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Samia Rodriguez Mar 2018
I knew I was lost when I completely fell in love with you. When your eyes were a deep ocean that I was drowning in. When your soft lips gave me kisses that acted like honey. I've been lost from the start but I didn't think I would be lost in tears caused by you. I knew I was losing you when you were no longer telling me " I love you"  and when I started to feel like a bother to you. I found myself lost in a hopeless world where everything that was once white was slowly turning a pitch black. I never wanted to be lost in this way. I wanted to be lost in your eyes and in your arms forever. But the only forever you gave me was this pain and ache in my heart, I do not blame you for leaving I would have left me too.
Samia Rodriguez Mar 2018
Nights are a time for people to rest and catch up on sleep
But they aren't like that for me.
They became my only time to breath..
I look up at the moon she shines bright and she has her daughters with her. They  aren't as illuminating as her  but they are beautiful.
Every star a life. They watched me every night
watched as tear drops became blood drips. They never judged they Stayed and tried to illuminate  the sky. The moon is my mother and the stars are my sisters. They showed compassion and stayed when no one else did. The scars on my heart became deeper but so did the ones on my body. They didn't judge they watched in silence and listened to my crying. They illuminated the sharp razor edge and watched as it cut through a new patch of smooth skin. The razor glided through without hesitation. He also became my friend. Helped me deal with pain. I wish it wasn't like this but they were the only ones that stayed the only ones that helped ease the pain. Stayed with me at my worse
Samia Rodriguez Mar 2018
Everything is watery ,
not from the tears in her eyes that all of a sudden became friends with her eyes.
Everything became a storm
Her eyes, soul, and mind
Her eyes became deep dark blue oceans that hid a million feelings
Her soul filled with big clashing waves that roared from side to side .Each time getting higher and louder.
Her thoughts were flooded and fuzzy. Nothing was clear.
She never showed this side. Her four bedroom walls watched her suffer and never said a word. But became her biggest comfort.
Never showed one sign.
They stayed blunt and ordinarily like the other side of her .
Not one clue showed.  
She was trapped, she didn't know how to get out of the water.
She is slowly drowning
and no one will know till she sits at the bottom of the ocean lifeless.
She will eventually float to the top and the oceans will fade slowly.
She will be in the clouds, finally at rest .
Samia Rodriguez Mar 2018
I saw a painted sky
while you only saw a black one
I wanted to change that
I wanted you to see what I saw
I spread out the colors for you
slowly and ever so delicately
without a hurry
we painted the sky together
Your eyes glittered ,gleamed
grew bigger and bigger
As we added a new hue
But our sunset started to change into blues. Our sky was changing shades
I colored over the blues
I frankly tried to smother  them
trying to change back the colors
I was foolish
for you were already beginning to paint a new sky with another girl

— The End —