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Fleshly desires escalate
Lust for flesh untamed
A haiku greeting
Is it clear above static?
Received with a smile?
Find the LOVE
In your heart
Let it be your LIGHT
It will shine from your eyes
The rays will BURST within you
A nova burning brighter than
The sun
Flares in your mind

The stars bow before you
Highlight of creation
Glory radiating around you

Express yourself
   Pick up the pen
   Let it take wing
   Fly to the outer reaches
   Down starlanes
   And garden paths

   Color of burgundy wine
Sunlight on the petals
Dewdrops on emerald leaves
Reflections of scattered points of light

Butterfly emerging
Cocoon erupting
Revealing starchild destiny

From roots of earthiness
Free to tumble and glide
In cloudless azure skies

The chains fall away
Taste winged freedom as you soar

Capture the moments
The way you were meant to stride
As a giant
across the firmament

Golden gate spread wide
The road opens before you, beckoning
Starting in the dusk
Through twilight
Into the dawn of your new day

Set a torch to  coals of joy
Banking the flame of your essence

This instant in time was made for you
To seize all that was poured into you
Like wine
Drink from the cup and...
Humanize yourself
You lifted up
the communion's cup
that we might share in the fellowship
of your sufferings

You did not let pass from your lips
but drank the bitter cup
of agony in a lonely dark garden
that is our eternal bliss

The Wine of Grace which gave us life and freedom
was the taste of death for you
as you poured out
your life into this cup

Oh Captain, my Captain
through the bread of your flesh
this precious cup of blood
we partake of the destruction
of death and hell
the resurrection of life

In the darkest moment of all history
you poured out your crimson glory
for your eternal Victory

You declared us brethren in praise to your Father
Your are the child given for signs and wonders
the way back into the Kingdom for Israel
from the Lord of hosts who dwells in Zion
Let us drink the cup
and give thanks for joy everlasting

Your offering;
Our Grail...

The King offers the promise of heaven in His hand
The heaven of His glory

He calls
My soul is stirred by longing
breaking through my dreams and
Bursting my heart free from the *******
of the earthly realm

His eyes of fire and love
seek my face
Our gazes lock

He invites me to dance
I reach out my hand
His first touch so warm and electric
I draw nearer
My first step is tentative
His arm of strength envelops me
His right hand stops to caress my face
His embrace is passion personified

He leads me so meekly
a Shepherd with an infant lamb

He whispers so tenderly
the words of peace, love and joy
I sigh
As He lifts my head
For our first kiss

Enraptured by the pulse of His heart
He is a rose, blood red with petals
dancing in a cool breeze
He is my Bridegroom

He is building our shelter
our habitation
of joy
Walking through the graveyard
I stand by the gravesite
wrapped in a cloak of darkness
howling my emptiness
a a forlorn moon
searching for life among the dead

Where did it come from
this restless spark?
Why this endless dissatisfaction?
Gnawing hunger, fire in my bones?

I can not say the shadows vanish
in a moment
Searching for the LIGHT
Hoping some day they will be dis-spelled
Apathetic after the thrills
Withdrawn from broken relationships
Forlorn broken hopes
Distant from the next goal on the horizon
Hollow inside from empty pleasures that never truly satisfy
Longing for real connection
Surrounded by illusion

IN ******* TO SIN
Even the lies you told yourself

The only way out is the truth
But when confronted, will you hide?
Cling to the life you had?
Accept the “reality” of the world knew?

Or will you have the courage
to accept a new way of life
to realize this is a battlefield

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