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Jan 2019 · 685
Merged in each other
Cmi Jan 2019
I breathed
your love in  
Dwelling in
Expansion of
Our  soul

Trying to
The storm
Of thirst
Into your depth

Soaking into
Your invisible self
Only  souls felt
Our hearts  beating
Bringing clarity
Of our inner self
Into being
To our bodies
Even for
A short Moment  
the unnamed depth  
beneath the  ocean
Of You
I was drenched
In your love

letting go judgments
Accepting love
In this journey,
coming home
Of so many years
In  each other’s soul
We merged in each other
Like we did
Many lives before
Jan 2019 · 747
Secret Place
Cmi Jan 2019
Pure sacred love
With the seed
Given by you
I always kept
Within my heart
Sings subtle
with my breath
Aches piercing
In my heart
Lives choked
I quietly visit
My heart
Where I go
Visit you
My secret place
For you and I
My own heart
My own soul
Life seems
Long to live
Am out of
This secret
And sacred place

Jan 2019 · 401
Cmi Jan 2019
Behind the curtain
of my eye lashes
the ocean waits for you
Waves after waves of tears
Slamming  the doors
Of my eyelids
Rush out
To meet
With you my dear

Jan 2019 · 104
Come Back
Cmi Jan 2019
Come back
To the self
Come back
To your own heart
You left your home
Your own heart
For so long
You lived
In this mind
Too long
In this world
Now come
Your own soul
Is looking for you
Come home
Lighting your
Own home
Your own
Come back

Jan 2019 · 171
Cmi Jan 2019
Trusting our hearts
Walking holding your
Hands in the dark
Soft warmth of
Your coat
Feeling loved
My throat choked
Too many emotions
Flooding to share
You are in hurry
In sorrow
My teary eyes
Trapped in doubt
You just left
Chains of my pain
My heart at unrest  

Jan 2019 · 197
Endless journey
Cmi Jan 2019
Mind tricks
In creating thoughts
Of desires
A body gets
fooled easily
thoughts traveling
between body and mind
reaching to the soul
Matter of too far
That’s we get stuck
In  this world war

Jan 2019 · 197
I feel you I see you
Cmi Jan 2019
I feel the waves
Of pain rustling
In your chest
I tasted nectarine
Of your kiss
On my lips
I feel the warmth
Of your pure love
In your heart
I see your
In your eyes
I walk through
Your rushing  thoughts
In your  Mind
I am not
From you
Even though
My body did
Love in my heart
Is guarded by
Your arm
Pillared with
I rest my
On the valley
Of your broad chest
Where I find
My real home
I love you
And miss you
Jan 2019 · 163
And then you can love me
Cmi Jan 2019
Drop your ego
Shed  your attachments
Unmask your reality
**** your fears
Free your heart
Embrace the purity
Feel the being
Live in the heart
And then
You can love me

Jan 2019 · 42
Love is Eternal
Cmi Jan 2019
Time exists for  things Those die
Love is beyond death ,
Time ,distance and space
It burns everything to ashes
Love can’t be interpreted in words
It can only be experienced
It binds us as  one
Even thousands miles in distance from
One life to the next life
From one planet to the next planet
Love travels from Heart to heart
Uniting us as one

Jan 2019 · 524
It’s just a ride
Cmi Jan 2019
Flowing with the current
In the river of life
Waves slam you
A Peaceful breeze
Caresses you
The Soothing warmth of the sun
Embraces you
A Peaceful moonlight
Kisses you
The Sweet songs
Of a bird
Make you dance
It’s  only
A piece of the journey
Of a soul
In the veihicle
Called the body
Just surf
Just float
Just flow
Enjoy the ride
In this life

Jan 2019 · 122
Am blessed
Cmi Jan 2019
In the land
Of my chest
Makes me
Price of
This is
Am blessed

Jan 2019 · 356
My love for you
Cmi Jan 2019
My love for you
Brings uniqueness
In our beings
Diving in the depth
Of your love takes me
Beyond to eternity
Makes me one
With divine
It’s there
In your presence
In your absence
It’s a path of
Pure love
More profound
In  my breath
In my soul
You live forever
In my being
I love you

Jan 2019 · 102
Light within me
Cmi Jan 2019
Light within me
Flames of yearning
Burning and burning
Passion within me
Desired by your heart
Restless within me
Fueled by your longing
Emptiness within me
Fills me up with
your presence

Jan 2019 · 392
Are you a dream ??
Cmi Jan 2019
Like a soft and cool breeze
Brushing my hair gently
Whispering in my ear softly
Holding  my hands lovingly
Echoing  your voice thrillingly
Reaching my core throbbingly
Leaving my ***** sore badly
Frozen heart aches more and more sadly
Each moment So much tears pour rushingly
Was your presence Real or dream  
Here I am Unsure
Were you really here?
Was I dreaming ?
After all life  is a dream
Realize it Right ?
Yes now I am sure
Life is nothing but
A momentarily dreaming

Jan 2019 · 80
Cmi Jan 2019
Everything is
Just a wave
Comes and goes
While surfing
On the ocean of life
At times
Eyes are clouded
With pain & strife

Cmi Jan 2019
“I thought I needed
A crowd to survive
Is all I had needed
To be in peace and
To revive “

Jan 2019 · 74
Infinite longing
Cmi Jan 2019
In the infinite sky
Of my heart
You are a pure
White cloud
Dwells changing
Your form
Yet keeping
The essence

Jan 2019 · 68
Cmi Jan 2019
“Sharpness of the sword
Soothes me
As it cuts and bleeds
My pain to relieve me “

Jan 2019 · 79
Heart is sliced
Cmi Jan 2019
My heart is sliced
With the knife
Of separation
Here bleeds
Love bathing my being
As infinite words
I try to patch the gap
With these words
Nothing helps
My heart lives on the sword

Seems  there is no end
Keeps me smothered
If they are not penned

Jan 2019 · 482
First and last thought
Cmi Jan 2019
You are my very first thought
When I wake up
The very last one
Before I close my eyes
When I fall asleep
And countless in between
Living so far
You have a permanent  home
In my heart and soul
Two bodies thousands
Of miles apart
Yet we live
As one in the heart

Jan 2019 · 39
Victim of thoughts
Cmi Jan 2019
We are stolen by thoughts
Moment to moment
Dancing like a pendulum
From past to future
Can’t stay still  At the moment
Being robbed by The mind
The thoughts ,Thrown by others
Painted by others, Moment to moment
Heart sobs ,Begging you
To come home,At the center
Here, again,Thoughts of
Technology ,people ,Society ,culture
Steal you From your True  self
Thoughts are the stealer of the self
From the heart
At times  ,I  am also the victim of thoughts

Jan 2019 · 39
Temporary waves
Cmi Jan 2019
Only through reaching the depths of pain,
Will you know what bliss  is.
Every layer of emotion must be experienced;
Happiness,Sadness, Envy, Jealousy,
Anger, Hatred, Greed, Fear, Love
Just everything.
Non of them are Permanent
Non of them exist.
Yet they are part our wholeness
Can’t be ignored but acknowledged
In the depths of your true self,
There is only Nothingness.
You are the Ocean not the waves,
Your Emotions are waves.
It’s your choice where you want to dwell,
In the tranquility of depths or
With the rumbling of the waves.
Noise or silence.
It’s your decision.
I oscillate between being,
Sometimes in depths,
Other times on the surface.

Jan 2019 · 73
Cmi Jan 2019
Look into my eyes
Go beyond my body
Go beyond your body
Go beyond my mind
Go beyond your mind  
Go beyond my intellect
Go beyond your intellect
Find you in my soul
Find me in your soul

Jan 2019 · 726
He loves me but
Cmi Jan 2019
He loves me dearly
He can’t handle my tears
He can’t handle my ecstasy
I am not in between
So our love story
Is nothing but just a dream

Jan 2019 · 38
Right or wrong
Cmi Jan 2019
Right or wrong
Lose or gain
Pain or pleasure
Everything gets frozen
Since your soul
Is the one
I have chosen

Jan 2019 · 78
I trust the Flow
Cmi Jan 2019
In the ocean of lives
Am a river
I trust the flow
It’s taking me nowhere
But to my destination
My ocean
My love
Is to your heart
Mine to yours
Yours to mine
Where we belong
To each other
I trust the flow
I enjoy the flow
Yes I trust the flow
We merge
In body-mind
And soul

Jan 2019 · 65
Flight of life
Cmi Jan 2019
Each incident
In our lives
Only a piece
Of history
That leaves
Imprints in
The hearts
We meet
A Mystery

Gives you
A chance
A Next page
How you start
On life’s stage

It’s up to you
What You
want to leave
It’s your choice
What you
Want to give
Plenty or little
Sweet or sour
Nothing you Take
When you die

But the luggage of
love and
the consciousness Within
for the next
Flight Of life
You take
Who knows
which planet
We land on

I love this
The existence
Here and now
I live in

Jan 2019 · 30
Cmi Jan 2019
Imprisoning the force
Fencing  the  Thunder
In my cells
Living This life
Was only For you
Knowing  ,Yet Pretending
Not knowing
This life is for you

Jan 2019 · 52
Soul escapes
Cmi Jan 2019
My heart is  torn
Here bleeds love
Painting my being
Soul escaping  from its cave
Comes flying To you
Caged inside the body
As this journey ,Never Ending
Can live no longer In the body
Pretending & Pretending

Jan 2019 · 128
I am your Lotus
Cmi Jan 2019
In this solitude
I long for your presence
Noone is around
Just stillness here and no sound
Waiting for your light
To shine on me
My petal blossoms
your essence surrounds
You are my moon
I am your lotus
here only
you and I are found

Jan 2019 · 37
It’s a choice
Cmi Jan 2019
It’s all choice
Where we want
Mind to be
Tuned  in
After all
We take nothing
What consciousness
We are in
It’s all choice
Make sure
You  are rightly
Tuned  in

Jan 2019 · 98
Echo of my Cry
Cmi Jan 2019
Echo of my cry
Roams in the silence
For no one is there
Anguish sobs
In timeless

It’s ok to cry it’s ok to let out it’s ok it’s not ok to ignore the calling from within
Jan 2019 · 51
Set me free
Cmi Jan 2019
If I come to you
As a body
Hold me tight
Keeping in your sight
If I come as ash
Sprinkle me in the air
Setting me free ✨
On a starry night
I will be in no plight

Jan 2019 · 922
Learn to fly
Cmi Jan 2019
Are you afraid
of getting lost
In the depths
of my eyes?
We are already
merged in
Each other’s eye
Until we die
Fear will vanish
If we learn to fly

Jan 2019 · 73
Presence & Absence
Cmi Jan 2019
Your presence
Tranquilizes me
Your absence
Agitates me

Jan 2019 · 104
My inspiration
Cmi Jan 2019
You are my depth
You are my destination
You are my ocean
I am your river
You are my dreams
You are my
To flow
In life’s stream

Jan 2019 · 47
Cmi Jan 2019
I wrap you
with my breath
Hide within
Merge with
you in me

Jan 2019 · 62
Heart Vs Mind
Cmi Jan 2019
You live the mind
I live in the heart
This is what
Keeps us apart

Jan 2019 · 82
Cmi Jan 2019
Breathe deep
Breathe consciously
Stay in between the breath
Where no thoughts exist
And there is only peace
Just breathe
That’s it
There is only peace

Jan 2019 · 428
Soul Connection
Cmi Jan 2019
You are my pain, I am your tears
Baths our soul
You are my words, I am your song
My heart sings
You are my joy, My lips smile
I am your flute, Empty inside
With your breath Fill me within
Never leaving my side
Paint my soul With
The color of your love
Sprinkling rainbow

Jan 2019 · 79
Heart to Soul
Cmi Jan 2019
Too many layers of Illusions
Tries to veil your path
From mind to heart
Heart to soul
March your journey
Being a best friend
To your own breath
Journeying to self
To your own soul
Where everything exists

Jan 2019 · 209
To know me
Cmi Jan 2019
To know me
Know yourself
To feel me
Feel yourself
To explore me
Explore   yourself
Find your depth first
To find mine
Then you will
understand me
And can be my friends
Or you will not
know who I am

Jan 2019 · 49
Will you know me ?
Cmi Jan 2019
When I am long gone to the land of silence
When you can no more see me or hold me
Flowing with the breeze caressing you
Merged in blue sky watching over you
Blended with the dirt path walking with you
Will you still recognize me?

When my voice no longer reaches you
Will you still hear me?
Will you still sense my heart?
Will you still feel my love ?

Even when my body is being cremated
My soul will be watching over you with a smile
Being thankful for the connection
Between you and me
I recognize your soul from many past lives
I find you in placeless places
I hear you in the sound of silence
I am eternally with you in timeless time
We are never apart
It’s a great feeling of peace
Because you are me and I am you
Thank you for coming into my life
I love you!

Jan 2019 · 481
Give me
Cmi Jan 2019
Give me your weakness
Not the strength
Give me your tears
Not the smile
Give me your sorrow
Not the joy
Give me your sickness
Not the health
Give me your loneliness
Not the companion
Show me your ugliness
Not the beauty
We are deeply connected
At the root in our grounding
Where everything is one
Empty yourself ✨
With me being yourself
Not pretending✨
I do the same
The world is there
In times of goodness
It’s certain
But no one
In times of burden
I am here  and will be for you
When no one is there

Jan 2019 · 152
Did you find you ?
Cmi Jan 2019
The sun fell asleep
Letting the sky enveloped
With the darkness
The moon started
searching for you
Stars twinkling & dancing
You are fast asleep  
Journeying in a dreamland
Here I am thousands of
Miles away from you
I close my eyes letting
My soul float to you
I came  close to you
In your ear
Hi my love  !!
Did you hear me ??
Embracing in my arms  
I kissed your forehead
and your  soft lips
Did you feel me?
  I stole you from you
And Brought with me
Now you are not there But with me
Did you find you ?

Jan 2019 · 68
In the sky of my heart
Cmi Jan 2019
Transversing  the mind
Peeling the ego
Unveiling illusions
Undoing unlearning
Holding your hands
I will take you
Deep within
In the sky of my heart
Flying freely
Enjoying the true self

Jan 2019 · 78
Just you and I
Cmi Jan 2019
Under the blanket
Of a starry night
Drinking wine
Of Tears
From the cup of
Each other’s  eyes
Getting drunk In  love
Smelling fragrance
Of  breath
Dancing in the rhythm
Of own heart
Caressing by clouds
Flying infinitely
In the sky
Bathed by The light
Of the moon
Let’s  cherish
This moment
Just You and I
vanishing in each other
Breath dissolving in Breath
Let our souls fly so high

Wrote for a new year
Jan 2019 · 317
Cmi Jan 2019
She is flooded
With his emotions
He is flooded
With her words
They both Can’t resist
They both Can’t handle
They are both flooded
In love

Jan 2019 · 59
Read me
Cmi Jan 2019
Read me without reading
Feel me without touching
Hear me without me speaking
Talk to me without talking
Find me without searching

Jan 2019 · 1.0k
Wet Pillow
Cmi Jan 2019
Infinite drops
Of my tear
Filled with
Your memories
Pillows soaked
My dear
Wet eyes raining tear
Is something always
I can bear
Achy heart
Missing pieces within
This is All I feel it here

Emotions are waves it’s nice experience all kind they are all temporary in the ocean of mind here
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