,
And now it’s gone.

Ungrateful so why would you understand.
Why do you care? About your friends, your girlfriend or about your boyfriend,
You say you are ready and steady the relationship is founded,
And he is humble and never ever liked to be sounded.
She always had your back even when no one else would,
And he stood with you even when they said he never should.
Not that you care she fought for you in ways that would destroy her after all,
He went to hell. He came back with a smile and you cheated at the after call.
What’s your meaning, what’s your words has to do with meaning.
Because as clearly as it is you never meant what you said,
A heart broken, but you don’t care, or you don’t have to weep,
You believe that they’ll always be there for you so you push them below the sheet.
You opposed them, knowing clearly they were right,
And you make them feel like they’re weak because they didn’t want to fight.
Now he's gone with betterment in his mind, thinking to himself that, she was never to be mine.
Later she packs up and leaves without a word, why, why would she say a word, she must have said an entire book or two,
Just to you, and about how much she loves you and care for you,
But you don’t understand, you never cared but as soon as they go you feel so alone, so broken, so stupid and scared.

Why did you care, if you ever cared?
About anything so great that you let go of, you’re so fake,
Oh no, was it a mistake, that you **** someone up knowing how fragile they were since from the first date.
You knew who you broke and you broke them with no remorse,
You took them off their path of goodness and threw them of course.
Now your mission is to make yourself look like the innocent one,
Like the roots need the water and the tree needs the sun.
But they don’t know you, yet they will in time,
So hope you’re grateful for the nothing you have won and the something you have dumped.
Mother once said ungratefulness is worst than witchcraft
Don't sleep at night believing everything is alright,
There are vampires lurking, for when the time is right.
Don't fight or catch cold sweat and fright,
Just keep guard and be aware of those you choose to delight.

And be careful, because they come out at day,
Say Hi in your face then behind your back they'll prey.
They can be a friend, family or even a stranger,
Just be acquitted and vigilant because they bring danger.

They thirst for blood and your energy they seek,
They prey on the rich and strong and even on the poor and weak.
They have no mercy they just want what interest them,
They don't want to see anyone with a positive system.

Walk with your garlic and you short spears,
Use it and don't be afraid when they get near.
Be humble and wise but also ruthless and bold,
And stab for the heart and make them shiver up and cold.

If you don't, well then prepare your grave,
And let them take your soul and become their slave.
Just remember whose name to shout out and call,
God can curse man because God blessed all.
We do not forget!
We do not respect,
We are killers and we love to neglect.
Fools who fool around and do not regret.

Vendetta, trendsetter, miss leads to **** better.
We don't forget,
So remember us as Vendetta.
Understanding what we do and every day we stay fit and get better.

Danger is our name,
Blood and broken bones our game.
We don't stand out but behind you like a shadow, feeding on pain.
Waiting for the right time to slit throats and burst veins.

Vendettas is a treat,
It's real, so we don't forget!
We do not respect.
We are killers and dislike miss steps
Fools who fool around and do not regret.
Vexation of spirit is a sin,
Chastise negativity and throw it in the wind.

Cater for those who transgress and rise to anger quickly,
Foolish men push their limits to wrath very swiftly.

Brace yourself, an angry man is unpredictable,
Man is mortal know that no man is invincible.

Cold water to a cup, hot water to a cup,
You taste lukewarm.
A bitter residue in my mouth,
I will spit you out until the taste is gone.

Anger leads to vengence and vengence to death,
Abstain from vextation as a conspired threat.

Study the laws of understanding,
thou must first understand,
Vextation of spirit big or small is a sin by man.
All this pain, studies and pressure.
It's getting frustrating and stressful but I must do better.
Just a couple more days until, hm......ahm doomsday is here.
The days that CXC falls upon us, will we be happy or full of fear.
But God is good Mock Exams are coming, HOORAY!! I'll prepare to study.

I would be ashamed to waste five years of hard work.
A greater shame to let not only myself down but those who had faith me.
Because many have tried and failed the work,
But a lot have passed boy hmm.... you don't have a clue.
Stay focus and calm as you can.
Because the failure or success in your life, is your number one determination.

So ladies and gentle men get ready for war,
Because we have to **** them papers, we have to **** it for sure.
Duh get scared and duh get freaked out,
Freaked out!...... of what....CXC nah that should be like a KFC take out.
And remember to pray and give God thanks for life,
Today isn't the only day you did something he didn't like.
So just in case he choose to take it back in spite.

Be patient, for the sun is for the day,
And the moon for the night.
Don't rush it, VICTORY will come when the time is right.
Basically this is about my MAY-JUNE examination that's coming up soon.
What happens next if all mankind dies.
What happens next if all the birds stopped fly.
What happens next if every beast becomes extinct.
What happens next if the ones above choose to rethink.

Where would we be now,
Would we be dead or some where else.
Would we be lost in the world or lost in ourselves.
Would we care to die or would dying care.
Would we stand strong or fall with the multitude in fear.

What would make sense for us to do,
Stay awake or fall asleep gazing at the moon.
A chance to be a fork or scoop many chances like a spoon.
Die a wise man or die a wise fool.
Because soon and very soon there will be no more men sitting on the stool.

What happens next if we lost our way,
If men and women couldn't find a place to stay.
If the birds of the sky had no place to lay,
And the beasts of the land had no where stray.
If the wise men no longer had nothing to say,
Or if the Holy one above had no other moves to play.

What happens next if we live life with no regrets,
Or walk every day with out lowering our necks.
May be if adults no longer insist on respect,
And if we as children are left in neglect.
What happens next??
Is a man a man,
If he cannot stand "OR"
Rise his hand "TO"
Make a command.

Is a man a man,
If he beats a child "THEN"
Abandon this child "SO"
A mother could cry.

Is a man a man,
When he can't talk the talk "OR"
Walk the walk "BUT"
Breaks the vow, and has to serve in court.

Is a man a man,
When he doesn't know the roles of a man "AND"
Always demand an answer "FOR"
The question, what is a man?

Is a man a man,
When he sews the seed "TO"
Reap the grieve "OF"
Becoming a thief.

Answer to me: Is a man a man,
If he cannot stand "OR"
Rise his hand "AND"
Use his voice "TO"
Make a command.

Is a man a man?
Since I was little, all I did was sit, stay quiet and observe.
Because I didn't get the attention that I deserved.
So I focus on making me different and watch the mistakes of others,
And learning that people contradict themselves, even between brothers.

So I'll sit, and I'll listen to everything you say,
The first time I meet you, tomorrow and like I did today.
And I'll pick out the things that make up your character,
Waiting to see if you'll fail yourself sometime later.

To be honest, I love to sit and observe,
Eventually, I get to pick out the real from the fake, the sheep from the goats and the separate all the birds.
To fully understand who is who and what who is for,
But most times who isn't always who and ain't what who's for.

Then I'll smile and laugh deep inside,
I'll smile on the outside as well, but the laughing I hide.
Because we all do wrong at a point in time so we can't lie,
But it's the ones that stand up and come clean, are the ones recognized and not the ones who just sit by.

Like the miscreants who sit with me and say I hate those type of people,
Then next thing you know they are those types of people.
Or the deceitful who sit and with me and fake smile,
But I know that even my shadow won't stay with me at all time.

So I'll keep sitting and observing a lot of people,
Even the ones who say they are good but tend to do evil.
I know I'll stay true to myself and my bae,
But I'll remember the things she said and did the first day we met up to today.

I'll observe even my family, as holy they may try to appear,
And laugh like Lucifer will do, when all there holiness disappears.
I realize that they contradict themselves, even I do,
That's why I stay quiet, and change myself before I find their clues.

And I'll look at the people who make foolish mistakes,
And I'll remember not to make them, no matter what it takes.
Because everything we do and say is being recorded in the Book of life,
So what I sit and observe will be my comprehension of people and their types.
I don't know if I'm lost, or available at any cost.
But I don't know what to do.
Yes it's about her, yip the girl that tells her "LOVE ME."

What should I do?
As she lets go of one thing, she feels the need to hold on to another.
Bad toy stay for the entire family, then it's like hey brother.
It's as I speak in vain or she's just on her own beat.
Miss lead, books deed, my heart she continues to stab and ill treat.

Then I sit thinking like yeah, maybe she understands me at times.
Then here she goes again in pity, so stupid she hides.
Telling lies, by not speaking the truth,
And making decisions by herself hurting me, like one hand can't play a flute.
What should I do?

To be honest, I'm getting tired of it.
To be very honest, I'm trying to hard for her.
To be very ******* honest, I do all I can for her.
But say what. God is in control of our relationship now.

So I'm going to do me and let her figure out her and LET IT BE!!
If she can't stay focus on anything I say how she can stay focused on me,
Yup like every pain I take.
When I think about her I smile,
Because she's beautiful and she's worthwhile.
Her smile lights up my day so I feel warm,
And I love holding her and her head rest on my chest with no reform.
I keep thinking about the times we laugh and made funny jokes,
And the times that we hardy even spokes,
I feel so good when I see her happy and fill with joy,
I hope she will keep allowing me to love and so her that there's more to enjoy.

When I think about her I cry,
Because I know she is hurting inside,
And she tries to hide it from me and others,
But I'm not foolish, so I'll know before another.
And I get a bad feeling like it's happening to me,
Because it's effective and I love her unconditionally.
And then she cries so very deep inside,
And tries to cover it up with her beautiful smile.
But who have eyes to see let them see,
I see her hurting and it really troubles me.
But then she stops, regenerate and happiness flows in her heart again,
But I cry because her troubles are not gone, and some day she'll feel that pain.

When I think about her I will Do,
Do my best, do right, do her no wrong, do what she requests of me,
Because she my C bear, my all and my Queen.
White house, white house,
Blue stains on white house.
Brown cats, black rats, orange birds by white couch,
Nice spouse and white house
Food spots, tea drops on clean floors of white house.

White House, white house,
Red stains and white house.
Clear pool, silver tools, pink snacks killed white mouse,
Chicken sauce turned white spoils,
Fly wings, ants sings of sugar blocks in white house.

White house, white house,
Yellow stains on top White House
Veggie plates, sweet dates, raisen cakes by nice spouse,
Grey clouds pours rain loud,
Mud puddles, purple bubbles outside doors of white house.

White House, white house,
Green grass surrounds white house.
Children dance, in white pants for a cookie chance in white house.
Ceiling fan under a breezy land,
Door closes, mat poses, no more feet enter white house.
"Cancer patient, no smoking", doctor said.
No, he couldn't, white smoke made black lungs and now the patient's dead.

Life a year before, he smiles walking down the streets, hey what's up folks,
Cigarette in his mouth, he pulls in and you hear him cough and chokes.
Laughing loud telling stories and having jokes,
And he knows and realized the poke of damage the white smoke has on his throat.
That has him tied down like a stringed goat.

Up and down, exhausted real quick, out of breath and his lips dry on the tips,
But he never listened or took the tip, to stop smoking, "Dude you got to quit."
Exhale, the cancer patient after he just sighs, laughs, spits and lick his lips,
Telling the guy "No bro smoking is the ****."

Later down that year, close to that point where he no longer exists,
Still with the pack in his pocket and a cigarette between his finger tips,
Without the doubt of death and without the knowledge, he was at risk.
Regardless, he awoke every day taking it in vain.
Insane, like taking propane, literal high grade,

Laying on a bed of affliction in pain, head shot to the brain,
Serious temple hurting, and a rocking migraine that made him realize that,
He will no longer be alive, not anymore.
White smoke wiped him out of existence, no sunlight and long walks ever again.

"Cancer patient, no smoking", doctor said.
No, he couldn't, white smoke made black lungs and now the patient's dead.
Life story to tell.
Jackson's daughter at a moribund.
Applied in minds that her time has fell.
Astonish and confused by her white study.

She ran faster than time.
Never had time to lax.
How all the neighbors saw her climb.
Black snow for white duck in ponds.

Vexed congregation sat, no more to see.
To sit around a preen set scheme.
Rain falling on roofs that cries.
Why bell rang, what it signifies.

In pain and dispel of what really caught her,
Was it the flu or the brother of life took her.
And bells rang, sad songs were sang,
For approaching the white study of Jackson's daughter.
I will be who I can be today,
And be who I will be tomorrow.
Because who I was yesterday,
Made who I am today.

The only way to be the person I want to be tomorrow,
I must first be who I can be today.
From the past day for the future day.
Why is there evil?
Maybe God wanted evil.
Maybe evil *** his diverse plan.
Maybe He created evil not to see men fall but how long would men stand,
Maybe not for it to over come us but for it to show us his demands,
Still I ask myself why do I suffer?

Why must we die?
Why must we try?
To become greater than sinners if sinners we were born to be.
To be holy if holiness is only given and not achieved.
To starve and be poor because the rich are told to be evil beings,
So I ask myself why do I suffer.

What's the purpose of life?
If we're born to live,..... wait no born to die.
If all we must face most is hardship and pain to be Saints, get wings and fly.
Is its purpose bent only on showing glory to be killed for innocence and criticized for righteousness.
And I ask myself why do I suffer.

Probably I suffer because I choose to.
Because instead I try the easy way and rub,fraud and **** I sit and wait,
To he fed everyday still having an empty plate, thinking that it's going to be ok.
Probably because God said he will never let his children go hungry and starve but never poor? Nor suffer?
Maybe his idea of sufferation is differ,
Maybe his meaning and comprehension of suffer is joy,
I ask myself why do I suffer,
I don't know, may never know but;
Maybe I suffer to understand and appreciate the sufferation so I can know what it is not suffer afterwards.
He loves her yes, so he fights for her no matter what,
He cares for her yes, so no slips, no faults will stop him not even cuts.
So she's his main goal, his future the woman he wants to be with,
And he's loyal, faithful and won't stand *******.
And they count their days and mark their love,
Stacking their feelings for each other so far above.
But so long, so much time, fight, pain and over coming,
To bring them to a point was continuing is cunning.
He fought for her then and now he looses his hope and do as others have told,
So he leaves her to cry and he leaves her cold.

For what some other woman who he has to start over with,
And more time to bind and less time to sit.
He left her cold for someone else,
And he cried to her and said it was a mistake he made all by himself.
What mistake, a mistake is like dropping and egg,
But when it comes to taking advantage of someone's love, your better off dead.
Because she'll remember the times and the things in the past you say,
Like bae I love you, I won't ever hurt or leave you and I'll always stay.

She loves him, yes, so she sacrificed everything,
And if she could make the world stop spin, she would do it for him.
She cares for him yes, so no imperfections matter at all,
And she will stand by his side and fall when he falls.
And keeps in mind their anniversary at all times,
Some when they live to see that day, they'll have fun and lime.
But so long, so much time, fight, pain and over coming,
To bring them to a point was continuing is cunning.
She fought for him then and now she looses her hope and do as others have told,
So she leaves him to cry and she leaves him cold.

For what some other man who she has to start over with,
And more time to bind and less time to sit.
She left him cold for someone else,
And she cried to her and said it was a mistake she made all by herself.
What mistake, a mistake is like putting too much salt in a pie,
But when it comes to taking advantage of someone's soft heart, you'll wish you die.
Because he'll remember the times and the things in the past you say,
Like babe I love you, I won't ever hurt or leave you and I'll always stay.
I write poems to let go all the pain,
To show the things that I didn't want to say.
To express the feelings deep down inside,
The deepest of them all that tends to hide.

Writing poems help me see my gift,
With the lyrics of words that makes a twist.
Basically a way to find some hope,
That's why I write poems really tho.
It touches the leaves and the fruits in every tree,
It keeps every living thing alive and let them be.
Touch the souls of men, granting grace to every type,
God made the wind blow to touch the world and give the breath of life.

Why the winds blow, why do hail snow,
No matter what men try to do to the wind, they can't ever make it slow.
Its an element, one of the strongest of them all,
Whether the earth stays steady, the fire burns bright or the waters stand tall.

We need it to survive. We exhale to revive,
And without the breath of life no man could survive,
And if that day comes when the lord will vacuum the earth,
The wind will blow no more and there'll be no more life or rebirth.

Why the winds blow, I believe to show us the way,
The way to look, the way to think and the way to pray.
Like the sun that rises from the east from hence his throne,
The winds blow even when one dies to guide him or her home.
Slowly death is coming,
No appointed time to drop countless bodies.
Under the stars and the Moon,
Africa still need food for the starving tummies,
We still don't appreciate our truths,
Nor embrace our lives as we enroll in it.
The disperse of orders and rules,
Means nothing to scholars who live to learn but don't teach their studies.
Understand how the whirlpool moves,
Taking everything below and above, like nothing is worth it, like undecent pennies.
Criticism is a main review of fools,
Who despise good judgement and rebuke good forecomings.
Cancel out negativity from the mood,
Keep your mood positive and smooth like honey.
Stand firm in what you believe is true,
Eradicate false tongues and stand still in false panic.
World order have signs and cues,
Clues to see lies and take the truth out of it.
Poems is the way I express my life,
To show how what I love from what I like,
Hoping someone will hear me cry and lend a hand.
Poems help me be me when I stopped try,
The way I feel, the way I think and the way I fight,
Poems help me write what's right
Because it's only right to write what right,
And to penetrate the darkness and help force the light.
So it would shine throughout the world so bright,
Showing me the real from the fake like dollars lifted high in the light,
To keep good in my heart and all bad out of sight.
So I write what's right from those who don't want to keep the hype,
To educate, demonstrate and penetrate a real type of stripes,
That will spread across the minds of men leaving a stain of why I write what's right.
Lyrics isn't given to any and everyone,
But to those who the light fell upon,
I'm not say that some people can't write,
But the real writers are the ones who endure sweat, pain, tears and fight.
Staying up writing and making mistakes all night,
Until we get that perfect sensational lyric that fits right, and keeps the readers smiling and hype.
But I'm still young and I'm still learning how to rhyme,
Taking time, reading signs and always ontime.
But I'm a rookie, easily to break apart like a cookie,
Just wait, because when faith knocks on my gate I'll elevate and circumnavigate.
Because I know writing is a blessing,
It's for those who write poems, stories, novels, and more to invest in.
See not to see but to be but not to be,
Tho I see through you and you see through me.
Touch, much, such a rush to punish, it's enough.
Don't fight, but write, the write of the wrongs of songs, don't prong the time because its long.

Stand, on land, demand a hand to carry out their plan.
What to say, to pay to stay for now, tomorrow or today.
Pray to prey for the clay makes the the *** and not the *** makes the clay.
Understand to see through, what you've been through so in the future you can go through.

X-ray, my ex plays, old text says what next stays in lines of *** tapes.
With no sense of no love but more hate on one plate for two days straight, straight never meant gay.
Clip the strain, of pain, in this game that man brutally can do but NEVER can explain.

X-rays to see through and to see you inside out, don't shout, please don't open your mouth.
Santa or Satan not prancer but six by six dear and six dancers.
Screaming, teasing displeasing in lancers at all poor people who don't Know, never will know, can X-RAYS help?

No because you have cancer.
Hurt you? They can't .
Try to? I dare them.
Love you? I do.
Be you? They wish.
Envy you? They should.
Defend you? I would!
Love you? Of course
I wake up every day with your smile on my mind.
It's a beautiful sight to behold, so soft and so kind.
My dreams are filled with the thought of me and you.
I awake and smile, for my dreams have come true.
Zero tolerance,
For abuse!!
Zero tolerance,
For misuse!!
Zero tolerance,
For racism!!
Zero tolerance,
For no mannerism!!
Zero tolerance,
For unnecessary hate!!
Zero tolerance,
For unnecessary fates!!
Zero tolerance,
For violence!!
Zero tolerance,
For lack of common sense!!

— The End —