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 Mar 2014 No name
K Balachandran
Winter, tricky entrapper,
cozy cuddler, night fiddler
nuzzler, tantalizer, whistler
sharp nailed cruel lover
seasonal unfailing seductress,
sprawling on the bed cloth of December,
rolling over a few months either side,
I would never take her for granted.

I see her peep through
the window curtains,
spying at the warm days eyeing me
and waiting for her to climb down the steps;
she is jealous, as she wants to linger
playfully riding on my back.

she seeped in to my blood stream,
like the narcotic effect of grass,
before I  know it happens
little by little to make me
forget my other loves completely
even without my permission.
Her wiliness is stealthily at work,
to monopolize me fully
separating me from others
yes, winter is cleverness clad in white.
Now, I am at her mercy, completely
my fingers, chest and lips strangely
enjoy the cold caresses, she gives each!

I realize, she has taken over-
my body and paints my mind's canvas,
with bubbling hallucinatory white,
she wants others tightly on her leash,
my other loves complain:
"you act just what is her will
you always wear her fragrance,
on you what an influence she wields!"
can I help when winter my darling,
brooks no excuses!

She exposes me before others
I look like a pusillanimous one,
cowering and cringing before her
none, even my true love, has
such absolute control over me
like she exerts, it's a secret
but true that I wriggle to get out,
of this white net she tenderly knitted-
for my comfort, which is,
pleasurable I think, to an extent,
yet difficult to accept at the same time.

Let us part before long, not to make
our relationship much complicated,
I'll wait, till the next season arrives
you are in my list of periodic partners,
I'll be ready with warmth in my heart,
for your eventful visit, that leaves
an impression far too long to ever forget.
My life is not your little garden of flowers to pick and

Pluck parts of me from.

Love Me, Love Me Not, Love Me, Love Me Not, Love Me, Love Me Not,
Love Me.

I can't Smile happily as I watch you approach with your greedy hands
Empty once more.

How am I supposed to Smile while you Peel away my layers of

Good Intentions.

It gets old Waiting on a Maybe
And thats the only word that
Tastes Good
To You

You Breathe Fires of "Perhaps"

You ***** Potentials and Possibilities

You Craft Nooses of Love and Affection

Why is it that you begin writing love letters
Create Spears Crafted with
Loving Hands?

Why is it that your words are
With Poison?

They are thrown out and
Like Blood.

Leaving your own crime scene of
Confused Tears
That Beg for More
Behind You.


Just Tell Me What
Inside of you that you feel like
Your Sticky Games
Hold You Together

Why is your stomach always
when I offer you the Food off of my Plate

What is Fading the Color from your Eye?  

That Grey is not
to the Eyes that I
Memorized and Learned.

How has your picture faded?

Why can't I just
Paint them back The Way They

Maybe, Only Because

Why Then, Do I Spend
Day and Night
Mixing and Remixing

To Find the Perfect Shade of your

Maybe you just aren't
My Masterpiece
To Create
You Will Never Be
While the Brush is Still In
My Hand

Maybe All Along it has been
My Hand
that Held the
Knife that Scarred Me...
Maybe Not You After All

Oh Maybe Maybe  Maybe

How I Hate its Non-Commital Nature.
It ***** Knowing it's over.
 Mar 2014 No name
Kaitlyn Marie
I am no longer functioning
a machine that is now broken
in which used to create works of art
that now has grown dusty and
has an out of order sign taped to the front
someone who has lost their parts
and is now in search of
more effective parts
it seems like most people are in need as well
but where oh where
are the spares?
surely someone can help
this world is bigger than we first thought
so maybe they've got something I need
I am leaning on the greed
of my needs
not want ya hear
I need
I went to the mechanic the other day
he says we ain't go no room for the lame
the kids who live with shame
on a day to day basis
he says I belong
in an insane asylum
contained of young fools
but him bringing me down
will never turn me around

@Copyright Kaitlyn Marie
 Mar 2014 No name
EP Mason
 Mar 2014 No name
EP Mason
I wish I were Frida Kahlo's vibrant Mexican flowers

Or Salvador Dali's dripping watch

Van Gogh's maleficent moon

Warhol's saturated polaroid

Klimt's ****** lips

Or Vermeer's cornflower blue and singular pearl

But I am yet to make a stroke in ones historical
© Erin Mason 2014
 Mar 2014 No name
 Mar 2014 No name
Areolas rise
It is no surprise
She will not acknowledge
Oh this I have to demolish
Normally I feel numb
But she hits my inner drum
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