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Sea Oct 2017
Despite all,
loneliness is a downfall.
when leaves start to gather
at the tree’s trunks
and creamy clouds roll in

the pit begins to widen and
autumn will take
its course:
******* me dry once more
every year this time
like clockwork
Sea Aug 2017
I hear a young one
asleep in a bed next to me
At five, she breathes so evenly
Untarnished yet from the world to come
All sweet dreams except for some
While my half grown head explodes with thoughts
Of a dark future ahead
Sea Jul 2017
I feel the dizzy poetry
coming on
and the American Spirits
box brags about recycling
as if it gives a ****
that the environment is
Sea Jul 2017
time will always be
my lifelong enemy

it will never find
a friend in me
Sea Jul 2017
always waiting for that
fatal flaw

not a minor one,
but the one that ends it all

I know it will come
and I will give up

on anything new,
keep on reliving the past

after all, it's
the only thing that lasts
Sea Jun 2017
a text with
"you probably don't care, but
happy birthday"
with three minutes to spare

the next day consumed
by thoughts of him and
what we could have been
Sea Jun 2017
move on for good
from the romanticized
day dream about the
strawberry blonde who
never would be?
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