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One who hides from the sun .
Rushes to the bullyrush where softly the wind weaves magic/reeds ìnto protesting spells of endeavor.
In the shadows of willoes
hang the serpents of time/chance waiting on deliverance .
Weathered/weavers form the ultimate slow living of a textiled existence .
Colours mix/matrix green of envy , poetically purple/pride , and somber blue/desperation of fireflies in the nights/flight .
Off/on , off/on , and . . .
No one can tell me of the taste of death . I wonder/wonder , sweet or sour .
Mar 2024 · 300
Tim and Lenny
Tim Leary and Lenny Bruce
met one Saturday turning on to the pike so they tuned in to the parking lot of Purgatory's Bar and Grill and decided to drop out for the afternoon .
Turn on , tune in , drop out !
Mar 2024 · 68
I raise my glass
I raise my glass
Before the fast
I raise my glass
Before the last
I raise my glass
To all my lovers
To all those known
And undercover

I toast the days
We never had
I toast dear friends
That now lay dead
I toast the mystery
Of all our lives
And to the Big one
That lays ahead

I will miss the
Moon and stars
I will miss the
Muscle cars
I will miss
Nary a war
That claimed the youths
Who've passed through
Heaven's door

So I raise my glass
To all our health
So raise your glass
Be blessed in wealth
So raise our glass
'fore the clock
Strikes the twelfth
Before our time
Is no more
Feb 2024 · 160
The friends of Eddie Coyle
Quote from the book 'The Friends of Eddie Coyle':
"This life's hard , but it's a lot harder if your stupid."
Feb 2024 · 77
Hang My Head
You hang my head
from the rafters over your bed
A trophy you like to admire
especially by the light of tbe fire

There in the sheets
dagger and sheaf feast

Tell them all they must disappear
Before December's approaching new year

And there is no time to wallow , to falter , stagger or waddle . . . good hunting !
Feb 2024 · 91
Swinging Door
Your heart was always so fickle . It would open on one side then swing back only to open up to another .

I learned there was no such thing as ,"Wait on me !" You held every second down to a tee . And when you yelled 'Fore' you came crashing down driving me to the other side of the green .

I sing hymns in the Church of Holy Dreams . A cathedral dedicated to Sergeant Pepper whose perseverance lingers in the rafters along with the pleas of the discarded .

Someone whispered in my ear,'We're not obligated to leave."
Feb 2024 · 128
The Sandy Hair Man
The sandy haired man
without a last breath
Lay face down in the
root cellar
along with the others
who had metted
out death

The man in charge
demanded to know
who had found the bodies
partially covered in snow

"I did!", said the ten year
old girl
I could only imagine how
it had turned upside down
her prescious young world

Then the one in charge
asked if we had heard any sounds
Seen any lights
or anywhere around

I looked at the faces that I could see
Some stared back while the others looked down at their feet

The only sound was silence
in retreat
Oh ! and the wind and the shuffling of feet

"I want all of your names",
said the gruff man with disdain ,
"Your addresses , your phone numbers , so we can get back in touch again."

I looked down at the bodies
that must be frozen by now
Glad I wasn't the one who'd be moving them anyhow
Feb 2024 · 140
Days dazed drifting in and out of reality
Fazed fast undutifully
Gasping for all the wrong images
or inclinations
The pickle pucker
hitched across the you us of eh
Found his,him,herself in disgrace , hey !
There's honey on the
isle of Wiles
But their buzz ain't quite right
That thought gaves me smiles 😁
Feb 2024 · 140
Shredding Ghosts
I'm shredding
all the ghosts
Page after page of all
those devious hosts
I'm draining
the life force
from every word
the whole herd
I have no
inclination to pray
No mercy left in me
I'm burning all the fonts
All the prompts
Ripping out all the desires
that be .
Feb 2024 · 72
Wet whistle
You've got to wet your whistle
to blow your horn

The darkest hour comes
when there is no dawn

The wild wild west
is found downtown

If you've come to the end of the road
turn around

Don't shoot the messenger
or you will send the wrong message
Feb 2024 · 86
Hearts are Broken
Hearts are broken
through disappointment

Hearts are broken
through bereavement

Hearts are broken
in ways so unflurled

Because this is a heartbreaking world
Feb 2024 · 318
I'm in Heaven
I'm in Heaven
here upon Earth
Laying on the rocks
Under sunlight
for all that it's worth

There's a caressing wind
that fondles my hair
I'm so far distant
from all of my
Earthly cares

Cotton candy clouds
kissing blue blue sky
All I can say is
my oh my oh my
Feb 2024 · 353
I Think It's time
I think it's time
Surely its come
To open the door
and begin to run
To have the wind
shoved in face
For when or where
did earn disgrace
When suddenly
the collapse and fall
the rejection seemingly
of one and all
Oh where from where
do lashes fall
No worse rejection
on the wailing wall
I cut my thoughts
stitch and sew
And still for all
there is no show
Drops of blood
the sweat , the tears
for all of the
forgoten years
For now in all
that I can I see
There's no longer
a place for me
I crumple up
the final page
for I have been replaced
been so upstaged
the silence of the
white razor wire race
invalidates me
to my face
Jan 2024 · 81
The Simple
The simple love their simplicity
They have a blank look upon their face
They wallow in their foolish ways
They hope it always stays
They scorn at any correction
for scorners often sneer
They will die lost in all their ignorance and all their
nonexistent fears

[For scorners delight in their scorning , and fools hate knowledge]
(Proverbs 1:23)
Jan 2024 · 70
Gulf Wind
I was raised
by a strong gulf wind
Muddy rivers and people
with perpetually brown skin

They say the sky's
the limit
Under a humid full moon
I've danced all night
hungover to the dawn's early gloom

Slide guitars sho' nuff boil my blood
Mudbugs and beer
make it easy to cheer

And I sleep
wherever I fall
Inside a shotgun house
made with cyprus walls

I drink cold dripped coffee
from small demitasse cups
sweet with the aftertaste
of fresh hazelnuts

C'est Chaud !
Jan 2024 · 67
Ageless Dust
I perceive this age of dust
That of rain's rage upon
the red red rust

I've captured the binds
that held me fast
as I turned blue I
choked and gasped

So life will rise up to the tast
Or topple over like a stone
from a pyramid's past

So shovel the grave with spades called days
Don't go giggling at time's
inconsistent maze

For you are to remember
in this age of dust
your red red blood
is soon tucked
beneath the crust
Jan 2024 · 73
When life offers you lemons ask instead for limes
Rather than making lemonade you can make Margaritas instead
Jan 2024 · 123
The Bends
I came to the bend
in the road .
Confused ;
I stopped ,
then texted ,
hit send . . .

I came to the bend
in the road .
Distracted ;
I crashed  
the barriers .
They said I was lucky
to live and
that was the . . .

I came to a bend
in the road .
Enraged ;
in anger ,
I sped up and crashed
into a tree
and that was indeed
the . . .

I came to a bend in the road .
I stopped ;
then prayed ,
and made amends .
Then God straightened out
the road again .
Jan 2024 · 132
Chokes on the dust of opportunity
Fumbles the swòrd of salvation
Misses the mark of perpetuation
He's no motion made machine
Just a killer of tìme
Jan 2024 · 297
It's understanding what I read

Not reading what I don't

Understand ?
Jan 2024 · 79
One who has forgotten
the companion of her youth

A flatterer as deadly
as David's five smooth stones whose words are so uncouth

The one who holds the passport that communicates with the shadows of the ghosts

Those who go into her never return to the consequence of choice
Jan 2024 · 87
The simple
The simple believes (his) every word , but the prudent considers well his steps .
(Proverbs 14:15)

He will send send your sons and daughters off to war and they will never return .
Then he will take your money , land , and then your life .
Don't you fools understand .
They are blinded by the lies . While they see nothing but the night . Even when the Son arise they remain a blight .

Wisdom or folly
Good or evil
Life or death

There are no third options for you to choose . The first will bring you life the other you will lose .
Jan 2024 · 193
For I find no longer favor
For I no longer find favor
In your exclusionary arms
No longer embrace the warmth nor kindness
You come lacking all your charms

The eyes have all turned inward
They gaze upon your wall
You have pulled the curtains
Now I feel like Adam after he had made the fall

I am the seed that was turned to grist
By the grinding of your wheel
For I see , I feel , and taste
Your ever consummating will

I was raised a tumble ****
in death was I set free
To roam the plains of noncompliance
by the fickle winds that be

Every day a broken branch
Rounded out in form
Everyday another chance
Was I only to be scorned ?

So I choke on the dust of life
No waters near nor far
Forever will I remember
the child . . .

Sleeping . . .  

in the rear window of the car
I am the air that ruffles the feathers of a wing
The shadows of a thunder storm
I am the invisible feeling
of a summer fling

I am the water that satiates thirst
The cosmic heavens of comets and meteor's burst

I am the longing of a broken heart
The disappointment when your car won't start

I am the determination of a rivers quest
I was there when you were born
I'll be there for your death

I am the essence you take for granted
That which you have neglected
That which you have taken advantage

I am the life you've been gifted
The years , months and days and minutes
Take just a few seconds to say thank you
Jan 2024 · 95
The Flea
The flea of fables
fans the feeble fires
of fastidious fires

The rat runs rancid
rabid by recognition
Returns to the roots
of restoration

There can be no sorrow
without loss
Jan 2024 · 80
A creature true of form
I was left with nothing
Devoid of my resolve
Stripped of all my vanity
Beaten down
like the path
on the grass of the lawn

I wandered door to door
begging for form
All that was granted
were the curses from
the day I was born

There the rocks
of the wall between us
began to fall
Some rolled down
to the ocean
Some rolled not at all

There was little risk
Just the commotion written
and the false hope
that appals

So I turned back
the grip of time
I cut tbe ropes
that bound

I imagined a place
of perfect form
in the words of
my rhyme
Jan 2024 · 60
A likeness of truth has shadows . Lies one can see through .
Jan 2024 · 166
Adam defined in Hebrew
Adam - (1) man
              (2) earth or ground
So man from dirt goes to dirt .
Jan 2024 · 101
Full Moon's Glaze
Who bent back the bow of decissions
Who ravaged the ghost inside
Who stole the lights of the moon's provisions
Turned it to purple that became the haze of all our daze

Who served the seas of tossed desire
Forcing the pulse of hosts ?
Was it one "Running Up the Hill?"
Against the "Valley of the Ghosts?"

Under the midnight's auroras
As magnetic as they be
Through all the eyes of the orcas
The walrus pleads petals of ice
Won't you just ,"Let it Be!"
"Running up the Hill" -  song by Kate Bush

"Valley of Ghosts" - Hanging stone , Mexico

Let It Be - song by the Beatles

Purple Haze - LSD
Jan 2024 · 77
Revenge vs Vengence
Dr Samuel Johnson : "Revenge is an act of passion , vengence of justice ; injuries are reavenged , crimes are avenged ."

Retributive justice is often misnamed as vengence . For some it signifies an excitememt of angry passions in order to gratify a vindictive spirit which in supposition believes it has been harmed by evil intent . Vengence is actually the simple act of justice giving all their due .
Jan 2024 · 106
Maybe yes or not
The swirl of eyed owls
feathers mouse devoured .
Carry the DNA's belly down
across the acorns of time .
Oaken my thoughts to the pictures dismayed . Way! Way ! Distempered the bytes of Lamia . Drips the intense desires satisfied . Chalky hands of children . Tiny voiced hands of destruction . Cost catch crushed . The ***** of feathers silently eyed by owls of flight .
Lamia is a female or a hermaphroditic demon found in Greek mythology who devoured children and seduced men
I just want to be nowhere
I don't want the cares
the stares . . . the sympathy
nor anything

I just want to lay out back
in the grass counting stars
pretending I am dead

The memories . . .
I can't lock them out
The feelings twist and shout out ,"If onlys."

The chill brings the dew
I'm just conscious of you
Some where I hope up there
If not then where

Just maybe one day
. . . one day again
Jan 2024 · 293
Caves make great closets for prayer

Be anxious for nothing but for everything in prayer

When the wicked malace of men dare not openly assail , then they will resort to secretĺy ensnare

Know the value of not lapsing into silence , that is the way to despair
Jan 2024 · 64
So alluring
So alluring ,
my diablos under skin !
A mixture of sin and your gin
You can have your November rain
I'll take the fingernails of pain
We wrestle down to the common core
Hungry for more , ever more
Breathless gasps of derision and slaps of *******
We bend the shapes of reality into a feast fasting
in desire
Jan 2024 · 197
Prayer needs . . .
Prayer needs a heart on fire to light the sacrifice of will enabling the sweet-smelling aroma of incense , that is pleasing to God , to rise to Heaven
Jan 2024 · 109
Poets love Poetry
Poets love poetry
but that is as far as it goes
Poems love the attention
Anything else just blows

Poems feed you lines
telling you it's the truth
while lying out of the corners of their mouth
Don't believe ? How uncouth !

Poems fill up books page after page
About their loves , betrayals , pains , and rage
Don't believe them !
Its all been staged !

It's not their masters they despise
That's not the thought going down
It's all in black on that feeling of white

They are always staring back at you without a sound daring you to put them down
Jan 2024 · 201
The house not built
The lumber stacks
Covered in snow
No one around
to do anymore
I stand in the cold
crisp air
And contemplate
my dire despair
I see my dream
has come to end
Just like the others
and all their kin
And as I numb
to the cold and pain
I realize
it was for nothing
There was no gain
The snow crunches
as I go
back to my truck
to heat , to radio
I tried to take it
to the limit
I did my best
down to the minute
I failed the test
I never had a house
of my own
nor what you could
call a home
I always had
to chew on
the left over bones
So let the rivers
catch my drift
I'm moving on
So be it forthwith
Jan 2024 · 63
Torn in two
Born on the rivèr
Raised in desert dunes
Rolled in yellow flowers
of Cascadian blooms

Never a stop
for very long
Before I was rolling
on and on

Fought the storms
Gulf of Mexico
Splintered the hearts
and masks
as winds would blow

The way of words
Two words to say
Coming or going
It doesn't matter
Jan 2024 · 111
When a poet dies
When a poet dies
people mostly
just feeĺ sad

When a poet dies
very few people
shed tears from
their eyes

They just lock away
the memory
of how the poet
made them feel
deep within the pith
of their heart

When a poet dies
few can stand to read
their words

The death a rapier
to their emotional
insights and all
their bywords

Rather they transend
the limits of their
boundries and we let
them rest in peace
Jan 2024 · 161
Wait for me
Time was short and
I was short on time
The two mixed together
and said , "Not for another dime ."

He wasn't dressed in black
Yet he looked so lifelessly black
What he didn't say said it all
This was strictly a business call

He motioned to a mysterious door
that opened as he spoke
There beyond the imagination
the sun went down . . .
Just then I awoke
Jan 2024 · 210
I care not . . .
I care not about the words
Nor the one's laid down on page
I long ago got over myself
and the antics of my rage
They seem to be valueless
in the scrapped scope of paradise
I will take the offer given
and let the advice suffice
Poets don't live in mansions
Nor on rheams , nor texts or screens
They occupy the inner works of imaginations and all that it will bring
People don't pay for poets
nor feed their desperate ego
They just steal a line or perhaps a quote just to prove that they must know
At least songs have a memory with words dripping in notes for coats
So much easier to swallow
Not like the paper that chokes
So next time you say heh listen
I'll turn my head and flee
For it must be another attack of killer poetry
Jan 2024 · 108
Once when I was younger
Once when I was younger
I was made older for my age

My playground was always only inches from the edges of the grave

Though I was not a victim of evil child abuse

The fact was I had no supervision . I was completely free and lose

I ran away at three looking for who or what can ever tell

If I found a hole in woods
I wanted to know how deep was the well

I was always one step from disaster
Riding a bike up a hill or down a mountain

Swimming across the river
or out in the ocean
My need to be searching
was how I was made to sustain

As the edges of aging expanded my thirst for adventured expired

Now I am surely as close to that edge that I embraced
so long ago

But now I know how deep that well is

How high the mountain
How wide the river
or the deep the ocean

Now that I know I guess it's time to go
Jan 2024 · 148
I dance to time immortal
I dance to tìme immortal
Across the hollow graves
Raise up my eyes to Heaven
And offer up my praise

My journey was a cruel one
Filled with angst and much despair
But I never lost sight of salvation
Though I searched year after year after year

Now I'm looking back to see
All of it was in vain
Not worth a handful of sand
Not worth a single grain

You slammed the door I opened
Breaking the nose of my space
Then you trampled upon my spiritual body
You exiled me from the human race

But I will forgive my brother
He knows not what he does
I will be blessed with justice
Sent from high above
Jan 2024 · 90
You can't see . . .
You can't see love
nor it's reflection
only the results

You can't see hate
nor it's origination
only the results

You can't see God
nor his glorification
only the results
Jan 2024 · 170
Behind those eyes
What thoughts in word
reside beyond the dimming
of your eye

Were I able to read your commandments engraved
behind your disguise ?

I catch the morning's light
in the rays of reflection of
your lack of dedication

It takes a while to fall from the highest tree . Longer still to hew it down .
Dec 2023 · 121
Star Cross Lovers
They pledged their forevers
no matter how short it was to be

They were brutalized , beaten and stipped naked

Then thrown down , whipped and then nailed

To the wooden cross for eternity

Such was their love for
each other
Dec 2023 · 155
Red Light Hair
I put the fast brake to the
Revved up the fuel injected
Sent backfires of unspent fuel out the tailpipe
The angst of my engines just waiting for the red light of her hair to turn to green
Dec 2023 · 301
Live Long
Live long
Regret more
Dec 2023 · 77
The Sighs of Resignation
The almost winter trails
brown leaves
littering the ground
All the birds gone
and nary a sound
I think I will call it a
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