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I come home after a long slumber
Gazing out my window I began to wonder
When I look at those red bare branches in the infinite blue sky
Do they know that this is their time to shine?
Although they are now vulnerable
Without the warmth of leaves and ripe fruits
It’s time to share what is usually covered
Time to share the truth
And I love this tree
Because even without all, it gives
It still gives and it still teaches
After the birds took shelter and traveled south
You speak so much wisdom with words without mouth
I am in solitude on my bed
But your essence is so powerful I have to raise my head
I am struck by your endless beauty and sweet company
I noticed there are dried up peaches inside you that haven’t yet fallen
There are passed seasons fruits inside of me too
That haven’t been touched by another because they are spoiled
I let them hang until they drop upon my soil
Did we even need the fruit we grew?
All we ever needed was the light and our roots
Do we give so others can feast?
Does it matter if they think of us when they indulge in something so sweet
When you were full I witnessed you take a breath
Your leaves fluttered in the wind
Does it hurt when they don’t acknowledge
Those wild branches within?
Or maybe this is your time to rest
Now that everyone has looked away you can grow again, reset
You should know that I admire you
Without fruit, without shade, admiration in every season
Loving you unconditionally Without reason
You taught me to live this way
When I couldn’t lift my head and decided to look away
You stood so powerful and strong
Waiting for me to find you
Guiding me like the lingering melody of a song
Forming a groove in your trunk for me to reflect comfortably
Closing my eyes I am now awakened from my blinded sleep
Inspired by the peach tree outside my window. Observing it’s beauty and my own during this winter season.

— The End —